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How Much Insulin Can You Take In A Day

Insulin Amounts Made Easy

How to inject insulin as an adult | 7 simple steps | Diabetes UK

Most people with diabetes will probably say that calculating your insulin is no walk in the park so much so that we have a blog post dedicated to 11 things that are as hard as calculating your insulin dosage.

With more people using insulin nowadays, its important to get help with calculating that important but tricky insulin dosage.

We hope that these formulas will have given you a general idea of how insulin is calculated, and help you in the process of determining your own dosage. We also hope that Hedia will turn the bore of those calculations into more free time for you!

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How Do I Take And Adjust My Insulin Doses

It is important to learn the different methods of taking insulin and what kinds of insulin can be delivered through each method. There are several ways to take insulin syringe, pen, pump, or inhalation though injection with a syringe is currently the most common for people with type 2 diabetes. There are many apps that can help you calculate your insulin doses.

Your insulin regimen should be tailored to fit your needs and lifestyle. Adjusting your basal insulin dosage and timing will require conversations and frequent follow-up with your healthcare team. When initiating insulin therapy, you may be advised to start with a low dose and increase the dose in small amounts once or twice a week, based on your fasting glucose levels. People with diabetes should aim to spend as much time as possible with glucose levels between 70-180 mg/dl. Insulin may be used alone or in combination with oral glucose-lowering medications, such as metformin, SGLT-2 inhibitors, or GLP-1 agonists.

Will Tresiba Cure My Diabetes

No. There is currently no cure for diabetes that needs treatment with insulin. Thats because if your pancreas has stopped producing insulin or cant make enough insulin, theres currently no way to make it work again. Therefore, youll need to continue taking insulin.

Although there is no cure, insulin drugs like Tresiba can help you manage your diabetes and keep your blood sugar levels under control.

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Types Of Insulin Where To Inject It And The Best Methods For Insulin Delivery

role of insulinshort- and long-term complicationsYour diabetes treatment team is there to help you. Patients’ Guide to Managing Your Child’s Type 1 Diabetes

This article will provide a basic overview of insulin. You can also visit our Patients’ Guide to Insulin for more information as well as read more in the section on Type 1 Diabetes Treatments, which has a chart providing more detail about the types of insulin that your doctor may prescribe.

Types Of Insulin Doses

How Much Insulin To Take Chart

To answer the question how much insulin should I take?, you need to know why youre injecting insulin. Youll be injecting different amounts depending on whether its basal or bolus insulin.

What is basal and bolus? Well tell you. But first lets have a quick look at how insulin injections work.

Insulin injections are taken when your own body doesnt produce enough insulin. You need that insulin because insulin is a fundamental part of metabolism.

Insulin makes sure that the sugar in your bloodstream can enter the cells to be used as energy.

Without that insulin, the sugar stays in your blood, and your blood sugar levels could get too high. So, when you eat or drink carbs, those carbs become sugar in the blood.

Bolus insulin

So, carbs will raise blood sugar levels. If youre insulin-dependent, this means that you need to take insulin injections whenever you take carbs, to bring blood sugar levels down. This kind of insulin injection is called a bolus.

Rapid-acting insulinis most commonly used for the bolus meaning you should usually inject between 5 and 15 minutes before eating or drinking carbs. This insulin remains active for 2-4 hours.

Correction dose

A part of the bolus dose includes the correction dose. This is because at some point, you might get high blood glucose/blood sugar either before eating or several hours after eating.

To bring the blood sugar levels down, youll need to inject insulin. This injection is referred to as the correction dose.

Basal insulin

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How Much Insulin Should I Take: Basal

For your basal dose, youll usually inject a set amount of insulin each day. The Diabetes Education and Research Center gives a formula for a general idea of how many units are needed.

The DERC first suggests calculating your total daily dose , which is the amount of insulin for your bolus and basal doses combined per day. This is calculated by dividing your weight in pounds by 4.

Then, the DERC proposes that the basal dose should be half of the total daily dose. Thus: total daily dose ÷ 2 = basal dose.

However, this is only a proposed general guideline. For a personal idea of your basal dose, you should be advised by your healthcare team, who will take other factors into account, such as the kind of insulin youre using.

Can Tresiba Be Used To Treat Diabetic Ketoacidosis

No, its not recommended for this. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a medical emergency thats caused by very high blood sugar levels. DKA usually needs to be treated in a hospital, where insulin is given intravenously until your blood sugar falls to a safe level.

Tresiba should not be injected into your vein. And when given subcutaneously , it doesnt lower blood sugar quickly enough to treat DKA.

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Tresiba Use With Other Drugs

Youll likely use Tresiba with other drugs to help manage your blood sugar levels.

