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Does Raw Honey Raise Blood Sugar

Here Are 5 Things That Happen When You Eat Too Much Honey

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We have known about the goodness of honey since forever. Made by bees from the nectars of flowers, honey is considered to be a healthy alternative to sugar. And given that its considered a warm food, helps with weight loss, and has plenty of other health benefitsmaking it a part of your regular diet seems like a no-brainer. But have you ever wondered what happens when you have too much honey? 

While honey is healthy, too much of anything is badincluding this sweet nectar. Here are 5 reasons why you should consume honey in moderation: 

1. It can increase your blood sugar level

Honey also has sugar and carbohydratesthat too in large amounts. So when you go overboard with honey, your blood sugar level tends to shoot up. If you are diabetic, you can see an abnormal rise in your blood sugar levels with can be dangerous.

2. Honey can lower blood pressure

Honey is considered a great ingredient to help control blood pressure. But when taken in excess, it can also put you at the risk of low blood pressure or hypotension. In the long run, this can affect the functioning of your heart.

3. It can lead to stomach issues

If you suffer from constipation, then honey can make it worse. And even if you dont, too much honey can block you up thanks to the high content of fructose in it. Moreover, honey can also lead to bloating and/or diarrhoea as a result of your bodys inability to digest the sugars in honey.

4. It can lead to weight gain
Shreya Gupta

Effects Of Honey On Blood Sugar

Whats all the hoopla about honey anyway? I was talking to a client recently and he mentioned a question his girlfriend asked him about honey. She wanted to know if honey had any benefits in terms of its effects on her blood sugar.

A great question, indeed, and one that Ive heard many times! Of course, I went off into my usual tangent about how sugar is absorbed and why it does what it does until my client had to throw a dumbbell at me to shut me up! That happens on occasion a hazard of my trade!

In all seriousness, lets discuss how honey impacts your blood sugar as well as some other popular benefits.

Does Honey Affect Insulin Levels And Make You Fat

It has become common knowledge in more recent times, that sugar and other syrups containing fructose, produce insulin spikes and as a consequence, cause your cells to store fat.

However, this does not happen when you eat honey. Honey is a beautiful, natural nutrient rich food much more than a sweetener and without the health risks. The following article explains why.

Fructose and glucose

Thanks to the honeybee, nectars from plant and tree blossoms are converted to a concentrated mixture of fructose and glucose in an almost equal ratio. Also contained in honey: a small amount of other sugars, amino acids, phyto-nutrients , bioflavonoids, antioxidants , small amounts of vitamins, organic acids, and mineral elements, plus a few enzymes added by the bee. When honey is consumed, the best of the nutrients obtained from the plant blossom is available for immediate absorption into the body for food and energy.

Adults who over the years consume large quantities of carbohydrates and store large amounts of fat run the risk of failing to thrive, in a metaphoric sense. However, like infants, adults who are provided with the proper accelerator in their diet to facilitate glucose-to-glycogen conversion produce adequate stores of liver glycogen and reduce their risk of developing many disease states or conditions associated with metabolic stress.

Honeys advantages over sugar

Is Honey Better For Your Blood Glucose Levels Than Sugar

Expert-reviewed by Ashwini S.Kanade, Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator with 17 years of experience

As a person living with diabetes, you must surely be getting a lot of advice about what you should and should not eat. A common advice that you would have received is have honey instead of sugar. But before you go on an only-honey-no-sugar diet, lets take a look at what the experts and research have to say about this.

When To Seek Care

Normal Blood Sugar Levels For 70 Year Old Woman ...

Its essential that you get immediate medical attention if your blood sugar drops and you have severe symptoms, like seizures or loss of consciousness.

If you have diabetes and your blood sugar drops, and the usual quick-fix treatments dont help raise your blood sugar above 70 mg/dL, its also important to get medical care as soon as possible. This happens more commonly with taking too much long-acting insulin or sulfonylurea diabetes pills.

