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Why Is My Fasting Blood Sugar High

What Do Your Fasting Blood Glucose And Hemoglobin A1c Levels Mean

Why High Blood Sugar Levels Won’t Come Down On Keto & Intermittent Fasting? Dr.Berg

Blood glucose serves as the primary energy source for our brain and body. Healthy blood glucose levels are therefore essential for maintaining overall health and longevity. Unfortunately, several factors including the Standard American Diet and a sedentary lifestyle can increase glucose beyond normal levels, and over time, result in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. If undetected, consistently high glucose can lead to long-term health complications, including nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, and kidney failure. This article explains the two most common blood tests used to detect abnormal glucose levels and ways to properly regulate them.

Can Fasting Raise Your Blood Sugar

Fasting can definitely raise blood glucose. This is due to the effect of insulin falling and the rising counter-regulatory hormones including increased sympathetic tone, noradrenaline, cortisol and growth hormone, in addition to glucagon. These all have the effect of pushing glucose from liver storage into the blood.

How To Lower Morning Blood Sugar Without Medication

Dr. Danielle Weiss is the founder of the Center for Hormonal Health and Well-Being, a personalized, proactive, patient-centered medical practice with a unique focus on integrative endocrinology. She enjoys giving lectures and writing articles for both the lay public and medical audiences.

Diabetes is a chronic disease where the level of glucose in the blood is too high . People with this condition often worry about high blood sugar levels in the morning. This is so common that it has a name: the dawn phenomenon. As our body prepares to wake up in the morning, it releases a surge of hormones, which can work against insulin and cause blood sugar level to rise. Also called the dawn effect, this can affect anyone and isn’t usually a problem because the body naturally produces insulin to correct it, but the bodies of people with diabetes may not be able to respond the same way. This results in consistently high blood sugar levels in the morning.

It is possible to lower your blood sugar level without medications through lifestyle and dietary changes. If simple lifestyle changes don’t work, people with diabetes should consult with their healthcare provider to determine the best approach to lower their blood sugar level in the morning.

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Who Should Do The Test

According to the American Diabetes Association, screening for diabetes is recommended in people over 45 , or at any age if you have certain risk factors, including :

  • Being overweight, obese, or physically inactive
  • Having a close relative with diabetes
  • Belonging to a certain race/ethnic group
  • Having signs of insulin resistance or conditions associated with insulin resistance, such as high blood pressure , low good cholesterol and/or high triglycerides , and polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Having had diabetes in pregnancy

Why Is My Morning Blood Sugar So High

Why Is My Blood Sugar High In The Morning After Fasting ...

A complex array of factors affects blood sugar levels, including hormones, diet, and lifestyle.

Q: I have prediabetes and now eat minimal carbs and sugar. My doctor told me to monitor my sugar levels, morning and night. At night, two hours after eating, my sugar levels are between 112 and 130 mg/dL . But in the morning, my fasting sugar level is always higher than the night number. Why is that? What am I doing wrong?

There are a few reasons why your blood sugar may be elevated in the morning. First, its important to understand that certain hormonal changes that occur overnight may lead to high blood sugar levels in the morning.

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If My A1c Is Normal My Glucose Is Good

An A1C result thatâs below 5.7% is normal âs standards, but having a result below that number isnât the end of the story. Pregnancy, hemoglobin variants, anemia, liver disease, and certain medications can cause inaccurate A1C results.

Additionally, the A1C test is measuring your average glucose value over the past 3 months, but averages inherently do not capture highs and lows. So, you could have a normal average while also having abnormal glucose spikes. The A1C test should only supplement your regular blood sugar testing, not replace it completely.

Risks Of Abnormal Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

As suggested earlier, the normal fasting blood sugar level is between 70-100mg/dl.

  • If your blood sugar level is below 70mg/dl then you may have hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.
  • A blood sugar level of 100 suggests prediabetes or borderline diabetes.
  • A blood sugar of 120 mg/dl is an indication of diabetes.

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Studies On Blood Sugar And Fasting

Not all studies show that intermittent fasting is a magic wand when it comes to reducing your blood sugar levels. Research indicates daily caloric restriction and diets that mimic fasting also have a positive effect on blood glucose levels.

A 12-month study that compared alternate-day fasting to daily caloric restriction found both methods of calorie reduction lowered fasting glucose levels. Other studies also support the theory that its the caloric restriction that reduces fasting glucose and the risk for atherosclerosis.

However, intermittent fasting may still be among the easiest ways to restrict your caloric intake. You may find its easier to limit your calories for a few hours or a few days per week versus every day.

If you already have insulin resistance, or if your intermittent fasting protocol causes you to stress, fasting can cause an increase in your blood sugar.

A Brazilian study suggests the stress of fasting might increase the production of free radicals. These stress-induced free radicals can harm the cells in your pancreas, which is the organ responsible for insulin production. Damage to your pancreas can inhibit your ability to reduce glucose in your bloodstream and can lead to an increase in your belly fat. The Brazilian study, however, is an outlier.

