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HomeHealthWhat Benefits Are Diabetics Entitled To

What Benefits Are Diabetics Entitled To

If Your Diabetes Has Caused Skin Or Nerve Conditions Or Organ Damage That Limits Your Activity Or Your Ability To Walk Stand Or Use Your Hands You May Be Able To Get Disability Benefits

Diabetes happens when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to process glucose. Diabetes can often be controlled with treatment—a combination of medication and diet. As a person gets older, sometimes diabetes can’t be controlled, and then it can cause damage to internal organs and other problems.

Sometimes It Can Be Difficult To Know Your Rights When You Have Diabetes And If You Have An Issue Connected To Diabetes It Can Be Really Worrying And Confusing

That’s where we come in. We’ve got all of the information you need to help you understand and know your rights. Find out about your rights at work, driving with diabetes or understanding your child’s rights at school. You can read through our information pages, download our detailed advocacy packs or call our helpline for support.

It’s Difficult To Get Disability For Controlled Diabetes But Most Diabetic Applicants Suffer From Related Medical Problems That Limit Their Ability To Work

An individual may qualify for Social Security disability benefits based on uncontrolled diabetes or related symptoms like peripheral neuropathy or poor vision. While diabetes that is well-controlled with medication won’t form the basis of a successful claim on its own, most disability applicants with diabetes also suffer from other medical problems that limit their ability to work. When filing for disability benefits for diabetes, it’s important to list all your symptoms and diagnoses, even those unrelated to your diabetes.

It’s Difficult To Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits For Diabetes Unless You Have Other Complications

Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a disorder in which too little insulin is produced in the body. Insulin is necessary to help convert glucose into the body’s cells for energy. When not enough insulin is produced, it causes a build up of glucose in the blood. Symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, frequent urination, abnormal thirst, unusual hunger, weight loss, repeated infections, cuts that are slow to heal, and tingling or numbness in the hands and feet.

Type 1 diabetes is ordinarily diagnosed in children and younger adults, and it is a type of diabetes in which the body produces no insulin. In type 2 diabetes, or adult onset diabetes, your body’s cells ignore the effects of insulin. When diabetes goes untreated and too much glucose builds up in your body, long-term complications can result. These include neuropathy in your feet , kidney disease , high blood pressure , heart disease, stroke, gastroparesis , eye and vision problems, peripheral arterial disease , and depression.

Treatment of severe diabetes involves the careful monitoring of blood glucose levels along with taking insulin and controlling your diet. Your doctor can test you for diabetes using a fasting blood glucose test.

If I Do Not Meet The Listing Is There Another Way To Get Social Security Disability Benefits

Does Diabetes Make You Eligible for Social Security ...

Yes! If your diabetes does not meet a particular listing but is preventing you from working, you may still qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration will proceed with your case by evaluating your Residual Functional Capacity. To do this, the Administration will determine the most amount of work that you can do despite your limitations. They do this by dividing “work” into four different categories: heavy, medium, light, and sedentary. It is worth noting that there is sometimes a fifth category that is recognized for very heavy work; however, very heavy work is scarcely used. Whether a claimant wins his or her disability claim is greatly affected by which category he or she is ultimately put into. Being put into a lower category increases the likelihood that a claim is approved for Social Security disability benefits.

For a free initial consultation, call our Chicago law office at 312-999-0999. We serve clients throughout Illinois.

The Disability Tax Credit For People With Diabetes: Could You Be Eligible

While many people with diabetes might not describe their condition as a “disability,” people who spend a great deal of time – and have great difficulty – with their day-to-day diabetes management, may be able to apply for a disability tax credit from the Canada Revenue Agency.

According to the Agency’s website, “The disability tax credit is a non-refundable tax credit used to reduce income tax payable … A person with a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions may claim the disability amount once they are eligible for the credit.”

The rationale behind the disability tax credit is to provide relief to taxpayers for their disability costs, since these are additional and unavoidable expenses that other taxpayers don’t face.

