Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeDoes Insulin Raise Or Lower Blood Sugar

Does Insulin Raise Or Lower Blood Sugar

How Do I Decide Which Medications Are Worth Taking

Insulin Questions: How do I treat my low blood sugar?

Just because some drugs and supplements may negatively affect blood sugars does not mean you should not take them! This will just require a little more planning on your part.;

Always work with your doctor and medical team to determine what drugs and supplements to take, how often to take them, and how much to take to balance the benefits of the drugs or supplements with the costs to your blood sugar.;

Always speak with your doctor before you start, stop, or change any medications.;

How Heat Can Affect You

Dr. Hamaty says the extreme heat of summer affects blood sugar levels. How the heat affects your levels depends on what youve eaten, whether youre well-hydrated and your activity level.

If the heat and your activity makes you sweat a lot, you may become dehydrated, leading to a rise in glucose levels. If you become dehydrated, your blood glucose levels will rise. This can lead to frequent urination, which then leads to further dehydration and even higher blood sugar levels a kind of vicious cycle, he says.

Things can become even worse if the treatment includes insulin: Dehydration reduces blood supply to your skin and, therefore, the ability of your body to absorb the insulin youve injected is reduced, he says.

Insulin Basics: How Insulin Helps Control Blood Glucose Levels

Insulin and glucagon are hormones secreted by islet cells within the pancreas. They are both secreted in response to blood sugar levels, but in opposite fashion!

Insulin is normally secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. The stimulus for insulin secretion is a HIGH blood glucose…it’s as simple as that!; Although there is always a low level of insulin secreted by the pancreas, the amount secreted into the blood increases as the blood glucose rises. Similarly, as blood glucose falls, the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreatic islets goes down.;

As can be seen in the picture, insulin has an effect on a number of cells, including muscle, red blood cells, and fat cells.; In response to insulin, these cells absorb glucose out of the blood, having the net effect of lowering the high blood glucose levels into the normal range.

Glucagon is secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets in much the same manner as insulin…except in the opposite direction. If blood glucose is high, then no glucagon is secreted.;

When blood glucose goes LOW, however, more and more glucagon is secreted. Like insulin, glucagon has an effect on many cells of the body, but most notably the liver.

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Managing Your Diabetes Devices

If you are using an insulin pump, talk to your diabetes team about how to best manage hyperglycemia. In general, be sure to check your pump first. Make sure all parts are connected and working correctly. Check your bolus history and temporary basal rate. Also check your insulin to make sure it has not expired or gotten too warm.

If you use a CGM, try not to react to it too often. You might be tempted to give another dose of insulin too soon, before the first one finishes working, which is known as stacking insulin; this can cause low blood sugar .

The Important Roles Of Insulin And Glucagon: Diabetes And Hypoglycemia

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The human body wants blood glucose maintained in a very narrow range. Insulin and glucagon are the hormones which make this happen. Both insulin and glucagon are secreted from the pancreas, and thus are referred to as pancreatic endocrine hormones. The picture on the left shows the intimate relationship both insulin and glucagon have to each other. Note that the pancreas serves as the central player in this scheme.; It is the production of insulin and glucagon by the pancreas which ultimately determines if a patient has diabetes, hypoglycemia, or some other sugar problem.

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How Are Insulinomas Diagnosed

Insulinomas can be difficult to diagnose. The average time between the start of symptoms and a diagnosis is about 3 years.

If your healthcare provider suspects an insulinoma, you may stay in the hospital for a few days. This is so your doctor can watch your blood sugar and other substances in your blood while you fast. You will not be able to eat or drink anything except water during this time. If you have an insulinoma, you will probably have very low blood sugar levels within 48 hours of starting this test. If your symptoms of low blood sugar have been after meals, you may also have a test of your blood sugar and insulin for several hours after a meal.

Your healthcare provider may also use imaging tests. These can help find out how big your tumor is and where it’s located. A transabdominal ultrasound study is usually the first test done. Other tests include endoscopic ultrasound, CT scan or MRI . If the insulinoma is too small to be seen with these imaging tests, you may need tests which sample blood from multiple areas of your pancreas to detect where the extra insulin is being release into your blood stream.

