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Does Diet Soda Affect Blood Sugar

Summary Of The Evidence

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As the effectiveness of substituting ASBs for SSBs for weight loss and improvement of glucose control in type 2 diabetics has been called into debate, the obvious question arises: could these compounds have the opposite of their intended effect and actually negatively influence blood sugar control? Relatively few high powered randomized controlled studies have been done to study this. Hence, the most reliable articles tend to be meta-analyses.

According to a 2014 meta-analysis by Christopher Gardener et al, the body of evidence for the direct effects of ASBs on glycemic control is severely limited. Many studies have compared Non-nutritive Sweeteners to placebo looking for any ill effect on glycemic control with null results. However, these studies fail to address the potential effect of replacing SSBs with ASBs in the diet. The studies that directly compare NNS to sugars are limited by low sample size and other potential confounders.

Carbonated Water: Is It A Good Drink For Diabetes

Carbonated wateralso called sparkling or effervescent water, club soda, seltzer water, tonic water, fizzy wateris water that contains carbon dioxide gas dissolved under pressurethe bubbles are the carbon dioxide escaping the liquid once the pressure has been released by opening the bottle or container.

There are some differences between these types of carbonated waterclub soda, for example, tends to contain added minerals while tonic water contains quinine and a small amount of sugar, usually high fructose corn syrup. Flavors can be added to any of these forms of carbonated water.

There are many different makers of carbonated water, but read the labels, especially if you are on a sodium-restricted diet, to see how much if any sodium may be in the carbonated water.  You also want to be certain that the water is pure without any additional sugars, flavorings or color agents.

I recommend reading the following articles too:

Does Coke Zero Raise Blood Sugar Levels

Coke zero doesn’t contain any sugar or calories in it. So taking coke zero for a short time like a can of it won’t raise blood sugar levels. Rather than having sugar or carbohydrate coke zero contains two artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners don’t raise the level of blood sugar but these may hamper your enamel of teeth.

Risk: Stroke And Heart Disease

Patients with diabetes already face an increased risk of stroke and heart disease. Artificial sweeteners deal an added blow. An American Heart Association/American Stroke Association study found that drinking two or more artificially sweetened beverages per day increases the risk of stroke by 23 percent, and heart disease by 29 percent.

Your Tooth Enamel May Be Damaged

#dietcoke Will Diet Coke raise my Blood Sugar?

You know that the sugars in soda and other sugary beverages can give you cavities, so you may think switching to diet beverages is the answer. Well, sugar-free drinks may cause the same amount of dental erosion as their sugary sisters, according to a study in Operative Dentistry. Researchers found that diet sodas contain phosphoric acid, the same acid found in sugary soda that can weaken tooth enamel and cause decay over time. The pH of saliva ranges from 5.5 to 6.5. The acids in diet sodas can drop saliva pH to below 5.5, the threshold at which more rapid demineralization of enamel occurs, say researchers. Sipping soda through a straw and rinsing your mouth with water will help protect teeth. So will brushing, but wait an hour after drinking sugary or diet sodas to allow your saliva to return to neutral pH before brushing, dentists say.

Mayo Clinic Q And A: Diet Soda And High Blood Pressure

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I typically drink three or four cans of diet soda each day, and my doctor told me it may be the cause of my high blood pressure. But, Ive been drinking this much soda for years and have never had any issues. Why would it suddenly affect my blood pressure?

ANSWER: Its unlikely that the diet soda you drink is causing your high blood pressure. A number of studies have examined this topic, and there is no evidence to suggest a link between regularly drinking diet soda and an increase in blood pressure. In fact, some research findings seem to suggest the opposite. Diet soda actually may contribute to lowering blood pressure.

A variety of artificial sweeteners are available on the market. All of them are judged to be safe for general use. The three artificial sweeteners primarily used in soft drinks and diet sodas are stevia, sucralose and aspartame. Stevia, a natural product, has been shown to possibly lower blood pressure in people who have high blood pressure. Sucralose, which has almost the same molecular structure as table sugar, does not have much, if any, effect on blood pressure.