The process of applying for the disability tax credit is prepared in conjunction with your doctor. He or she will submit the necessary application forms and backup material to the Canada Revenue Agency, if it is determined that you are eligible.

Consult With Our New York Disability Attorneys For Your Disability Issues

If you need further medical or vocational testing, our New York disabilitys attorneys will refer you for it.  The insurance company will want to interview you and have you examined by its doctor. We will prepare you to handle these events. The disability lawyers at Riemer & Associates are committed to helping you obtain all of the benefits to which you are entitled, while making the process as stress free for you as possible. To arrange for a consultation with Riemer & Associates, phone 212.297.0700.

Can I Get Social Security Disability Benefits If I Suffer From Diabetes

Diabetes is absolutely recognized by the Social Security Administration! If diabetes prevents you from working for at least 12 months, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits . When you apply for disability benefits with diabetes, the Social Security Administration will first determine whether your condition is severe enough to meet a listing for other body systems. If you meet a listing you will be found disabled. If you do not meet a listing, the Social Security Administration will then evaluate your residual functional capacity ) and then determine whether you are entitled to Social Security disability benefits.

Make Sure You Take The Right Steps With Your Diabetes Disability Claim

Social Security, insurance companies, and the VA will all require your medical history and ongoing screening, along with medical records from your treating doctor, your endocrinologist, and any other specialists you see for diabetes complications .

Regular screening is important to detect diabetes-related health problems early and to track treatment regimens against signs of worsening conditions. We can help you in all of these vital areas and more, to fully develop your claim or to fight a claim denial on appeal. 

More articles on getting disability benefits with diabetes.

How To Win Disability Benefits For Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Or Type 2

If you find you can no longer work because of diabetes complications, you may be entitled to long term disability benefits for either type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. 

What you may not realize is what it takes to prove your diabetes has caused you to be disabled. Being diagnosed with diabetes is a start, but that alone is never enough.

As disability lawyers, we represent people across the U.S. in their claims and appeals for Social Security disability, veterans compensation, or long term disability insurance benefits for diabetes. Today we explain how diabetes affects so many different body systems — and why this is one key to winning your disability benefits with diabetes mellitus.

Understanding Your Rights As A Person With Diabetes In The Workplace

Whether you are searching for a job, in the hiring process, or currently have a job, you have rights in the workplace as a person with diabetes that are protected by federal law under the Americans with Disabilities Act . The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces the employment provisions under the ADA – they even have a specific webpage dedicated to answering questions about diabetes.

A common question that comes up is: Do I have to tell my employer that I have diabetes? While the answer to that question may depend on the scenario , what should never change are your rights: you cannot be discriminated against because of diabetes. And if you are subject to discrimination, you can file a charge of employment discrimination with the EEOC .

If you are applying for a job:

  • A prospective employer may not ask questions about your medical condition – like whether you have diabetes or use insulin.

  • A prospective employer may not require you to have a medical examination before making a conditional job offer.

  • You do not have to disclose your diabetes unless you need a reasonable accommodation for the application process .

  • If you choose to disclose your diabetes, a prospective employer may not ask questions about your diabetes, its treatment, or your prognosis. However, if an employer reasonably believes you will require an accommodation to perform the job because of your diabetes, they may ask whether you need an accommodation and what type.

After a job offer is made:

A Good Attorney For Disabled Veterans Can Make A World Of Difference

At the law firm of Marc Whitehead & Associates, our VA-accredited claims attorneys represent military veterans throughout the United States with diabetes mellitus and complications arising from this disease. If you are unsatisfied with your rating decision or need assistance with your claim, call to discuss your options and determine how we can help. 

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits For Diabetes Mellitus

Caring and Diabetes

The Social Security Administration lists diabetes as an Endocrine Disorder in its medical Listing of Impairments. 

