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HomeMust ReadHow Many Nuts Can A Diabetic Eat

How Many Nuts Can A Diabetic Eat

Almonds Are Known To Lower Blood Pressure Control Blood Sugar Cholesterol Levels And Even Alleviate Constipation Respiratory Disorders And Anaemia

Lifestyle Desk

Almonds are extremely healthy and are a powerhouse of nutrients — from vitamins and minerals to healthy fats. Considered as a nutritious snacking option to kill hunger pangs during the day, almonds are known to lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and even alleviate constipation, respiratory disorders and anaemia. They are also considered good for hair, skin , and dental care. But do you know how much one should consume in a day?

A handful of almonds is enough, stresses nutrition and wellness expert Sheela Krishnaswamy. “Try and budget in such a way that one can include as many healthy items in their daily diet as possible. Also, try and exclude processed and refined foods that don’t have much nutritional value. Invest a little more in your health now, you can be saved more from illnesses and diseases later,” Krishnaswamy told

Adding that almonds are one of the easiest foods to include in your diet, she suggests eating a handful before starting the day, or even as an evening tea time snack. “You can even add them to your food preparation. As per a recent research, inclusion of 45 grams of almonds in your everyday diet can help in the reduction LDL and alleviate conditions like dyslipidemia. Almonds, when replaced with other carbohydrate-rich snacks, can effectively help in reducing LDL and total cholesterol, thus making you healthier in the long run,” she further added.

Did You Know A Handful Of Nuts Can Help You Manage Blood Sugar Levels Know Which Nuts To Include

Diabetes is one of the major health concerns, affecting millions of people across the world. It is a lifestyle disease, meaning what you eat and how much you move plays a pivotal role in keeping your blood sugar levels in control. One food that can help you manage diabetes is nuts. These minuscule delights can easily be added to your diet and provide a multitude of health benefits.

Try The Following To Enjoy Nuts As Part Of A Healthy Eating Plan For Diabetes Management:

  • Snack on almonds or pistachios throughout the day
  • Sprinkle cashew nuts or chestnuts through a stir-fry. Check out a great chicken stir-fry recipe here.
  • Roast macadamia nuts and toss them through a salad; check out a great simple salad recipe featuring walnutshere.
  • Crumble pistachios or onto grilled fish or pasta
  • Crush walnuts into your favourite pasta sauce
  • Crush Brazil nuts or pecans over fresh fruit and yoghurt
  • Puree any nuts for a great alternative to peanut butter
  • Stuff potatoes or pumpkin with a mix of almonds or pine nuts and veggies
  • Add a mix of any nuts to your chicken stuffing mix.

For further information on nuts and health, refer to or phone 02 8295 2300

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Every Day You Can Definitely Have At Least An Ounce Of Nuts With 100% Full Confidence

Right? If the leading diabetes association lists an ounce of nuts as a ‘diabetes superfood’ for people with diabetes, then you can be damn sure you can eat nuts too!

Please note I’m not talking about super salty nuts.  For example, those toasted, incredibly salty almonds can dehydrate you and make you eat more of them.  

For even more evidence here’s a systematic review study from 2017 about nuts! This study published concludes:

“Due to the high energy density of nuts and seeds, it was believed that their consumption could increase weight gain; however, it is observed that the consumption of this group of foods does not stimulate weight gain.”

This systematic review study backs up my feelings about nuts. 

Nuts are one of those rare superfoods which  have so many health and wellness benefits like:

  • lower risk of cardiovascular problems
  • less risk of heart disease
  • lower blood sugar levels
  • lower blood pressure

Do Different Nuts Have Different Health Benefits For People With Diabetes

Peanuts For Diabetics

Yes. Some nuts have benefits that others don’t.

  • Almonds contain a lot of nutrients, particularly vitamin E
  • Walnuts contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids
  • Cashews offers lots of magnesium
  • Almonds, peanuts, and pistachios all reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol

Almost all nuts offer something good for people with diabetes. Salted nuts, however, should be avoided. Excessive salt consumption is consistently linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Next Steps To Better Health: Diabetes Meal Planning With Nuts & Seeds

Healthy snacks play an important role in helping a diabetic manage his/her blood glucose levels throughout the day.