How Should You Count Fiber When Calculating Insulin

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. But here are a few tips when youre consuming a whole food or product with high fiber:

  • Take good notes! Write down the food item, the net carbs, how much insulin you tookand then what happened! Could you dose your insulin by the net carb-count or did you need more than expected? Next time you eat that item, youll know how to manage your insulin dose.
  • Treat each high-fiber food as different than the last. In addition to the fiber in an apple being different than the fiber in a bowl of black beans, the type of fiber in your Quest Bar could be a different type of fiber than whats in your favorite low-carb bread. Look at the ingredients to determine what types of fiber youre consuming, and againtake good notes on how the net carbohydrate count impacted your blood sugar.
  • The more fiber, the more likely some of it will affect your blood sugar. If there are 10+ grams of fiber in a food or product, the potential for some of that fiber affecting your blood sugar is higher simply because theres more of it.;
  • Food in our lives with type 1 diabetes is complicated.;

    At the end of the day, the one thing every nutrition expert can agree on is that we should all strive to eat more real food especially plants! And thankfully, by eating more plants, youll effortlessly get more fiber into your diet.

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    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Low Blood Sugar

    Different people may feel low blood sugar levels differently. People with low blood sugar may:

    • feel hungry or have “hunger pains” in their stomach
    • feel shaky or like they’re trembling
    • have a rapid heart rate
    • feel sweaty or have cold, clammy skin
    • have pale, gray skin color
    • have a headache
    • have seizures or convulsions
    • lose consciousness

    If you have diabetes, try to remember how your body reacts when your blood sugar levels are low. It may help you figure out when you’re having a low blood sugar level more quickly the next time.

    Can You Raise Blood Sugar Without Food

    Preventing and Managing Hypoglycemia ( Low Blood Sugar)

    Two products glucose gel and chewable glucose tablets are also effective at quickly raising blood sugar. Theyre available without a prescription and are recommended for people who experience frequent episodes of low blood sugar.

    If youve had severe low blood sugar symptoms in the past, speak with your doctor about whether a glucagon kit is right for you. Glucagon is a hormone that triggers your liver to release glucose into the bloodstream.

    These kits are only available by prescription. Theyre used to raise your blood sugar when youre not able to eat or drink, such as in a state of unconsciousness. Therefore, someone else, like a friend or family member, typically administers this medication for you.

    An episode of low blood sugar that necessitates assistance from another person is by definition severe hypoglycemia. The kits come with a syringe and needle that can be used to inject glucagon into your arm, thigh, or buttocks.

    Be sure to ask your doctor when and how to use a glucagon kit. Also, let your family and friends know how to use it and how to recognize a hypoglycemic emergency.

    There are many different factors that can cause a dip in your blood sugar levels. Here are some of the most common causes.

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    Why Its Better To Exercise Soon After Eating

    Glucose levels hit their peak within 90 minutes of a meal, according to a 2017 study published by the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology.

    Those with type 2 diabetes are supposed to keep levels at 160 mg/dl within two hours of a meal.

    Because exercising reduces blood glucose concentrations, its a good idea to start exercising about 30 minutes after the beginning of a meal, researchers concluded.

    While this is a solid guideline, it can vary for different people. Read on to find out how to ensure youre in the safe zone for exercise.

    Why Does My Insulin Make My Blood Sugar Rise/do Nothing Sometimes

    coravh said:Aaah, I get it. You figure out your own ISF . Most of us find it’s best to work this out for ourselves, rather than simply take one-size-fits-all amounts from our docs. Through testing, you will be able to determine by how much, one unit of insulin will drop you. Mine was typically about 4 mmol . If I was over about 250 or 300 I would add a bit of a fudge factor due to increased insulin resistance. My suggestion to you is to continue to take the amount of insulin your doc advises, and then check at 20 or 30 minute intervals afterwards and see what your bg does. You will get a better idea of how the insulin works for you.Hope you didn’t crash too badly.Cora

    furball64801 said:What the others said, I tend to do that at times. At times it can take insulin hours to catch up, I get you do not like being over 200 and neither do I but it can happen. I said to my wife yesterday the VA is not going to like my next a1c because its been a bit rough lately. I have had good and bad D times it just averages out.

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    How Are Insulinomas Treated

    Most insulinomas are not cancerous. Surgeons can usually remove them and resolve the condition. Sometimes this can be done using a laparoscope. In laparoscopy, the surgeon makes small incisions and uses specialized instruments to remove the tumor. If your healthcare provider thinks that surgery would not be a good option for you, non-surgical options are available. These would address the symptoms of hypoglycemia, such as eating small, frequent meals and taking some medicines to counteract the effects of the excess insulin.

    While you are waiting for your surgery, you may stay in the hospital and get intravenous solutions to keep you from becoming hypoglycemic.;

    Ideal Blood Sugar Levels

    The Top 12 Foods to Balance Blood Sugar Levels

    A range of factors, including insulin resistance, diabetes, and an unbalanced diet, can cause blood sugar levels to spike or plummet.

    The standard measurement units for blood sugar levels are milligrams per deciliter . Ideal blood sugar ranges are as follows:


    Insulin and glucagon do not take immediate effect, particularly in people whose blood sugar levels are extremely high or low.

