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How Many People Die From Diabetes

California Diabetes Death Statistics

Diabetes is caused by an inability to produce enough insulin or use insulin effectively within the body. Insulin allows blood sugar to enter cells where it can be used for energy. When the body lacks insulin or is unable to effectively use it, blood sugar rises and can have serious health consequences for California residents. High blood sugar can lead to heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, and other complications.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, and accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of all diabetes cases. People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin throughout their lives to survive. Type 2 diabetes, also called adult-onset diabetes, accounts for roughly 90 to 95% of all cases. Unlike with type 1, there are a variety of measures that can help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. They include such lifestyle changes as exercising and maintaining a healthy diet.

Claims Of 24000 ‘excess’ Deaths From Diabetes

As many as 24,000 people with diabetes are dying unnecessarily each year, many of the papers have reported today. This shock statistic was a conclusion from the National Diabetes Audit, the first ever report to look at deaths from the condition.

While this is a large number of deaths, it must be viewed in context millions of people live with this potentially life-threatening long-term illness, yet it can be managed safely.

The National Diabetes Audit suggests that in England there are about 24,000 excess deaths a year in people with diagnosed diabetes. This means that each year, around 24,000 more deaths occur among people with diabetes than would be expected to occur if their mortality risk was the same as that of the general population. A press release from the NHS Information Centre, which published the audit report, said these deaths could be avoided through better management of the condition.

Which Vaccine Is Safe For People Living With Diabetes

There is no single vaccine that is better than others for people with diabetes. Diabetes Canada encourages adults living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes to receive the COVID-19 vaccine when it is accessible, in consultation with their health-care provider. The benefits of being vaccinated outweigh potential risks that could be associated with these vaccines, as well as the risks of contracting COVID-19. All the vaccines approved for use in Canada dramatically reduce the risk of hospitalization, severe illness, and death due to COVID. People living with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes were included in the vaccine clinical trials, with no increase in adverse events reported in these participants.

How Long Can People With Diabetes Expect To Live

Diabetes UK estimates in its report, Diabetes in the UK 2010: Key Statistics on Diabetes , that the life expectancy of someone with type 2 diabetes is likely to be reduced, as a result of the condition, by up to 10 years.

People with type 1 diabetes have traditionally lived shorter lives, with life expectancy having been quoted as being reduced by over 20 years.

However, improvement in diabetes care in recent decades indicates that people with type 1 diabetes are now living significantly longer.

Results of a 30 year study by the University of Pittsburgh, published in 2012, noted that people with type 1 diabetes born after 1965 had a life expectancy of 69 years.

Why Are So Many People Dying Of Diabetes

Shin yie type 2 diabetes mellitus

The analysis itself did not look at the specific causes of death among people with diabetes. However, it is widely recognised that without proper management of this condition, there is a higher risk of death from several causes including critically high or low blood sugar, heart failure or kidney failure.

Diabetes is a long-term condition that affects the bodys ability to process glucose . Normally the amount of glucose in the blood is controlled by the hormone insulin, which helps break it down to produce energy. In people with diabetes, there is either not enough insulin to process the glucose or the bodys cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin produced. This results in glucose levels building up in the blood.

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and 2. People with type 1 diabetes do not produce any insulin. People with type 2 diabetes do not make enough insulin, or the bodys cells are not sensitive enough to insulin. Having either type puts people at increased risk of several serious complications, including heart disease and stroke, circulation problems, nerve damage, foot ulcers, blindness and kidney damage.