The bulk of diet sodas are made with aspartame. Aspartame does not appear to cause high blood pressure either. For example, in one study looking at a possible connection between the two, rats were fed either sugary foods or large doses of aspartame. The results showed that blood pressure went down in the group that consumed the artificial sweetener.

Diet Soda Diabetes And Eye Disease

Unfortunately, increased mortality rates arent the only bad news surfacing from diet soda studies.

A 2018 study found that people with diabetes who consumed more than 4 cans of diet soda per week were two times more likely to develop a diabetes complication called proliferative diabetic retinopathy .

But if you read the entire study, the authors reported that those with increased risk of retinopathy were those with type 1 diabetes, had a greater BMI, 55 percent were current smokers, had elevated blood fat levels, and high blood pressure which can all contribute to the development of eye disease.

When authors adjusted the results for variables such as A1c levels , age, gender, smoking, etc., there was no difference in eye disease between the diet soda drinkers and the non-consumers except those with the highest consumption.

So, everything in moderation even no calorie soda is still a good motto to live by.

Impact Of Diet Soda On Your Gut Health

A healthy balance of gut bacteria is essential as weve covered in a previous blog.

Some studies indicate that consumption of diet soda can alter the composition and behavior of your intestinal bacteria. Imbalances in your gut bacteria can contribute to inflammation, glucose intolerance and metabolic syndrome, all of which make the treatment of diabetes harder.

Is Carbonated Water Healthy

Blood Sugar Test: Coke vs Diet Coke vs Zevia

Maybe the question should beif you want a YES! answeris carbonated water healthier than other beverages?  In this case, the answer is definitely yes!

Carbonated water is healthier than diet or regular soda, healthier than alcoholic drinks, healthier in general than coffee, healthier in some ways than juices and possibly healthier than some teas, particularly in some circumstances.

Carbonated water is healthier than diet or regular soda because it contains nothing but CO2 and watercarbonated mineral water will have extra minerals in it as well, but diet and regular soda contains sugars, sugar substitutes, concentrated sugars like High Fructose Corn Syrup , phosphates and phosphoric acid, caffeine, added colors and preservatives, artificial and natural flavors, and other substances.

On top of that list, sodas and diet sodas generally have no nutritional valuethey are empty calories meaning they provide calories but no nutrition.

Carbonated water is healthier than alcoholic beverages because alcohol contains sugars and empty caloriesplus, if you overdo alcohol, you can also create liver, kidney and addiction issues.

Carbonated water is healthier in general than caffeine, though caffeinated drinks do have some benefitscaffeine can, for example improve your energy levels and your cognitive abilities .

Caffeine can also help burn fat , and, for reasons that are not clear, may lower the risk of T2D, Alzheimers disease and dementia.

Diet Soda: What It Bubbles Down To

Diet soda, of course, has much less sugar and zero calories when compared to regular, sugary soft drinks, technically making it a good alternative. You can even snag some popular choices that are delicious and totally sugar-free .

But lets be real, diet soda is not actually good for us living with diabetes or not. It doesnt contribute any nutritional value but could help control blood sugars if substituted for the sugar-laden type.

In fact, a new study that tracked 450,000 Europeans over 16 years found that heavy drinkers of sugary sodas OR artificially sweetened beverages were more likely to die prematurely than those who hardly ever consumed sodas.

Those who gulped down two or more glasses of regularly sweetened soft drinks per day had a higher chance of dying from gut disorders, while those who drank the same number of diet drinks had a higher chance of dying from heart disease.

The authors did point out that those who consumed more soda were more likely to be current smokers and that participants who were overweight may have switched to sugar-free soda to help control weight.

