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HomeHealthHow To Tell If You Have Diabetes

How To Tell If You Have Diabetes

Darker Area Of Skin That Feels Like Velvet

Diabetes Tips : How to Tell If You Have Diabetes

A dark patch of velvety skin on the back of your neck, armpit, groin, or elsewhere could mean that you have too much insulin in your blood. This is often a sign of prediabetes.The medical name for this skin condition is acanthosis nigricans.

Acanthosis Nigricans

Often causing darker skin in the creases of the neck, AN may be the first sign that someone has diabetes.

Take action
  • Get tested for diabetes

Yellowish Scaly Patches On And Around Your Eyelids

These develop when you have high fat levels in your blood. It can also be a sign that your diabetes is poorly controlled.The medical name for this condition is xanthelasma.

Take action
  • Tell your doctor about the yellowish scaly patches around your eyes.
  • Talk with your doctor about how to better control your diabetes. Controlling diabetes can clear the scaly patches.

Does Not Having Symptoms Mean Diabetes Is Being Managed Well

Blood sugar control is crucial when youre living with type 2 diabetes. Dips and spikes can not only make you feel cranky and sluggish, but they can also wreak havoc on your personal health.

The most serious effects of blood sugar swings are a higher risk for diabetes-related health complications such as stroke, heart disease, and nerve damage .

For the record, the American Diabetes Association notes that you have diabetes if one of the following applies to you:

  • Your blood glucose after fasting is 126 milligrams per deciliter or higher.
  • Your blood glucose two hours after eating a meal is 200 mg/dl or higher.
  • Your hemoglobin A1C is 6.5 or higher.

The tricky part is that with type 2 diabetes you may not feel it when blood sugar levels are too high, according to the ADA. It feels different for everyone. Not everyone will have the same symptoms, and some individuals will have no symptoms at all, says Lori Zanini, RD, CDE, a Los Angelesbased former spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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Because blood sugar management is so important to your overall health with type 2 diabetes, you need to take action if you think your levels may be out of control, even if youre feeling totally fine.

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Diabetes Warning Signs: 10 Early Symptoms You Shouldn`t Ignore

Here are 10 early symptoms that can help you recognize the onset of diabetes and aid you in getting your blood sugar under control before its too late.

1. You Pee a Lot

When the glucose level in your blood is high, your body tries to compensate by having your kidneys filter the excess sugar from your blood. The kidneys then flush the glucose from your body through your urine, increasing the frequency with which you must pee. You may also have an increase in urinary tract infections and notice that you get up more frequently at night to urinate.

2. Youre Always Thirsty

Because your kidneys are causing more frequent urination, it makes sense that your body is low on fluids, causing you to become dehydrated. And because youre dehydrated, you can feel thirsty all the time. You may also experience an extremely dry mouth.

3. Youre Hungry All the Time

When you have diabetes, your body doesnt properly use the energy in the foods you eat. Although glucose is present in the blood, your cells cant absorb it and begin to starve for energy. As a response, the cells communicate with the pancreas, saying they need more energy. The pancreas then increases the amount of insulin in the body, which tells the brain that youre hungry.

4. You Unexpectedly Lose Weight

5. Your Skin Becomes Very Dry

Another diabetes warning sign is dry, itchy skin. Caused by a combination of increased blood sugar levels and poor circulation, your skin may feel flaky and have an increased risk of infection.

Swollen Or Bleeding Gums Which Increase Your Infection Risk

Diabetes: How to spot the signs before it

Gum disease is a complication of diabetes, notes the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. It can also make diabetes harder to control, because the bodys response to infection is to release more glucose into the bloodstream, according to the ADA.

Your saliva contains glucose and the more it contains, the more there is to feed the bacteria that combine with food in your mouth to form plaque and cause gum disease. Symptoms can include red or inflamed gums at first. If they are unaddressed, they can progress to periodontitis, which can cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, the appearance of pus or ulcers, or even tooth loss, notes the Mayo Clinic. Get your blood sugar under control and see a dental professional to prevent damage to your gums and teeth.

Additional reporting by Diana Rodriguez and Andrea Peirce.

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Your Vision’s Getting Increasingly Blurry

Blurry vision is a commonand often ignoreddiabetes symptom in women. What does diabetes have to do with your vision? Kellis explains that fluid can form in your eye’s lens as sugar levels increase .

Diabetes can cause significant, unexplained weight loss. Think: 10 or 20 pounds.

A buildup of fluid in the eye blurs vision, causes nearsightedness, and sends many people to the optometrist for a new glasses or contacts prescription.

Fortunately, getting your blood sugar levels under control can clear up blurred vision, she adds.

How To Tell If You Or Your Child Has Type 1 Diabetes

With Ilana Halperin MD and Elena Christofides MD

Type 1 diabetes is a permanent condition. That means youll likely have to deal with symptoms at least a few times in your life, no matter how diligently you monitor your blood sugar. Were here to empower you with clear answers to all your pressing Qs.

