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HomeMust ReadWhat Fruit Can Type 2 Diabetics Eat

What Fruit Can Type 2 Diabetics Eat

Prevent Low Blood Glucose

Episode 212 – Should Diabetics Eat Fruits?

Because physical activity lowers your blood glucose, you should protect yourself against low blood glucose levels, also called hypoglycemia. You are most likely to have hypoglycemia if you take insulin or certain other diabetes medicines, such as a sulfonylurea. Hypoglycemia also can occur after a long intense workout or if you have skipped a meal before being active. Hypoglycemia can happen during or up to 24 hours after physical activity.

Planning is key to preventing hypoglycemia. For instance, if you take insulin, your health care provider might suggest you take less insulin or eat a small snack with carbohydrates before, during, or after physical activity, especially intense activity.4

You may need to check your blood glucose level before, during, and right after you are physically active.

Health Risks Of Fruit

Whilst fruit is recognised as being a very healthy food, the relatively high sugar content of fruit juices has been linked by research with higher incidences of colorectal cancer. The Western Australian Institute for Medical Research found, in a study, that those that drank fruit juice had increased instances of colorectal cancer

Cancer Research responded to the study by stating: This isnt a large study, and it doesnt give us clear answers about whether different fruits and vegetables affect the risk of cancer in parts of the bowel.

Dried fruit is higher in carbohydrate than undried fruit and non-organic dried fruit may also be preserved with sulphites. Sulphites in food may have been linked with bringing on symptoms in asthmatic people. Sulphites may appear on food labels as sulphur dioxide or an ingredient containing the words sulphite or sulfite.

Which Fruit Is Best For People With Diabetes

Despite what people often think, all fruit is good for people with diabetes. If fact, dietitians and diabetes educators recommend eating fresh fruit!

Even though fruit is a natural source of sugar, its also packed with fibera type of carbohydrate that helps keep blood sugar steady. Plus, fruit is nutritionally dense, meaning its loaded with important vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. The extra dose of these nutrients is likely one of the reasons people who regularly eat fruit have extra protection against heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer.

Nutrition Facts

1 cup blueberries: 84 calories, 21 g carbohydrates

High in water and low in carbohydrates, blueberries are definitely a diabetes-friendly pick. Blueberries get their deep blue-purple color from anthocyanins, potent antioxidants that may help prevent heart disease. Just keep the 1-cup serving in mind when you try fresh blueberries in this spinach blueberry salad or blend frozen ones into a berry smoothie. When theyre out of season, choose frozen varietiesjust double-check the ingredient list to make sure theres no added sugar. By the way, these are the best meats for diabetics.

Nutrition Facts

1 small banana: 90 calories, 23 g carbohydrates,

Nutrition Facts

1/3 medium avocado: 73 calories, 12g carbohydrates

Nutrition Facts

1 cup raspberries: 64 calories, 15g carbohydrates

Nutrition Facts

1 cup strawberries: 64 calories, 15g carbohydrates

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts

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Bell Peppers 1 Medium

Nutrition Facts

Calories: 37 | Total Fat: 0.36 g | Sat Fat: 0.032 g | Poly: 0.083 g | Mono: 0.004 g | Total Carbs: 7.18 g | Fiber: 2.5 g | Net Carbs: 4.68 g | Protein: 1.18 g


Calcium: 8 mg | Iron: 0.51 mg | Magnesium: 14 mg | Phosphorus: 31 mg | Potassium: 251 mg | Zinc: 0.30 mg


Vitamin C: 152.0 mg | Thiamin: 0.064 mg | Riboflavin: 0.101 mg | Niacin: 1.165 mg | Vit B6: 0.346 mg | Folate: 55 ug | Vit B12: 0 mg | Vit A: 3726 IU | Vit E: 1.88 mg | Vit D: 0 IU | Vit K: 5.8 ug

Which Oats Are The Best For People With Type 2 Diabetes

Best Fruit For Diabetes Type 2

Some oatmeal is better than others, when it comes to a type 2 diabetes diet. All oatmeal originates from oat groats, which are the whole kernels harvested before being stripped of their hulls. Oat groats are processed further into different types of oats that can be used for oatmeal, according to Harvard Health. The more processed the oats, the less beneficial fiber they contain.

Oatmeal can come in the form of:

  • Slow-Cooked Oats Oat groats have been steamed and flattened to create flakes
  • Quick Oats Oat groats are steamed for an even longer period of time so that they cook quickly in water theyre also rolled into thinner pieces to cook more quickly, which increases their GI.
  • Steel-Cut Oats Slightly larger in size than rolled oats, and take longer to cook
  • Porridge Made with oat groats that have been steamed and ground into a meal-like texture

Steel-cut oats are best for type 2 diabetes because they are the least-processed version of oat groats. Rolled oats have a higher glycemic index than steel-cut oats as they actually have been partially cooked, making them increase your blood sugar faster, says Kaufman.

