Must Know Statistics About Amputation Due To Diabetes
Diabetes is a common medical condition in the United States at least 9% of Americans are living with diabetes.
Diabetes affects many areas of the body. If youve been diagnosed with diabetes, you need to be aware of your feet and watch out for diabetic foot ulcers. What are diabetic foot ulcers? Diabetic foot ulcers are sores that develop on your feet, and they can develop even from seemingly trivial injuries to the feet. Diabetic foot ulcers are a common cause of amputation due to diabetes.
If youre wondering about diabetic foot amputation statistics, be warned: these statistics may seem discouraging. But keep in mind that information can be empowering, and these stats emphasize the importance of seeking medical care for foot ulcers as soon as you notice them. The list also highlights the close connection between peripheral artery disease , which involves the blockage of the blood vessels in the legs, and what the likelihood is that diabetic foot ulcers will heal.
Hopefully this knowledge will remind you to take care of your feet if you have diabetes. If you have a diabetic foot ulcer that hasnt been treated, show it to your doctor as soon as possible.
Lower Limb Amputation: How Common Is It
A significant cause of lower limb amputation is diabetes. Globally, due to diabetes-related complications, a person loses a limb every 30 seconds, according to the American Diabetes Association.
The latest National Diabetes Statistics Report, from the CDC provides the following insight:
- 34.2 million people, equivalent to 10.5% of the US population, have diabetes
- 88 million people over 18 are pre-diabetic of which
- 24.2 million are over 65 years old
Based on the 2016 National Health Interview Survey. 130,000 adults had lower extremity amputations relating to diabetes. This figure is equal to 5.6 out of every 1,000 people with diabetes.
S To Prevent Amputation
Fortunately, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reports that as many as half of all amputations related to these foot and leg complications can be prevented if the problems are caught early.
Many measures can significantly reduce the risk of ulcer formation, including having properly fitted shoes, doing routine foot checks, not walking barefoot, and stopping smoking, says Tan. Properly fitted shoes and moisture-absorbing socks are important to prevent foot injury, particularly with diabetic neuropathy when one may not feel or notice an injury.
Here is a list of the most important things you can do to avoid amputation.
1. Quit smoking. The American Diabetes Association points out that if you’re a smoker, quitting is the first and best way to prevent an amputation. Smoking decreases the blood flow in the small blood vessels of your legs and feet, making it difficult for wounds to heal.
Having diabetes and smoking creates an especially high-risk scenario for amputation, says Matt Petersen, the managing director of medical information and professional engagement at the American Diabetes Association. In addition to careful management of diabetes with the support of a healthcare provider, smoking cessation is the most direct way to decrease the risk of amputation.
4. Be sure your doctor examines your feet at least once a year or whenever you notice a problem.
6. Don’t use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, astringent, or iodine on your feet.
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Amputations Pcbs And Peripheral Arteries
A new review from the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery suggests that widening your arteries using paclitaxel-coated balloons ups your risk for major amputation. Fortunately, in our office, we can also treat PAD with stents or atherectomy, so you have your choice of limb-saving options. Which, along with diabetes care, may help you preserve your long-term health.
What does all this mean for you? Well, if you have diabetes, make sure you keep up appointments with your regular medical team. If youve got reduced blood flow or atherosclerosis, make an appointment with our team of experts right away. Doing so might just be the decision you make that saves your limbs!
Deep Sleep Diabetes Remedy
When Scott Hansen was faced with the raw opportunity of shedding his other half to Type 2 Diabetes, he was hopeless to find a remedy for her. He located a possible remedy when he met up with an old pal Tom, who had apparently reversed his Type 2 Diabetes, lost 40lbs and also currently resembled he was 10 years more youthful, and much healthier. why do diabetics lose limbs
Tom aimed Scott towards a neighborhood medical professional he had met in Thailand. It was also this medical professional who patiently clarified to Scott about the real source of kind 2 diabetes and also how to resolve it using a special tea formula.
After verifying the info against available research, Scott quickly came down to providing his partner this exact tea formula. To his delight, he saw her problem boost. It was also after that, that they concurred even more individuals needed this option. They dealt with a clinical research study and also nourishment specialist as well as fine-tuned the solution into a program: The Deep Sleep Diabetes Remedy. why do diabetics lose limbs
This value-packed program encompasses these sections and extra:
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How Amputations Are Done
Amputations can be done under general anaesthetic or using either an epidural anaesthetic or spinal anaesthetic . The choice of anaesthetic can depend on what part of your body is being amputated.
Most amputations involve removing a section of a limb rather than the entire limb.
Once the section of the limb has been amputated, additional techniques can be used to help improve the function of the remaining part of the limb and reduce the risk of complications.
