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Is Watermelon Good For Type 2 Diabetes

Organic Mini Seedless Watermelon

Is Watermelon Good for Diabetes? Can Diabetics Eat Watermelon? Does Watermelon Raise Blood Sugar?

This guilt-free snack is not only great for you, but also tastes delicious. Organic watermelon comes in mini seedless pieces so even the pickiest eaters will be satisfied. Whether eaten on its own or paired with your favorite recipe, this watermelon is sure to keep your taste buds happy and healthy!

Is Watermelon Good For Diabetes

People with diabetes must be vigilant of what they eat in order to keep their blood sugar levels steady to prevent complications. Blood sugar control can be supported by a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. However, since fruit contains natural sugars and carbohydrates, determining the proper serving size is critical.As there is no single ideal dietary distribution of calories among carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for people with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association advises, macronutrient distribution should be individualised while keeping total calorie and metabolic targets in mind. But, the question Is watermelon good for diabetes? still prevails. Read on to understand this.

Watermelon is a common summertime fruit. Even if you want to serve some of the sweet treats at every meal or make it your go-to summer snack, you can first review the nutritional facts. If you have diabetes, you understand how important it is to keep track of what you eat and keep an eye on your blood sugar levels. Natural sugars can be found in watermelon. Your blood sugar content can be affected depending on your total diet and the amount of watermelon you eat. Well look at the health advantages of watermelon in this report, as well as what diabetics should keep in mind like watermelon nutrition, watermelon glycemic index, etc., when incorporating it into their diet. Yet, the confusion Is watermelon good for diabetes? still lingers.

Tips On How To Eat More Fruit And Vegetables If You Have Diabetes

Here are a few basic tips on how to eat more fruit and vegetables:

  • Make a juice out of a variety of fruits and vegetables. I prefer vegetables as they don’t elevate my blood sugar levels.
  • Include a proportion of salads, vegetables, or fresh fruit in every meal. Try to eat at least one serving per day.
  • Add some extra fiber to your breakfast cereal by adding chopped apple. It will also make it taste very good!
  • Mix the fruits and veggies with something you enjoy like yogurt or oatmeal.
  • Eat fruit as a snack, it’s much better than chips!
  • Swap fries for sweet potato fries when you eat out at fast-food restaurants.
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. The range from dark leafy greens to brightly-colored berries is very wide, so why not try something new every week!
  • Try cooking the fruit and vegetables: preparation methods such as roasting, grilling, stir-frying, and air-frying can add flavor and freshness to these healthy foods. Make sure to use healthy cooking oils.
  • Experiment with condiments: dressings, dips, or salsas can be used to transform your plate by introducing both flavor and nutrients. Experiment with different recipes for sauces such as those containing turmeric or ginger roots which have healing properties as well as many health benefits such as improved brain function.

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The 15 Best Superfoods For Diabetics

beats1/Shutterstock Chocolate is rich in flavonoids, and research shows that these nutrients reduce insulin resistance, improve insulin sensitivity, drop insulin levels and fasting blood glucose, and blunt cravings. But not all chocolate is created equal. In a 2008 study from the University of Copenhagen, people who ate dark chocolate reported that they felt less like eating sweet, salty, or fatty foods compared to volunteers given milk chocolate, with its lower levels of beneficial flavonoids . Dark chocolate also cut the amount of pizza that volunteers consumed later in the same day, by 15 percent. The flavonoids in chocolate have also been shown to lower stroke risk, calm blood pressure, and reduce your risk for a heart attack by 2 percent over five years. Jiri Vaclavek/Shutterstock Broccoli is an anti-diabetes superhero. As with other cruciferous veggies, like kale and cauliflower, it contains a compound called sulforaphane, which triggers several anti-inflammatory processes that improve blood sugar control and protect blood vessels from the cardiovascular damage thats often a consequence of diabetes. Sulforaphane also helps flip on the bodys natural detox mechanisms, coaxing enzymes to turn dangerous cancer-causing chemicals into more innocent forms that the body can easily release. Blueberries funnyangel/Shutterstock Blueberries really stand out: They contain both insoluble fiber and soluble fiber . In a study by the USDA, peoplContinue reading > >

Eating Chocolate Is Good For Your Health

Is watermelon good for diabetes?