This is just one study, so were not going to tell you to never touch soda again. Instead, you might try subbing out some of your daily soda for one of the following diabetes-friendly beverages:

  • water
  • Bonus: If you can down enough daily water , it can help your body get rid of extra glucose through your urine. Ew, but helpful.
  • sugar-free sparkling water
  • coffee
  • hot tea or iced tea
  • Foods That Spike Blood Sugar

    1 / 8 7 Foods That Spike Blood Sugar If you have type 2 diabetes, you know about the importance of making healthy mealtime choices. But just as important is staying away from the wrong foods those that can spike your blood sugar. That’s because simple carbohydrates, like white bread and sugary soda, are broken down by the body into sugar, which then enters the bloodstream. Even if you don’t have diabetes, these foods can lead to insulin resistance, which means your body’s cells don’t respond normally to the insulin produced by the pancreas. Here are seven foods you should avoid for better blood sugar control.Continue reading >>

    Why Drinking Coke Lowers Blood Sugar And Can Even Reverse Diabetes

    Keeping blood sugar levels in the range is a big challenge for every diabetic patient. To do this, you may have to remove the foods of your choice. Going with substitutes that are tasty & satisfying without spiking your sugar levels are a good option.

    As a general rule, people with diabetes or prediabetes often opt for diet soft drinks over sugary versions. Hence a question arises: can people with diabetes drink coke zero?

    Well, A range of diabetic drinks list is available in the market, which claims to be sugar-free and healthier. But, when it comes to proving the claim vs. reality, most of them fail to show positive results.

    In this article, we are about to tell you everything: Is coke zero good for diabetics? Is coke zero bad for diabetics? Also, can diabetics drink soda?

    Once you read this article, you will definitely know the facts regarding why drinking coke lowers blood sugar . Lets get started!

    Table of Content

    What Is The Bad Side Of Carbonated Water

    Can Diet Soda Raise Your Blood Sugar?

    The main concern with carbonated water is that it is somewhat acidic and can erode the enamel on your teeth. Some early signs of this may be sensitivity to cold or heat and discoloration.  One study did find that carbonated water is potentially corrosive to the teeth.

    On the other hand, it would take prolonged exposure to carbonated water to have much of an effectand the acidity can be lessened if you do two thingsfirst, drink carbonated water during meals and second, rinse with water after you finish your drink.  For most people having 2-4 bottles of carbonated water will not cause any serious problems, especially if they practice good dental hygiene and see their dentist regularly.

    For additional information on diabetes read these:

    Soft Drinks And Other Health Risks

    There has been a lot of debate about the safety of sweeteners with some health campaigners taking the view that they can lead to a range of problems ranging from depression to digestive disorders and the aforementioned type 2 diabetes.

    In response to the concerns about safety, pro-artificial sweetener lobbying groups such as the Calorie Control Council have funded studies and conducted PR campaigns to reassure consumers.

    It should be noted that the Calorie Control Council actively represents the interests of a number of large companies which sell soft drinks, sweeteners and sugary foods, including:

    • Coca-Cola

    Diet Soda May Cause Insulin Confusion

    The brain normally associates sweetwith calories. In the realm of human physiology, thats a good thing. It drivesyour body to release insulin as sugars chaperone to the cells to create fuel.In the past, people assumed this process could not occur when we consumed artificial sweeteners becausecalories dont follow the sweet flavor.

    But, one study found the process could very well happen. In the study, individuals who consumed a specific artificial sweetener had increases in both insulin and blood glucose levels. Frequent rises in insulin have been linked to insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

    Some research has even associated artificially sweetened sodas with increased risk of stroke.

    Diet Soda And Lower Blood Sugar

    My sugar has been getting out of control and I have been trying to make better food choices but nothing was working. I was even skipping meals trying to get my sugar down and that was not working! I did some online searches to find “natural ways” to lower blood sugar. I found a few sites that said “diet soda” can raise your BG and make you have a high A1C test! I stopped drinking diet soda and for the last 2-3 weeks my sugar has been awesome. I have lost 8 pounds have gone from sugar levels of 230-313 to 73-184. Has anyone ever heard about diet soda and how it can effect your BG’s? Is this crazy or maybe something else going on with me??

    sellerpurple79 said:My sugar has been getting out of control and I have been trying to make better food choices but nothing was working. I was even skipping meals trying to get my sugar down and that was not working! I did some online searches to find “natural ways” to lower blood sugar. I found a few sites that said “diet soda” can raise your BG and make you have a high A1C test! I stopped drinking diet soda and for the last 2-3 weeks my sugar has been awesome. I have lost 8 pounds have gone from sugar levels of 230-313 to 73-184. Has anyone ever heard about diet soda and how it can effect your BG’s? Is this crazy or maybe something else going on with me??