These include shortening and smoothing the bone in the remaining section of the limb so it’s covered by an adequate amount of soft tissue and muscle. The surgeon then stitches the muscle to the bones to help strengthen the remaining section .
After the amputation, your wound will be sealed with stitches or surgical staples. It will be covered with a bandage and a tube may be placed under your skin to drain any excess fluid. The bandage will usually need to be kept in place for a few days to reduce the risk of infection.
Treating Diabetic Neuropathy And Poor Circulation
Specific treatment of conditions that can affect the legs and feet in people with diabetes â diabetic neuropathy and poor circulation in the legs and feet â is necessary.
Tight control of the amount of glucose in the bloodstream has been shown to reduce the risk of neuropathy, slow its progress and help improve symptoms.
Reducing other risk factors for diabetic neuropathy and poor circulation to the legs and feet can also help. These include:
- not smoking
- losing weight if overweight.
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What Are Major And Minor Amputations
Amputations in general, not just diabetes-related amputations, are classed as major and minor.
- Minor amputation regards removal of toes or feet
- Major amputation refers to the above or below the knee amputation.
One of the horror stories that go round is that people with diabetes are doomed to suffering amputations. Whilst it is true that people with diabetes have a higher statistical risk of amputation, it is largely a preventable fate.
Approximately 6,000 amputations are carried out each year for people with diabetes. Diabetes UK reports that, of these, around 80% are believed to be preventable. The NHS advises that amputation is commonly needed if damage occurs to the foot and gangrene sets in.
Damage to the foot could include any of the following:
- Cuts
Diabetic Foot Ulcers And Amputation
There are some surprising statistics about how common diabetic foot ulcers are, how often they can lead to amputation and the ultimate cost of having a foot ulcer that results in an amputation.
1. A foot ulcer is the initial event in more than 85% of major amputations that are performed on people with diabetes.
2. In the United States, every year about 73,000 amputations of the lower limb not related to trauma are performed on people with diabetes.
3. Of non-traumatic amputations in the United States, 60% are performed on people with diabetes.
4. Throughout the world, its estimated that every 30 seconds one leg is amputated due to diabetes.
5. 10% of people with diabetes have a foot ulcer.
6. The lifetime risk of developing a foot ulcer for someone with diabetes is 25%.
7. Every year, about 1-4% of people with diabetes develop a new foot ulcer.
8. Between 10-15% of diabetic foot ulcers do not heal.
9. Of diabetic foot ulcers that do not heal, 25% will require amputation.
10. In one study, research showed that following an amputation, up to 50% of people with diabetes will die within 2 years.
11. In the United States, the cost to care for diabetic foot ulcers is about $11 billion per year.
12. Approximately 20% of hospital admissions in people with diabetes are due to foot ulcers.
13. After a lower limb amputation someone with diabetes remains in the hospital an average of 9-12 days.
RELATED: Cases Where Non-Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers Occur
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Complications Of Poor Circulation
There are higher risks of serious foot damage for people with diabetes and poor circulation. Poor circulation can mean wounds heal slowly and so injuries have a higher chance of becoming infected or developing a foot ulcer
Injuries to the foot are particularly dangerous in people with diabetes and poor circulation. The worst case scenario is the need for amputation which can occur if foot injuries are not treated at an early stage by a specialist. If you have diabetes and an injury to your foot, its important to consult your doctor so it can be treated appropriately.
A further complication that can develop is Critical limb ischemia . CLI is where circulation to the one or more of the limbs becomes severely impaired. Signs of CLI can include reddening or swelling of the toes which can develop causing the toes to become black or grey.
It is important to report any significant change in colour of your feet to your doctor.
Circulation In People With Diabetes
Poor blood circulation can affect the blood supply to your feet. When this is reduced, cuts and sores may not heal. An early sign of poor circulation to the feet may be pain or cramps in the backs of your legs when walking.Circulation problems can be caused by hardening or narrowing of arteries as they become clogged up. Common causes include:
- smoking
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How To Prevent Complications And Limb Loss
The good news is amputations are preventable with proper diabetes management, foot care and wound care. Attend your regularly scheduled doctors appointments and have your A1C measured as often as your provider recommends . Keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range through diet and medication, if needed, and get regular exercise.
Maintain proper foot and leg care by inspecting your feet and legs for wounds on a daily basis. If you notice a wound, its important to keep pressure off the area and keep your wound dressing fresh to prevent bacteria growth and infection. Talk to your doctor about appropriate dressing for your particular wound.
How Does Someone Lose A Foot Because Of Diabetes
Rarely is it the entire foot at once. In Mr. Rattrays case, and in most cases that our podiatrists in Nashville and across Middle Tennessee see, it starts with losing a toe often related to diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Penninah Kumar, DPM, Neuhaus Foot & Ankle podiatrist in Mt. Juliet, specializes in foot problems related to diabetes. She says not checking your feet frequently is a critical mistake.