All chocolate is not created equal. The known health benefits of chocolate come from a specific kind of antioxidant called flavanoids . But most chocolate doesnt have enough of the these flavanols to make a dent as a health booster.

Even 70 percent cacao might not be flavanol-rich, because of variability in the processing of the chocolate, from cacao bean to the ready-to-eat product. While laboratory studies show that flavanols can modestly lower blood pressure and relax blood vessels, making blood flow more easily this research typically uses purified preparations.

Translated to what real people are eating, the impact of eating regular dark chocolate on your health is hardly impressive. For example, a modest lowering of blood pressure was observed in people consuming a quarter of a pound of dark chocolate daily for three weeks.

At 160 calories per ounce, thats 640 calories per day from chocolate alone, about 1/3 of the recommended daily intake.

A specially processed cacao bean, called CocoaVia, containing much higher amounts of flavanols is available as a cocoa powder in single serving packets. Considered a dietary supplement, and not a food, it can be used like standard cocoa powder.

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Are There Any Adverse Effects From Eating Watermelon

Eating watermelon is generally considered safe and there are no known adverse effects from eating it. However, if you have diabetes, be aware of the impact that watermelon can have on your blood sugar levels. Watermelon is high in sugar and can cause your blood sugar levels to spike if you eat too much of it. It is important to monitor your blood sugar levels and speak to your doctor or health care provider if you are concerned about the impact that watermelon is having on your diabetes.

What Is The Glycemic Index And Where Does Watermelon On It

The glycemic index is a scale that ranks foods based on their impact on your blood glucose levels two hours after eating a particular food. Foods that rank high on the glycemic index, such as watermelon, can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Foods that rank low on the glycemic index are more slowly digested and absorbed and have a lower impact on your blood sugar levels. Glycemic index is not the only way to measure a foods impact on your glucose levels as glycemic load accounts for grams of carbohydrates per serving size and is another way to measure the impact of a food on your blood sugar levels. Watermelon has a glycemic index ranking of 76 and a glycemic load of 8. This means despite being high in natural sugar watermelon is low in glycemic load.

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The Best Fruits For Diabetics

Home » Type 2 Diabetes » 7 of the Best Fruits for Diabetics

Fruits are the perfect snack.

They are loaded with nutrients and fiber, relatively low in calories, and easy to bring to work.

However, they do contain naturally occurring sugars, sometimes in large amounts. This can be a concern for those who struggle to manage their blood sugars.

This article takes a science-based look at the most suitable fruits for diabetics.


Where Does Watermelon Rank

Is Watermelon good for Diabetes | Watermelon and diabetes

Sadly, watermelon is considered a high GI food, with a GI of 76. But dont smash your melon dreams yet some high GI foods dont raise blood sugar as much as it may seem. Thats where the glycemic load comes in.

The GL takes into account the portion size of the food, as well as the GI. Carbs raise your blood sugar, and the number of carbs you consume is determined by the portion size.

Thats why the GL is a better indicator for how much a food will affect your blood sugar.

Watermelon has a low GL of 4.3 per 2 cups.

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Are Bananas Ok For Diabetics

Bananas are a safe and nutritious fruit for people with diabetes to eat in moderation as part of a balanced, individualized diet plan. A person with diabetes should include fresh, plant food options in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables. Bananas provide plenty of nutrition without adding many calories.

Which Foods Fight Diabetes

These foods are high in the nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, that protect against diabetes and other diseases.

Dark green leafy vegetables. Theyâre low in calories and carbs, and high in nutrition. They also have a low glycemic index, so theyâll help keep your blood sugar under control. And they contain magnesium, a mineral that helps your bodyâs insulin work like it should. Add spinach, kale, or collard greens to your salads, soups, and stews.

