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HomeHow Does Squeezing Finger Affect Blood Sugar

How Does Squeezing Finger Affect Blood Sugar

Why Should The First Drop Of Blood Be Wiped Away When Performing A Finger Puncture

Wipe awayfirst drop of bloodfinger

People Also Asked, Why do you need to wipe off the first drop of blood?

Wipe away the first drop of blood . pressure to the surrounding tissue until another drop of blood appears. Avoid “milking”. The drop of blood must be big enough to fill the strip completely.

Also know, what does the first drop of blood contain? The first drop of blood from a lancing site contains a greater volume of platelets, which could make the lancing site seal up before enough blood was obtained for the test, and the dual wipe ensured a longer, larger flow of blood.


Establish A Routine For How Often And When You Should Test Your Blood Sugar

Work with your doctor to plan your routine. They may suggest checking it while you’re fasting, before and after meals, or before bedtime. Each person’s situation is different, so it’s important to decide on an arrangement that will work for you.

When you’ve set that schedule, make checking your blood part of your daily routine. Build it into your day. Many meters have alarms you can set to help you to remember to test. When testing becomes a part of your day, you’ll be less likely to forget.

What Are The Possible Treatments Medication And Preventions For Diabetes

Diabetic people have a problem with their glucose control. Still, they can successfully manage and control diabetic condition with these tips below:

  • Eat at regular intervals and intake food rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates.
  • Perform physical exercises and aerobic activities at least about half an hour a day to control one’s weight and keep one’s heart-healthy.
  • Do not overeat and avoid processed food, sugary drinks, and high-fat dairy products.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and drink water, coffee, or tea instead.
  • Follow the set of medications prescribed by the doctor, which may include metformin, sulfonylureas, meglitinides, and thiazolidinediones, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide-1 , and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 .

To conclude this article, blood sugar is essential for one’s body to function properly. However, with the growing problem of diabetes through the years, blood sugar testing and monitoring are being considered by millions of citizens globally. Blood sugar charts act as a reference guide for most people and medical experts in checking, control, and assessing one’s blood sugar level to prevent and treat cases related to abnormal blood sugar levels, specifically for diabetic people.

How Are Finger Stick Blood Tests Different From A Venous Blood Draw

In some situations, your healthcare provider may recommend a blood test by a venous blood draw, called venipuncture. This process is different from a finger stick test and is performed by trained clinical staff who draw blood from a vein in your arm.

The blood is then processed to remove red blood cells, so only the plasma is tested. Lab tests are performed on calibrated machines run by trained lab technicians, so they may provide more precise results.

What Are The Food That Help Stabilize Insulin And Blood Sugar Level

Where to prick finger for diabetes?

Having a healthy and balanced diet is essential to stabilize one’s insulin and blood sugar level. For people who are experiencing diabetes, there is a particular diet recommended to them. However, it is still advisable to consult their doctors before changing their diet. Some of the food that helps stabilize their insulin and blood sugar level includes:

  • Non-starchy vegetables – carrots, bean sprouts, baby corn, cucumber, squash
  • Whole-grain food – crackers, bread, popcorn, brown rice, pasta, cereals, oats
  • Healthful fats – avocado, olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds
  • Fatty fish – salmon, mackerel, tuna
  • Cacao – dark chocolate
  • High-protein food – fish, poultry, beans, lentils, nuts, soybeans, tofu

Can You Get Different Blood Sugar Readings From Different Fingers

If your blood sugar readings are generally consistent, you can even try alternate site testing, such as using the palm of your hand, if you want to get away from your fingers periodically. But simply using different spots on the same finger can also prevent soreness.

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Step 1: Determine The Factors Affecting The Blood Sugar Levels

There is a difference in the appropriate blood sugar level from person to person, which varies throughout the day. Commonly, blood sugar is often at its lowest before meals and is at its highest after the consumption of food. But aside from that, other factors are affecting a person’s blood sugar levels, such as age and life expectancy, stress, personal habits, and the possibility of diabetes and other health conditions. Usually, people with diabetes will mostly have a higher blood sugar level compared to those who do not.

