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HomeDoes Gestational Diabetes Make You Tired

Does Gestational Diabetes Make You Tired

I Could Never Analyze And Write Down Every Bite Of Food Just Make Healthy Choices And You’ll Be Fine

I feel like people often say this in an attempt to show how woke they are when it comes to eating, body image, and nutrition. Honestly, though, it usually just comes across as condescending and smug.

Like I said, GD requires a lot of tracking, analysis, and constant learning. These things are necessary in understanding the disease. You can’t just “trust the universe” to guide you on this one. Also? How someone else interacts with food is none of your business anyway, so just don’t comment on it.

How Is It Beneficial For Me As A Person With Diabetes To Reduce/prevent Fatigue

It is beneficial for someone with diabetes to reduce and prevent fatigue because it can lead to a happier and healthier life and less diabetes complications in the future. Fatigue can cause lack of motivation which can lead to a person not taking care of themselves. For an individual with diabetes, not taking care of their body can lead to complications that aren’t reversible. These include:

  • Kidney damage
  • Infections
  • Poor circulation

These complications are big problems and can lead to a very difficult life. It is much easier to keep fatigue to a minimum or eliminate it all together.

Moms Beware: Lack Of Sleep In Pregnancy May Lead To Gestational Diabetes

A new study has found that lack of sleep during pregnancy can lead to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is defined as high blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman, who has no prior history of diabetes, usually in the second half of pregnancy.

Incidence of this are rising with time because of many reasons; lifestyle and genetics being the most important ones. Pregnancy causes many hormonal changes in the body leading to a diabetes like state and resistance to insulin. Placenta produces many insulin opposing hormones. The risk factors are:

• Obesity

• History of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancy

• History of unexplained still birth

• Previous baby weight on higher side>4 kgs

• Family history of diabetes

• Pre diabetes

Several studies have proved that lack of sleep also raises the risk of gestational diabetes.

“In various studies after adjusting various variables such as age, BMI, ethnicity – it was found that women who slept less than six hours per night were more likely to have GDM as compared to women who slept adequately. Good sleep is associated with reduced likelihood of hyperglycaemia and GDM,” said Dr. Monica Agarwal, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology Paras Bliss Panchkula.

Sleep is a very important lifestyle change besides diet and exercise which can do wonders to the blood sugar levels. Reduced sleep duration is a significant contributor to metabolic dysfunction.

Glycemic control maybe compromised as a result of this.

• Miscarriages

Quick Read Not Sleeping Enough May Contribute To Gestational Diabetes

  • Gestational diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels during pregnancy, carries significant risks for both moms and babies.
  • A new study shows that pregnant women who sleep less are more likely to have gestational diabetes.
  • Sleep in pregnancy is challenging. Good eating habits, exercise and avoiding screen time before bedtime can all help, as can making sleep a priority.

Pregnancy is hard work—and it’s definitely not always comfortable. The hours are long, you may have heartburn and hemorrhoids and be sick to your stomach.

Meanwhile—surprise!—you’re getting bigger everywhere you look, sometimes even your feet.

Your body is flooded with hormones. Add that to your changing emotional landscape and it’s no wonder you’re having trouble sleeping.

Unfortunately, the results of a recent study suggest that pregnant women who sleep less than 6 hours and 15 minutes a night are almost three times more likely to have gestational diabetes as those who sleep more.

Is There A Special Diet Plan For Women With Diabetes During Pregnancy

Why does diabetes make you thirsty – Health News

While there is no one specific diet that is recommended for all women with gestational diabetes, following a meal plan can help keep your blood sugar levels under control and avoid complications.

  • A nutritionist may be helpful in designing a meal plan that takes into account individual schedules and preferences.
  • Eating a variety of foods is recommended, and it is better to eat smaller portions throughout the day rather than just a few large meals.
  • Many women with gestational diabetes will be advised to eat fewer carbohydrates than in their normal diet and to eat complex carbohydrates that contain fiber. It’s important to limit consumption of foods containing large amounts of simple sugars.
  • High-fiber foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole-grain products, are not only nutritious but also effective in keeping blood sugar levels stable.
  • Skipping meals is not recommended because this leads to undesirable fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Breastfeeding And Gestational Diabetes: Everything You Need To Know

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Does Gestational Diabetes impact your ability to breastfeed? Here is everything you need to know about Gestational Diabetes and breastfeeding.

