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How Many People Have Diabetes In The World

Prevalence And Incidence Of Type 1 Diabetes In Asia

What is diabetes and why are so many people suffering from diabetes in China?

Prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes were extracted from meta-analysis studies. In type 1 diabetes incidence, the heterogeneity between studies in the meta-analysis was significant , but in the prevalence of diabetes 1, the heterogeneity was not significant . The incidence of type 1 diabetes in Asia was 15 per 100 000 population, which was statistically significant , and the prevalence of type 1 diabetes was 6.9 per 10 000 people, which was statistically significant . show the forest plot of prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes in Asia.

Incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes in Asia.

Diabetes Statistics By Country

United States

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the most current data is for 2012 :

  • 29 million people in the United States have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
  • 1.7 million people aged 20 years or older were newly diagnosed with type or type 2 diabetes in 2012.
  • Non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native adults are about twice as likely to have diagnosed with some form of diabetes as non-Hispanic white adults.
  • 208,000 people younger than 20 years have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
  • 86 million adults aged 20 years and older have prediabetes.
  • The percentage of U.S. adults with prediabetes is similar for non-Hispanic whites , non-Hispanic blacks , and Hispanics .

Similar data is available from a study called;Prevalence and Incidence Trends for Diagnosed Diabetes Among Adults Aged 20 to 79 Years, United States, 1980-2012 published in Journal of the American Medical Association .

This study found that;49% to 52% of the adult population had either diabetes or prediabetes. Then came the most stunning number: 83% of adults over 65 have either diabetes or prediabetes! ;Thankfully, the authors of this study note that the prevalence of diabetes may have plateaued.

In other good news, rates of undiagnosed diabetes decreased from;40% in the period ranging from 1988 to 1994 down to;31% in 2011 and 2012. This means that we are getting better at screening for diabetes and more people have access to care.

United Kingdom



Quick Facts About Type 1 Diabetes

  • Approximately 400,000 people are currently living with type 1 diabetes in the UK, including around 29,000 children.
  • The number of new diagnoses of type 1 diabetes is increasing by about four per cent each year.
  • In children under five, the incidence of type 1 diabetes is rising by five per cent each year.
  • Among children with diabetes in England and Wales, 96 per cent have type 1 diabetes.
  • Around 85 per cent of people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes have no family history of the condition.
  • Although it used to be referred to as juvenile diabetes, around half of newly diagnosed cases of type 1 diabetes are in people over the age of 18.
  • The UK has one of the highest rates of type 1 diabetes in the world, for reasons that are currently unknown.
  • A person with type 1 diabetes will have around 65,000 injections and measure their blood glucose more than 80,000 times in their lifetime.

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Geography Of Type 1 Diabetes

The incidence of type 1 diabetes varies widely in both time and space. There is striking variation in the incidence of type 1 diabetes between one population and the next, and it is still unclear to what extent this is due to differences in genes or environment. Europe has the highest incidence, with peak rates in Finland and Sardinia. Other populations of European descent have high rates of type 1 diabetes, and it has been suggested that higher latitudes carry a higher risk, possibly related to lack of vitamin D from sunlight. There are many exceptions to this rule, however, and the incidence of type 1 diabetes has risen rapidly in populations previously considered immune. These include parts of India, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Asian populations have a low but rising incidence, and will make a major future contribution to the global burden of disease. Migrant studies have been of limited quality, but suggest that children adopt the risk of their host country. There are however important differences between the risk and phenotype of early onset diabetes in different ethnic populations within the same country, for example the USA.Continue reading >>

The Effects Of Diabetes On Your Body

Diabetes in the US

When you hear the word diabetes, your first thought is likely about high blood sugar. Blood sugar is an often-underestimated component of your health. When its out of whack over a long period of time, it could develop into diabetes. Diabetes affects your bodys ability to produce or use insulin, a hormone that allows your body to turn glucose into energy. Heres what symptoms may occur to your body when diabetes takes effect.

Diabetes can be effectively managed when caught early. However, when left untreated, it can lead to potential complications that include heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and nerve damage.

Normally after you eat or drink, your body will break down sugars from your food and use them for energy in your cells. To accomplish this, your pancreas needs to produce a hormone called insulin. Insulin is what facilitates the process of pulling sugar from the blood and putting it in the cells for use, or energy.

If you have diabetes, your pancreas either produces too little insulin or none at all. The insulin cant be used effectively. This allows blood glucose levels to rise while the rest of your cells are deprived of much-needed energy. This can lead to a wide variety of problems affecting nearly every major body system.