    What Is The Healthiest Diet Soda 10 Options

    Artificial Sweeteners and Insulin (Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise Insulin Levels?)

    Apart from the most popular coke zero, many other diet sodas out there can help you maintain your blood sugar levels and control diabetes.

    Let us have a look at the 10 healthiest diet sodas that you can shift to today.

  • Zevia Zero Calorie Soda, Cola
  • Zevia Ginger Root bear
  • It is not just about keeping the blood sugar levels low and within control. There are a lot of effects of diabetes on the health accompanied by several symptoms.

    All of this needs to be paid attention to and mitigated. Diet sodas do keep you away from the risks of spiking blood glucose levels. But on the other hand, there are other risks attached to it that can avoid proper control of diabetic health.

    Diet sodas do lead to diabetic complications if not controlled. Researchers have seen a 67% chance of developing Type 2 diabetes in the average population who drink diet sodas daily.

    Therefore, it all comes down to maintaining the consumption quantities and limiting to healthy and low amounts for preventing risks.

    What Is Metabolic Syndrome

    Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that often occur together. They increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

    These factors include:

    One recent study posted in Diabetes Care found a strong association between diet sodas and diabetes factors. In the study, researchers found a significant link between diet soda and the development of high blood sugar levels and belly fat, two factors of metabolic syndrome.

    The results of the study showed a 67-percent increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes in people who drank diet soda daily.

    While these are observational results and do not prove a cause-and-effect relationship, diet soda is unlikely to be the best option for people looking to control or prevent type 2 diabetes.

    Obesity is a contributing factor in diabetes.

    Controlling body weight is an important step in managing or avoiding type 2 diabetes.

    A study posted in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at the long-term effects of diet soda on waist size, an indicator of visceral or belly fat.

    This type of fat increases the risk of chronic disease more than fat located in other areas of the body. The study lasted for 9.4 years and included a total of 749 participants over 65 years of age.

    The waist circumference of participants increased when they drank diet soda for a long period. Participants who drank diet soda on a daily basis showed nearly quadruple the waist gain than those who did not drink it.

    How Much Diet Soda Is Too Much

    A regular safe amount would limit each person to one or at most two cans of diet soda per day. However, this limit for diabetics has to be kept till a can daily only.

    Diabetics should not consume diet soda every day, even if it is the limit. Over time, it can lead to complications. To avoid any long-term effects such as weight gain, one should stick to no more than 3-4 cans of diet soda per week.

    Diabetic Drinks List Will Surely Keep You On Track

    You will be glad to know that there are some drinks that can reverse or control diabetes like diabetic foods. For the purpose of hydration, plain water is the best solution to diabetics. Unsweetened or green tea and coffee will also work.

    Though water and coffee cant lower the blood sugar, they surely help to balance the level. Green tea comes as a true game-changer to lower blood sugar levels. Besides, methi water & barley water are useful to control diabetes.

    The drinks that dont lower but balance the sugar level can add them to your diet with sugar level-lowering foods. As a diabetic patient, you must keep the foods and drinks that help lower the blood sugar level or balance it.

    You should also know about the drinks that are not good for diabetics. Most of the diabetic patients query is- can diabetics drink regular soda? The answer is any drink that contains carb is not allowed for diabetic patients. So drinking regular soda is not a good option for diabetics as it contains a high amount of carbohydrates.

    Many think that diet soda is a good option for diabetics. It may not raise your blood sugar level, but its continuous use can worsen insulin resistance and cause metabolic dysfunction. So, diabetes and soda consumption are the two contrary factors.

    Besides soda, there are some alcoholic beverages and energy drinks that are harmful to diabetics.

    Does Drinking Diet Soda Increase Your Blood Sugar

    How Artificial Sweeteners Affect Blood Sugar and Insulin

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    Diet soda may seem like the perfect solution if you’re watching both calories and sugar, but drinking too much of it can actually cause more problems than it solves. The intense sweetness of diet soda tricks your brain into believing you have consumed a high-calorie treat. When no calories appear, your brain signals hunger, which can lead to overeating. Unfortunately, this is not the only ill effect diet soda has on your body.