And, nuts and seeds are key foods that make it easier for you to design healthy, diabetic-friendly snacks. This is very important, especially if you’re on the road a lot or if you don’t like bringing your lunch to work.

If you need help with your meal planning , then, we recommend that you get the author’s Death to Diabetes Cookbook, which provides hundreds of diabetic-friendly meal recipes, snacks and desserts.

Risk Factors Of All The Nuts Such As Almonds Pistachios And Walnuts

Overeating of nuts can lead to weight gain as they are very high in calories. Make sure that you buy the nuts that are not processed. How the nuts are influenced is proportional to how healthy they are.

Strictly avoid the nuts that are salted because they can lead to high blood pressure. The nuts that are sugar-coated are also considered bad nuts because they cause a rise in the blood sugar levels.

In the market, there are many nuts available that are honey-roasted and chocolate-covered. Always keep in mind that these are the terrible nuts and avoid them as much as possible.

These nuts are incredibly high in carbs that will ultimately cause harm. Instead of these options, you can try a flavorful option that contains raw nuts or dry-roasted nuts that are considered healthy.

There are many types of tree nuts like almonds, cashews, etc. which are very high in nutrition and have many benefits for diabetes.

According to the research, you have a 17% low risk of getting cardiovascular disease after diabetes. They also help to lower the risk of diabetes when you are at the risk of getting affected.

Note – 5 servings of nuts in a week are beneficial in diabetes to improve health, improve blood sugar level, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The most common tree nuts that are beneficial for your health are brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, chestnuts, pine nuts, and macadamia nuts, etc.

These factors are:

Nuts And Diabetes: Are Nuts A Good Snack For People With Diabetes

Often labeled as a “low carb” food, nuts are generally considered a healthy choice for people with diabetes, but like many healthy foods, they aren’t perfect.

Are nuts a good snack for people with diabetes? Absolutely, but it doesn’t take much for them to quickly become a source of trouble. The old saying about “too much of a good thing” rings very true when it comes to your favorite nuts like cashews, almonds, macadamias, Brazil nuts, filberts, walnuts, and the regular old peanut

In this article, we’ll look at both the benefits of nuts and the consequences of eating too many. But let me assure, no one is going to suggest in this article that you stop enjoying peanut butter!

  • How often should people with diabetes eat nuts?
  • What Does Blood Sugar Management Have To Do With Diabetes

    As stated by the American Diabetes Association , 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, while over 88 million adults have been diagnosed with prediabetic conditions.

    Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are strictly connected to how your body processes the sugar you eat from your diet. Diabetes can also cause health complications as severe as heart disease.

    Your body does not need sugar for fuel and energy, as it can receive this fuel through complex carbohydrates and protein.

    Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, breaks down the food you eat and allows the body to process and use it for fuel properly.

    However, in some cases, some people cannot produce insulin, or they produce too little glucose to be processed appropriately.

    When that happens, the glucose that cannot be removed from the blood starts to accumulate in the blood vessels.

    These conditions are known as type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

    While the first one is majorly connected to genes, the second type is greatly influenced by lifestyle and diet choices.

    In the long term, and if left unaddressed, these conditions can lead to cardiovascular disease, loss of eyesight, and diminished kidney function.

    Luckily, diabetes can be delayed, prevented, and treated through regular exercise, a healthy diet, and a healthy weight.

    Understanding what foods can help you keep your blood sugar levels down and help you lose extra weight is necessary to prevent the complications of diabetes.

    The Best Nuts For Diabetes: Walnuts Almonds And More

    Nuts can be a good snack for people with type 2 diabetes because they may help prevent heart disease, keep blood sugar controlled, and even aid weight loss.


    When you’re looking for a satisfying diabetes-friendly snack, it’s hard to beat nuts. “Nuts are a super snack food for people with diabetes because they’re the total package — low in carbs and high in proteinfiber, and healthy fat — and they create a feeling of fullness,” says Cheryl Mussatto, RD, founder of Eat Well to Be Well in Osage City, Kansas.

    RELATED: 11 Best and Worst Oils for Your Health

    How To Consume Almonds And How Many Almonds In A Day

    Dietitian Ruchika further explained that a diabetic patient should not eat salted or fried almonds which are available in the market. Raw almonds are best for a diabetic. It can be consumed early morning or as an evening snack.