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What Is The Risk Of Developing Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes can appear at any time in someones life after the destruction of pancreas cells, which produce insulin. It isnt clear why they have been damaged but may be triggered by an infection.

Type 2 diabetes usually appears in adults however is frequently being diagnosed in younger overweight people and certain ethnic groups. The risk of its development can be reduced by a change in lifestyle.

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes through family genes is much higher than for type 1 diabetes.

How Do People Die From Diabetes

People rarely die from diabetes directly. Its more likely that someone with diabetes will die from complications with other organs. For example, high blood sugar can damage the kidneys over a long period of time, leading to potential kidney failure. And since diabetes is often associated with cardiovascular conditions, heart failure, and stroke are other common causes of death in diabetics. In rare cases of Type 1 diabetes, a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis can cause sudden death.

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How Many People Have Type 2 Diabetes

Recent studies prove that most recently the cases of type 2 diabetes have increased amongst children as well as young people. This is against the popular trend where type 2 diabetes is mostly contracted by elderly people.

  • Cases of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes is actually huge and ranges between 24 percent to somewhere around 62 percent.
  • In the United States, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is usually higher in people who belong to the following ethnicities:
  • Native and African Americans
  • Asian Americans
  • The Hispanics, amongst others
  • As of 2015, the number of people who were suffering from type 2 diabetes across different parts of the world was somewhere around 400 million. In fact, most of the people who are diagnosed with diabetes are actually said to suffer from type 2.

Thus, as seen above, diabetes is slowly spreading in different parts of the world to a considerable extent. As such, it is imperative that you should take important measures to manage the condition in an effective manner. Adopting healthy lifestyle changes will go a great deal in helping to tackle both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Countries With High Diabetes Prevalence

The many facets of WHOs diabetes work

The International Diabetes Federation currently states that the top 5 countries with the highest amount of people with diabetes are as follows:

  • China: 109 million
  • 21.1%

All of the top 10 nations are small islands.

In terms of non-islands, the nation with the highest diabetes prevalence is Saudi Arabia with a 17.6% prevalence. The IDF notes that three quarters of the worlds adult population are living in low and middle-income countries.

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How To Lower Your Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Here are some simple ways to reduce your risk of developing diabetes :

  • Maintain an active lifestyle aim for 30-60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.
  • Eat a healthy diet that is high in fresh vegetables and low in sugar and processed foods a high fiber, low carb diet, such as the diet we encourage here at DMP, is a great dietary pattern to assist with type 2 diabetes management and prevention.
  • Reduce daily stress and find relaxing activities that you enjoy.
  • Get adequate sleep and practice self-care in times of stress and illness.
  • Spend quality time with friends and family.
  • Lose weight if you need to, aiming for a healthy Body Mass Index .

Weight loss is an important factor when it comes to both diabetes treatment and prevention, as research shows a strong link between obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Obesity often kick-starts a cycle of inflammation and metabolic dysfunction, which leads to insulin resistance and, eventually may result in a diabetes diagnosis. So, managing your weight can be an important first step in putting out the fire of systemic inflammation.

Research has also discovered that 85% of children with type 2 diabetes are clinically overweight or obese, so encouraging a healthy lifestyle from a young age may secure a healthier future for your kids.

More People Than Ever Have Diabetes More People Than Ever Are At Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes If Nothing Changes We Predict That 55 Million People Will Have Diabetes In The Uk By 2030

Around 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Around 8% of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. About 2% of people with diabetes have rarer types of diabetes.

Were fighting for a world where diabetes can do no harm.

We do it by campaigning to make sure everyone with diabetes gets the care they need to live well with diabetes. We provide advice and support so people can get to grips with their condition. And our research increases what we know about diabetes, discovers new treatments and will, one day, find a cure.

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Prevalence And Incidence Of Type 1 Diabetes In The World

Prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes were extracted from meta-analysis studies. In type 1 diabetes incidence, the heterogeneity between studies in the meta-analysis was significant and in the prevalence of diabetes 1, the heterogeneity was significant too, . The incidence of type 1 diabetes in world was 15 per 100 000 population, which was statistically significant , and the prevalence of type 1 diabetes was 9.5 per 10 000 people, which was statistically significant . shows the forest plot of prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes in the world.

Prevalence of type 1 diabetes in the world.

How T1d Is Managed

How Many People In The World Have Type One Diabetes ...

Type 1 diabetes is a 24/7 disease that requires constant management. People with T1D continuously and carefully balance insulin intake with eating, exercise and other activities. They also measure blood-sugar levels through finger pricks, ideally at least six times a day, or by wearing a continuous glucose monitor.

