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HomeExclusiveWhy Wont My Blood Sugar Go Down

Why Wont My Blood Sugar Go Down

Look At Your Daily Habits

Why High Blood Sugar Levels Won’t Come Down On Keto & Intermittent Fasting? Dr.Berg

When your oral diabetes medicine stops working, make an appointment with your doctor. They will want to know if anything in your routine has changed.

Many factors can affect how well your medicine is working for instance, weight gain, changes in your diet or activity level, or a recent illness. Making a few changes to your diet or exercising more each day might be enough to get your blood sugar under control again.

Its also possible that your diabetes has progressed. The beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin can become less efficient over time. This can leave you with less insulin and poorer blood sugar control.

Sometimes your doctor may not be able to figure out why your medicine stopped working. If the drug youve been taking is no longer effective, youll need to look at other medications.

Metformin is often the first drug youll take to control type 2 diabetes. If it stops working, the next step is to add a second oral drug.

You have a few oral diabetes medicines to choose from, and they work in different ways.

You might need more than one of these medicines to achieve good blood sugar control. Some pills combine two diabetes medications in one, such as glipizide and metformin , and saxagliptin and metformin . Taking one pill makes for easier dosing and reduces the odds that youll forget to take your medicine.

Have A Protein/fat Snack

This is something to try the night before, but you can do it first thing in a morning if youre not going to eat your breakfast right away. Protein and healthy fats break down slowly in the body. This means the length of time you will fast is technically shorter: since it takes more time to get rid of the food and create the empty space.

Youll hear that cheese before bed is bad for you. It gives you nightmares because your digestive system is still working while you sleep. Well, sometimes its worth putting up with the initial nightmares to keep your glucose levels to a minimum on a morning.

So, what can you do on a morning instead? Start your day with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and eat a slice of cheese. The two working together will help to balance out the hormones and get your digestive system working sooner than if you waited for breakfast.

Cheese is the protein/fat element, but the apple cider vinegar will have a direct effect on the blood sugar levels. Scientists havent worked out why it is so effective, but it has been proven. Check out more info on what kind of cheese can a diabetic eat here

You can also have a handful of nuts to get the same benefit. The nuts will also give you the selenium that your body needs to help balance out some of your hormones. You can keep nuts in your draw beside your bed to grab a handful before you get up!

Preventing High Blood Sugars

Everyone with diabetes experiences high blood sugars sometimes there are simply too many variables in the human body out of your control to prevent them altogether.

That being said, there are a few guidelines we can all follow to minimize the frequency of high blood sugars:

  • Avoid full-sugar beverages including soda, juice, coffee drinks, iced tea, etc.
  • Choose your carbohydrates carefully starchy carbs from pasta, candy, bread, desserts, etc. will spike your blood sugar the most
  • Take your medications as prescribed and contact your healthcare team if you miss a dose to determine if you can take it late
  • Exercise daily even a 20-minute walk makes a big difference on a daily basis
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration

And of course, if youre experiencing high blood sugars are a daily basis and youre unsure of the cause, talk to your healthcare team about making adjustments in your diabetes management regimen. A slight increase in your medications can have a big impact!

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Great Bedtime Snacks For People Living With Diabetes

For some people, a healthy bedtime snack helps to prevent glucose swings during the night. By eating a small snack that is full of protein and healthy fats , your body may be better able to avoid an overnight high but if you take insulin, be sure to cover the carbohydrates in your snack even if it only requires a small dose of insulin.

Here are some snack ideas:

  • Plain nuts or seeds try eating a small handful

  • Raw vegetables, such as carrots, celery, cucumbers, or tomatoes, with a small amount of hummus or peanut butter

  • Plain yogurt, and you can add berries or cinnamon

Remember, a bedtime snack is only helpful for some people. To see if it works for you, youll have to carefully monitor your glucose before bed, during the night, and when you wake up.

Causes Of Low Blood Sugar

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Low blood sugar is common for people with type 1 diabetes and can occur in people with type 2 diabetes taking insulin or certain medications. The average person with type 1 diabetes may experience up to two episodes of mild low blood sugar each week, and thats only counting episodes with symptoms. If you add in lows without symptoms and the ones that happen overnight, the number would likely be higher.