Chapter 6 Diabetes Among First Nations Inuit And Mtis Populations

  • The Aboriginal population in Canada is a diverse group composed of individuals of First Nations, Inuit and Métis heritage. Diabetes prevalence varies between and within each group according to its unique characteristics.
  • It is important to account for the younger age structure in the First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations when comparing the prevalence of diabetes to that of the non-Aboriginal population. Age-standardized rates show the prevalence of diabetes was 17.2% among First Nations individuals living on-reserve, 10.3% among First Nations individuals living off-reserve, and 7.3% among Métis, compared to 5.0% in the non-Aboriginal population. The age-standardized prevalence rate of diabetes in Inuit populations was comparable to the one seen in the general Canadian population.
  • Aboriginal individuals are generally diagnosed at a younger age than non-Aboriginal individuals, and Aboriginal females experience higher rates of gestational diabetes than non-Aboriginal females. Complications of diabetes are also more frequently seen among the Aboriginal population than in the non-Aboriginal population.
  • The socio-cultural, biological, environmental and lifestyle changes seen in the First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations in the last half century have contributed significantly to increased rates of diabetes and its complications.

Chapter 2 The Health Impact Of Diabetes On Canadians

  • Individuals with diabetes are over three times more likely to be hospitalized with cardiovascular disease than individuals without diabetes, 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with end-stage renal disease, and almost 20 times more likely to be hospitalized with non-traumatic lower limb amputations.
  • Diabetes was the primary cause of 34% of new cases of end-stage renal disease in 2009, creating a growing demand for renal replacement therapy in Canada.
  • Because diabetes shares several risk factors with other chronic diseases, 36.5% of Canadian adults with diabetes reported having two or more other serious chronic conditions in addition to diabetes, and 12.5% reported having three or more.
  • Nearly 40% of Canadian adults who reported having diabetes rated their health as “fair” or “poor”, compared to a tenth of the adult population without diabetes .
  • Although only 3.1% of all deaths in Canada were attributed to diabetes in 2007, more than a quarter of individuals who died had diabetes in 2008/09. Diabetes itself does not typically lead directly to death, but the complications associated with diabetes do.
  • At every age group, individuals with diabetes experienced mortality rates at least two times higher than those without. This results in noticeable decreases in life expectancy as well as health-adjusted life expectancy.
  • Based on available data, it is calculated that more than one in ten deaths in Canadian adults could be prevented if diabetes rates were reduced to zero.

Should I Stop Taking Certain Blood Pressure Medications Because Ive Heard That These Drugs May Affect My Risk Of Covid

Blood pressure control is an essential part of managing diabetes. In addition, certain blood pressure lowering medications are often recommended for people living with diabetes to protect them from kidney and heart-related complications, even in the absence of high blood pressure.  At the present time, there is no confirmed scientific link between these blood pressure medications and the risk of COVID-19 infection or its complications. 

Please do NOT stop or change any of your medications without discussing with your health-care team. 

If you become ill for any reason, there are certain actions that have been shown to reduce your risk of other problems. Please review this document for practical things to do to stay safe when you have diabetes and are sick or at risk of dehydration.

An Increased Risk Of Heart And Vascular Problems

About two-thirds of people with diabetes actually die from cardiovascular conditions like heart attacks or strokes, says Dr. Mcclain. Thats because diabetes can occur alongside other conditions like obesity, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, and the combination of these diseases can make each of them more dangerous. People with diabetes are also more likely to develop Alzheimers disease.

Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and getting regular physical activity are all ways that people with diabetes can help protect their heart and their brain as they age. But its also important they work with their doctors to keep their blood glucoseas well as their blood pressure and cholesterolin the healthy range. Many Medicare plans include special wellness programs and incentives to help seniors manage their diabetes.

More People Than Ever Have Diabetes More People Than Ever Are At Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes If Nothing Changes We Predict That 55 Million People Will Have Diabetes In The Uk By 2030

Around 90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Around 8% of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. About 2% of people with diabetes have rarer types of diabetes.

Were fighting for a world where diabetes can do no harm.

We do it by to make sure everyone with diabetes gets the care they need to live well with diabetes. We provide advice and support so people can get to grips with their condition. And our increases what we know about diabetes, discovers new treatments and will, one day, find a cure.