High blood sugar causes the nerves of your feet to deaden, reducing the feeling in your feet and toes. A small cut can turn into a more serious wound.
Cuts and wounds dont heal the same way those without diabetes heal. A diabetic foot often has decreased blood flow, significantly slowing the healing process. In severe cases, these open wounds dont heal and they actually worsen.
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What Is The Outlook For People With Diabetic Foot
Diabetic foot ulcers are fairly common in people who have had diabetes for a long time. Even with foot checks and careful blood glucose monitoring, some people with diabetes develop infections.
The outlook depends on factors such as:
- How early the wound was found.
- Presence of infection and how much it spreads.
- Treatment effectiveness.
If the infection cant be controlled and spreads too far, amputation may be necessary.
Understanding The Connection Between Diabetes And Amputation
Amputation because of diabetes is more common than many people realize. which beggars the question why is it that diabetics lose limbs?
According to the WHO , lower limb amputations are 10 times more likely in people who have diabetes than in people who do not have diabetes.
With almost 60% of amputations caused by common complications of diabetes and peripheral disease, its vital to address the connection between the two so that patients can seek help and save their limbs before its too late.
A major problem for people with diabetes is peripheral neuropathy which is essentially a loss of feeling or sensation in the feet and legs. When this occurs, theyre less likely to notice mild leg or foot ulcers before they become more severe.
In other words, many diabetics require amputation because they simply cant feel the open diabetic sores on their feet and legs until they are at a higher risk of amputation and approaching a point of no return.
However, with more effective foot care and patient strategies implemented, theres absolutely no reason why many of these high-risk patients cant be healed.
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Research Design And Methods
This is a cohort study of patients from The Health Improvement Network . THIN data source contains anonymized data collected from the electronic medical records used by General Practice physicians in the U.K. This data source was chosen because diabetes is a chronic illness. THIN is rich in prospectively collected primary care medical information and has been used in the past to study diabetes and chronic wounds . Ethics approval for this study was from the Scientific Review Committee U.K. and from the institutional review board from the University of Pennsylvania.
When To See Your Doctor
If you experience any of these symptoms, dont wait for your next appointment. See your regular doctor or foot doctor right away:
- Pain in your legs or cramping in your buttocks, thighs, or calves during physical activity.
- Tingling, burning, or pain in your feet.
- Loss of sense of touch or ability to feel heat or cold very well.
- A change in the shape of your feet over time.
- Loss of hair on your toes, feet, and lower legs.
- Dry, cracked skin on your feet.
- A change in the color and temperature of your feet.
- Thickened, yellow toenails.
- Fungus infections such as athletes foot between your toes.
- A blister, sore, ulcer, infected corn, or ingrown toenail.
Most people with diabetes can prevent serious foot complications. Regular care at home and going to all doctors appointments are your best bet for preventing foot problems .
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How Are Diabetic Feet Diagnosed
To diagnose diabetic foot, a healthcare provider will:
- Ask about your symptoms and how well youre controlling blood glucose.
- Examine your toes, feet and legs.
- Touch the toes, feet and legs with various tools to check whether you have numbness.
If a diabetic ulcer or blister is present, the healthcare provider will likely:
- Examine it for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, warmth, discoloration or discharge.
- Order tests to take pictures deeper than the skin, such as X-ray or MRI.
- Take a sample of the skin or discharge to test for infection.
Foot Care For People With Diabetes
All people with diabetes should have their feet checked at least once a year by a doctor or podiatrist. This is important to detect problems early and to prevent ulcers and other complications. You may have heard it said that diabetes causes gangrene . Most cases of gangrene result from delayed treatment of foot injuries.
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Alternatives To Foot Amputation
Even with a bad infection or a wound that wonât heal, your doctor may not suggest foot amputation right away. Depending on your condition, they might instead recommend:
- Surgery to clean the wound and remove dead tissue
- Antibiotics, which youâll get at the hospital through a tube into your vein
- Amputation of one or more toes
- Surgery that brings new blood flow to your foot, called revascularization
When To See Your Doctor Or Podiatrist
- Any breaks in the skin need to be treated straight away, so see your doctor or podiatrist. Also, try to work out what might have caused the problem so that you can prevent it happening again.
- If one of your feet is hot and swollen, check it again the next day â see your doctor if it remains hot and swollen. Antibiotics may be needed to treat an infection.
- Toenail infections should be treated promptly.
- Let your doctor know if you develop pain in the feet and legs or notice changes in the colour or temperature of your feet and legs.
Your feet should also be examined regularly by a doctor, diabetes specialist or podiatrist. Your doctor or podiatrist can advise you on foot care and also on the selection of appropriate footwear.
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