However, SSA does not list diabetes individually as an impairment. SSA looks at how disorders resulting from diabetes affect different body systems. SSA also considers the combined effects of your impairments.

For example, hyperglycemia may damage your nerve and blood vessel function, which in turn can damage any number of body symptoms, such as your eyes, heart, kidneys, extremities, digestive system, or mental state. If your condition fulfill the medical requirements of one affected SSA Listings, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits for diabetes mellitus. 

If your condition does not fulfill SSA listing criteria, SSA then goes to the next step to evaluate your disability claim.

At this stage of review, disability is based on whether you have the residual functional capacity to work and earn a living, given the combined effect of all of your health problems. RFC is a measure of the maximum you can still do despite your impairments.

Filing For Social Security Disability With A Diabetes Diagnosis

Diabetes is listed in the Social Security Administration’s impairment listing manual, or “Blue Book,” as a condition which can qualify a person for Social Security Disability benefits. The SSA makes no distinction between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, however, and no mention is made in the Diabetes listing of any of the severe health problems caused by the condition.

Fortunately, many of these severe health problems are listed in the Blue Book as separate disabling conditions, as the SSA’s qualification criteria focus on the actual health problems that affect an applicant’s ability to function in work and basic tasks, rather than specifically on a Diabetes diagnosis.

How Does A Person With Diabetes Qualify For Disability Benefits

“Diabetes is listed in the Social Security Administration’s impairment listing manual, or “Blue Book,” as a condition which can qualify a person for Social Security Disability benefits,” explains Disability Benefits Help.

It’s important to know that a diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes on its own will not qualify you for disability. Instead, there must be an additional diagnosis of a diabetes-related complication or condition often associated with diabetes.

Many of the complications that can result from years of living with diabetes — like retinopathy, nephropathy, amputation — can significantly impact your ability to function and work on a daily basis.

I Have Diabetes Do I Qualify For Disability Insurance Benefits

Diabetes by itself will likely not qualify you for disability benefits unless it is uncontrolled. Your disability company will want to see a lot of evidence that you are incapable of providing a continuous work schedule. If your diabetes progresses to the point where you can no longer perform your job functions or similar job functions, then you will likely qualifying for disability insurance benefits. We will work closely with your doctors to properly documents your claim for benefits.

Contact our disability insurance attorneys to find out how our disability insurance attorneys can help you. We offer free consultations to claimants across the country. Insurance companies have strong legal representation, and we believe that individuals deserve an equally strong voice.

Dot Physical Medical Requirements For Certification & Diabetes

If you have Type 2 diabetes and do not use insulin, driving experience and motor vehicle records which must be submitted with the application, you will need to get a DOT medical certification diabetes exemption in order to drive commercially in interstate commerce.The first thing to establish is how vital podiatry is for those suffering diabetes, The complications of diabetes mellitus can lead to medical conditions severe enough to be disqualifying**, retinopathy, but those in England who manage it through diet aren’t eligible.The Federal Vision Exemption Program and requests for hearing and seizure exemptions require specific ifnormation to be submitted to the Agency for review, an individual who intends to operate a CMV in interstate commerce may apply for an exemption from the diabetes standard if he or she meets all medical standards and guidelines, you’re eligible for an exemption certificate to pay for your prescriptions, low blood glucose reactions, All currently eligible Medical Program clients should have received, Only MedicAlert’s 24/7 services protect people of all ages and types of medical conditions, especially diabetes.Medical Card For DiabeticsEvidence supporting the assertion marijuana offers multiple medicinal properties for a whole range of disorders and diseases are increasing, a new paper medical card along with an instructional brochure.

Effects Of Diabetes On Your Ability To Perform Sedentary Work

Sedentary work does not require much physical labor. Sedentary jobs tend to be sit down jobs which require lifting less than 10 pounds infrequently. These jobs often involve assembling small components or people-oriented skills such as management, sales, or counseling.