If you have type 1 diabetes, youll typically take Tresiba with a short-acting or rapid-acting insulin. These types of insulin are taken at mealtimes to manage spikes in blood sugar after eating.

Examples of these drugs include:

  • insulin regular human
  • insulin aspart
  • insulin glulisine

If you have type 2 diabetes, youll likely take Tresiba along with diabetes medications that you take by mouth. Examples of these include:

  • metformin

Tresiba is used to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults and in children ages 1 year and older.

How Much Metformin Is Too Much Can You Overdose On Metformin

How to Administer Insulin
30 Nov 2012 by mfuston39
diabetes, type 2, metformin, overdose

I am prescribed to 2.5 1000mg Metformin per day. However, that doesn’t seem to be enough, because my blood sugar had been around 300 lately. I feel like I need to take 4 pills per day to keep it in check. Is that too much, and can you overdose on Metformin?

I suggest you contact your Dr. or Pharmacist, do not self medicate as this can happen:

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. An overdose of metformin may cause lactic acidosis. Get emergency medical help if you have any of these symptoms of lactic acidosis: weakness, increasing sleepiness, slow heart rate, cold feeling, muscle pain, shortness of breath, stomach pain, feeling light-headed, and fainting.

read more at:

I totally agree with masos answer. My hubby is diabetic & was also on metforim & glyberide, but because his glucose were too high he has had his meds changed by his doctor completely. You need to see your endoctrinologist about this. Do not self medicate…


Silly pat answer. if you are not qualified dont post. The post call your doctor. is simple minded.


Yes, might be time to consider going on insulin. My fasting levels were 120 and my doctor is wanting to add 1 dose of insulin at bedtime. Levels at 360 are causing damage to your body. Take care – EJ

kaismamaBeth Whirry+0Namii+0keith2468

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How Much Insulin Should I Take : Bolus

The amount of insulin needed for the bolus depends on how many carbs youre going to have. You need to know how many units of insulin will cover a certain amount of carbs. This is called the insulin-to-carb ratio.

For instance, one unit of rapid-acting insulin might cover 10 grams of carbs. Your ratio would then be written as 1:10. Accordingly, if you ate 10 grams of carbs, you would need to inject 1 unit of insulin.

The insulin-to-carb ratio varies for each person speak to your healthcare team to get help with figuring out your ratio.

Your ratio will often be established through trial-and-error. However, a standard formula for the ratio is the 500 rule.

This is where 500 is divided by your total daily dose. Your total daily dose is the amount of insulin for your bolus and basal doses combined per day .

Thus: 500 ÷ total daily dose = the number of grams of carbs covered by 1 unit of rapid-acting insulin.

If your total daily dose was 50, this would give you the following calculation: 500 ÷ 50 = 10. This would mean that 10 grams of carbs would require 1 unit of insulin, giving you the ratio of 1:10.

Figuring out your bolus also means figuring out your carb intake. Let Hedias carb calculator help you with this. See how it works by getting Hedia from the App Store or from !

The Impact Of Diabetes

As we mentioned, diabetes affects tens of millions of Americans. This condition can lead to serious short and long-term consequences.

There are things you can to prevent the onset of diabetes, but there is also a genetic component. If you are diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes, you will have to practice lifestyle changes and/or take medication to slow the advance of this condition.

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Important Safety Information For Apidra When Used In A Pump

Replace the infusion sets , and the Apidra in the reservoir at least every 48 hours and select a new infusion site. Do not mix or dilute Apidra when used in the pump. Failure of your insulin pump or infusion set or degradation of the insulin in the pump can cause hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. Always carry an alternate form of insulin administration in the case of pump failure.

for Full Prescribing Information for Apidra. for information on Sharps Medical Waste Disposal. to learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.

If you are a patient experiencing problems with a Sanofi US product, please contact Sanofi US at .

The health information contained herein is provided for general educational purposes only. Your healthcare professional is the single best source of information regarding your health. Please consult your healthcare professional if you have any questions about your health or treatment.

*Eligibility Restrictions & Offer Terms:

Insulins Valyou Savings Program:

Sanofi insulins included in this program are: ADMELOG® 100 Units/mL, TOUJEO® 300 Units/mL, LANTUS® 100 Units/mL and APIDRA® 100 Units/mL.

Sanofi Copay Program:

  • Apidra: $0 copay with maximum savings up to $100 per pack up to 1 pack per fill.

Savings may vary depending on patientsâ out-of-pocket costs. Upon registration, patients receive all program details. Sanofi US reserves the right to change the maximum cap amount, rescind, revoke or amend these programs without notice.