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Being Extra Thirsty And Having To Urinate More Than Usual

This is a common but not-so-obvious sign of blood sugar that is too high: feeling really thirsty and needing to drink more than usual. Excessive urination, known as polyuria, occurs when glucose builds up in your blood, and your kidneys begin working harder to get rid of the extra glucose, says Zanini. If your kidneys cant keep up and adjust blood sugar so that it returns to a normal level, the excess sugar is flushed out of your body through urine, she adds. You may become dehydrated and get dizzy.

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes Symptoms & Treatments : How to Know If You Have Diabetes

Apart from a blood test, the best way to know if you have diabetes is to look out for the symptoms. For type 1 diabetes, the first thing you need to consider is age. If you are a younger person, then you are more likely to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. However, type 1 diabetes only accounts for up to 10% of diabetes patients, the rest being type 2 and other diabetic conditions.

The symptoms are also clearer in children and they can appear rather suddenly. This doesn’t mean the condition has appeared suddenly. It’s possible to have type 1 diabetes for some time before feeling the adverse effects. This is why yearly blood tests are recommended for those with an increased predisposition of diabetes. This includes those with a close relative who may have the same condition or having other autoimmune issues.

The symptoms to look out for in type 1 diabetes include:

  • Excessive urination
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased thirst
  • Short rapid breaths
  • Vomiting
  • Blurry vision

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Your Visions Getting Increasingly Blurry

As your blood sugar levels rise, fluid can form in your eyes lens. The buildup of liquid in the eye blurs vision and causes nearsightedness. If you havent had to visit the optometrist for new glasses or contacts prescription in a long time, but suddenly notice difficulties focusing visually, you may be dealing with undiagnosed diabetes. Want to hear some good news? Well, getting your blood glucose levels under control can clear up blurred vision.

Other Signs Of Diabetes

Pay attention if you find yourself feeling drowsy or lethargic pain or numbness in your extremities vision changes fruity or sweet-smelling breath which is one of the symptoms of high ketones and experiencing nausea or vomitingas these are additional signs that something is not right. If theres any question, see your doctor immediately to ensure that your blood sugar levels are safe and rule out diabetes.

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Who Is At Risk

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and as yet the triggers for this condition are unknown. However, type 2 diabetes has a number of risk factors, including being overweight or obese, living a sedentary lifestyle, or eating an unhealthy, high-calorie diet. “With type 2 diabetes your body’s still producing at least some insulin but you can’t respond to it – you’ve lost that sensitivity.”

“If the system gets overworked – eating the wrong things, eating too frequently, too much – the system gets worn out and we lose the sensitivity to it,” explains Dr Jenna Macciochi, Doctor of Immunology at the University of Sussex.

Whats The Difference Between Signs Vs Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes

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Type 1 diabetes symptoms are experienced by a person with diabetes, but signs of type 1 diabetes can also be noted by friends and family even if the person who is having the symptoms may not notice them or may be unable to communicate because they are in the throes of diabetic ketoacidosis. Common signs of T1D to watch out for include:

  • Weight loss, despite eating more
  • Changes to menstruation
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Low body temperature
  • Acting or seeming drunk while sober, which is a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Breath that is fruity or smells like nail polish remover which is another sign of ketosis
  • Chronic skin infections

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What Is The Best Medication For Diabetes

While diet and exercise alone are enough to help some people with type 2 diabetes achieve their target blood-sugar levels, many also need medications or insulin therapy to effectively manage the disease.

Which diabetes medications are best for you depends on many factors, including your blood-sugar level and other health conditions you have. The prescription drug metformin is usually the first medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. It works by lowering glucose production in the liver and improving sensitivity to insulin so that your body uses the hormone more effectively. But your doctor may also recommend a combination of drugs from different classes to help you control your blood sugar in several different ways.

This article first appeared in our print magazine, Reverse Diabetes.

Youre Hungrier Than Usual But Losing Weight

Many people with uncontrolled high blood sugar find that theyre hungrier than usual, which signals a symptom called polyphagia, MedlinePlus notes. And although youre eating more, you may be losing weight for no apparent reason if your blood sugar levels are too high, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Since your body is not getting energy from the preferred source, glucose, it has to turn to muscle and fat, Zanini explains. When your body starts breaking down muscle and fat for energy, you experience unintentional and unhealthy weight loss. In addition to these changes in weight and appetite, you may notice weakness in your muscles and experience more frequent falls, Emanuele adds.

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How Do I Know If I Have Diabetes

January 24, 2020 by Diabetes Care

Symptoms of diabetes can be very mild. Many symptoms for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are similar, however it is more difficult to detect symptoms for type 2 diabetes since the disease progresses very slowly. Usually you can only diagnose type 2 diabetes with a screening test. As a result, many Canadians are unaware that they have this condition.

