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HomeFactsWhat's Worse Type 1 Or Type 2 Diabetes

What’s Worse Type 1 Or Type 2 Diabetes

Has Anyone Ever Had Type 1 Diabetes Go Away

Which is worse Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes? – Dr. Nagaraj S

Has Anyone Been Cured of Type 1 Diabetes?: Type 1 diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin, leading to increased blood sugar levels . Because type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, there is no cure and it must be managed for the rest of a person’s life.

How Is Type 1 Diabetes And Type 2 Diabetes Treated

Mainstream media would have you believe that treating diabetes is as easy as eating fewer doughnuts or slapping an insulin pump on and poof! Your diabetes is controlled now!

While all patients with type 1 diabetes need insulin to stay alive, there are a variety of treatment plans for people with type 2 diabetes depending on their bodys needs. No treatment plan is better or worse than another. Instead, the right choice for each patient is simply defined by what helps that patient improve their blood sugar levels.

In real life, treating any type of diabetes is a complicated, non-stop juggling act of variables including:

  • insulin
  • other health conditions
  • human error

Lets take a closer look at the basics of treating type 1 diabetes versus treating type 2 diabetes.

What Are The Risk Factors For Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Risk factors for type 1 diabetes include:

  • Family history: People with a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes have a higher risk of developing it themselves.
  • Age: Type 1 diabetes can appear at any age, but its most common among children and adolescents.
  • Geography: The prevalence of type 1 diabetes increases the farther away you are from the equator.
  • Genetics: The presence of certain genes points to an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

Youre at risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you:

  • have prediabetes, or slightly elevated blood sugar levels
  • are carrying excess weight or have obesity
  • are Black, Hispanic, American Indian, or Alaska Native
  • have an immediate family member with type 2 diabetes

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Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors:

Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is higher if your diet is high in carbs and fat but low in fiber, if youre not very physically active and/or if you have high blood pressure. High alcohol consumption and age are also risk factors. Though genes do play a role in the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, it can be prevented with the right lifestyle choices, unlike type 1.

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Does Type 1 Or Type 2 Diabetes Need Insulin

Which is worse Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes?

People with Type 1 diabetes are considered to have insulin-dependent diabetes as they will always require insulin to manage their blood sugar levels. Some people with Type 2 diabetes are dependent on insulin, but others manage it by following a healthy lifestyle and using medication without insulin.

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What Exactly Is Diabetes

Mindy Sotsky, MD, FACE

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Glucose comes from the foods you eat, and insulin is the hormone that allows glucose to enter cells to produce energy.

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause serious problems. It can damage your eyes, kidneys and nerves. It can also cause heart disease and stroke, and sometimes even amputation of a limb. Pregnant women can develop a form of diabetes, called gestational diabetes.

The CDC estimates that over 30 million people in the U.S. probably have diabetes, and 25% of them do not know it. A blood test called the A1C blood test, typically done a few times a year, is the best way to determine if you have diabetes. This test identifies your blood glucose levels so adjustments can be made if theyre not where they should be.

Is Diagnosing Diabetic Issues Sorts 2 And 1 Comparable

Blood vessels assessments utilized to analyze kind 1 and type 2 diabetes incorporate fasting blood sugar levels, a hemoglobin A1C check, along with a blood sugar patience check. The A1C test steps the average blood sugar levels levels over the past few months. The sugar endurance check procedures blood glucose levels right after a sweet drink is provided.

The blood sugar levels evaluating perform to diagnose and manage type 1 all forms of diabetes is nearly the same as the testing perform for type two diabetes, claims Drincic. We are able to do a blood vessels check seems for antibodies. That tells us if it is type 1 or 2. In kind 1 all forms of diabetes, the immune system helps make antibodies that act up against the tissues inside the pancreas that make blood insulin, and those antibodies may be found in the blood flow examination. Your medical professional might think type 2 diabetes based upon your risk and symptoms elements, such as excessive weight and loved ones history.

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Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes Different

The first symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear when blood sugar gets too high. Symptoms include thirst, hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, weight loss, tingling or numbness in the feet, and blurred vision. Very high blood sugar can cause rapid breathing, dry skin, fruity breath, and nausea.

Meanwhile, the first symptoms of type 2 diabetes may not show up for many years meaning the disease can ravage a persons body without them realizing it. Early symptoms include frequent infections, fatigue, frequent urination, thirst, hunger, blurred vision, erectile dysfunction in men, and pain or numbness in the hands or feet. Drincic notes that “symptoms of type 2 diabetes don’t start as suddenly as symptoms of type 1 diabetes.”