Having Gestational Diabetes does NOT mean you will have trouble breastfeeding.

My milk came in at 24 hours postpartum with my son, and I’ve been able to successfully breastfeed him now for eight months.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind that can happen post-birth due to Gestational Diabetes that could cause a couple of bumps in the road.

I hope that this guide will help you navigate having Gestational Diabetes and the impact it can have on you and your child. Gestational Diabetes can be a frustrating and overwhelming diagnosis, but my goal is to share my experience in a way that will encourage you.

No advice in this article should replace that of a trusted medical provider.

Do Check Blood Sugar Regularly To Decrease Diabetes Complications

“In order to decrease the risk of complications from gestational diabetes, close monitoring of fasting and postprandial — postmeal — blood sugar are essential,” says obstetrician and gynecologist Asha Heard, MD, assistant professor in the clinical section of maternal fetal medicine at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. Your fasting blood sugar goal should be less than 95 milligrams per deciliter , your two-hour postprandial blood sugar goal should be less than 120 mg/dL, and your one-hour postprandial blood sugar goal should be less than 130 mg/dL, Dr. Heard advises. It’s a good idea to meet with a diabetes educator to learn how to check your blood sugar and how to make adjustments to your diet for gestational diabetes and activity levels to meet these goals.

  • Other poor health outcomes for your baby
  • Long-term health effects for you

Controlling your blood glucose is important for everyone, young and old. But for pregnant women, good blood sugar control is important before, during, and after pregnancy to reduce the chance of diabetes complications.

According to the Mayo Clinic, good blood sugar control during pregnancy can help prevent or reduce these risks:

  • Prevent complications for the baby
  • Prevent complications for the mother
  • Reduce the risk of birth defects
  • Reduce the risk of excess fetal growth
  • Reduce the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth
  • Reduce the risk of premature birth

How Can I Beat/reduce Fatigue With Diabetes And Regain My Energy

There are many ways to reduce fatigue with diabetes and regain energy. The most important thing that you can do is to control your blood sugar. This limits complications and also provides your body with the fuel that it needs to operate. You can also eat smart and exercise. Exercise actually decreases fatigue up to 65%. By taking care of yourself, you can decrease fatigue and increase quality of life.

You shouldn’t make any changes to your diet, insulin, or exercise regimen without talking to your doctor. First off, your doctor needs to be consulted and you need to talk with him about the following things:

  • Can my fatigue be caused by another disease? This rules out all other reasons for your fatigue so you can focus on the main cause.
  • Are any of the side effects from my medications causing the fatigue?
  • Is it a good idea for me to start taking supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Calcium, Chromium, Ginseng, Coenzymes, or Magnesium?
  • Is my thyroid okay?
  • What kind of exercises would be best for me?
  • How can I better control my blood sugar to decrease fatigue?
  • What is a healthy weight for me to be?

Eating too many carbohydrates can cause you to feel drowsy. You should also schedule an appointment to talk with your dietitian or nutritionist to discuss the following things:

  • Would juicing be okay for me?
  • Am I eating too many carbs?
  • How can I improve my diet to decrease my fatigue?

Other things that you can do to decrease fatigue include:

Whats The Connection Between Gestational Diabetes And Insulin

All types of diabetes are related to the hormone insulin. It regulates the amount of glucose in your blood by allowing sugar to move from the blood and into your cells.

Insufficient insulin or ineffective use of insulin by your body’s cells leads to high glucose levels in the blood. As you gain weight, your body uses insulin less effectively, so it needs to produce more in order to regulate the sugar in your blood. Learn more about the effects of insulin.