Long Acting Insulin Not Working For The Entire 24 Hours

High Fasting Blood Sugar Levels on a Keto Diet

THIS WAS THE CULPRIT FOR ME! I would normally go to sleep with a blood sugar of between 6.5 mmol/L and 7.5 mmol/L. Between 3:00 a.m and 4:00 a.m I would have a reading of between 12 mmol/L and 16 mmol/L. I normally took my basal insulin in the morning around 7:00 a.m. Lantus is supposed to be active for 24 hours controlling your blood sugar levels when you are not eating. However, in some individuals like myself, it only lasts about 18 to 20 hours. During long periods of time when we are not eating , the liver releases glucose to fuel the body. In my case, there was no long acting insulin in my body to handle this glucose, resulting in my high fasting blood sugars.

Also note that not eating will not help the issue. One may tend to not want to eat if they have a high fasting blood sugar. Eating and taking insulin will signal to the body that the fasting period is over and there is no need for the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream.

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What Is Normal Blood Sugar When Fasting

Includes Diseases:Diabetes mellitus type 1

Simply so, is fasting sugar 110 normal?

Until 2003, a fasting blood glucose level under 110 mg/dl was considered to be normal and fasting blood glucose in the range of 110 to 125 mg/dl indicated impaired fasting glucose , or prediabetes. A blood glucose level 200 mg/dl or higher two hours after the drink indicates diabetes.

Furthermore, what should your blood sugar be after fasting for 12 hours? Fasting blood glucose measures blood glucose levels after a 12– to 14-hour fast. While levels normally decrease during fasting, they remain persistently high in people with diabetes. A fasting glucose value above 125 mg/dL on at least 2 tests indicates diabetes.

Beside above, why does blood sugar go up when fasting?

Fasting can definitely raise blood glucose. This is due to the effect of insulin falling and the rising counter-regulatory hormones including increased sympathetic tone, noradrenaline, cortisol and growth hormone, in addition to glucagon. These all have the effect of pushing glucose from liver storage into the blood.

Will pre diabetes go away?

It’s real. It’s common. And most importantly, it’s reversible. You can prevent or delay prediabetes from developing into type 2 diabetes with simple, proven lifestyle changes.

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Causes Related To Lifestyle

Physical inactivity

Exercising prompts your body to burn more energy than usual, and, as a result, consume more glucose. Maintaining a low level of physical activity, on the other hand, means more glucose will remain in the bloodstream. This raises your overall blood glucose values in the process.

Exercise also makes our body more insulin sensitive, which means we will require less insulin for the rest of the day to control glucose levels.


Part of the bodyâs fight-or-flight response to stress is to produce additional glucose. Another facet of that response is an increase in the hormone cortisol. High cortisol can reduce the bodyâs sensitivity to insulin. As a result, blood glucose levels may also increase.

Poor sleep

A lack of quality sleep can inhibit how much insulin your body can release. It can also cause the production of cortisol, which makes it harder for insulin to work. When your bodyâs insulin cannot properly metabolize the glucose in your blood, the glucose remains there and your glucose levels rise.

Get better insight into your glucose levels

Want to gain a better understanding of how your body responds to glucose? Try monitoring your glucose levels in real time with the Nutrisense Continuous Glucose Health Program.

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Possible Ways To Try To Lower Fasting Levels

  • Go for a walk after your evening meal exercise has a insulin type effect on the bodys cells which can impact many hours after and so may help lower fasting levels
  • Eat less carbohydrates in your evening meal although remember that it is important to still eat sufficient carbohydrates to avoid ketosis, so carbs must not be completely cut from the meal
  • Drink plenty of water take a glass of water to bed and have a drink when waking in the night
  • Eat a bedtime snack eating a snack before bed has been the biggest success with ladies in our support group. A snack which is high in protein and natural fat is believed to work best. Start with something like a couple of oatcakes and cheese, or a Ryvita with peanut butter. If this does not impact fasting levels, then try a high protein snack without the starchy carbohydrates
  • Apple cider vinegar drink 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar at bedtime with 1 oz of cheese. A small study9 in type 2 diabetic patients found that drinking 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and eating 1 oz cheese lowered fasting levels by 4%

Some ladies with gestational diabetes have had great success with apple cider vinegar and so its worth trying if you have the stomach for it!

Please note: As vinegar is acidic, it is advisable to dilute it in some water and brush teeth after consuming

Why Is My Morning Blood Sugar High


Blood Sugar: Hidden Causes of High Blood Sugar Levels in the Morning. High blood sugar in the morning may be caused by the Somogyi effect, a condition also called rebound hyperglycemia. It also may be caused by dawn phenomenon, which is the end result of a combination of natural body changes.25 2018 .

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Lack Of Physical Activity

Lack of physical activity can increase your blood sugar, as skeletal muscles are a main part of the body that uses glucose for energy or stores extra glucose as glycogen for later use. With low levels of physical activity, the muscles become inactive and do not remove glucose efficiently from the blood.