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What Impacts On Your Health Does High Blood Sugar Have

Having extra sugar in your bloodstream can be very harmful to the vessels in your body, as well as some major organs. Complications of diabetes include and are not limited to:

  • Problems with your eyes which could lead to loss of vision
  • Neuropathy
  • Poor wound healing which could lead to an amputation
  • Increased risk of heart disease and stroke

These complications are not caused by a spike in the blood sugar. They are caused by an increased number of high blood sugar events over a period of time. Do not think that one or two high blood sugars are going to cause you to go blind. However, it is important to know what caused those high sugars so that you can prevent it from happening again. Hemoglobin A1C levels are checked to see what the average blood sugar has been over the past 120 days. Your doctor will check this to see if how your blood sugar levels have been trending.

I suggest the following articles:

The rest of this article explains these in further detail.

Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise regimen.

Check your blood sugar levels!

There are critical times that you should check your blood sugar.

They include:

There are times when our health is well out of our control. Checking your blood sugar is one way that you can stay in control. Take this control and use it to better your health and your life.

According to the NIDDK, when checking your blood sugar levels, consider the following tips:

Is It Safe To Sleep With High Blood Sugar

Glucose levels that are occasionally a little high at night generally dont pose serious, immediate health concerns. Most people with diabetes cannot avoid some high glucose levels. However, frequent or long-term highs particularly extremely high levels can be dangerous. It is important for people with diabetes to reduce high blood sugar as much as possible for two key reasons:

  • Frequent hyperglycemia can lead to major health complications caused by damage to blood vessels and nerves, which can affect your eyes, heart, kidneys, and other organs. This occurs when glucose levels are too high over a long period of time.

  • Very high glucose levels can be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis . This occurs mainly in people with type 1 diabetes and can be life-threatening. For more information on DKA, read Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis: Whats the Difference.

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    First Check Your Ketones

    In people with type 1 diabetes, high blood sugars can put you at risk of developing ketones. Blood sugar levels over 250 mg/dL with too little insulin can quickly turn into diabetic ketoacidosis if it continues to rise.

    Test your urine for ketones, and contact your doctor or visit an urgent care facility if you measure with moderate to large ketones. When large ketones are present, correcting a high blood sugar with insulin via pump or injection wont be effective. Instead, youll likely need intravenous fluids for a few hours to restabilize.

    If you only have moderate ketones or less, you may be able to correct with insulin at home but youll likely need a larger dose than normal. Contact your healthcare team if you test positive for ketones and are unsure of how to safely manage the situation.

    Why Isn’t My Blood Sugar Going Down

    Why does my blood sugar not go down when I expect it too?

    QUESTION: When I first got diabetes, my blood sugar was at 800, then I went on lantus insulin and metformin and glipizide. At first, it took a while for my blood sugar to go down, I was really doing well and now I am at 300 and above most of the time, I take 26 units of insulin every night and still I an having these issues.I am so tired of giving up all the food that I enjoy and still I am having problems, please help!ANSWER: Hi Peggy, I understand that you are having a tough time now, but, think that this is the best way you can help yourself. With regards to your situation, I would like to add:

  • First, I want to know when you were diagnosed with diabetes for the first time.
  • Next, I would like to know if you were taking any other medication at that time or if you were suffering from any other disease or condition. This is to help me realize if these medications or health conditions would be the reasons for such high blood sugar level you had. Once you treat these conditions, or stop taking certain drugs, your blood sugar will have more improvement.
  • In lack of above-mentioned data, I would say that you are doing very well in managing your diabetes. As per your words, your blood glucose have been dropped from 800 to 300 and this, for me, is like a huge success.
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    S To Take If Your Oral Diabetes Medication Stops Working

    Recall of metformin extended release

    In May 2020, the Food and Drug Administration recommended that some makers of metformin extended release remove some of their tablets from the U.S. market. This is because an unacceptable level of a probable carcinogen was found in some extended-release metformin tablets. If you currently take this drug, call your healthcare provider. They will advise whether you should continue to take your medication or if you need a new prescription.

    Oral medicines are effective at lowering blood sugar when diet and exercise arent enough to manage type 2 diabetes. Yet these drugs arent perfect and they dont always work in the long term. Even if youve been taking your medicine just as your doctor prescribed, you might not feel as well as you should.

    Diabetes drugs can and often do stop working. About 5 to 10 percent of people with type 2 diabetes stop responding to their medicine each year. If your oral diabetes drug is no longer working, youll need to figure out whats preventing it from controlling your blood sugar. Then youll have to explore other options.

    Can Drinking A Lot Of Water Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

    Although feeling very thirsty is a symptom of a hyper, drinking a lot of water will not bring your blood sugar levels down. It will only help to reduce your risk of dehydration.

    Its important that you take your diabetes medication to bring your blood sugar levels down. If you have consistently high blood sugar levels, you will need to follow the advice below and speak to your diabetes healthcare team.