Even with a strict regimen, people with T1D may still experience dangerously high or low blood-glucose levels that can, in extreme cases, be life threatening. Every person with T1D becomes actively involved in managing his or her disease.

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Oral Health And Diabetes

People with poorly managed diabetes are at increased risk of tooth decay and gum infections. This is because the small blood vessels that help nourish your teeth and gums can become damaged. ;Poor oral care can cause the gums to become inflamed and loosen around your teeth. Its also strongly linked with an increased risk of heart disease.To reduce your risk of teeth and gum problems:

  • See your dentist regularly for a check-up.;
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day.;
  • If you have dentures, make sure you brush your dentures and gums with a soft toothbrush.

Diabetes Statistics By Age

Theres a greater prevalence of diabetes among older age groups, especially for Type 2 diabetes, which takes longer to develop.;

  • Of the Americans with diagnosed diabetes, 3.6 million are 18 to 44 years old, 11.7 million are 45 to 64 years old, and 11.5 million are older than 65.
  • There are 210,000 cases of diagnosed diabetes among children and adolescents younger than 20, including 187,000 cases of Type 1 diabetes.
  • Of the Americans with undiagnosed diabetes, 1.4 million are 18 to 44, 3.1 million are 45 to 64, and 2.9 million are older than 65.
  • Approximately 24.2 million adults aged 65 and older have prediabetes.

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Endocrine Excretory And Digestive Systems

If your pancreas produces little or no insulin or if your body cant use it alternate hormones are used to turn fat into energy. This can create high levels of toxic chemicals, including acids and ketone bodies, which may lead to a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a serious complication of the disease. Symptoms include extreme thirst, excessive urination, and fatigue.

Your breath may have a sweet scent thats caused by the elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood. High blood sugar levels and excess ketones in your urine can confirm diabetic ketoacidosis. If untreated, this condition can lead to loss of consciousness or even death.

Diabetic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome occurs in type 2 diabetes. It involves very high blood glucose levels but no ketones. You might become dehydrated with this condition. You may even lose consciousness. HHS is most common in people whose diabetes is undiagnosed or who havent been able to control their diabetes. It can also be caused by a heart attack, stroke, or infection.

High blood glucose levels may cause gastroparesis when its hard for your stomach to completely empty. This delay can cause blood glucose levels to rise. As a result, you may also experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, and heartburn.

Gestational Diabetes Facts And Statistics

Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre – Total Diabetes Care in India and Beyond

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy in women who dont already have diabetes. High blood glucose levels during pregnancy can cause problems for the mother and the baby, and they can increase the chance of having a miscarriage. Learn more about gestational diabetes.

  • About 6 percent of U.S. women who gave birth in 2016 had gestational diabetes.2
  • About 50 percent of U.S. women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes.3

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Diabetes Trends In Adults And Children

23. 193,000 kids and young adults below the age of 20 have been diagnosed with diabetes.

The age group below the age of 20 has seen approximately 193,000 cases of diabetes . This means that as much as 0.24% of all youngsters in this age range already suffer a variant of this health condition.

24. Gestational diabetes is estimated to occur in 2%10% of pregnancies in the US.

This form of diabetes appears during pregnancy, and its normally expected to return to normal after birth, although some evidence suggests that women with gestational pregnancies are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later on. Most;diabetes facts;also confirm that children born under such circumstances are also more likely to develop diabetes.

25. 84.1 million adults in the US have prediabetes.

This is equivalent to 1 out of 3 adults in the US having a condition that could lead to type 2 diabetes. The worst part is that 9 out of 10 of these adults arent even aware of the fact that they have prediabetes.

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Ethnicity And Type 2 Diabetes

Like many other chronic diseases, ethnicity may play a role in promoting increased risk of developing diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes.

The prevalence of diabetes in the U.S. varies depending on ethnic group:

  • Caucasian: 7.1%
  • Black: 12.6%
  • Native American Indians: 33%

These stats clearly show that, among the U.S. population, Native Americans have a much higher prevalence of diabetes than any other ethnic group.

Similarly, the Indigenous peoples of Australia are three times as likely as non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes .

And in the UK, the prevalence of diabetes is 6 times higher for people of South Asian origin and 3 times higher for those of African origin.

Why are rates of type 2 diabetes disproportionately higher among Native and Indigenous people or certain ethnic groups?

There is no single reason behind this spike in chronic illness among certain groups, but it is likely a combination of genetic, cultural, socioeconomic, historical, and lifestyle factors.

However, belonging to certain ethnic groups are not the only risk factors that may increase your chance of developing type 2 diabetes .

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