Regular exercise can help lower blood sugar levels by increasing the need for muscles to remove glucose from the blood to use for energy.

What Is Fasting Glucose

Fasting blood glucose is the level of blood glucose that you have when you check it early in the morning before eating anything. It is usually high and there are two main reasons to explain the same. The following phenomena are responsible for the high levels of fasting blood glucose in the morning:

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Reasons Why Blood Sugar Stays High

Here are five reasons why your blood sugar levels may be too high:

  • You forgot to take your medication.
  • You are ill or have an infection.
  • You’re exercising less than usual.
  • Your insulin levels are low, and you have been doing strenuous exercise.
  • You ate too many carbohydrates and/or sugary foods or foods that are high Glycemic Index.
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    Why Are My Fasting Blood Sugars So High? Diabetes Education.

    Dr. Danielle Weiss is the founder of the Center for Hormonal Health and Well-Being, a personalized, proactive, patient-centered medical practice with a unique focus on integrative endocrinology. She enjoys giving lectures and writing articles for both the lay public and medical audiences.

    High blood sugar or glucose, also called hyperglycemia, occurs when there is too much sugar in the blood. High blood sugar is the primary symptom that underlies diabetes, but it can also occur in people who dont have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, either because of stress or trauma, or gradually as a result of certain chronic conditions.

    It is important to manage high blood sugar, even if you dont have diabetes, because elevated blood glucose can delay your ability to heal, increase your risk of infections, and cause irreversible damage to your nerves, blood vessels, and organs, such as your eyes and kidneys. Blood vessel damage from high blood sugar also increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

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    The Best Foods To Eat To Help Avoid Or Lower Your High Blood Sugar

    While theres no such thing as a hyperglycemia diet per se, your eating choices still play an important role in regulating your blood sugar levels.

    First, know you cant just cut all carbs or avoid foods with sugar to prevent blood sugar spikes. After all, healthy foods such as fruits and veggies also contain carbs and sugar. The value of carbs differs according to their complexity, and sugar in food is different from blood sugar.

    • White bread, pasta, and rice
    • Packaged and processed snacks, such as chips, pretzels, cookies, and candy
    • Soda or juice
    • Foods high in saturated fat, such as hot dogs, bacon, and sausage
    • Foods high in trans fats, like margarine and certain packaged baked goods
    • Foods that can raise your cholesterol, like liver, red meat, and full-fat dairy

    Tracking your carb intake, especially if you have diabetes, is also critical for avoiding blood sugar spikes.

    Diabetes Spectrum

    Fasting & Elevated Blood Glucose

    Type 2 diabetes for 20+ years. Started keto with intermittent fasting in January 2019. Why would my fasting blood glucose numbers during my 18-24-hour fast be elevated, then come down to normal ranges after eating?


    Fasting can definitely raise blood glucose. This is due to the effect of insulin falling and the rising counter-regulatory hormones including increased sympathetic tone, noradrenaline, cortisol and growth hormone, in addition to glucagon. These all have the effect of pushing glucose from liver storage into the blood. This is normal. If you are not eating, you want to use some stored glucose. The question is this if you are not eating, and your blood glucose went up, where did that glucose come from? It can only have come from your own body . So, its a natural phenomenon, and the fasting now allows your body to use some of the glucose for energy.

    Dr. Jason Fung

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    High Blood Sugar: Causes Complications And How To Lower Blood Sugar

    Your body breaks down glucose for energy using the insulin produced by the pancreas. This is required for our bodies to function. Illness can have an impact on the way our pancreas functions. Read this to learn how high blood sugar can affect your health.

    7 minute read

    Your body requires energy to function, and this energy comes from food. Specifically, your body breaks down glucose for energy using the insulin produced by the pancreas.

    Type 1 and type 2 diabetes cause impairment to this breakdown of sugar in the body, causing blood glucose levels to become irregular. When glucose is not broken down into energy, it can build up in the bloodstream and then becomes a health problem.

    Your pancreas produces insulin, which breaks down glucose. With type 1 diabetes, the cells that produce insulin are mistakenly attacked by your immune system. As a result of this autoimmune condition, blood sugar levels can become dangerously high without intervention.

    Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body no longer responds to insulin as well as it should and then also causes glucose to accumulate in the blood.

    How Can You Control Your Morning Blood Sugar Levels

    Why Is My Fasting Blood Sugar High in the Morning ...

    Still, if you want to try and control your morning fasting blood sugar level, you should stick to following habits

    • Do some moderate-intensity exercise or a brisk walk in the evening
    • Have your last meal of the day before 7:30 pm
    • Avoid grains in dinner
    • Mix 2 tsp of Apple cider vinegar with 20 tsp of water and drink it
    • Consume at least 50% greens, including raw and cooked in your dinner
    • Climb stairs after dinner

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