What Other Information Should I Know

How much sugar can a diabetic have per day, THAIPOLICEPLUS.COM

Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin should be checked regularly to determine your response to human insulin. Your doctor will also tell you how to check your response to human insulin by measuring your blood or urine sugar levels at home. Follow these directions carefully.

You should always wear a diabetic identification bracelet to be sure you get proper treatment in an emergency.

Do not let anyone else use your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

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Side Effects And Risks

Tresiba and Lantus are both long-acting insulins. Therefore, these medications can cause very similar side effects. Below are examples of these side effects.

Mild side effects

Examples of mild side effects that can occur with both Tresiba and Lantus include:

Serious side effects

Examples of serious side effects that can occur with both Tresiba and Lantus include:

What Happens If You Avoid Taking Your Insulin

If you have type 1 diabetes, taking insulin is essential and you cannot live without it. If you avoid taking it, your blood sugar levels can become too high and you risk developing diabetic ketoacidosis . If left untreated, DKA could be life-threatening. Thats why its important to make sure you take your insulin.

If you have type 2 diabetes and use insulin to treat your condition, you should continue to take it as prescribed. If you avoid taking it, your blood sugar levels could become too high and you may become ill. Please speak to your healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns about taking your insulin.

Insulin is a treatment that helps manage blood sugars, so this also reduces the risk of serious long-term complications as well a shorter-term consequences. Its still important to keep going to your appointments and manage your condition with healthy lifestyle choices. Staying active and eating a healthy diet will reduce the risk of complications from your diabetes, but insulin is also an important part of your treatment.

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Can You Take Tresiba Twice A Day

No, Tresiba should only be taken once daily. This drug works to help control your blood sugar levels for 42 hours after you inject a dose. So, with once daily dosing, it controls your blood sugar between meals and overnight. And the level of Tresiba also stays consistent in your body with once daily dosing.

Insulin For Type 2 Diabetes

Eating NO Carbs and Taking NO Insulin as a Type 1 Diabetic

If you have type 2 diabetes and your doctor thinks insulin can help you, it doesnt mean you now have type 1 diabetes. You still have type 2 diabetes, but you’ve changed treatment.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you may not need to use insulin straight away. But some people have very high blood sugar levels when they are first diagnosed. Insulin can be used as a short-term treatment to help quickly bring down your blood sugar levels.

Some people may need to take insulin for a particular reason, like during pregnancy or a severe illness, or after surgery. But you may also need to start it as a treatment if other medications havent helped managed your blood sugar levels or are not appropriate for you.

If you need insulin it isnt your fault and it doesnt mean you havent managed your diabetes well. It’s simply another medication that can help to keep you as healthy as possible. Managing blood sugars effectively is really important in reducing your risk of future diabetes complications and insulin may be the most appropriate treatment choice for you. Many people with type 2 diabetes need to use it as treatment at some point.

Its still important to keep going to your appointments and manage your condition with healthy lifestyle choices. Staying active and eating a healthy diet will reduce the risk of complications from your diabetes.

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How Do I Take Insulin

Insulin is normally injected under the skin with a very small needle. It can also be taken with an insulin pen. Your doctor will teach you exactly how to inject insulin, but here are the basics:

Wash your hands.

  • Take the plastic cover off the insulin bottle and wipe the top of the bottle with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

  • Pull back the plunger of the syringe, drawing air into the syringe equal to the dose of insulin that you are taking . Put the syringe needle through the rubber top of the insulin bottle. Inject air into the bottle by pushing the syringe plunger forward. Turn the bottle upside down.

  • What If I Take Too Much

    Urgent advice: Contact your doctor straight away if:

    • you take too many gliclazide tablets

    An overdose of gliclazide can cause low blood sugar.

    If you think you have low blood sugar, have some food or drink that quickly gets sugar into your bloodstream, such as sugar cubes or fruit juice.

    This type of sugar will not last long in your blood, so you may also need to eat a starchy carbohydrate, like a sandwich or a biscuit.

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    Do I Need To Monitor My Blood Sugar Level

    Yes. Monitoring and controlling your blood sugar is key to preventing the complications of diabetes. If you dont already monitor your blood sugar level, you will need to learn how. Checking your blood sugar involves pricking your finger to get a small drop of blood that you put on a test strip. You can read the results yourself or insert the strip into a machine called an electronic glucose meter. The results will tell you whether your blood sugar is in a healthy range. Your doctor will give you additional information about monitoring your blood sugar.

    What If I Forget To Take It

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    If you miss a dose of gliclazide, take the next dose at the usual time. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

    If you forget doses often, it may help to set an alarm to remind you. You could also ask your pharmacist for advice on other ways to help you remember to take your medicine.

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