Also, be sure to get medical care if you dont have diabetes but have symptoms of hypoglycemia that dont go away or get worse after youve eaten at least 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Effect On Blood Sugar

A study published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food” in 2004 found that honey caused less of an increase in the blood glucose levels of diabetics than either table sugar or dextrose, which is another form of sugar. Regularly consuming honey may even lower your fasting blood glucose levels, decreasing your diabetes risk. People who added 1.2 grams of honey per kilogram of body weight to their diet for two weeks experienced a 5 percent decrease in their fasting blood sugar levels, according to a study published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food” in 2003.

Can Diabetics Eat Honey The Research Will Surprise You

Home » Type 2 Diabetes » Can Diabetics Eat Honey? The Research Will Surprise You

Honey is an all-natural food nicknamed Natures Sweetener.

Humans have likely been eating it for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. And not only for its sweet flavour, but for its medicinal properties too.

Sounds like something we should be eating more of right?

Yet when you break it right down, honey is essentially sugar. We know that a high sugar diet is bad for you, which is why many consider honey unhealthy.

So is honey good for us or not? Perhaps more importantly Can diabetics eat honey?


When To Be Alarmed

Normal blood glucose levels fall somewhere between 70 and 140 milligrams per deciliter, although your specific normal numbers may vary slightly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. When your sugar dips below 70 mg/dL, a spoonful of honey should help bring it up. If your blood glucose goes over 300 mg/dL and you have a hard time bringing it back down, avoid honey and other high-carb sugar-rich foods. Extremely high blood sugar can be damaging to vital organs, so youll need medical attention right away.

  • Normal blood glucose levels fall somewhere between 70 and 140 milligrams per deciliter, although your specific normal numbers may vary slightly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.
  • If your blood glucose goes over 300 mg/dL and you have a hard time bringing it back down, avoid honey and other high-carb sugar-rich foods.

Manuka Honey And Diabetes: What You Need To Know

The information in this website is intended for your general information. It is not a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.

In the last 30-40 years, the number of people with diabetes has more than quadrupled worldwide

Diabetes is caused either by a lack of insulin produced by the pancreas , or by its inability to process insulin correctly . As insulin is a hormone which regulates our blood sugar, these conditions can lead to hyperglycemia , and can cause serious damage. 

A chronic disease, diabetes requires ongoing medical attention and can limit someones ability to live a normal, active lifestyle. 

It has been suggested that some cases of diabetes can be partly managed by consuming foods that generate a low blood sugar response – potentially like honey. 

In this article, we will explore the studies that have been conducted on it thus far, and shed some light on why a diabetic person might or might not include Manuka Honey in their diet. Well cover:

  • Treating diabetes with sugar and where honey fits in.
  • Manuka Honey and diabetes: the scientific story.
  • Manuka Honey options for diabetic people.

Is Honey Really That Much Healthier

In the amounts most people use sugar or honey, honey probably is not that much healthier than sugar.

If you have diabetes, your body has trouble metabolizing carbohydrates properly. Keeping your carbohydrate intake moderate and consistent can help keep blood sugar in check. Honey is a high-carbohydrate food, so it does count towards your carbohydrate goals for meals and snacks. 

Having too much honey or other high-carbohydrate food can challenge your body. It can lead to spikes in blood sugar and, over time, increases in glycated hemoglobin . Too many grams of carbohydrates at one time compared to the amount you usually have can also lead to changes in how much medicine you need if you are on insulin. 

Another concern with honey is its calorie content. If you are overweight or obese and have type 2 diabetes, losing a few pounds can lower blood sugar levels. Gaining extra weight can raise blood sugar, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. With 64 calories in each tablespoon, honey is a calorie-dense food. of broccoli has 40 calories.) 

How Honey Affects Blood Sugar

Being a carbohydrate, it is expected that honey is going to impact blood sugar levels when consumed. However, when compared to other sugars, it may have less of an impact.

One study observed the glycemic effect of honey compared to glucose in people with type 2 diabetes, measuring participants blood sugar levels at one and two hours after ingestion. Researchers found that with honey, blood sugar levels peaked at one hour, followed by a decline.