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    Does Pineapple Raise Blood Sugar

    Yes, pineapple does raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetics are advised to eat pineapple with other food products that have low glycemic indexes. Diabetic patients should consult their doctor before eating any fruit so they can receive the correct dietary advice personally.

    Pineapple has a medium-glycemic index which may be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels. However, it is best not to eat large portions of fruits at one time since many contain high amounts of simple sugars like fructose and glucose. This will only spike your blood sugar level without supplying you with nutrients or fiber.

    Caution: Birth Control Pills

    Estrogen in birth control pills can affect the way a person with diabetes may respond to insulin. The American Diabetes Association advises women with diabetes to use a birth control pill containing norgestimate and a synthetic estrogen. The ADA also says birth control injections and implants are safe for women with diabetes, but suggests they still have some effect on blood sugars. If women elect to use these birth control methods, they should monitor their blood sugar levels, especially for several weeks when these agents are first administered. Women with diabetes should discuss their birth control options with their doctor.

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    Does Lantus Insulin Raise Or Lower Blood Sugar Levels

    Lantus lowers high blood sugar levels.

    Lantus is the man made form of a long acting insulin that is given by injection to diabetic patients, to lower their high blood sugar levels.

    • Normally our bodies naturally produce the hormone insulin which works to keep the levels of sugar in our blood to the ideal range.
    • People who have diabetes have high blood sugar levels regularly due to their body not producing enough insulin or their body has become resistant to the effect of insulin.
    • Lantus insulin carries the excess blood sugar from your bloodstream and stores it in your bodys tissues to use for energy later on.
    • Lantus lowers the high blood sugar levels that diabetic patients have so that the blood glucose levels are a more normal range.

    Whats Considered Low Blood Sugar

    Foods That Will Not Raise Your Blood Sugar (Foods Good For Blood Sugar) Diabetic Blood Sugar Foods

    Your blood sugar tends to fluctuate throughout the day. Itll be lower when you first wake up, especially if you havent eaten for the past 8 to 10 hours.

    Your blood sugar will go up once you eat. Depending on when you last ate, heres whats considered to be a normal blood sugar range:

    Fasting 2 hours after a meal
    7099 mg/dL Less than 140 mg/dL

    Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, is when your blood sugar levels fall below 70 mg/dL.

    The point at which low blood sugar symptoms become noticeable is different from one person to the next.

    Some people may feel jittery, irritable, or lightheaded when their blood sugar level falls to 70 mg/dL. Other people may not feel any symptoms until well below that mark.

    A quick, simple blood test can measure your blood sugar level. If you have diabetes or another medical condition that sometimes causes episodes of low blood sugar, its important to regularly check your blood sugar with a home test.

    If a test shows that your blood sugar is below normal, you can take steps to adjust it quickly.

    Symptoms of low blood sugar vary from person to person and can even be different from one episode to the next. You may experience specific symptoms the first time your blood sugar dips, and different symptoms the next time.

    The most common mild to moderate symptoms of low blood sugar include:

    • jitters or shaking

    More severe symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

    • inability to eat or drink
    • seizures
    • unconsciousness

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    How To Reverse Insulin Resistance

    If you have insulin resistance, you want to become the oppositemore insulin sensitive .

    Physical activity makes you more sensitive to insulin, one reason why its a cornerstone of diabetes management . Dont wait until youre diagnosed with diabetes to start moving more. The earlier you take action , the better off youll be.

    Weight loss is important too, as is avoiding high blood sugar, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep .

    These lifestyle changes really work. Talk with your health care provider about how to get started.

    The Basics Of High Blood Sugar

    Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes;blood;sugar ;levels to rise higher than normal. This is also called;hyperglycemia.

    When you eat, your body breaks food down into sugar;and sends it into the blood. Insulin then helps move the sugar from the blood into your cells. When;sugar enters your cells, it is either used as fuel for energy right away or stored for later use. In a person with diabetes, there is a problem with;insulin. But, not everyone with diabetes has the same problem.;

    There are different types of diabetestype 1, type 2;and gestational diabetes. If you have diabetestype 1, type 2;or gestationalyour body either doesn’t make enough insulin, can’t use the insulin well, or both.

    Learn more about blood sugar; ; ;Learn more about insulin

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    How Much Pineapple Can A Diabetic Have

    It’s hard to give a definitive answer as it depends on how much pineapple is eaten. However, many sources say that 100g of pineapple has about the same effect as a single slice of cake.

    The whole pineapple has a lower glycemic index than just the pineapple juice, so it is better to eat an entire fresh fruit. However, if you don’t have access to fresh pineapples then bottled or canned pineapple will do as well. It’s important not to make this a daily habit though because canned or bottled pineapple contains more sugar content.


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