Diabetes Statistics By Age

Theres a greater prevalence of diabetes among older age groups, especially for Type 2 diabetes, which takes longer to develop. 

  • Of the Americans with diagnosed diabetes, 3.6 million are 18 to 44 years old, 11.7 million are 45 to 64 years old, and 11.5 million are older than 65.
  • There are 210,000 cases of diagnosed diabetes among children and adolescents younger than 20, including 187,000 cases of Type 1 diabetes.
  • Of the Americans with undiagnosed diabetes, 1.4 million are 18 to 44, 3.1 million are 45 to 64, and 2.9 million are older than 65.
  • Approximately 24.2 million adults aged 65 and older have prediabetes.

Sensation Problems And Amputation

Diabetes causes mild loss of sensation in the extremities in as many as 70 percent of adults who have it. Amputations of lower extremities may eventually be necessary, especially for people with blood vessel disease. More than 60 percent of all nontraumatic amputations of lower limbs occur in people with diabetes. Approximately lower-limb amputations were performed in diabetics age 20 and older.

Chapter 5 Diabetes In Children And Youth

How Many People Die From Type 2 Diabetes

  • Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases among children and youth.
  • Type 1 diabetes remains the main form of the disease in this population, but type 2 diabetes, historically viewed as an adult disease, has been on the rise globally in children and youth for the last two decades.
  • An increase in type 1 diabetes has also been documented in different countries, but the reasons are not completely elucidated. In Canada, the rate of type 1 diabetes among one to nine year olds has also increased, from 0.1% in 1998/99 to 0.2% in 2008/09.
  • In 2008/09, more than 3,000 new cases of diabetes were reported among Canadian children and youth aged one to 19 years, bringing the number of prevalent cases to just under 26,000.
  • For both types, the early onset of the disease increases the risk of related complications and lifelong consequences.
  • Children and youth with type 1 diabetes are at a greater risk of life-threatening complications because they rely on daily doses of insulin.
  • Adolescence can be a particularly difficult time for management of glycemic levels as teenagers take on this responsibility at the same time as hormonal changes affect glycemic levels and impact insulin requirements.

How Can I Prevent Infection

Public health agencies in Canada and world-wide have described actions that can help prevent the spread of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses.

Take these steps to reduce exposure to the virus and protect your health:

  • Get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is accessible to you
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water
  • Sneeze and cough into your sleeve; when using tissues, immediately dispose of them into the garbage as soon as possible and wash your hands afterwards
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Regularly clean commonly used surfaces and devices you touch or handle.
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are showing symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing
  • Check national travel advice before planning or taking trips
  • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health-care provider
  • If you have a scheduled visit with your health-care provider, contact them via phone/or portal first to see what other options you may have as visiting a clinic can increase your risk of being exposed to the virus. Follow the advice of your health-care provider

The public health authorities are emphasizing that if you think you might be sick, stay home from work or school. 

What Is The National Diabetes Audit

The news is based on the National Diabetes Audit Mortality Analysis 2007-2008. This report was prepared in partnership with various trusts, including The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership , which promotes quality in healthcare, and the NHS Information Centre, the official source of health and social care data and information for England. The NDA covered four key components of the governments National Service Framework for Diabetes:

  • checking whether everyone with diabetes was diagnosed and recorded on a practice diabetes register
  • looking at whether those registered are receiving key elements of diabetes care
  • looking at the proportion of people registered to have diabetes who achieve the treatment targets for glucose control, blood pressure and blood cholesterol, as defined by NICE
  • looking at the rates of acute and long-term complications of people with diabetes, including deaths from the condition, the focus of the current report

As part of this GP audit, all primary care trusts contributed data from 5,359 GP practices on 1.4 million people with diabetes. This figure represents 68% of the 2.1 million people estimated to have diabetes in England in 2007-2008 . The current analysis focuses on mortality from the condition, and has therefore also linked data from the NDA to formal death notifications through the NHS Information Centre Medical Research Information Service in order to include data for those people with diabetes not included in the GP audit.