Common Factors That Can Affect Finger Stick Blood Sugar Tests

When testing blood sugar levels, there are different factors that can affect the accuracy of a finger stick test including:

  • Temperature, humidity, and elevation
  • Testing site location, such as fingertip vs. forearm
  • Expired or damaged test strips

Some factors are related to the finger stick process and have simple solutions to improve the accuracy of your results. Consider these factors the next time you test:

Diabetes: 5 Commons Mistakes To Avoid When Using A Glucometer

facebooktwitterPintrest#1. Not washing your hands before checking your blood glucose readings.#2. Testing too soon after eating.#3. Misusing test strips and lancets.#4. Squeezing your finger to get blood for testing.#5. Not staying hydrated.With inputs from Dr. Pradeep Gadge, Diabetologist, Mumbai.References:Disclaimer: This article is authored and provided by The Times of India Healthy India Fit India partner,

How To Calculate Your Blood Sugar Level: The Complete Guide

To get an accurate reading of your blood sugar level, the best and most effective method is using a glucose meter. This will involve a small prick in your finger so receive a blood sample. The strip is then inserted into the meter and tested. 

You may be wondering what your reading should be. There is no ‘normal’ reading, an ideal reading differs from person to person. Everyone will get different readings at different times of the day. However, there is a rough range to determining a low, normal and high blood sugar level. Blood sugar level is read in mmol/L, which stands for millimoles per liter. Here is a guide as to what an ideal reading is for each diabetic type and non-diabetic patients:

4 – 5.9 mmol/L<7.8 mmol/L 4 – 5.9 mmol/L<7.8 mmol/L

It is advised to check it regularly if you are concerned, show regular symptoms or have diabetes. You should check before meals, exercise, before bedtime and after driving. Everyone is different so it is best to ask your doctor if you are unsure how many times and when you should check your blood sugar levels.

Research shows that over 50% who try to estimate their blood sugar level reading are incorrect. This may be due to over underlying medical conditions that did not know they had or poor lack of judgement. Therefore, this suggests it is very important to test at home to check in on your levels regularly to avoid any unnecessary future complications. 

How Does Squeezing My Finger Affect My Blood Sugar Reading

Dec 12, 2019

Can squeezing a drop of blood from my finger onto the tip of a testing strip really have the potential to affect my blood sugar reading? The simple answer is… maybe.


What does squeezing have to do with blood sugar?


Medical experts have long encouraged diabetics on insulin therapies to not use that first drop of blood – or blood squeezed from the finger – for your first reading.

According to a 2009 study on the topic in the Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal, the reason for this is that a first drop of blood, or blood that’s been squeezed or ‘milked’ is believed to be diluted with normal interstitial tissue fluid with lower glucose content.


What do the studies say?


The theory continues to cause some debate in medical circles that the presence of interstitial fluid should not alter blood glucose readings. The aforementioned and very small study did offer a comparison between ‘free flow’ and milked blood drops with a first or second drop without milking. The results?

  • Milking/free flow glucose level: 99.0/97.2 mg/dL
  • Free flow/second drop blood glucose level: 96.1/96.0 mg/dL


A second study performed in 2011 published in Diabetes Care followed up on the topic and added some additional information regarding accuracy. In this study, 123 diabetic patients were followed. The study resulted in a difference of greater than or equal to  10% in capillary glucose concentrations when measuring the first or second drop of blood.



The results?







Step 3: Check The Results Risk Level And Suggested Actions

The chart reveals different blood sugar levels of a person ranging from normal, pre-diabetic, and diabetic levels. Consider the risk levels of the result and check the suggestive actions to prevent or treat such risk. For results showing a 50 mg/dl or under fasting blood sugar level, it is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible as the glucose has hit dangerously low than usual. The same goes for results showing a 300 mg/dl or above fasting blood sugar level as this indicates very high glucose in the bloodstream.

Mistake #4: Exerting Excessive Pressure On Your Fingers

Where to prick finger for diabetes?