In addition, when you’re pregnant your placenta produces insulin-blocking hormones. This makes sugar stay in your blood longer after a meal. Your baby gets nutrients from your blood, so it’s beneficial during pregnancy for nutrients to be in your blood longer so your baby can access them. A certain level of insulin resistance is normal during pregnancy.

Your glucose levels could get too high during pregnancy if:

  • you were already insulin-resistant before becoming pregnant
  • your blood glucose levels were already high before becoming pregnant
  • you have conditions that put you at greater risk for becoming insulin resistant

If your glucose levels become too high, you’ll be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

What Are The Signs Of Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy

You’re pregnant—and tired all thetime. You’re going to the bathroom almost constantly and you just can’t drinkenough water. Many women feel extreme fatigue or the frequent urge to urinate whenpregnant. While these may be common complaints, these symptoms could be causedby a serious and underlying disorder that can harm both you and your baby.

Gestational diabetes is a type ofdiabetes that develops during pregnancy. Usually temporary, gestationaldiabetes occurs when your body stops producing insulin or doesn’t respond toinsulin. The American Pregnancy Association says approximately 2 to 5 percent of pregnant women developgestational diabetes. That number jumps to 7 to 9 percent in mothers who mayhave risk factors.

Although gestational diabetes usually goes away after pregnancy, it can cause serious health risks like:

  • Premature birth
  • A higher risk of developing preeclampsia
  • Higher birth weight of the baby
  • Low blood sugar levels in the baby at birth
  • A risk for higher blood pressure

While 2 to 5 percent doesn’t soundhigh, scheduling prenatal care as soon as you discover you are pregnant isvital for your health and the health of your baby. At Walnut Hill, we offer all antenatal care including ultrasound available inall trimesters. For your peace of mind, we also offer non-invasive pregnancytesting for genetic errors .

How do you know if you havegestational diabetes? Read on to learn more.

Things You Didn’t Realize Are Signs Of Gestational Diabetes

Sarah Hosseini

There are some unexpected and scary things that come up while you’re pregnant. Some can be mild conditions, while others can be quite serious and require constant monitoring and treatment. Thankfully gestational diabetes mellitus is a condition that can be screened for in pregnant women early on in the pregnancy. It also can be effectively managed so as to cause no problems for mom or baby. Many moms-to-be who get diagnosed with gestational diabetes are shocked, but there may be some that could prepare you for the doctor’s news.

According to WebMD, gestational diabetes is not rare and occurs in as many as nine out of 10 pregnant women. The same site noted that anyone can get the condition, but people who are Hispanic, African-American, Native American, Asian American, and Pacific Islander carry a higher risk. Others with an elevated risk include women who were overweight before getting pregnant, have family members with diabetes, have had abnormal blood sugar tests before, have had a very large baby or a stillbirth.

Do Eat Carbohydrates On Your Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan

Brace yourself: Carbohydrates are an important part of your gestational diabetes diet. They are fuel for your body and for your growing baby. “The average person needs 135 grams of carbohydrates daily, but if you have gestational diabetes, that increases to 175 grams a day,” says registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Meredith Nguyen, RD, who is a member of the diabetes self-management program staff at Methodist Charlton Medical Center in Dallas. Pregnancy hormones can make it hard to control morning blood sugar, says Nguyen, so you might be spreading carbs more through lunch and dinner. Eating a wide variety of foods, including whole grains, fruits , vegetables, and dairy products, will give you the carbs you need. High-fiber or low-glycemic foods will help keep your blood sugar more even and help you feel full longer as well.

What Complications Are Associated With Gestational Diabetes

Can Gestational Diabetes Make You Tired

If your gestational diabetes is poorly managed, your blood sugar levels may remain higher than they should be throughout your pregnancy. This can lead to complications and affect the health of your child. For example, when your baby is born, he or she may have:

They may also be at higher risk of developing diabetes later in life. That’s why it’s so important to take steps to manage your gestational diabetes by following your doctor’s recommended treatment plan.