The Risks For Certain Groups

Ricordi said diabetes and COVID-19 are inflammatory diseases that carry an increased risk of dangerous blood clotting.

He also emphasized that common comorbidities of diabetes, including obesity and high blood pressure, also likely play a role in a persons poorer COVID-19 outcome.

People with type 1 diabetes also are at higher risk but for different reasons.

Because individuals with type 1 diabetes have an autoimmune disease, they are predisposed to other immunological disorders and also may have less ability to regulate their immune system, and that can lower their ability to fight an immune-triggering disease such as COVID-19, Ricordi said.

The link between diabetes and COVID-19 illness severity and death is particularly strong among Hispanic and Latinx populations, the study concluded.

Hispanic people are 2.4 times more likely to die of COVID-19 and 50 percent more likely to have diabetes than white Americans, researchers noted. Part of the reason is that many people in this community dont know they have diabetes, Bajpeyi said.

Americans Are Dying Because They Cant Afford Their Insulin

My son and Jesy, they were murdered. They were killed by big Pharma. The cause of death should actually be on their death certificates, corporate greed.

Prices of insulin have skyrocketed over the past 15 years and Americans are paying with their lives.

The same vial of insulin that cost $175 15 years ago costs $1,487 today, according to cost data from Elseviers Gold Standard Drug Database. The unaffordable cost of insulin is causing some diabetics to ration their insulin.

21-year-old Jesimya David Scherer-Radcliff died as a result of rationing his insulin. The cost of insulin is ridiculous. It is hard for me to even go in there and look at his casket, said his father, David Radcliff Jr. III. He is gone now. I cant say, hey lets go here. I just think this country is backwards and I am a veteran.  I have seen other countries and how they operate.  

Another young man, Alec Raeshawn Smith, died one month after rationing his insulin when he lost his healthcare coverage. His mom, Nicole, is now an advocate for affordable insulin, reports KARE 11.

After losing my 26- year-old son to the same situation and fighting so hard at the legislative level to pass the Alec Smith emergency insulin act and it going nowhere and telling them if they did not implement this law we were going to lose  more lives this just goes to show  we were right, said Nicole.


Do I Need To Worry About This If I Have Diabetes

The figures are alarming but they do highlight the need to make people with diabetes aware of the importance of self-management and of obtaining the level of healthcare they require to help them manage their condition. With the right care and support, people with diabetes can go on to live long and healthy lives.

If you have diabetes, key ways to delay or prevent complications include:

  • maintaining a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet and taking regular physical exercise
  • not smoking 
  • checking your feet every day 
  • having regular check-ups with your diabetes care team.

The Growing Burden Of The Diabetes Epidemic


Diabetes more or less equally affects both sexes with men having a small edge over women at younger age groups and women surpassing men at higher age groups.

Depending on age groups, global diabetes prevalence is about 5% for the age group 35-39 years, 10% for the age group 45-49 years, 15% for the age group 55-59 years, and close to 20% starting at age group 65-69 years. Diabetes prevalence numbers are largely determined by people with type2 diabetes who comprise about 90% of the total population. These individuals are characterized by various degrees of relative insulin deficiency in conjunction with a wide spectrum of insulin resistance.

About five percent of the total diabetes population represents monogenic forms of diabetes, such as various subtypes of MODY and other rare genetic conditions, another five percent encompass sub-forms of immune-mediated type 1 diabetes with a pronounced, if not absolute insulin deficit in the long run. Reflecting the enormous therapeutic progress in the last thirty years, many people afflicted with type 1 diabetes today are able to live for almost a normal life span, although the disease usually starts at a young age, children and adolescents. For the age group 0-19 years, the IDF Diabetes Atlas 2017 provides a global number of 1,106,500 people with type 1 diabetes with an annual incidence of 132,600 newly diagnosed cases.