Sometimes you don’t get sufficient blood when there is poor circulation, or your hands are cold. This is when you tend to squeeze your fingers too hard. But when you do this, tests strip doesn’t get your blood only. A fluid surrounding your cells, known as interstitial fluid, gets mixed with it, giving inaccurate blood glucose readings. So, instead of pressing your finger, massage your hands before the pricking the site. This will increase the blood flow.

What Should A Non Diabetic Blood Sugar Be At Bedtime


When Measured
Before lunch, dinner, or a snack Less than 110 mg/dl
2 hours after you eat Less than 140 mg/dl
Time of Check Goal ranges for people without diabetes Goal ranges for people with diabetes
Before breakfast
Before lunch, supper and snack <110
<120 90-150

Furthermore, can a non diabetic have a high blood sugar? Hyperglycemia is a fancy way to say “high blood sugar”. People without diabetes usually maintain a fasting blood sugar of less than 100 mg/dl. There is no specific value used to define hyperglycemia in all individuals. In general, a glucose level above 160-180 mg/dl is considered hyperglycemia.

Also asked, what should a non diabetic blood sugar be?

And they’re less than 140 mg/dL two hours after eating. During the day, levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals. For most people without diabetes, blood sugar levels before meals hover around 70 to 80 mg/dL. For some people, 60 is normal; for others, 90 is the norm.

What is a good diabetic snack at bedtime?

Try one the following healthful snacks before bed to help manage blood sugar levels and satisfy nighttime hunger:

  • A handful of nuts.
  • Low-fat cheese and whole-wheat crackers.
  • Baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, or cucumber slices.
  • Celery sticks with hummus.

What If I Cant Get A Drop Of Blood For A Fingerstick

If you want to get blood from your fingertip, try washing your hands in hot water to get the blood flowing. Then dangle your hand below your heart for a minute. Prick your finger quickly and then put your hand back down below your heart. You might also try slowly squeezing the finger from the base to the tip.

Diseases Associated With Abnormal Blood Sugar Level

The body requires glucose for energy to function correctly. Carbohydrates, in particular, serve as the most significant source of glucose for a typical diet. However, the abnormal level of glucose within the body can be dangerous for one’s health. When the glucose level goes too high or too low, the body fails to perform its functions and may lead to further complications. Learn more about some of the diseases associated with abnormal blood sugar levels with the list below.

Why Does My Blood Sugar Go Up When I Dont Eat Carbs

Go Low-Carb

Carbohydrates are what cause blood sugar to rise. When you eat carbs, they are broken down into simple sugars. As your blood sugar levels rise, your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin, which prompts your cells to absorb sugar from the blood. This causes your blood sugar levels to drop.

Why Do People With Diabetes Use Finger Stick Tests

For people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, blood sugar levels are “self-monitored” with the use of a personal blood glucose meter and blood glucose test strips. Taking a finger stick test at home or on the go is a quick, cost-effective way to check blood sugar levels throughout the day and make any necessary treatment decisions, like dosing insulin.

Finger stick tests may also be performed by a healthcare professional for assisted monitoring of blood sugar. This involves drawing a drop of blood from the fingertip with a single-use, auto-disabling finger stick device for testing in a clinical care setting. The finger stick device in these settings may have a larger lancet size, which can sometimes cause slightly more pain compared to a finer lancet used when testing at home.

When Should I Check My Blood Sugar More Frequently

  • If your diabetes medicine changes
  • If you begin taking other kinds of medicines
  • If you change your diet
  • If your exercise routine or activity level changes
  • If your stress level increases
  • If you’re sick. When you are sick, even without eating, your sugar levels may run high, so testing is important.

Follow your doctor’s testing recommendations during this time. Continue testing more often until you have maintained your blood sugar goal values for at least 1 week. Or continue testing until your doctor advises you that more frequent testing is no longer necessary.

What Is Causing My Blood Sugars To Be Out Of Range

Here are some common scenarios of blood sugars being out of range, possible reasons for them and what to do if you face these scenarios.