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    Your Diabetes Devices And Hypoglycemia

    Several insulin pumps are now available that make managing blood sugar levels easier, particularly when connected to a glucose meter or a CGM.

    Some of the most important advantages of CGM devices are the improved insulin control and the ability to detect trends and lows early. With improved technology, it is now possible for parents to track blood sugar trends in their kids even when they are hundreds of miles apart .

    In addition, automated insulin delivery systems, also known an artificial pancreas or a hybrid closed-loop system, will automatically adjust insulin to match your bodys need to help you spend more time in your target range.

    Resources that provide people with T1D and their families with more detailed information about pumps and CGM devices are available through JDRF here. For people looking for a deeper understanding of technology that helps people with T1D better manage their blood sugar, JDRF resources are available here.

    Best Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Quickly

    Why does my blood sugar spike then go back down when I ...

    When treated early, you can bring high blood sugar levels down and prevent complications, including DKA.

    Some sources suggest that drinking water or eating a high protein snack can quickly lower your blood sugar levels, though there isnt enough research to support this.

    If you have high blood sugar and need to lower it fast, try the following methods:

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    Are There Any Newer Technologies To Prevent Hypoglycemia

    We are lucky that in this day and age, we can predict hypoglycemia and prevent it through technology like continuous glucose monitors, explains Dr. Shah. Additionally, he notes that there are newer insulins available to help decrease episodes of hypoglycemia.

    One of our roles as your doctor is to educate every patient about the self-management of diabetes and to create a personalized care plan, explains Dr. Shah. By self-managing your condition you will really feel empowered enough to take control of your health.

    Dr. Shah is located at the Hackensack Meridian Health Medical Group Diabetes Center, part of Hackensack Meridian Health Medical Group. Call to schedule an appointment at the office in Old Bridge.

    Our care network can help you better manage your health. Visit to find a practice near you.

    The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.


    Drink Drink Drink Some Water

    Dehydration can cause high blood sugars, which means getting hydrated can help prevent and reduce high blood sugars.

    Your blood consists partly of water. When you dont drink enough water throughout the day, the other things in your blood become more concentrated! And thus, higher blood sugar levels.

    You know that uncomfortable thirst you feel when your blood sugars are high? Give in to it. This is how your body helps flush excess sugar out through your urine, and how you replenish the necessary fluid balance in your bloodstream.

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    Caution: Birth Control Pills

    Types that have estrogen can affect the way your body handles insulin. Still, oral contraceptives are safe for women with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association suggests a combination pill with norgestimate and synthetic estrogen. The group also says birth control shots and implants are safe for women with the condition, though they can affect your blood sugar levels.

    What Causes The Blood Sugar Levels Go To High

    Why is Your Blood Sugar NOT Under Control Although Youre Trying.

    Our bodies need sugar to make energy for the cells. Without it, we cannot do basic functions. When we eat foods with glucose, insulin pairs with it to allow it to enter into the cell wall. If the insulin is not there, then the glucose molecule cant get through the wall and cannot be used. The extra glucose hangs out in the bloodstream which is literally high blood sugar.

    The lack of insulin can be caused by two different things.

    • First, you can have decreased insulin resistance which means that your insulin doesnt react the way that it is supposed to. It doesnt partner with glucose to be used as fuel.
    • Secondly, you can have no insulin, which is the case with type 1 diabetes.

    Regardless of how it is caused, it is imperative to control blood sugars to help prevent problems.

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    Which Foods Increase Blood Sugar Levels

    Carbohydrates ultimately break down into glucose. Many people believe that carbs are bad for people with diabetes. This is not true. Carbs are fuel for the body, so they have to be eaten. You just need to be smart about which ones you eat and how much you eat of them. Picking foods that are high in carbs but have no other nutrition is not smart. Examples of these foods are:

    • Full fat yogurt or milk

    Tips To Prevent Blood Sugar From Dropping At Night

    Sulay Shah, M.D. contributes to topics such as Diabetes.

    Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar or low blood glucose, occurs when blood glucose levels drop below normalwhich is typically below a level of 70 milligrams per deciliter . With levels more commonly dipping at nighttime, otherwise referred to as nighttime hypoglycemia, this condition affects mostly patients with diabetes.

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    How Can I Prevent High Blood Sugar From Happening

    As mentioned previously, exercising and maintaining a healthy diet with low carb/low sugar foods is one of the best ways to prevent high blood sugar whether you have diabetes or not.

    Those with Type 1 diabetes may maintain their blood glucose with diet and exercise, but those with Type 2 diabetes will most often need to take insulin, as this type of diabetes typically does not produce it on their own.


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