Read on to learn more about:

  • Symptoms of diabetes
  • The different types of diabetes
  • Why early diagnosis is important
  • How to go about getting a diagnosis

What Causes Type 1 Diabetes

How do I know if I have diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes occurs when your immune system, the bodys system for fighting infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Scientists think type 1 diabetes is caused by genes and environmental factors, such as viruses, that might trigger the disease. Studies such as TrialNet are working to pinpoint causes of type 1 diabetes and possible ways to prevent or slow the disease.

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Youre Suddenly Peeing A Lot

When you have excess sugar circulating through your bloodstream, your body instinctively attempts to get rid of it. How? Through urine, of course! If you notice that youre suddenly passing out large volumes of urine, and more often, for no real reason especially if youre waking up more than once during the night to go, its time to schedule a visit to your doctor.

What Are Diabetic Home Tests

Although going in to see your doctor will give you accurate blood sugar readings, it can be a hassle making an appointment, waiting to see your doctor and traveling to and from the office. Instead you can do at home testing, which can help you better monitor and control your diabetes.

There are different types of at-home tests you can complete daily to properly monitor your blood sugar levels. You can do a blood test, urine test or use an A1C kit.

Those who would benefit from diabetic home testing are those with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and individuals who are showing signs of diabetes. By keeping track of blood sugar levels you can gauge how your current treatment and lifestyle habits are affecting your condition.

A normal blood sugar reading, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , is between 70 and 140 mg/dL. Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia is considered when a reading is below 70 mg/dL and hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar is a reading over 140 mg/dL.

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels not only helps control or prevent diabetes, but it reduces your risk of developing diabetic complications like diabetic coma, eye disease, gum disease, kidney disease and nerve damage.

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What Are Severe Complications Of Type 1 Diabetes

Nerve damage. High blood-sugar levels over a long period of time can actually cause your blood to thicken. When this happens, the blood has a harder time moving through your blood vessels and restricts the amount of oxygen and nutrients that can be supplied to your nerves. If left untreated, this can lead to a complication called neuropathy, or nerve damage. Nerve damage, in turn, can cause certain areas of your body to permanently lose sensation. It most commonly affects hands and feet.

Kidney damage. Thickened blood is harder to move through your body and can damage the delicate vessels inside of your kidneys. Over time, the blood vessels in your kidneys can narrow and clog, limiting their function. Because high blood sugar can damage nerves as well, people with type 1 diabetes may not be able to feel nerve signals when their bladder is full. An overfull bladder puts pressure on the kidneys and can damage them even further.

Remember, all of these symptoms and complications can be prevented if you work with your endocrinologist on a blood sugar management plan and system that works for you. Every symptom on this list can absolutely be stopped before it progresses. There is no reason a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes has to lead to anything other than an advanced awareness and understanding of how your body reacts to sugar and what to do to keep it in check when things start to get out of whack.

Your Breath Smells Awful

How Do U Know If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes-related dehydration contributes to dry mouth, and the bad breath that can accompany it.

Whats more, undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes can trigger ketosis, a process in which the body uses fat, rather than glucose, for energy. Ketosis releases a chemical byproduct called ketones, which can make your breath smell unpleasantly sweet or fruity, she sayssometimes it might even smell like acetone, since that’s a type of ketone.

Unless you’re on a keto diet , it’s worth talking to your doctor.

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Youre Developing Blisters Dryness Or Other Skin Changes

Small pieces of extra skin, called skin tags, may form in the creases of skin, especially if you have diabetes and youre trying to find ways to manage your weight, notes the ADA. Dark, thick areas of soft skin may form on the back of the neck or hands, armpits, face, or other areas. These can be a sign of insulin resistance, Zanini says. Blisters, infections, dryness, itchiness, discolorations, and abnormalities of the skin can all be warning signs of high blood sugar. Check with your doctor if these skin changes develop.

What Is The Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Before you can know if you have diabetes, you need to know the difference between the two main types. There are other conditions which fall under the banner group of diabetes mellitus , but type 1 and type 2 diabetes make up the majority. One, gestational diabetes, happens during pregnancy and is something which should be monitored for during pregnancy check-ups.

  • Type 1 diabetes: this is when the pancreas does not produce insulin to regulate your blood sugar. It is diagnosed most commonly earlier in life, usually during childhood. Genetics play a part in whether or not you will get type 1 diabetes, but many genes can affect it.
  • Type 2 diabetes: this is when the body develops resistance to and creates a lack of insulin leading to inability to control blood sugar levels. It is usually diagnosed later in life and is very related to lifestyle, particularly obesity.

Insulin is a hormone which regulates our metabolism, promoting the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and protein into the blood stream. This is essential to our survival as these nutrients keep our body functioning and help our immune system to function properly. It is created in the pancreas, so damage to this organ can have a drastic effect on our ability to produce insulin.

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