The Nhs And Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes 1 and 2 – Which Diabetes is Worse? | Hands on Review

Type 2 diabetes is already one of the most common long term health conditions and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the UK is growing year on year.

The cost of treating a growing number of people with type 2 diabetes, and the health complications associated with the condition, is estimated to cost the NHS around £12 billion a year on direct and indirect care.

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Type 1 Vs Type 2 Complications

As for complications, both type 1 and type 2 diabetics are at high risk for problems with their eyesalso known as diabetic retinopathywhich is the leading cause of blindness in the U.S., Dr. Block says. Diabetics require an eye exam every year with a dilation exam to keep up with their eye health. Dr. Block adds that those with type 1 and 2 diabetes also can develop kidney problems, as well as peripheral neuropathy, which can cause numbing and burning in the hands and feet. Type 2 diabetics tend to have more problems with cholesterol and heart problems, he says.

In some cases, those with undiagnosed diabetes can reach the point of diabetic ketoacidosis . Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when the body produces excess ketones, or blood acids, when there isnt enough insulin in the body. This is dangerous and requires treatment in an intensive care unit, Dr. Block says. If DKA goes untreated, the result is often fatal.

Is Type 1 Or 2 Diabetes Worse

  • Score4.2/5

Type 2 diabetes is often milder than type 1. But it can still cause major health complications, especially in the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, nerves, and eyes. Type 2 also raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.Read more

  • Which is worse Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes? – Dr. Nagaraj S

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Can Either Type Of Diabetes Be Prevented

There is no known way to prevent type 1 diabetes, and for some people, it might not be possible to prevent the development of type 2. For others, maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and a healthy, balanced diet may help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and thus preserve health.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes

Is Type 2 Diabetes Worse Than Type 1

Type 2 diabetes was previously called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , or adult onset diabetes mellitus . People who have type 2 diabetes can still produce insulin, but do so relatively inadequately for their body’s needs. Type 2 diabetes typically occurs in individuals over 30 years of age, and its incidence increases with advancing age. In contrast, type 1 diabetes is most often diagnosed in young people.

Genetics plays a role in the development of type 2 diabetes, and having a family history and close relatives with the condition increases your risk however, there are other risk factors, with obesity being the most significant. There is a direct relationship between the degree of obesity and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes for both children and adults. It has been estimated that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes doubles for every 20% increase over desirable body weight.

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Causes Of Type 1 Diabetes

The bodys immune system is responsible for fighting off foreign invaders, such as harmful viruses and bacteria.

In people with type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakes the bodys own healthy cells for foreign invaders. The immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. After these beta cells are destroyed, the body is unable to produce insulin.

Researchers dont know why the immune system sometimes attacks the bodys own cells. It may have something to do with genetic and environmental factors, such as exposure to viruses. Research into autoimmune diseases is ongoing.

Other Forms Of Diabetes

In 1% to 5% of people who have diabetes, other conditions might be the cause. These include diseases of the pancreas, certain surgeries and medications, and infections. In these cases, your doctor might want to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.

Show Sources

American Diabetes Association: “Frequently Asked Questions about Pre-Diabetes,” “Type 2 Diabetes,” “The Dangerous Toll of Diabetes,” tion: “Gestational Diabetes,” “About Insulin and Other Drugs.”

National Library of Medicine: “Diabetes.”

National Diabetes Education Project: “About Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes.”

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse : “National Diabetes Statistics, 2011.”

Merck Manual Consumer Version: âDiabetes Mellitus .â

CDC: âAbout Diabetes,â âPrediabetes: Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes.â

World Journal of Diabetes: âType 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents.â

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What Can Cause All Forms Of Diabetes

Sort 1 all forms of diabetes is an autoimmune disease the bodys immunity process episodes the tissues in the pancreas that can make blood insulin, a bodily hormone, says AndjelaMD and Drincic, relate professor of inner medicine from the section of diabetic issues, endocrinology, and metabolism in the University or college of Nebraska Medical Middle in Omaha. The exact cause is not known, but its probably a combination of the genes a person is born with and something in the environment that triggers the genes to become active.

The main cause of type 2 diabetes is multifactorial, says Doctor. Drincic. Lifestyle factors, like obesity and inactivity, are also important, though People inherit genes that make them susceptible to type 2. In type 2 diabetes, at least in the early stages, there is enough insulin, but the body becomes resistant to it. Risks for type two diabetes add a loved ones past of the illness, an inadequate diet regime, an inactive life-style, and excessive weight. African-Us citizens, Latin Us citizens, and specific Natural American citizen groups use a higher risk of type 2 diabetes than Caucasian People in america.