At two hours after ingestion of honey, blood sugar levels were lower than at the first hour. On the other hand, blood sugar levels with glucose ingestion were higher than with honey in the first hour and continued to rise even in the second hour.

Because honey exhibited a shorter peak in blood sugar levels, it can be suggested that honey has a lower glycemic effect than glucose. However, more research is needed to verify this claim.

Processed Vs Raw Honey

Most of the honey available today is processed, which means that the manufacturer has heated and filtered it. This strips away some of the honeys nutritional value and potential health benefits.

However, raw honey retains these properties. Raw, local honey may, for example, help with seasonal allergies.

According to a 2018 review published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, switching from refined sugar to honey may help keep blood glucose levels down.

The researchers attribute this to honeys lower glycemic index score and its ability to reduce inflammatory markers and improve levels of cholesterol.

Doctors are not likely to recommend switching to honey as a persons only diabetes management tactic. It will not replace medications or healthful lifestyle practices.

Babies younger than 1 year should not eat raw honey. Doing so can put them at risk of botulism, a kind of food poisoning that can be life-threatening.

Several studies have found that eating honey may increase insulin levels and decrease levels of blood sugar.

Things To Consider With Raw Honey And Diabetes

Pin on About Sidr Honey from Yemen

  • Honey is a sugar and contains carbohydrates. One tablespoon of honey contains at least 17 g of carbohydrates.
  • While raw honey is made up of sugar, it is not pure sugar, it contains water, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Honey is higher in calories than sugar, with one tablespoon of honey carrying around 64 calories, and one tablespoon of sugar is 49 calories.
  • Raw honey has many nutritional qualities compared to refined sugars like white and cane sugar.
  • Honey has more density and because honey is sweeter than sugar it means the body tends to want less, or suffer from sugar cravings.
  • Honey is broken down in the body by enzymes within the honey, while sugar requires enzymes from the body.
  • Raw honey is a low GI food measures how much a particular carbohydrate may raise blood sugar levels). The GI for honey is around 55 and table sugars GI is 65. Foods with low GIs only cause small increases in blood sugar.
  • Most commercial honey is processed, meaning it has been heated and filtered and in some cases sugar has been added. Raw honey, in its natural state from the hive holds its nutritional value and health benefits that’s why one should always look to buy raw honey.
  • Diabetes is a metabolic disorder so any foods that improve metabolic health are likely to influence diabetes management too. Raw honey therefore could be beneficial alongside anti-diabetic medications.
  • Whats The Glycemic Index Of Honey

    If youre consuming honey by itself, the glycemic index of pure honey is around 58. Yes, that number can differ slightly due to the different types of honey. And if you combine honey with other foods, that changes everything.

    What is the glycemic index? Okay, a quick recap.

    The glycemic index is a way to measure a specific foods effect on our blood sugar. A high number indicates rapid absorption and a spike in blood sugar. A low number indicates slow absorption without a spike in blood sugar.

    Honeys glycemic index rides right in the middle of the road.

    But the glycemic index of honey is only relevant if youre consuming honey by itself.

    Honey For Diabetes: Are There Any Risks

    The fact is that honey is sweeter than sugar. Honey also contains slightly more carbohydrates and calories per tablespoon than table sugar. As per the United States Department of Agriculture, 1 tablespoon of raw honey contains about 60 calories and 17 grams of carbs. Although honey is a natural sweetener, it can affect blood sugar. Hence, people with diabetes are often advised to avoid honey and other sweeteners until their blood sugar levels are under control.

    Yet There Isnt Enough Data Yet To Support Extensive Use Of Honey

    Most experiments using honey with people with type 2 diabetes have been flawed, making their results unreliable.

    In one such experiment of 48 diabetics, honey was given for 8 weeks to one group but not to the other. The results showed that while the body weight and total cholesterol dropped in the honey group, there was a significant increase in their HbA1c levels . The authors of this study, therefore, recommended that honey should be used with caution.

