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HomeCan You Live A Long Life With Diabetes

Can You Live A Long Life With Diabetes

Live A Long And Healthy Life With Type 1 Diabetes

I find that when type 1 diabetics adopt my high-nutrient dietary approach, they reduce their insulin requirements by at least one half. They protect their body against the heart-attack-promoting effects of the American diet style. They no longer have swings of highs and lows, their weight remains stable, and their glucose levels and lipids stay under excellent control. Even though the type 1 diabetic will still require exogenous insulin, they will no longer need excessive amounts of it.

Remember, it is not the rype 1 diabetes that is so damaging, it is the SAD, the typical dietary advice given to type 1 diabetics, and the excessive amounts of insulin required by the SAD that are so harmful. It is simply essential for all type 1 diabetics to learn and adopt a Nutritarian diet as described in my book The End of Diabetes.

They can use much less insulin, achieve a normal, healthy lifespan and dramatically reduce their risk of complications later in life.

Risk Factors Of Type 2 Diabetes

There are several factors that can affect your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Because the symptoms of type 2 diabetes are not always obvious, its really important to be aware of these risk factors. They can include: 

  • your age
  • if you have a parent, brother, sister or child with diabetes
  • your ethnicity

What To Know About Diabetes And Life Expectancy

Twenty-nine million Americans and more than 400 million people worldwide have diabetes. There are two main types of diabetes with different underlying causes. But when either type 1 or is not well controlled, they lead to a dangerous buildup of glucose in the blood. Over time, the damage this does to blood vessels and nerves can lead to serious complications, such as blindness, limb amputation, , and . 

Increase Your Awareness About Diabetes

If youre reading this, youre already on the right track. Dealing with a problem becomes a lot easier if you understand the problem better, if you learn more about it. And when you learn about diabetes, youll understand how your body is affected by it and how you can help minimize its negative impact on your body. Youll be in a much better position to make right choices with respect to your diet, medication and other day-to-day activities.

For example, the wound of a diabetes patient takes a longer time to heal, which means one should be particularly careful about potential accidents and avoid putting ourselves to risks whenever possible.

How Hospice Can Help With End

Five tips for living with diabetes

Hospice supports not just the patient, but the family and family caregiver, by providing a number of different services that help satisfy their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

The Crossroads team consists of doctors, nurses, aides, social workers, and volunteers ready to help. If you would like to learn more, please select one of the contact options from the blue Help Center bar to speak with someone 24/7.

Juvenile Diabetes Life Expectancy

It is difficult to imagine that a child can be diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. Even though the disease has the ability to ravage the child’s body, it is still quite manageable when proper attention is focused on it. But does having the disease lower the child’s life expectancy?

In the past, there was a significant difference in the life expectancy for those suffering from juvenile diabetes and those of the same age who were not diabetic. This occurred despite the proper management of their disease. However, in recent years, the advancements of treatment options for the disease have allowed these diabetics to enjoy virtually the same life expectancy as their non-diabetic counterparts.

Up until the last year of the baby boomer phase, which was 1964, a child diagnosed with juvenile diabetes could only expect to live an average of a little over 54 years. That was with the individual taking good care of themselves and maintaining their disease as well as could be expected.

Starting in 1965, children diagnosed with type 2 can expect their life span to be increased to almost 69 years- signifying an incredible jump. This is close to the average life expectancy for the general public. Children who are non-diabetic and born during the same span of time have a life span of just over 72 years. The difference of just over three years is a dramatic difference from before.

Photo: Pixabay

But Not Everyone With Type 2 Diabetes Needs To Take Insulin

Though everyone with type 1 diabetes requires supplemental insulin in order to survive, not every case of type 2 diabetes calls for this type of treatment. As Verywell Health points out, most people with type 2 diabetes will start off trying a healthy diet and exercisethough if this doesn’t help, insulin therapy may be necessary down the line.

You Can Develop Type 1 At Any Age

“People used to tell me that I had late-onset juvenile diabetes because I was 26 when I was diagnosed, but you can be any age and get type 1 diabetes,” says Tetenman. The American Diabetes Association confirms that type 1 diabetes “occurs at every age, in people of every race, and of every shape and size.”

Living With Type 1 Diabetes

Insulin can be a difficult drug to manage. A mismatch between insulin and food intake can cause blood sugar to drop dangerously low . This can lead to symptoms such as a fast heart beat or feeling shaky. It can cause diabetic ketoacidosis, in which the bodys chemical balance becomes deranged because theres not enough insulin to move sugar into cells. Hypoglycemia can also lead to a diabetic coma, and even death. In the Scottish study, 21% of deaths among younger people with type 1 diabetes occurred as a result of diabetic coma and related causes.