Things Moms With Gestational Diabetes Are Tired Of Hearing

Jamie Kenney

For most pregnant people, gestational diabetes is something you know vaguely about, are tested for, pass said test, and don’t have to worry about again unless you have another child, at which point the cycle will likely repeat. However, for approximately 18% of expectant mothers, that test will come back saying that they have, in fact, developed gestational diabetes . Well crap, you guys. Now there’s a lot to learn and a lot to do and a lot of things moms with gestational diabetes are tired of hearing.

The good news about GD, such as it is, is that once you know you have it, you can adjust your diet and work with your health care provider to manage it and, as a result, it probably will not cause any significant issues for you or your baby. The bad news? It’s annoying. So, so, so annoying. You get used to it, but in my experience you don’t really get used to how annoying it can be, at times. Expectant moms are, usually, worried about a bunch of stuff that really doesn’t matter; when you have GD you get to fret about all that stuff, plus figuring out why your blood sugar was 116 when you woke up on some random morning.

Ew Gross Don’t Prick Your Finger Omg I’m Going To Throw Up

Monitoring blood sugar requires hundreds of drops of blood over the course of a pregnancy.

Believe me: no one dislikes this more than the pregnant woman herself, who no doubt feels like a human pin cushion five days into having to monitor her levels. And of course, we understand that blood, even a tiny little bit, can make people squeamish, so it’s only polite to not make a big deal about it and be discreet. However, if you’re out to lunch with a GD woman and she’s scheduled to check her blood sugar, just suck it up and let her do her thing. If the sight of blood makes you woozy let her know, but be polite and don’t make a big over-the-top deal about it.

Could My Fatigue Be Linked To My Depression About Diabetes

Diabetes is a very stressful disease. It takes a lot of time and energy to plan meals and insulin dosages. Having all of the stress can lead to depression. People with diabetes are twice as likely to have depression as those without diabetes.

Depression is a major cause of fatigue, and can make it even harder to manage diabetes because of lack of motivation. It is important that individuals with depression seek help from their doctor/therapist to make sure that they are able to care for themselves. Learning coping mechanisms to deal with your depression which is linked to your diabetes will be effective in the long term.

What Happens If I Am Diagnosed With Gestational Diabetes

When diagnosed early and treated,the risk of complications goes down dramatically. Women who are diagnosed and treatedeffectively go on to deliver healthy babies. Maintaining your health duringpregnancy is the best way to ensure you have a healthy birth. Regular prenatalcare and pregnancy care services also increase the chances of a healthypregnancy.

For more information on how toensure a healthy pregnancy, find out how Walnut Hill OBGYN Associates can helpyou with your pregnancy and prenatal care.

Dont Drink Sweet Drinks If You Have Gestational Diabetes

Cross off juice, sweet tea, soda, and any drink with added sugars from your gestational diabetes diet plan. “Avoid foods high in sugar and carbohydrate content,” says Heard. Sweet drinks are one of the fastest ways to raise your blood sugar, which is why they must be off your menu. Water is the best choice , but low-fat milk is also a good option.

Gestational Diabetes: Causes Complications And Treatment

This pregnancy condition is more common than you might think. Here’s everything you need to know about gestational diabetes and how to tell if you’re at risk.

For years, doctors believed that gestational diabetes affected three to five percent of all pregnancies. However, new diagnostic criteria puts the number closer to 10 percent according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The condition, which can strike any pregnant woman, usually develops in the second trimester between weeks 24 and 28, and typically resolves after baby is born.

If gestational diabetes is treated and well-managed throughout your pregnancy, “there’s no reason you can’t deliver a very healthy baby,” says Patricia Devine, M.D., perinatologist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City.

But gestational diabetes that goes untreated, or isn’t carefully monitored, can be harmful for both mother and baby. Consult our guide for risk factors, signs of gestational diabetes, and treatment options.

RELATED: 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Gestational Diabetes

What Are Ways To Treat And Prevent Gestational Diabetes

Your doctor will perform screening tests to quantify the amount of blood sugar circulating in your blood. If results indicate that you have gestational diabetes, your doctor will prescribe dietary changes so that you avoid foods that tend to cause blood sugar spikes. Physical activity is another great way to manage your blood sugar since exercise helps improve the metabolic processes of your body. If your blood sugar remains high, your doctor may prescribe medications and insulin to regulate it.