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Why Do I Need To Be Careful About Fruit Juices And Smoothies

Weve mentioned fruit juice and smoothies and these are something that, ideally, need to be avoided or at least cut down on. This is because fruit juice and smoothies have most of the roughage removed or already broken down, so it is very easy to drink large quantities in a short space of time and ultimately this means extra calories and carbohydrate. Having less intact fibre means fruit juices and smoothies are not as beneficial to the body compared to whole fruits.

A serving 150ml provides about 15g carbs which counts towards free sugar, so you can see how easily it is to take in a lot of carbohydrate and free sugar without really noticing.

Can Diabetics Eat Shrimp

Yes, diabetics can eat shrimp without any problems. It contains even nearly zero carbohydrates and no sugar. It won’t affect your blood glucose levels, therefore, a great addition to your diabetes diet.

Do make sure that the shrimp is cooked or prepared in a dish like a wok in its original state. If you batter and deep fry the shrimp, then it will be higher in fats and carbs. When you deep fry shrimp, the cooking oil penetrates its flesh which is not good for those who have heart disease as well as diabetics.

The nutritional value of seafood is dependent on how it is cooked.

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Topping Dos And Donts For A Diabetes

If you want a sweet bowl of oatmeal and some toppings, add fresh fruit, rather than dried fruit, which has a much higher GL. . Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are good for those with type 2 diabetes and add fiber, protein, and healthy types of fat to your meal. But keep your portions small, as these are high in calories and fat.

RELATED: The Best Nuts for Diabetes: Almonds, Walnuts, and More

For her own bowl of oatmeal, Kaufman says, I usually love to add raspberries or blueberries into my oatmeal in order to add even more fiber than just the oats themselves. Ground flaxseed is a nutritious way to top off any bowl of oatmeal with added benefits of fiber and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, says the Mayo Clinic.

When deciding on oatmeal, you want to stay away from any with added sweeteners, cautions Kaufman. Quick oats are often laden with added sweeteners to create flavors such as Maple and Brown Sugar or Peach, all of which you should avoid with type 2 diabetes. If you must use sweeteners other than fruit, the American Diabetes Association recommends the following:

What Foods And Drinks Should I Limit If I Have Diabetes

Can People With Diabetes Eat Fruit? Part 1

Foods and drinks to limit include

  • fried foods and other foods high in saturated fat and trans fat
  • foods high in salt, also called sodium
  • sweets, such as baked goods, candy, and ice cream
  • beverages with added sugars, such as juice, regular soda, and regular sports or energy drinks

Drink water instead of sweetened beverages. Consider using a sugar substitute in your coffee or tea.

If you drink alcohol, drink moderatelyno more than one drink a day if youre a woman or two drinks a day if youre a man. If you use insulin or diabetes medicines that increase the amount of insulin your body makes, alcohol can make your blood glucose level drop too low. This is especially true if you havent eaten in a while. Its best to eat some food when you drink alcohol.

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Choose Fruits With A Lower Glycemic Index

The American Diabetes Association suggests that you choose fruits that have a low glycemic index. The glycemic index, or GI, is used as a reference to measure how a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose.

Foods are rated based on how they raise blood sugars in comparison to a reference food such as sugar or white bread. A food with a high GI will raise blood glucose more than that of a food with a medium or low GI.

Most fruits have a low to moderate GI, with the exception of pineapple and watermelon. That doesn’t mean you can never eat pineapple and watermelon, but if you notice that your blood sugar spikes after eating either, it’s best to avoid them in the future. It’s also important to note that the GI of a food is different when eaten alone than it is when combined with other foods. For example, if you are eating a high GI fruit, such as watermelon, pairing it with a low GI index food, such as low-fat cheese can help to balance out the effect on blood sugar levels. Here are some examples of low, moderate, and high GI fruits:

  • Low GI fruits : apples, pears, mango, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit, pear, nectarine, orange
  • Moderate GI fruits : cherries, mango, papaya, grapes
  • High GI fruits : watermelon, pineapple

Note this information, while also keeping in mind that everyone has their own trigger foods which will spike blood sugars more than others. Additionally, the riper a fruit is, the more it affects your blood sugar.

Potential Reduction In Inflammation

Another reason to fuel up with oats: their anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is one of the bodys natural defense mechanisms. When youre injured or become ill, for instance, your body releases inflammatory cells to help you heal. However, too much inflammation can occur as a result of disease or from long-term stress, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle. Ongoing inflammation places undo stress on your organs, leading to complications such as diseases of the heart and brain, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Oats contain an anti-inflammatory compound called avenanthramide, which may reduce the inflammation in diabetes that could lead to disease progression. Researchers who studied 22 people with type 2 diabetes who ate oats over a period of eight weeks observed anti-inflammatory benefits in study participants. The study, published in June 2014 in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, looked at the effects of an oat-enriched diet in type 2 diabetes patients. They found that the diet resulted in decreased microparticles found in blood platelets that could contribute to high blood sugar and inflammation. These results applied to people with type 2 diabetes who already ate a fairly balanced diet, worked out regularly, and had adopted other healthy lifestyle habits.

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Choose Carbohydrates That Keep Blood Sugar Steady

Our wide variety of food products contain different levels and types of carbohydrates making it harder to eat wisely with diabetes. In general, you will want to choose carbs that have the least impact on your blood sugar. That means selecting foods that are high fiber, low sugar foods since these are absorbed more slowly and so have little impact on blood sugar changes.