Lada Latent Autoimmune Diabetes Of Adults

Which Is Worse, Type 1 or Type 2?

Up to a third of people who were initially diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes actually have latent autoimmune diabetes of adults , sometimes refer to as type 1.5. People with LADA have features of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes their immune system attacks the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin, but they may also develop insulin resistance.

The destruction of the insulin producing cells is much slower in LADA than in type 1 diabetes. A blood test is needed to tell the difference between type 2 diabetes and LADA.

Some people can manage LADA on diet, exercise and tablets in the initial months or years following diagnosis. However, most with move onto insulin therapy at some point.

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Treatment For Low Blood Glucose

If you have type 2 diabetes that’s controlled using insulin or certain types of tablets , you may experience episodes of hypoglycaemia.

Hypoglycaemia is where your blood glucose levels become very low.

Mild hypoglycaemia can make you feel shaky, weak and hungry, but it can usually be controlled by eating or drinking something sugary.

If you have a hypo, you should initially have a form of carbohydrate that will act quickly, such as a sugary drink or glucose tablets.

This should be followed by a longer-acting carbohydrate, such as a cereal bar, sandwich or piece of fruit.

In most cases, these measures will be enough to raise your blood glucose level to normal. You should aim for a hypo to be treated and to recheck your blood glucose level within 15 minutes.

If blood glucose still less than 4mmol/l then repeat the treatment using a fast acting carbohydrate. When your blood glucose returns to normal then have your longer acting carbohydrate.

If you develop severe hypoglycaemia, you may become drowsy and confused, and you may even lose consciousness.

If this occurs, you may need to have an injection of glucagon into your muscle or glucose into a vein. Glucagon is a hormone that quickly increases your blood glucose levels.

You may require input from a health care professional. If the glucagon is not successful, you may require an injection of dextrose into your vein.

Your diabetes care team can advise you on how to avoid a hypo and what to do if you have one.

Causes Of Type 2 Diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance. The body still produces insulin, but its unable to use it effectively.

Researchers arent sure why some people become insulin resistant and others dont, but several lifestyle factors may contribute, including being inactive and carrying excess weight.

Other genetic and environmental factors may also play a role. When you develop type 2 diabetes, your pancreas will try to compensate by producing more insulin. Because your body is unable to effectively use insulin, glucose will accumulate in your bloodstream.

Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions , 34.2 million people in the United States were living with diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes in 2018. Thats a little over 1 in 10 people. Ninety to 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2.

The percentage of people with diabetes increases with age.

About 10.5 percent of the general population has diabetes. Among those 65 years old and older, the rate reaches 26.8 percent. Only 25 out of every 10,000 Americans under 20 years old had been diagnosed with diabetes in 2018.

Men and women get diabetes at roughly the same rate. However, prevalence rates are higher among certain races and ethnicities.

Prevalence rates are higher for Hispanic Americans of Mexican or Puerto Rican descent than they are for those of Central and South American or Cuban descent.

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What Is A Diabetes Meal Plan

There’s no “magic” diabetes diet. However, there are dietary recommendations for people with diabetes. Diet methods for managing both type 1 and type 2 diabetes include:

  • Carbohydrate counting

Signs and symptoms of diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, do not differ.

  • Early diabetes may not produce any symptoms at all.
  • When symptoms do occur, the age of onset is typically different, with type 1 diabetes being diagnosed most often in younger people , while type 2 diabetes is diagnosed more commonly in adults. However, this is not always the case.
  • The increasing incidence of obesity among children and adolescents has caused a rise in the development of type 2 diabetes in young people.
  • Further, some adults with diabetes may be diagnosed with a form of late-onset type 1 diabetes.

Which Type Of Diabetes Is Most Common

Which Is Worse Type1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is much less common and affects about 1.25 million people. It is further estimated that of the 29.1 million people affected with diabetes, about 8.1 million people are undiagnosed, meaning that they have diabetes but are not aware of it. There has been an increase in the number of Americans with prediabetes. In 2010, 79 million people were estimated to have prediabetes. In 2012, this number was 86 million.

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Type 1 Vs Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes have overlapping symptoms, but there are some differences. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , symptoms of type 1 diabetes can onset quickly, while symptoms of type 2 diabetes often develop slowly.

Type 1 diabetes symptoms

The ADA says the following symptoms are quite common in those with type 1 diabetes:

  • Frequent urination
  • Tingling, pain, or numbing of the hands or feet

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