High glucose levels before breakfast

Morning glucose levels are often referred to as fasting glucose levels. If these levels are out of range, you may find that it is difficult to keep your levels down for the rest of the day. Possible reasons why your blood sugar is high in the morning include: 

  • Consuming sweet drinks in the morning before measuring your sugar levels

  • Forgetting to take medication

What to do if your blood sugar is high in the morning:

  • If this is the first time you notice it happening or if it only happens occasionally, try taking note of what you had the night before and the duration of sleep you had

  • If your blood sugar has been high in the mornings continuously for a few days, speak to your healthcare team about it

High glucose levels before meals

If your levels are out of the target range before your meals, think about whether you had anything to eat or drink within the last two hours. If the answer is yes, your glucose levels may have been caused by this. Perhaps you had a chocolate bar on the way home, or a sweet drink before dinner? If you have not consumed any food or drink, and your glucose levels are high before your meals, speak with your healthcare team as you may need to adjust your medication. 

High glucose levels after meals


How Does Squeezing Your Finger Affect Blood Sugar

Where to prick finger for diabetes?

Some blood sugar testing methods require the blood of the person to get accurate results. The blood shall be taken from the finger, hence it requires the subject to wash their hands thoroughly to remove any signs of external sugar that may affect the results. Furthermore, it is best to let the blood drop from the tested finger since applying pressure, such as squeezing the finger too hard to get a blood drop, distorts the accuracy of the blood sugar reading.

How Do You Feel When Your Blood Sugar Is Too High

People who experience hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels mostly show the symptoms of headaches, tiredness, blurred vision, hunger, and trouble thinking or concentrating on their daily tasks. Over time, this can impair a person’s immune responses, which leads to its poor healing of wounds. At the same time, it can also cause nerve damage, vision problems, and blood vessel damages to the person. Lastly, hyperglycemia can be life-threatening and may lead to death if not treated immediately.

Second Drop Sometimes Ok For Blood Sugar Testing

4 Min Read

NEW YORK – People with diabetes are urged to always wash their hands before testing their blood sugar. But if soap and water are nowhere to be found, using the “second drop” of blood may be OK, a new study suggests.

Many people with diabetes have to test their blood sugar every day, in order to adjust their dose of insulin, plan their next meal and generally manage the disease. They do that by making a small prick on a fingertip, then placing a drop of blood on a test strip that is read by a glucose monitor.

The American Diabetes Association and other groups say that people should thoroughly wash and dry their hands, then test the first drop of blood that comes from the finger.

They do not, however, have advice on what to do when you cannot wash your hands.

For the new study, Dutch researchers had 123 people with diabetes test their blood sugar under various conditions: after thoroughly washing and drying their hands; without handwashing; after handling fruit, which leaves sugar on the fingers; and after washing their fruity fingers.

The participants also tested their blood sugar using varying amounts of pressure to squeeze a drop of blood from the tested finger.

Overall, the study found, clean hands are still key.

Based on that, the researchers recommend that people wash and dry their hands before testing, then use the first blood drop. But if they cannot wash up for some reason, it’s “acceptable” to use the second drop after wiping away the first.

How Often Are You Supposed To Change Your Lancet

Although most lancets tend to get dull or blunt after being used several times, the difference between the old and a new lancet is often not apparent to the patients as its use involves a quick finger prick with just a drop of blood being withdrawn.

Hence, though it is a good idea to change the lancet once every day, most diabetics do not experience any issue with changing it after 1 or 2 weeks, if they are using it daily, or after using it at least 10 to 12 times.

However, healthcare professionals insist that the lancets must be changed after each finger prick. The FDA has also recommended changing the lancets after each use, particularly if it involves more than one patient. This is especially important for avoiding the risk of infections involved in using the old and blunt ones.

Reusing dull lancets may also lead to callused fingers ad scars. These issues can also make it difficult to test your blood sugar levels at the same puncture site.

Moreover, as lancets get dull after each use, they can also hurt more when used to prick a finger and may also be ineffective for drawing blood. The pain caused due to the use of blunt lancets can prevent diabetes patients from checking their blood sugar levels frequently thus compromising their glycemic control.