Berries. To satisfy your sweet tooth, pick berries. Theyâre loaded with fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Research shows that eating low-GI fruit as part of a low-glycemic diet can lower blood pressure and heart disease risk.

Fatty fish. Aim to eat fish twice a week. Fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, are packed with healthy omega-3 fats, which lower inflammation. They protect against heart disease and an eye condition called diabetic retinopathy. For the biggest benefit, skip fried, breaded fish and serve it broiled, baked, or grilled.

Nuts. Research shows that eating nuts makes people with diabetes less likely to get heart disease. Theyâre full of healthy fats, protein, and fiber to keep you full and your blood sugar steady. Whether you prefer peanuts, almonds, or walnuts, snack on a handful of nuts at least three times a week.

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Keep Portions In Check

The American Diabetes Association recommends about 45% of total daily calorie intake come from carbohydrates. If you are following a fixed, consistent carbohydrate meal plan, you need to factor in fruit as a carbohydrate choice.

When choosing fruit, try to stick with one fruit serving per meal or snack. Limit your fruit servings to no more than about two to three per day.

Keep in mind that one fruit serving is about 15 grams of carbohydrates. How much of each fruit you can eat within that one-serving limit will depend on the type of fruit. Here is a list of what is considered one serving for common whole fruits:

  • 1 small-sized apple, orange, peach, pear, or plum
  • 1/2 medium banana
  • 3/4 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup raspberries and blackberries

There are some fruits that you should be more cautious about. For instance, it’s recommended that bananas, cherries, grapes, mango, and pineapple be eaten only in the limited quantities noted. That’s because they can cause a fast spike in blood sugars due to their higher carbohydrate content.

To get the most nutritional value, choose fruits that are high in fiber, such as berries. For example, you can eat 1 1/4 cup of strawberries for 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Best Fruit For Type 2 Diabetes


YES, most people can have these

Per 1/4 cup:

  • Lemon juice 4.21 g carbs
  • Lime juice 5 g carbs

YES, most people can have these

Per half cup:

  • Strawberries Total carbs 5.5 g Net carbs: 4.3 g
  • Raspberries Total carbs 7.3 g Net carbs: 3.3 g
  • Blackberries Total carbs 6.9 g Net carbs 1.8 g
  • Blueberries Total carbs 10.7 g Net carbs: 8.9 g
  • Cherries Total carbs 12.3 g Net carbs: 10.4 g
  • Grapefruit Total carbs 12.5 g Net carbs 10.6 g
  • Cranberries Total carbs 6.7 g Net carbs: 4.2 g do not eat the dried sweetened cranberries, these are around 50 g carbs per half cup.

YES, some people can have these :

  • 1 passionfruit Total carbs 4 g Net carbs: 2 g
  • Cantaloupe/rockmelon Total carbs 6.5 g Net carbs 5.8 g per half cup
  • 1 guava Total carbs 7.8 g Net carbs: 4.8 g
  • 1 small fresh fig Total carbs 7.6 g Net carbs: 6.4 g
  • 1 small plum Total carbs 7.5 g Net carbs: 6.6 g
  • 1 small clementine/ mandarin Total carbs 9 g Net carbs 7.7 g
  • 1 kiwifruit Total carbs 10 g Net carbs 7.9 g
  • 1 small peach Total carbs 12 g Net carbs: 10 g

NOTE: cantaloupe/rockmelon and kiwifruit are higher GI than other fruits listed.

Some people can tolerate half a small apple or half a small pear. One whole apple is around 20.58 grams total carbs, 16.9 grams net carbs, which as a whole apple is just too many sugar/carbs at one sitting.

All dried fruit is super high in carbs, meaning it is a no go for diabetes.

BLOOD SUGAR TIP: Eat your fruit with a or fat.