That said, insulin works very well for most people with type 1 diabetes. Other reasons why people with type 1 diabetes are now living longer include:

Better insulins are available, and they are easier to use. Some last all day, others work very quickly. Insulin pumps make it easier to deliver insulin

Better ways to track blood sugar with home glucose monitors and even continuous glucose monitors. Keeping blood sugar close to normal is linked with longer life.

New drugs and other therapies to prevent and treat complications of diabetes, such as heart disease and kidney disease. Both are major causes of early death in people with type 1 diabetes.

How To Live A Long Life With Diabetes

Eight million of the 29 million people with diabetes dont know they have condition. The first key to managing diabetes is to confirm a diagnosis for it. If you know you have diabetes, take these steps to live the healthiestand longestlife possible:

  • Regulate your blood glucose levels. You do this by checking and logging your blood sugar numbers, taking your medication consistently, and eating a healthy diet.

  • Know the complications and accompanying conditions that put you at risk. Do what you can to prevent conditions that, along with diabetes, could potentially affect your lifespan. These include heart disease and .

  • Work with healthcare providers experienced in treating people with diabetes. These may include a primary care doctor, , , and . These providers can help you avoid complications of diabetes.

What Is Canine Diabetes

If a dog is diagnosed with canine diabetes, this means that their pancreas doesnt produce an adequate amount of the hormone insulin . Alternatively, their body might not react to insulin in the correct way.

Insulin controls the ability of glucose to be absorbed from the blood into the cells of the body to be used for energy. But without working insulin, the glucose stays in the bloodstream, leading to high blood sugar levels. As a result, the dogs body starts metabolising fat to create ketones which are a more accessible source of energy which insulin isnt needed for, but high levels of ketones in the body will make the dog feel very unwell.

If there isnt enough insulin in your dogs body or it isnt working in the right way, this means that there is no way of controlling the level of sugar in your dogs blood, which can lead to a condition called hyperglycaemia .

Hyperglycaemia can make dogs seriously ill after a while, especially if theyre in conjunction with other health issues like urine infections. Diabetic dogs are more prone to other health issues, and also have a 70% chance of going blind due to cataracts.

There are two types of canine diabetes: insulin-deficient diabetes and insulin-resistant diabetes .

A Type 1 Diabetes Success Story

John was a 22-year-old college graduate with type 1 diabetes since the age of six. He was five foot, eight inches tall, weighed 190 pounds and was taking a total of 70 units of insulin daily. He was referred to my office by his family physician as he was having swings in his glucose levels, too high at times and at other times dangerously low. He also wanted to learn more about nutrition to improve his health and reduce his future risks from having diabetes.

I was impressed by his intelligence and desire to change his eating habits to better his health. We spent lots of time discussing the typical problems that befall most diabetics, and I explained to him that using 70 units of insulin a day was part of the problem. I told him that if he follows my recommended diet-style he will stabilize his weight at about 145 pounds and will only require about 30 units of insulin a day. With this lower level of insulin, to mimic the amount of insulin a non-diabetic makes in the pancreas, he can have a life without the typical health issues that befall diabetics.

He lost 13 pounds over the first month and by month three he weighed 167 pounds, a loss of 23 pounds. He was excited about what he learned and was more hopeful about living with diabetes.

I am convinced that with a Nutritarian diet-style, those with type 1 diabetes can have a long and disease-free life. I feel it is imperative that all type 1 diabetics learn about this life-saving approach.

Type 1 Diabetes And Pregnancy

How Long Can You Live With Diabetes

Pregnant women with type 1 diabetes need to be extra careful to maintain good blood sugar control. If blood sugar runs too high during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of complications including having a very large baby, having the baby too early, and having preeclampsia, a condition that can be life threatening to the mother and baby. You can minimize the risk for complications by paying close attention to blood sugar, eating a low-glycemic diet, and staying regularly active.

How To Learn More About Diabetes:

  • Take classes to learn more about living with diabetes by consulting with your healthcare team.
  • Join a support group to get peer support for managing your diabetes.
  • You can also check relevant diabetes-related sources like the American Diabetes Association, International Diabetes Federation, Diabetic Association of India and so on to learn about diabetes.

Can You Live Long With Type

Many diabetics worry about the prognosis and their life expectancy after their diabetes diagnosis. Although death is not pleasant subject, its human nature to get to know about how long we can expect to live.

There are some statistics for diabetes life expectancy, but no one that can tell you exactly what will happen. Each case is unique and varies. Furthermore, there are a number of different factors that can affect this life expectancy.

But in essence, its important to manage type 2 diabetes otherwise some serious complications will occur which some can be life-threatening. In fact, diabetes is one of top ten causes of death in the U.S according to the American Diabetes Association. And a report published in the Oct issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, it carries about 15 % increased risk of premature death.

Some studies suggest that the risk of death from diabetes is higher if you have the disease at young ages. The reason is not fully known. But in general, having it at a younger age will make you spend a longer period of your life living with it this means there is a greater chance to have death due to this disease.