    Diabetes: Choose raw almonds to control blood sugar levelsPhoto Credit: iStock

    “Almonds are high in calories so if you are adding almonds to your diet you need to reduce your overall calorie intake to avoid weight gain. If a diabetes patient is consuming normal calories, adding almonds will make the total calorie count extremely high. Therefore other calories should be controlled before consuming almonds to control blood sugar levels.

    Also read: Best Exercises For Diabetics To Maintain Weight And Blood Sugar Levels

    Creating a balance of calories and consuming almonds will definitely give positive results to a diabetic patient. It is normally recommended to consume 6-8 almonds a day but for a diabetic patient, the quantity should be more. Controlling the overall calorie count is very crucial. But the safe limit is 6-8 almonds.” Ruchika added.


    Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

    Why You Should Go Nuts For Nuts If You Have Diabetes

    Nuts and seeds aren’t just food for squirrels, but instead superfoods you should be eating every day, especially if you live with diabetes.

    Studies overwhelmingly agree that eating nuts and seeds on a daily basis can help protect against cardiovascular disease, 1 cancer,2 obesity,3 and even prevent type 2 diabetes.4

    In a world where 30 million Americans live with diabetes5 and 20-25% of adults worldwide live with metabolic syndrome , finding foods that will prevent or reduce the risk of disease is paramount.

    And, although I don’t believe ONE food can magically cure all evils, I do think nuts provide significant health benefits. Whether you live with diabetes or are just trying to lose weight, below are more reasons why you should be eating nuts every day.  Plus, a sample diabetic-friendly menu filled with nutty recipe ideas.

    On The Whole Are Nuts Good For People With Diabetes

    Can a diabetic eat Walnuts? Do walnuts raise blood sugar ...

    Yes, but the effects vary depending on the kind of nut. Most of them offer some kind of benefit, from cardiovascular health to Omega-3 oils. The best advice, then, is to incorporate a generous amount of nuts into your diet, and make sure you get a variety.

    The most important nuts for people with diabetes are probably the ones that improve cardiovascular health: almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, namely. If you only incorporate a few nuts into your diet, choose these ones. But be sure to avoid the salted varieties.

    Health Nut Q&a: Nuts And Other Snacks For Diabetics

    Our Health Nut and Registered Dietitian, Molly Morgan, answers our customers’ most pressing health and nutrition questions and recommends her favorite products!

    If you’d like Molly to answer one of your questions in a future blog post, please email your question to If we feature your question in The Nutty Scoop, we will also send you a pound of your favorite product.

    November is National Diabetes Month! Check out my answers to customers’ questions about how to fit nuts and other delicious snacks into a diabetic diet.

    Q: I am a diabetic and a lover of all the yummy goodies The Nutty Family sells. How often can people like me eat things like sugar-free mini peanut butter cups or any other sugar-free candy, and how much is OK? – Jean Barton

    A: How much you can eat depends on your carbohydrate intake goals for the day, as that varies from person to person with diabetes. For example, one serving of the sugar-free mini peanut butter cups has 20 grams of carbohydrates and equals about 1.25 carbohydrate exchanges for diabetes meal planning. Check the total grams of carbohydrates per serving and use that as a reference to determine how much is right for you to eat.

    Q: What are the best nuts for diabetics? – Shirley C. Floyd

    Almonds: 3.3 grams fiber Pistachios: 2.9 grams fiber Hazelnuts: 2.75 grams fiber Pecans: 2.7 grams fiber Peanuts: 2.4 grams fiber Macadamia 2.4 grams fiber Brazil Nuts: 2 grams fiber Walnuts: 2 grams fiber

  • fray
  • How Much Pistachios Can A Person With Diabetes Eat

    Although pistachios are beneficial for people with diabetes, it’s important to consume in on moderate. Overeating pistachios or any other nut may have side effects, which may even be worse for diabetes. It is mostly recommended to eat around a handful of pistachios as a mid-morning or mid-evening snack. It’s better to be unsalted and raw. Some nutritionists also recommend following this rule for five days a week. Eating pistachios on an empty stomach can also help to control blood sugar levels.