The inefficient drawing of the blood, on the other hand, could lead to inaccurate results thus further contributing to improper diabetic control.

Steps To Perform A Finger Stick Blood Sugar Test

The most common way for people with diabetes to check their blood sugar is with a personal blood glucose meter. In order to get started, gather all the supplies needed to check your blood sugar, including:

  • Blood glucose meter
  • Lancing device and lancet
  • Test strip
  • Batteries for the blood glucose meter

Whether you’re new to or skilled at monitoring your blood sugar, it can be helpful to walk through key steps to brush up on best practices. You may find even one small adjustment you can make that will be a game-changer to your testing experience.

Question: Are Blood Sugars Higher In The Morning

  • What is a good blood sugar level for a type 2 diabetes?
  • In the morning, everyone experiences a slight rise in blood glucose levels. A person without diabetes will not experience effects, as their body can adjust. For a person with diabetes, however, this rise can be significant, and it may need treatment.

    How Can I Lower My Blood Sugar For A Nondiabetic

    How can I help prevent hyperglycemia?

  • Exercise can help lower your blood sugar when it is high. It also can keep your blood sugar levels steady over time. …
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Ask your healthcare provider how much you should weigh. …
  • Follow your meal plan. …
  • Limit or do not drink alcohol.
  • 4.03.2021

    Mistake #1: Checking Your Numbers In Dirty Hands

    Not washing your hands before using the glucometer can give you incorrect measurement. Some studies suggest that your readings can be way off, especially if you have touched fruits before the test. So, clean your hands before piercing the needle. But make sure that your hands are completely dry while you test. Moist fingertips or testing strips may dilute your blood sample and give inappropriate numbers.

    Do Expired Glucose Test Strips Read High Or Low

    Needle Free Glucose Monitor

    One of the reasons why most diabetic patients do not hesitate to use expired test strips is the belief that they always give a lower value than your actual blood sugar reading. However, this is a misconception. Patients believe that they just need to add a few numbers to the reading provided by the glucometer and that would be the correct reading they would have got if they had used the un-expired strips.

    So, they think that as far as the reading with the expired test strip is slightly lower than the normal range, it can be considered to be normal.

    And in case, the reading shows a higher value, they perceive it as their blood sugar level is too high for which they need to seek medical advice for the correction of dosages or anti-diabetic drugs. This is why; they continue to use the test strips that are expired.

    This false belief can prevent them from adopting healthier dietary and lifestyle habits or even consulting a physician when the reading of the blood sugar test shows a lower range as they perceive it to be a normal range.

    However, the fact is that the strips may not always give a slightly lower reading than your actual blood sugar levels. It may show slightly lower, slightly higher, very high, very low, or even normal values of your blood sugar levels.

    While some glucometers are designed to reject the expired strips, not all of them do so, putting the patients at a risk of having a wrong reading in case they happen to use one. 

    What Is Hba1c Do I Need To Monitor My Hba1c Too

    While a glucometer or CGM gives you the “at-the-moment” sugar level, HbA1c tells you the average blood sugar level over three months. This is typically measured every 3 – 6 months at your regular check-up with your doctor. 

    Why is it important to check your HbA1c regularly? 

    The HbA1c gives an indication of how well controlled your diabetes is. As your blood sugar level can fluctuate minute to minute, the HbA1c gives you and your doctor an idea of what your blood sugar level is “on average”. This allows you and your doctor to monitor the control of your diabetes at each review , and make adjustments to your treatment plan.

    Lowering your HbA1c can bring long term benefits. Two large-scale studies – the UK Prospective Diabetes Study and the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial – demonstrated that improving HbA1c by 1% for people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes cuts the risk of microvascular complications by 25%.Microvascular complications include:

    • Neuropathy

    • Diabetic nephropathy

    Research has also shown that people with type 2 diabetes who reduce their HbA1c level by 1% are:

    • 19% less likely to suffer cataracts

    • 16% less likely to suffer heart failure

    • 43% less likely to suffer amputation or death due to peripheral vascular disease

    What should my HbA1c level be?


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