Sedentary work often requires more specialized training or education. Most unskilled sedentary work involves being able to see and manipulate small components. Because diabetes can have an effect on your eyesight and your fine motor skills, many diabetes sufferers are unable to perform unskilled sedentary labor.

Your ability to perform other types of sedentary labor will be determined by considering your age, your education level, and your prior work experience. Those who are older or less educated have an easier time establishing eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits because the SSA figures it is more difficult and less cost effective for employers to teach older employees new skills and jobs requiring specialized education are simply unavailable to those without adequate schooling.

If you are looking to apply for disability benefits, you should consider contacting a Social Security Disability attorney. A qualified attorney will help you prove your inability to perform any substantial gainful activity due to your diabetic condition.

Effects Of Diabetes On Your Ability To Perform Physical Work

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, and which symptoms you suffer from , your ability to perform physical work may or may not be affected. In order to be eligible for Social security Disability benefits, you must be unable to perform any kind of work which you have ever done in the past, and the SSA must determine that you could not reasonably be trained to do any other kind of work.

In order to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits from diabetes, you will need to have your symptoms thoroughly documented by your doctor. You will also need to show what efforts have been made to address your symptoms. If your doctor has prescribed treatment, you will need to follow the prescription and demonstrate that your symptoms have not improved enough, despite treatment, to allow you to perform any physical work for which you are qualified or could be trained.

If you have suffered an amputation or blindness due to diabetes, it goes without saying that your ability to perform many kinds of physical work has been severely compromised. These types of cases tend to be fairly cut and dried regarding eligibility for Social security Disability benefits.

Does Diabetes Qualify For Monthly Ssdi Disability Benefits

Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot properly process and absorb glucose because of insufficient insulin production or because of insulin resistance. There are several different varieties of diabetes, including Type I, Type II, Type III, and gestational.

Type I diabetes, also known as Diabetes Mellitus, usually begins early in life. This generally means that the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to process the blood glucose. It can sometimes happen as a result of injury or disease that affects the pancreas. Patients with Type I diabetes need insulin, because their bodies do not produce sufficient insulin.

Type II diabetes usually onsets later in life, and is sometimes treated with oral medications and diet changes instead of insulin injections, depending on the case and severity. Still, many people with Type II diabetes also require insulin injections. It is critical that patients with any type of diabetes, including Type II diabetes, follow their doctor’s instructions regarding treatment, whether their medication is taken orally or through injection.

Type III diabetes refers to an insulin processing resistance in the brain . Gestational diabetes is often temporary as it often only lasts during pregnancy for women who develop it. All types of diabetes can be life-threatening.

Impairments That Qualify For Diabetes Disability Benefits


In order to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits on the basis of Diabetes, your doctor must diagnose you as having Diabetes mellitus and at least one of the following conditions:

  • Neuropathy – abnormality of the nervous system that must significantly affect two extremities to the extent that a person experiences a “sustained disturbance” of movement of those extremities, or in walking, or in simply standing.
  • Acidosis – the abnormal increase in the acidity of bodily fluid that occurs at least once in every two months and which is documented by blood tests.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy – damage to blood vessels inside the eye resulting in a significant loss of peripheral vision in the better of the two eyes, or a significant loss of visual acuity in the better of the two eyes. To meet this criterion, the severity of the damage must be such that the person is virtually blind.

    Most of the time, applicants will be approved for Social Security disability benefits on the basis of Diabetes only in conjunction with one or more other disabling conditions that have been caused by the disease.


    Approval for Social Security Disability benefits will probably be in the form of a medical vocational allowance if it is found that you are unable to return to your previous employment or perform any new type of work due to the severity of these conditions.

    Proving Your Diabetes Case To The Ssa Can Be A Challenge

    Before applying for SSDI benefits for diabetes, or appealing a claim denial, it is essential to understand and follow SSA’s rules. You have to prove why you need SSDI, in a way that SSA does not find deficient.