    If you are a type 2 diabetic with blood sugar levels in the normal range, honey could be a healthier substitute for sugar in your diet. Although honey is much sweeter than table sugar, it does have a low glycemic index; thus a carefully monitored intake of honey will be more beneficial than sugar consumption. However, if your blood sugar is over the normal range, tends to fluctuate, or if you have diabetic complications, honey may do more harm than good. In that case, it would be best to avoid taking honey altogether.


  • S. Bogdanov, T. Jurendic, R. Sieber, P. Gallmann. Honey for nutrition and health: a review. J Am Coll Nutr. 2008 Dec; 27:677-89. Available online at
  • Glycemic Index: Self-Nutrition Data. Available online at
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    Glycemic Index Of Honey And Sugar

    The glycemic index, or GI, indicates how fast and how much blood sugar levels will rise after eating food with carbohydrates. The higher the GI, the faster and higher your blood sugar level will rise for a specific amount of carbohydrate.

    The glycemic index of sucrose, or sugar, is 65, according to Harvard Medical School . The glycemic index of honey varies because the exact composition of honey varies. One study, published in Diabetes Care, found it to be 61 . Since the glycemic index of honey can vary from low to high, and there is no way to tell before you eat it if it is low or high, it is not safe to assume that it is low. Instead, it is safer to assume that honey will affect your blood sugar similarly to white sugar.

    How Is Honey Digested

    The first thing to know is that the predominant sugar in honey is unbound fructose. Fructose is treated a little differently by our digestive system compared to plain table sugar. Sugar is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. However, fructose is absorbed into the hepatic portal system and almost entirely cleared by the liver.

    The hepatic portal system is a vascular system that collects certain nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract and takes them straight to the liver. In that way, fructose doesnt have an opportunity to raise your insulin levels. The liver converts it into stored glycogen for use as it is needed. This is a great health benefit when youre trying to keep your insulin levels at a fairly stable level.

    But recall that honey also contains glucose and sucrose, so there is still a rise in blood sugar. Just not as significant.

    What Honey Is Advisable For Diabetics

    If your blood sugar levels and HbA1C levels are not yet under control, we recommend you dont eat any honey and work closely with your doctor and a trained nutritionist to get your numbers under control.

    If your blood sugar levels and HbA1C levels are under control, and you dont want to take all sweetness out of life, we recommend pure, organic, raw, all-natural honey is a way better choice that artificial sweeteners of any kind. The key is to find PURE, ORGANIC honey with no added sugars and other additives.

    Also, in Ayurveda, honey is considered as a medium to carry the medicines into the body. If you are a keen practitioner of alternative medicine and are using cinnamon for stabilizing blood sugar levels, honey can be a great medium. Work with an herbalist to ascertain quantities ingested every day though.

    Malfunctioning Of Gastrointestinal Tract

    Overeating honey increases fructose level in the bloodstream. Too much fructose might interfere with our small intestines ability to absorb nutrients from the food, and increase the risk nutritional deficiencies.

    Honey is slightly acidic with pH ranging from 3.5 to 5.5. 

    Over-consuming acidic foods for a long time may malfunction gastrointestinal tract by eroding lining of stomach, esophagus, and intestines.

    Limit your honey to 1-2 tablespoons per day to minimize the risk.

    Avoid honey if you experience gastric problems like indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating, and burning sensation in the stomach etc.

    What Is Raw Honey

    10 Best Sugar Substitutes When Youâre Watching Sugar

    Raw honey is the unfiltered honey that drips from the honeycomb as you break or squeeze the comb.

    For ages, honey has been known to humankind as a sort of medicinally valued product. In many cultures across the world, honey has been used to treat skin disorders like eczema or ulcers, including any cuts or wounds.

    Honey is also known to soothe the throat due to cough or even ease your asthmatic condition, apart from being a very good antibacterial agent.

    Honey is sweet and, therefore, high in sugar or glucose and fructose. Because of the sugar content, honey is full of carbohydrates, an important point to remember!

    Raw honey has various other components in it, such as minerals and vitamins.