The good news, type-2 diabetes is manageable though it still has no cure. The chance to live long with it is pretty good, especially true if the disease has not become advanced.

Chronic high amount of glucose in the bloodstream over a period of time will allow serious, life-threatening complications of the disease to set in, such as:

People With Type 1 Diabetes Are Living Longer

Better blood sugar control may be the key to longer survival

Ninety years ago, type 1 diabetes was a death sentence: half of people who developed it died within two years; more than 90% were dead within five years. Thanks to the introduction of insulin therapy in 1922, and numerous advances since then, many people with type 1 diabetes now live into their 50s and beyond. But survival in this group still falls short of that among people without diabetes.

A Scottish study published this week in JAMA shows that at the age of 20, individuals with type 1 diabetes on average lived 12 fewer years than 20-year-olds without it. A second study in the same issue of JAMA showed that people with type 1 diabetes with better blood sugar control lived longer than those with poorer blood sugar control.

How Can Diabetes Be Prevented

A simple change in your lifestyle habits can help in the prevention of diabetes.

1. Making healthier food choices by choosing foods that are low in refined carbohydrates and incorporating more vegetables, whole fruits, lean meats, beans and whole grains will allow you to continue a healthy diet.2. Exercising regularly such as cycling or jogging will make your heart work better.3. Take your medications on time.4. Eat regularly and never miss your meals. Frequent consumption of meals and snacks at regular intervals can keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Type 2 Diabetics Can Live Longer Than People Without The Disease

Cardiff University
A commonly prescribed diabetes drug could offer surprising health benefits to non-diabetics. metformin, used to control glucose levels in the body and already known to exhibit anticancer properties, could offer prognostic and prophylactic benefits to people without diabetes, researchers report in a new article.

Patients treated with a drug widely prescribed for type 2 diabetes can live longer than people without the condition, a large-scale study involving over 180,000 people has shown.

The findings indicate that a drug known as metformin, used to control glucose levels in the body and already known to exhibit anticancer properties, could offer prognostic and prophylactic benefits to people without diabetes.

Importantly, the life expectancy of these cohorts was also compared against non-diabetics who were matched based on criteria that included age, gender, same general practice, smoking status and clinical status.

“What we found was illuminating,” said lead author Professor Craig Currie from Cardiff University’s School of Medicine.

“Patients treated with metformin had a small but statistically significant improvement in survival compared with the cohort of non-diabetics, whereas those treated with sulphonylureas had a consistently reduced survival compared with non-diabetic patients. This was true even without any clever statistical manipulation.

Type 2 diabetes affects 8% of the US population and 6% of the UK population.

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Can You Live Long With Type 2 Diabetes


Blood sugar level monitoring

Since diabetes can make your blood sugar fluctuate easily, test your blood sugar regularly! You can do it at home with portable glucose meter, a practical device that measures the level of your blood sugar in a small drop of blood.

When to take the test? This can vary from person to person. But in general, you may need to take it twice a day or more if you take insulin. Its usually recommended to do it before meals and if necessary before your bedtime.

But if youre not taking insulin or only use lifestyle measures to control your type-2 diabetes, you may not need to take the test daily. See also the normal blood sugar targets for diabetics in here!

In addition, your doctor may suggest HbA1c test at least once a year. It is used to show how well your blood sugar is managed over the long term. This also can help analyze the effectiveness of the treatment or lifestyle measures you follow to cope with the disease.

Healthy-balanced diet

What you eat can affect your blood sugar, especially true for high-GI foods. GI or glycemic index is a variable used to determine how fast a food in affecting blood sugar. Low-GI foods are more recommended for diabetics since they are slowly digested , and the most important thing they have least effect on blood sugar.

Limit alcohol and avoid smoke!
Keep active, regular exercise!
Good relationship with others

Go For Regular Checkups

Lastly, its important to get yourself checked regularly or as directed by your doctor. This would help detect a problem early on and solve the same before it escalates.

Like we said, you can totally live a long, healthy and happy life with diabetes. Just make sure you do these 6 simple things listed above. You should be just fine!

Myth Only People With Type 1 Diabetes Need Insulin

Diabetes Care for Children

Fact Around 50 percent of people with type 2 diabetes will need insulin after 6-10 years of being diagnosed with diabetes because the pancreas produces less insulin over time. Taking medication when required can result in fewer complications in the long-term and is part of managing type 2 diabetes.

People with type 1 diabetes depend on insulin replacements every day of their lives. They must test their blood glucose levels several times throughout the day.

Learn more

Myth People With Diabetes Cant Eat Dessert

Fact Because diabetes effects blood glucose levels, many people think they need to avoid sugars and foods containing sugar. However, if eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, or combined with exercise, sweets and desserts can be eaten by people with diabetes. The key is to eat everything in moderation.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines are recommended for people with all types of diabetes as well as the rest of the population. For your individual dietary needs, we recommend seeing an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and talking to your diabetes healthcare team about the right approach to help you live well with your diabetes.