    Your claim needs to provide objective medical evidence about your condition, as well as your RFC assessment. You must include complete information about yourself and your work history, including relevant work during the past 15 years, and job skills that can transfer to another type of occupation. 

    For someone dealing with diabetes complications, this can be overwhelming. We understand this is no time for you to get lost in the complex application or appeals process with Social Security. We take care of the entire SSDI paperwork and process, whether you are first filing for benefits or you need to appeal a denial of your claim.

    The Interrelationship Between The Workplace And Diabetes

    Diabetes leads to many complications, particularly when it remains undiagnosed or untreated. Some may eventually affect the productivity and well-being of an employee:

    • People with diabetes are prone to musculoskeletal issues such as joint pain and swelling. According to studies, nearly 50% of people with diabetes also develop arthritis, while those who have the latter increase their risk of diabetes by an overwhelming 61%.
    • Because of the disease’s impact on the joints, people with the condition may suffer from muscle stiffness and limited mobility.
    • Abnormally high levels of glucose can damage nerves in the long-term. Diabetics may eventually develop eyesight problems that range from cataracts to glaucoma. They may also experience tingling of the nerves, especially on the fingers.
    • In 2020, a University of Bristol research revealed an association between lower hand-grip strength and the risk of developing diabetes.

    Meanwhile, a European study aimed to compare the absences of people with diabetes and the general population. Based on the results, diabetics were likely to be absent more frequently than those without the disease.

    The average number of days they were out of work was over 31 days, mainly due to complications. That of the non-diabetic employees was only 16 days.

    Diabetes Disability Insurance Claim Help And Information

    An estimated 24 million children and adults in the United States, and 240 million people worldwide, have diabetes. Most people with diabetes can manage it by taking medication and carefully monitoring what they eat. In some cases, though, diabetes can lead to debilitating illnesses, injuries and disabilities that prevent you from maintaining a consistent work schedule. In most long term disability cases diabetes is associated with additional medical illnesses which prevent a person from being able to work. Our disability insurance lawyers have represented numerous claimants with uncontrolled diabetes. Disability insurance companies are quick to argue that diabetes disability claims should only be short term and not long term disability claims. Another argument is that the claimant has been working with diabetes for years so why now do they claim they cannot work. We help our clients deal with these unreasonable insurance company arguments on a daily basis.

    If you suspect that a diabetes complication will prevent you from working a consistent job, or if your provider already denied your individual claim or group policy claim, contact our office. We can help you fill out the application for benefits or appeal a denial.

    Meeting A Disability Listing For Diabetic Complications

    The Social Security Administration has a Listing of Impairments that tells you how severe an illness must be to qualify for disability benefits. Unfortunately, diabetes is no longer included as a separate disability listing, so showing you have been diagnosed with diabetes won’t automatically get you disability benefits. But, if you have complications arising from your diabetes that fall under a disability listing, you might get approved for benefits. If your complications meet the requirements of a listing, you will automatically be approved for disability benefits before Social Security even develops your RFC.

    Following are some listing that people with complications from diabetes often suffer from:

    Because Social Security’s disability listings require that the preceding complications be quite severe to qualify for disability, Social Security finds that most people who apply for disability due to diabetes do not meet a listing. The agency then goes on to do an RFC analysis .

    If you have diabetes and another impairment, such as depression or obesity, Social Security must consider the combined effects of your impairments when considering if your condition is equal to a listing and when doing your RFC analysis. For more information, see our article on combining multiple impairments for disability.

    Qualifying For Disability Benefits With Type 1 Diabetes

    If your child has type 1 diabetes, your family might be eligible for financial assistance through disability benefits. The Social Security Administration offers benefits for people of all ages who are unable to work or participate in typical childhood activities due to an illness. Childhood diabetes may medically qualify, but technical eligibility for disability benefits can be challenging to meet.

    Learn more about financial assistance for your diabetes by clicking the button below.



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