    As you collect raw honey from the honeycomb directly, you get the beeswax and other impurities in your collection. Once filtered, the honey is ready for all your requirements, such as medicinal application or edible consumption.

    How Does Honey Affect Blood Sugar

    Because honey is a natural sugar and a carbohydrate, its only natural for it to affect your blood sugar in some way. When compared to table sugar, however, it appears that honey has a smaller effect.

    A 2004 study evaluated the effects of honey and table sugar on blood sugar levels. This study involved individuals with and without type 1 diabetes.

    Researchers found that in the group of people with diabetes, honey caused an initial increase in blood sugar 30 minutes after consumption. However, participants blood sugar levels later decreased and remained at lower levels for two hours.

    This leads researchers to believe that honey, unlike table sugar, may cause an increase in insulin, which is an important hormone for controlling blood sugar. More research is needed.

    Even though honey may increase insulin levels and help people with diabetes control their blood sugar, there doesnt appear to be any conclusive research supporting honey as a preventive factor for diabetes. This might be plausible, however.

    Researchers have found a possible connection between honey and a lower glycemic index.

    In a study of 50 people with type 1 diabetes and 30 people without type 1 diabetes, researchers found that, compared to sugar, honey had a lower glycemic effect on all participants.

    It also raised their levels of C-peptide, a substance released into the bloodstream when the body produces insulin.

    Can You Have Honey On A Ketogenic Diet

    This is a question Ive heard on numerous occasions. Technically, it depends on the other carbohydrates in your diet. In my article, How to Get into Ketosis Fast and Staying There , I discuss keeping your carbohydrates under 30 grams a day. This is not easy.

    Keep in mind that honey has approximately 17 grams of carbohydrates per Tbsp . Yes, its lower glycemic, but be careful with honey. Its easy to overindulge.

    Now, if theres a small amount of honey in a keto-friendly recipe, it should be fine.

    Also, if you want to use a teaspoon of honey in your coffee or tea, that will be fine. Again, I caution about overconsumption.

    Does Honey Raise Blood Sugar Does Honey Make You Fat

    • Obesity
    • Does honey raise blood sugar? Does honey make you fat?

    Does honey raise blood sugar? a question often put, but not by diabetics. Allopathic doctors tell them honey is sugar and is out of the question. Nevertheless studies showed that honey consumption reduces metabolic stress thus reducing the risks for many of the diseases and conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

    Sugar is the #1 enemy of humanity. We all know this. Its pleasant, it gives energy and is addictive. Many doctors compare it to cocaine. But unlike it, a person cannot completely give up on it. He is not allowed to.

    50 years ago, along the development of technology and huge changes in our life style, some modern diseases appeared: depression, allergies, food malabsorption, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancer and so many others.

    What triggered their appearance? Stress and diet change.

    Stress remains at the bases of all disorders. It was proved that living completely relaxed and having a diet based of almost nothing else but nettle broth, can lead to a lifespan of 90 years.Today we need to live under stress in order to survive. To stay en-garde all the time. At work, at home, in traffic, etc.Studies have proved that stress is the underlying factor of the majority of our diseases.

    If sugar makes us sick, doesnt honey have the same reaction on us?NO.

    How Much Sugar Is In Pure Raw Honey

    4.6/5raw honeysugar

    Summary Honey provides several antioxidants, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. When used in place of sugar, it may not increase your blood sugar levels as much and may help lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

    Subsequently, question is, how many grams of sugar are in organic honey? It’s sweeter than sugarPer teaspoon, honey contains 20 calories, 5 grams of sugar and no fat. Granulated sugar has 15 calories, 4 grams of sugar and no fat per teaspoon.

    Also know, is honey better for you than sugar?

    These additional components may be responsible for some of the health benefits of honey. Sugar is higher on the glycemic index than honey, meaning it raises blood sugar levels more quickly. But honey has slightly more calories than sugar, although it is sweeter, so less may be required.

    Does 100 percent honey have sugar?

    While pure honey and 100 percent maple syrup can be added to other foods and drinks , they don’t actually have sugar added to them when they’re made.


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