Best carb choices to promote a healthy lifestyle for people with diabetes:

  • High fiber foods include: Whole grain breads and cereals, and foods made with 100% whole wheat, oats, quinoa, brown rice, corn and cornmeal
  • Dried beans, lentils, and peas
  • Fresh fruits like berries, apples, pears, and oranges
  • Dairy products including yogurt, milk, and cheese. The best yogurt is Greek-style or strained yogurt since these contain triple the level of protein.
  • Vegetables. Both starchy and non-starchy vegetables are all healthy carbs that have less effect on your blood sugar

As you might guess, sugar-sweetened cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and other baked goods made with white flour as well as candy and soft drinks that contain sugar and high fructose corn syrup have little nutritional value and are likely to send your blood sugar soaring, so should eat them only occasionally, if at all, and only in very small amounts.

Diabetic Diet: All About Making Calculated Food Choices

What Fruits Can You Eat With Type 2 Diabetes?

There are different types of diabetes, determined mainly by your bodys ability to produce and use insulinthe hormone necessary for getting sugar out of your blood and into your cells where it is used to produce energy.

The symptoms of all types of diabetes are similar, so the steps you need to take to control your blood sugar remain the same. Your diet plays a very critical role in managing your diabetes by keeping blood sugar levels stable throughout your lifetime. You are in control of what you eat, so this is one area you can and should learn to manage wisely.

For people with type 2 diabetes, your pancreas produces plenty of insulin that is not sensed by the cells so your body is unable to properly use the insulin you make. Usually, type 2 diabetes can be controlled well with lifestyle changesparticularly shifting from processed carbs to high fiber foods, and walking daily as needed with the addition of medication.

Some people with type 2 diabetes may also need to begin taking insulin at some point, says Sandra Arevalo, MPH, RD, CDE, a diabetes expert and spokesperson with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It can depend on your age and your individual ability to control your blood sugar with diet and exercise. However, when type 2 diabetes is found early enough and weight loss is achieved, in most cases, insulin is never needed.

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Glycemic Index Of Fruits

Caption: Image provided by

Another slightly misunderstood reference that turns some people away from fruit is the glycemic index, which measures the glycemic load of a food, or how much it will raise your blood glucose levels after eating it.

The glycemic index is a good indication of how energy-dense foods are which can be helpful in planning out your pre or post meal insulin, but theyre not a perfect system for planning out healthy eating.

For example, fruits that are high in carbohydrates, whole grain foods, and starchy vegetables tend to be higher on the glycemic index, however they dont spike your blood glucose if you eat them in combination with other fiber-rich foods, allowing you to eat them in abundance as part of a very healthy, low risk diet.

On the other hand, sodas, added sugars, and processed foods have a higher glycemic index, but can be absolutely disastrous for your long term health.

In essence, the glycemic index is a great tool for understanding your blood glucose and staying in range, but it shouldnt dictate your entire dietary strategy.

What Should You Eat If You Have Diabetes

In truth, a diet aimed at reducing the risks of diabetes is really nothing more than a nutritionally-balanced meal plan aimed at supporting maintaining blood sugar levels within range and supporting a healthy weight.

For those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, the main focus of a diabetes-focused diet is being attentive to your weight. That said, a diabetic diet is simply an eating approach that works to keep you healthy, and so is not reserved only for people with diabetes. Your whole family can enjoy the same meals and snacks, regardless of whether others have diabetes or not.

YesThere are a few food decisions that will matter more if you do have diabetes. We provide you with some general guidelines to help you understand how much and how often to eat in order to maintain steady blood sugar levels. And, these recommendations hold true for anyone who has diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, as well as prediabetes and gestational diabetes.

Diet really does matter, a lot!

In fact, if you were recently diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, by decreasing your weight by about 10%, you may even reverse your diabetes, putting it into remission.

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What Physical Activities Should I Do If I Have Diabetes

Most kinds of physical activity can help you take care of your diabetes. Certain activities may be unsafe for some people, such as those with low vision or nerve damage to their feet. Ask your health care team what physical activities are safe for you. Many people choose walking with friends or family members for their activity.

Doing different types of physical activity each week will give you the most health benefits. Mixing it up also helps reduce boredom and lower your chance of getting hurt. Try these options for physical activity.

Can I Snack In Between Meals

Can you reverse Type 2 Diabetes eating fruit?

Some people with type 2 diabetes hear about hypos and think they need to eat snacks to avoid them. But this isnt the case for everyone.

You dont need to eat snacks if youre not taking any medication for your type 2 diabetes. If you treat your diabetes with medication that puts you at risk of hypos, like insulin, you may need a snack to prevent a hypo. But if you find youre having to snack a lot to prevent hypos, talk to your healthcare team so they can give you more advice.

Snacking in general can make it harder to manage a healthy weight though, which is really important for managing your diabetes. So if you do feel like a snack, go for a healthier option like carrot sticks and hummus or some dark chocolate rice cakes.

Weve got lots of simple snack swaps to try.

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