    Although drinking diet soda doesn’t actually increase your blood sugar levels, it has other negative effects on your body and brain.

    The Lowdown On Diet Soda

    Research suggests a strong link between regularly drinking diet soda and type 2 diabetes. One study found that the artificial sweeteners in diet soda are harmful to gut bacteria, and there’s a resulting relationship between drinking diet soda and increased insulin resistance, weight gain, and diabetes.

    Scientists have proposed that other behaviors that go along with drinking diet soda are to blame for weight gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes. There seems to be both a direct and indirect effect between drinking diet soda and diabetes.

    However, the artificial sweeteners in diet soda and other sugar-free beverages have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration . They have not been found to cause other health issues and can provide flexibility for planning diabetes-friendly meals.

    You May Need To Reach For The Pepto

    Consuming too many cans of diet soda in a sitting can have a combo effect on your gut that can trigger the runs. “People often tend to pair diet soda with high-fat, high-calorie foods like a burger and fries or movie theater popcorn ,” says Andrea Ovard, RD, a nutritionist with IdealFit. The combination of GI irritation from the artificial sweeteners and heavy, fatty foods can cause cramping and diarrhea. While diet drinks consumed in moderation may not have serious negative side effects, water is a better way to stay hydrated, she says.

    Aspartame Is One Of The Common Alternative Sweeteners

    There are several types of alternative sweeteners used in diet sodas. The most common once include Aspartame, which is a chemical sweetener found in a variety of diet sodas and even chewing gum.

    Other ones are Sucralose, which studies indicate can raise blood sugar and cause peaks in insulin levels, and Sorbitol that has been linked to severe diarrhea in some studies.

    Other sweeteners that seem to raise fewer concerns are Erythritol, which is a corn-based type of sugar alcohol, and the natural Stevia leaf that seems to be a safe alternative to sugar.  

    Risk: Gut Bacteria Imbalances

    Is Diet Soda Bad for you? Diabetes Doctor explains. SugarMD

    A healthy balance of gut bacteria is essential to metabolic and immune health. Research shows that drinking diet soda changes the composition and behavior of your intestinal bacteria. Bacterial imbalances can contribute to metabolic syndrome, glucose intolerance, and inflammation. These conditions make diabetes treatment harder.

    Water: The Gold Standard

    While sugar substitutes are generally healthier than what theyre replacing, Benavides says water is still the best beverage of all.

    Water is the gold standard of beverages, Benavides said. It has no calories, no carbs and goes with just about any meal.

    If you find yourself getting tired of plain water, try infusing it with some fruit or fresh mint. Infused water is virtually calorie-free because the nutrients from infused fruit is negligible. However, sugar, calories and fiber can still be consumed if you eat the fruit itself.

    Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise Insulin Levels

    Well, the good news is the body doesnât recognize artificial sweeteners as sugar. Thatâs because theyâre not actually sugar. Instead, theyâre chemicals that bind to our taste buds that recognize sweetness. In theory, our body shouldnât produce insulin in response to consuming artificial sweeteners. Indeed, studiesshow that aspartame doesnât directly raise insulin levels.

    Evidence is emerging that other sweeteners seem to affect metabolism. A recent study found that sucralose, used in the brand name Splenda, increases the insulin response to sugar, when taken 10 minutes before glucose. And Splenda and other brandname sweeteners contain dextrose, which has a small amount of calories, and this can cause a small insulin response.

    The effect of sweeteners on the bodyâs insulin response, especially over time, isnât something thatâs been well studied. However, one recent study of patients with Type II diabetes found that those who consumed artificial sweeteners had a higher level of insulin resistance than those who didnât consume artificial sweeteners. In other words, their bodies werenât able to process sugars as well. 

    This study doesnât necessarily mean artificial sweeteners are to blame â itâs possible those who had more artificial sweeteners also consumed more sugar. But the effect of sweeteners like aspartame and Splenda on insulin is a growing research area and one to watch.



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