    The Exact Number Of Nuts You Should Eat Every Day

    You might have started incorporating a handful of nuts into your heart-healthy, brain-boosting diet, but a new study adds some compelling details about the nutritional star power of this all-time favorite snack.

    Dutch researchers followed 120,000 adults as part of a Netherlands Cohort Study and reviewed data to find that eating nuts seemed to offer protection from various major causes of death. Both men and women who ate at least 10 grams of nuts per day were less likely to die from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease—and the lowly peanut played just as important a role, says lead author Piet van den Brandt, PhD, an epidemiologist and professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

    MORE: Exhausted? 10 Foods That Will Make You Feel Less Tired. 

    Compared to non-nut eaters, people who ate at least 10 grams a day had a 23% lower chance of death from any cause. They were 17% less likely to die from heart disease, 21% less likely to die from cancer, 30% less likely to die from diabetes, and 47% less likely to die from neurodegenerative diseases, according to the study, which was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. Eating more grams, however, didn’t improve the percentages significantly.  

    MORE: 10 Stuffed Avocado Recipes You’re About To Start Craving

    Here’s what 10 grams of some of the healthiest varieties looks like:

    10 grams of peanuts

    How The Benefits Of Nuts Can Help Manage Diabetes


    Living with diabetes is no easy task and diet plays an immense role in managing your overall health and A1c levels. When it comes to staying healthy, snacking between meals often has a negative reputation. However, it’s not snacking that’s unhealthy, it’s often the available options that are to blame. Rather than opting for a processed snack high in sugar, reach instead for something natural and rich in nutrients such as nuts!  When it comes to maintaining a diabetes-friendly diet, include a daily snack of nuts to help keep your body healthy because of the essential benefits they provide.

    Healthy fats in nuts are essential for diabetes management

    Nuts help avoid damage from high cholesterol and blood sugar

    Fiber found in nuts has a positive effect on diabetes symptoms

    Nuts: A Good Choice For Diabetes And Your Heart

    The healthy fat in nuts protects your ticker, says Melissa Joy Dobbins, RDN, CDCES, founder of Sound Bites. That’s important because people with type 2 diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to die of heart disease than those without it, according to the American Heart Association.

    Heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts can lower your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, Mussatto says. “At the same time, nuts also raise levels of ‘good,’ or HDL, cholesterol,” she says. “This cholesterol acts sort of like a sanitation worker, removing cholesterol from the tissues for disposal, which prevents plaque buildup in the arteries.”

    What’s more, nuts help regulate blood sugar, which makes them a better option to reach for than, say, pretzels, when afternoon hunger strikes, Mussatto says. Many kinds of nuts have this effect: Almonds have been shown to slow down the blood sugar response when eaten with carbohydrate-rich foods, according to a small past study that focused on healthy people without the disease. Another past study found similar results for pistachios when eaten by healthy volunteers. And a systematic review published in December 2017 in the journal Nutrients examining the health benefits of various kinds of nuts concluded that adding nuts improved diet quality, thanks to the protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they contain.

    RELATED: 10 Foods High in Antioxidants

    Are Almonds Beneficial For People With Diabetes

    Almonds, while nutritionally beneficial for most people, are especially good for people with diabetes.

    “Research has shown that almonds may reduce the rise in glucose and insulin levels after meals,” said O’Shea-Kochenbach.

    In a 2011 study, researchers found that the consumption of 2 ounces of almonds was associated with lower levels of fasting insulin and fasting glucose. This amount consists of about 45 almonds.

    The key in this study is that the participants reduced their caloric intake by enough to accommodate the addition of the almonds so that no extra calories were consumed.

    A 2010 study found that eating almonds may help increase insulin sensitivity in people with prediabetes.

    How Often Should People With Diabetes Eat Nuts

    When it comes to eating nuts, less is more, simply because they are nutritiously dense in calories.

    A daily serving of nuts should be about ¼ cup of nuts or 2 tablespoons of nut butter. Remember that roasted nuts are often coated with additional oil before roasting which means they contain even more fat.

    Walnuts Almonds Help Hearts In Type 2 Diabetes

    What Nuts Bring Down Blood Sugar?

    HealthDay Reporter

    TUESDAY, Feb. 19, 2019 — If you have type 2 diabetes and you want to do your heart a favor, a new study suggests you should let your diet get a little nutty.