For example:

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Carb Counting For Pineapple

Many people with diabetes count their carbohydrate intake every day because carbs are responsible for raising blood sugar levels.

To keep glucose levels within a healthy range, you need to have a steady intake of carbs throughout the day.

When carb counting, most people aim for 4560 grams of carbs per meal and 1520 g of carbs per snack, depending on calorie goals for the day.

But, the amount will also vary depending on individual factors, such as medications and exercise levels. A healthcare provider or dietitian can help you make a plan after identifying how many carbs you need.

Balancing carbs means you can eat what you like, but you need to make sure the total number of carbs in one session is within a specific range.

So, if you add one high-carb ingredient, such as pineapple, into a meal, you may need to do without a potato or a piece of bread, for example, so that you have the right number of carbs.

The following table shows the number of carbs in various servings of pineapple:

Unit of pineapple
15 g

However, its worth noting that, of the carbs in a thin slice of pineapple, 5.5 g are naturally occurring sugar.

A 3-ounce slice contains 8.3 g of sugar, and a cup of pineapple chunks contains 16.3 g. The body digests sugar more quickly than other types of starch, and its more likely to trigger a glucose spike.

A 6-ounce cup of canned pineapple chunks, drained of juice, will contain almost 28g of carbohydrate.

Starting with a 9-inch plate, the

Can Watermelon Raise Or Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Watermelon can raise blood sugar levels because it is a carbohydrate that you eat to give your body energy. However, water can also lower blood sugar levels when eaten before a meal since the fiber can slow down digestion time. This helps reduce how quickly food moves through your stomach so glucose can be released into your bloodstream at an even rate rather than all at once after eating fast foods that usually contain refined sugars. As mentioned earlier in this article about nutrients found in watermelon for diabetics, it’s actually good for people with diabetes to have small amounts of carbohydrates throughout the day so they are not deprived of important nutrients.

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Watermelon Juice Good For Diabetes

A little quantity of fresh-cut watermelons or a glass of fruit juice can help people with type 2 diabetes in various ways. Despite having a high glycemic index of 72, watermelons have a low glycemic load of 2 per 100-gram serving. Watermelon is safe to eat in moderation by individuals with diabetes. Watermelon and other high-GI fruits, on the other hand, should be eaten with foods that are high in healthy fats, fibre, and protein. Watermelon, in general, has natural sugars that might elevate blood sugar levels.

However, if you eat a small amount, such as a cup of diced watermelon, the effect on blood sugar is minimal. Taking little portions of watermelon in moderation may benefit patients with diabetes. Except for pineapple and watermelon, most fruits have a low to moderate GI. 9 Thats not to say you cant eat pineapple or watermelon unless you want your blood sugar to soar. Even so, some nutrient-dense foods have a higher GI than low-nutrient ones.

What The Research Says

Can I eat watermelon with diabetes? Dietitian reveals the truth!

There isnt any research directly connecting watermelon consumption and diabetes management. That said, theres some evidence to suggest that eating watermelon may help reduce your risk for certain diabetes-related complications.

Watermelon contains moderate amounts of lycopene, which is the pigment that gives the fruit its color. Its also a powerful antioxidant.

Although more research is needed, lycopene may help reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. that the lycopene found in tomatoes may be linked to a reduced risk for heart disease.

Approximately 68 percent of people with diabetes who are age 65 or older die from some type of heart disease. Roughly 16 percent of people in this demographic die of stroke.

With this in mind, the American Diabetes Association has classified diabetes as one of seven manageable risk factors for heart disease.

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Can Eating Fruit Help Me Lose Weight

No. Achieving a healthy weight certainly involves eating a healthy diet, including the right fruits. But with type 2 diabetes, the key to weight loss is shifting your whole metabolism.

This means focusing on whole food sources, healthy fats, protein and carbs mainly from non-starchy vegetables. When you can get blood sugar and A1c levels more regulated, metabolism improves and weight loss occurs naturally as a result.


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