As for prevention, most women benefit from a healthy diet and regular physical activities. If you’re planning to have a child soon, you should also maintain a healthy weight before trying to conceive.

Maybe If You’d Lost Some Weight Before You Got Pregnant


Again, GD doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with weight and also: WTF, seriously? Even if one’s GD is a result of their weight how is telling her what should could have done, months ago to maybe prevent it, be in anyway helpful? Like, “Oh, you’re right. Let me build that time machine and tell me from 8 months ago to stop eating waffles.” It’s not helpful, it’s just concern-trolling and passive-aggressive fat-shaming.

Do Blood Sugar Levels Make A Person With Diabetes Tired

Blood sugar levels can definitely make someone tired. If blood sugar levels are too high or too low, the body is not able to operate 100% like it should and it can wear the body down. Also, having to chase blood sugar with insulin and battle to keep it under control is very tiring. One study found that 29% of people with diabetes said fatigue was caused by adjusting insulin dosages and 23% percent said that it was caused by stress from managing their disease.

Hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar, can cause fatigue because it deprives the brain and other organs of fuel and oxygen to work properly. If blood sugar gets too low, then it can cause major problems such as confusion or even seizures.

Hyperglycemia, which is blood sugar that is too high, can cause fatigue because the blood carrying the fuel to the organs is like maple syrup instead of water. When it takes longer for the cells to reach their destination, the body is tired and worn out.

Think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. She didn’t like the porridge too cold or too hot, it had to be just right in the middle. Blood sugar is the same way. The body operates best when it stays in the target range.

How Else Might Gestational Diabetes Affect My Pregnancy

You may have more frequent ultrasounds to monitor your baby’s growth. Your doctor may do a nonstress test to make sure your baby’s heart rate increases when they are active.

Your doctor may also recommend induction if labor doesn’t start by your due date. This is because postdate delivery can increase your risks when you have gestational diabetes.

Do Take Gestational Diabetes Medication As Prescribed

Some women with gestational diabetes will need to take medication to help control their blood sugar. Insulin is one gestational diabetes treatment option. Research that’s looked at the fears and concerns of women with gestational diabetes has established that even though about 1 in 3 pregnant women with gestational diabetes might need insulin as part of their gestational diabetes treatment, women worry about the safety of insulin during pregnancy. Research published in Diabetes Care supports that even newer, long-acting insulin is thought to be safe during pregnancy.

Can Undiagnosed/uncontrolled Diabetes Cause Fatigue

Undiagnosed and uncontrolled diabetes can cause fatigue. Earlier in this article, reactive hypoglycemia was mentioned, which is when your body tries to make too much insulin to keep up with the sugar intake and causes a sugar crash. There are approximately 7 million people with undiagnosed diabetes in the world. Fatigue is the most common symptom of diabetes and hopefully leads to people seeing their doctors and being diagnosed to get control of their blood sugar.

Uncontrolled diabetes causes fatigue for many reasons that were also mentioned previously in this article. First of all, blood sugars that are either too high or too low do not deliver fuel to the cells for the body to operate. Secondly, complications that are caused by uncontrolled diabetes such as kidney disease and nerve damage also cause fatigue. The most important thing to do is to control blood sugar.

Managing Tiredness And High Blood Sugar After Meals

If tiredness is accompanied by high blood glucose levels after meals, it can indicate one or more of the following:

  • The carbohydrate you are eating is too quick acting for you medication to cope with
  • You are eating too much carbohydrate for your medication/dosage
  • Your medication/dosage is not strong enough

You should only change your medication dosage if your doctor has approved you to.

Putting on weight is a common indication that one’s insulin levels are too high. People who are overweight and experiencing tiredness as a result of high blood glucose levels may be able to combat tiredness by reducing their carbohydrate intake.

A doctor or dietitian should be able to help you with how to reduce your blood glucose levels whilst achieving a healthy weight.


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