    Folks with type 2 diabetes who ate five or more servings of certain kinds of nuts weekly dropped their odds of heart disease by about 20 percent, compared to people who ate less than a serving a month. A serving in the study was defined as one ounce.

    Noshing five or more weekly servings of nuts also appears to lower the risk of premature death from heart disease or any other cause by about one-third for people with type 2 diabetes.

    Not all nuts are created equal, however. Nuts grown on trees seemed to provide more heart-health benefits than peanuts, which grow underground.

    Tree nuts include walnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, pistachios, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts and pine nuts.

    “Our findings suggest that nut consumption, especially tree nuts, is beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and premature deaths among individuals with diabetes,” said study author Gang Liu. He’s a research associate in the department of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in Boston.

    The study was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

    What is it about nuts that makes them so heart-healthy for people with diabetes?

    The study findings were published online Feb. 19 in the journal Circulation Research.

    Circulation Research

    How Many Almonds Should A Diabetic Eat Per Day

    A diabetic should eat at least 6-8 almonds a day to see good benefits in health. You can eat more than 8 almonds, but you need watch the calories. Almonds are great in nutrition but high in calories too. Hence, you need to watch the number of calories that get into your body. It is also important that you soak almonds in water before eating them. Many people soak almonds in water overnight and eat in the morning. Some people remove the skin of almonds before eating them. If you are buying , please look for those with no added salt, sugar or fat.

    Reducing Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

    Regular consumption of nuts has been directly linked in a reduction in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and all-cause mortality according to a 2014 study.

    Harvard’s research strikes again in supporting nuts for reducing a variety of heart conditions:

    “In one large study examining nuts and health, researchers analyzed data from over 210,000 health professionals followed up to 32 years. They found that, compared with those who never or almost never ate nuts, people who ate one ounce of nuts five or more times per week had a 14% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 20% lower risk of coronary heart disease during the study period. Both peanuts and walnuts were linked with lower disease risk.”

    When it comes to your bones, your inflammation levels, and your heart, it’s quite clear that nuts are here to help!

    How Many Almonds Can A Diabetic Eat In A Day

    Although these nuts are low in carbs, they are rich in calories.  They can fulfil a good portion of your daily calorie intake.

    Thus, while including almonds in your diabetic diet, you must consider the right amounts. It is essential to establish a proper balance of calories among all your meals and snacks.

    See also What is ridge gourd ? benefits and nutrition

    When you plan to involve the goodness of almonds, you need to be aware that it can also add on some calories. To avoid excess calories that might lead to weight gain, one needs to eliminate some other items to control overall calorie and blood sugar levels.

    There is a limited amount which can be great for the body and not involve any health risks. People with diabetes need to strictly follow such quantity-related restrictions to ensure safe diabetic health without any casualties.

    So what is the recommended daily count for almonds?

    Well, a diabetic patient can have from 6 to 8 almonds per day. In reality, this is a minimum limit.

    A recommended amount of nuts such as almonds are more than just 6 to 8 for diabetic patients. Higher numbers can be more beneficial for the overall diabetic condition. But to include more than the minimum limit one would have to alter their otherwise regular diet.

    Therefore, 6 to 8 almonds in a day is a good safe amount. One need not make changes in other meals to establish a calorie balance.

    Why Portion Control Is Key When Eating Nuts

    Though these results may seem like enough to secure superfood status for nuts, there’s one other thing to be aware of: Nuts are high in calories. While they are not typically associated with weight gain, as the 2017 study in Nutrients suggests, experts suggest measuring out 1-ounce portion sizes instead of digging into an open bag. If you overeat them, there is still a risk of weight gain.

    Keep in mind that how nuts are prepared can influence how healthy they are. Avoid nuts that are coated in salt — Dobbins notes that sodium is bad for your blood pressure — and sugar. More bad news if you love the sweet-and-savory combo: Chocolate-covered peanuts and honey-roasted cashews are high in carbs and not the best choice when you have diabetes, Dobbins says. Instead, try dry-roasted or raw nuts, which are flavorful but still healthy.

    As for which nut to choose, here are four of the best for people with diabetes, roughly ranked in order of healthiness:


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