What Are The Symptoms And Warning Signs Of Diabetes

As reported by the American Diabetes Association, the following are the symptoms and early signs of diabetes. Both types of diabetes can manifest these symptoms:

  • Increased appetite
  • Tingling sensation in the legs, hands, or toes
  • Bruises, blisters, or cuts that heal slowly
  • Rapid loss of weight
  • Foul-smelling or sour breath

Carbs Are Hiding In Many Unexpected Places

It’s not just typical carb-heavy foods like bread and bagels that you have to watch out for when you have diabetes. One medium banana, for instance, has a staggering 27 grams of carbs and requires a hefty dose of insulin. And mango? Just one cup of the cut fruit has 28 grams of carbohydrates. But these aren’t things that you think about too often until you’re living with diabetes and you need to monitor your intakes.

Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Learning how to live with type 2 diabetes can be challenging, but well help you to discover what works for you. Some people can manage it through healthier eating, being more active or losing weight. But eventually most people will need medication to bring their blood sugar down to their target level. 

Learn more about managing your diabetes.

Many Dont Realize They Have Diabetes

The researchers say at least 7.8% of the U.S. population, or some 23.6 million people, have diabetes, including 5.7 million who donât know they do.

The study also shows that:

  • 23.1% of people 60 and older, or 12.2 million people, have diabetes.
  • Annual diabetes-related spending is expected to reach $336 billion in 2034, which is almost three times the amount spent in 2009.
  • In 2007, diagnosed diabetes cost the U.S. an estimated $116 billion in direct medical costs and $58 billion in reduced productivity.
  • People with diabetes are responsible for about 20% of U.S. health care expenditures.
  • The prevalence of diabetes is projected to more than double between 2005 and 2050 for U.S. residents 20 to 64 and increase 220% for people between 65 and 74. For people 75 and older the prevalence is expected to increase 449%.
  • Diabetes is more common among non-whites; African-Americans are more likely to develop the disease than either whites or Hispanics.
  • African-Americans are more likely to die from diabetes than either Hispanics or whites. The overall diabetes mortality rate is 41% higher for Hispanics than for whites and 113% higher for non-Hispanic blacks than for whites.

The researchers say diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death among people 45 to 64, and the seventh leading cause of death for those 65 and older. Heart disease, the researchers say, is the main cause of death for older people with diabetes.

Diabetics Require A Secret Sugar Stash

When you’re living with diabetes, carrying around an emergency stash of sugar is a necessity. Should you experience hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose, you’ll need to follow the 15-15 rule and eat 15 grams of carbohydrates every 15 minutes until your blood glucose is at least 70 mg/dL, all of which requires an ample supply of carb-heavy foods.

Reduce Sugar And Refined Carbs Intake

A lot of studies have shown the correlation between high intake of sugar or refined carbs and diabetes. Therefore, it is better to replace these food types with foods that have lesser effects on blood sugar.

An analysis done on 37 studies also revealed that people who have the highest intake of carbs have a 40 percent chance of developing diabetes than those with the lowest carb intake.

How Long Can You Live With Diabetes Without Knowing

Living With Type 2 Diabetes

How long can you live with diabetes without knowing? Around half a billion people in the world are living with diabetes. It is common for someone to have diabetes without even knowing it. In this article, Ill discuss how long you can go without knowing you have diabetes, as well as prevention tips.

How long can you go with having diabetes before knowing you have it? If you have mild to moderate high blood sugar levels , you could live a long, full life. You could even live up to the normal life expectancy of age 70 to 80 years. The reason is that you wont likely notice or suffer from any symptoms with mild high blood sugar levels.

The problem with diabetes, however, is that it can gradually become worse. According to Diabetes UK, if your blood sugar levels keep rising, your life expectancy reduces by 10 to 20 years.

Read on to learn more about how long you can live with diabetes without knowing you have it, its symptoms, as well as some prevention tips.

Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes

There are a number of different ways you can treat type 2 diabetes, such as making healthy lifestyle choices, using insulin or taking medication. Your healthcare team will help you to find the right treatment for you. This can reduce your risk of developing complications and help you to live well with diabetes. 

Learn more about diabetes treatments.

Myth Diabetes Can Be Prevented

Fact Not all types of diabetes can be prevented. Type 1 is an autoimmune condition, it cannot be prevented and there is no cure. The cause of type 1 diabetes is still unknown.

Strong international evidence shows diabetes prevention programs can help prevent type 2 diabetes in up to 58 per cent of cases.There is no single cause of type 2 diabetes, but there are well-established risk factors. Your risk of developing diabetes is also affected by things you cannot change such as family history and ethnicity.


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