Type 2 Diabetics Still Face Elevated Death Risk

That’s why it’s imperative to eat right, control blood pressure and cholesterol, quit smoking, doctors say

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 28, 2015 — Medical science has made tremendous progress in prolonging the lives of people with type 2 diabetes. But, the prognosis still remains poor for patients who don’t keep their blood sugar levels under control, according to results from a large-scale Swedish study.

People with type 2 diabetes carry a 15 percent increased risk of premature death compared to healthy people, the researchers reported in the Oct. 29 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Those odds aren’t great, but they’re much better than they were as recently as 15 years ago, said senior author Dr. Marcus Lind, a physician at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

“Up to the year 2000, the excess risk of mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes was generally considered to be doubled compared to the general population, implying a doubled risk to die during the following years,” Lind said.

Now, the overall death rate for diabetics has “dropped to historical low levels,” he added.

However, the risk of death is much higher in people younger than 65, those who poorly control their blood sugar levels, and those who’ve suffered kidney damage from type 2 diabetes, the researchers found.

The study authors speculated that the higher death rates seen among younger diabetics might owe, in part, to some gap in the care offered to these people.

How Can These Deaths Be Prevented

Rikers Island diabetes death: Shocking video shows Carlos ...

Experts agree that people with diabetes can live long and healthy lives and reduce their risks of complications through appropriate self-management, as outlined above.

The charity Diabetes UK says that people with diabetes can sometimes feel overwhelmed with information about all the healthcare they require. Diabetes UK has drawn up a checklist of 15 healthcare essentials to help people understand what care they should receive to reduce the risk of complications. These are:

  • get your blood glucose levels measured at least once a year 
  • have your blood pressure measured at least once a year
  • have blood fats measured every year 
  • have your eyes screened for signs of eye damage every year 
  • have your legs and feet checked annually
  • have your kidney functions monitored annually 
  • have your weight checked and your waist measured
  • get support if you are a smoker on how to quit
  • receive care planning to meet your individual needs 
  • attend an education course to help you understand and manage your diabetes 
  • receive specialist paediatric care if you are a child or young person 
  • receive high quality diabetes care if admitted to hospital 
  • get information and specialist care if you are planning to have a baby
  • see specialist diabetes healthcare professionals to help you manage your condition
  • get emotional and psychological support from specialist healthcare professionals

Not every healthcare essential may apply to children with diabetes who may have different requirements.

Damaged Organs Over Time

Another way diabetes can lead to death is by damage done to organs and tissues in the body over a long period of time. For example, the blood vessels in the kidneys can be damaged by high blood sugar, says Dr. Mcclaina complication that can lead to kidney failure and require dialysis.

This same type of organ and blood-vessel damage can also lead to blindness and to amputation of feet or legs, he adds, which can reduce quality of life and raise the risk of infection, injuries, or additional illnesses. We know that keeping blood sugar under control, for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of these complications, says Dr. Mcclain.

RELATED: 8 Lies People With Diabetes Should Never Tell Their Doctors

Diabetes Kills More Americans Than Thought

Condition is third-highest cause of death, study finds

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25, 2017 — The number of Americans who die from is much higher than previously believed, according to a new study.

The research, based on federal government data, found that causes 12 percent of deaths in the United States. That makes it the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and , researchers said.

“Another way of saying that is, if diabetes were eliminated as a disease process, the number of deaths would decline by 12 percent,” said study author Samuel Preston, a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

“There has been only one similar, earlier research effort, and it was based on data from the 1980s and early ’90s. It showed deaths attributable to diabetes amounted to roughly 4 percent of total deaths,” he said in a university news release.

Data for the new study came from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey and the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey . Both are conducted annually, which gives researchers more current figures.

From this, the researchers found that Americans with diabetes have about a 90 percent higher death rate than those without diabetes. They noted that diabetes as the “underlying cause of death” had been significantly underreported in the United States.

The study was published Jan. 25 in the journal PLOS One.


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