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Where To Inject Insulin When Pregnant

Instructions For Medicines You Inject

Gestational Diabetes: Injecting Insulin with a Pen

What should I know about injectable medications? Always check your medicine type and expiration date before leaving the pharmacy. Once opened, the medicine must be used in the number of days instructed by your healthcare provider. Make sure that unopened medication is kept refrigerated until its expiration date. Keep your opened medicine at room temperature . Do not use medicine that contains lumps, is discolored, or has been frozen. If you use a pen device, consult your health care provider about storage. Dispose of pen needles, syringes, and lancets in a hard, plastic container with a screw-on lid. Call your local city hall for disposal guidelines. Sharps containers might also be purchased at your local pharmacy. If the same injection site is used over and over again, you might develop hardened areas under the skin that keep medicine from being used properly. To avoid this problem, follow these instructions. Move the site of each injection. Inject at least 1½ inches away from the last injection site. Try to use the same general injection area at the same time each day. Ask your doctor, nurse, or health educator which sites you should use. Keep a record of which injection sites you have used. Note: The abdomen has the faster rate of absorption, followed by the arms, thighs, and buttocks.Continue reading >>

How To Give An Insulin Injection

We all grew up with some dread about those occasional visits to the doctor and usually it was that fear of getting a shot.

Now that youre the one commissioned to give the shot, we know you may have reservations and a heightened fear at pricking your loved one. Remember though, that insulin injections are subcutaneous, meaning the area between the skin and the muscle, so the needles are usually smaller and shorter than youre imagining.

We also know that you want it to be as pain-free as possible, so its important to keep in mind that confidence may also be faked in order to help put your loved one at ease. If you are cringing every time you give a shot, this will also increase anxiety and fear in the person receiving the injection. So try to relax!

Talking to your loved one and asking them questions may also help reduce anxiety. This communication helps to distract the person receiving it. Before you both know it, itll all be over for both of you.

Speed is another key way to decrease discomfort. And the more you do it, the faster youll become. You arent going to be a pro at the start, so dont expect to be. With a little bit of practice though, youll be able to administer insulin in your sleep .

Note: This information is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice. For specific guidance on giving an insulin injection, please talk with your doctor.

Signs Of A Low Blood Sugar Are:

  • Shakiness
  • Retesting your blood sugar in 15 minutes.
  • Repeat step 1 if your sugar is still less than 60 mg/dl.
  • Eating a snack or meal within 30 to 60 minutes after a low blood sugar.
  • If it is going to be longer than 30 to 60 minutes until your next meal or snack, you need to eat or drink an extra 15 grams of carbohydrate and a protein.
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    Right Dosage Of Insulin For Pregnant Women

    When it comes to the dosage of insulin in pregnancy, you and your doctor will need to work together, as the need for insulin will change as the baby grows.

    Your blood sugar will need to be checked several times a day so that it can be established whether or not the insulin you have been prescribed is working effectively. Your dosage will be adjusted according to blood sugar levels.

    Tips For Taking Insulin During Pregnancy

    Insulin To Treat Gestational Diabetes: Is It Safe?
    • Change insulin sites to prevent soreness from repeatedly using the same area; move an inch or two away from the original site
    • Inject insulin at the same time every day; if you feel unwell, inform your diabetes specialist
    • Consult your doctor before altering your exercise routine or diet
    • Store the bottle of insulin at room temperature
    • Track the amounts of insulin you are taking, especially if you take two different types
    • Dispose the needle in a container meant for sharp objects that is separate from other waste

    Are there any side effects of taking insulin during pregnancy?

    The main insulin side effect during pregnancy is that it could cause low blood sugar levels in case you missed/delayed a meal or injected excess insulin.;

    My doctor alerted me of the signs to watch out for and how to treat low blood sugar during pregnancy, says Priya.

    What are the symptoms of low blood sugar in pregnancy?

    If you are hypoglycemic or your blood sugar is low , you may experience these symptoms:

    • Sweating, dizziness, feeling shaky

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    Selection Of Infusion Sets

    The most popular infusion set is a 90°, soft cannula infusion set. Variable angle, soft cannula infusion sets are also available for patients who are lean or lead an active lifestyle. Steel needle infusion sets and 90°, soft cannula infusion sets that combine the infusion set and insertion device into one unit are also available.

    When Are You Recommended To Take An Insulin Shot During Pregnancy

    If your blood sugar still does not drop after a change in diet and exercise, then your doctor is more likely to prescribe insulin shots. These shots help to keep both mother and child healthy and safe, as they are meant to regulate the glucose levels in the blood. Here are the things that will need to be considered when prescribing insulin during pregnancy:

    • The stage of the pregnancy
    • The mothers weight
    • The results of the latest blood sugar level test

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    Get Everything You Need

    • Syringe, with needle.
    • Alcohol swabs Youll want to wipe off the top of the bottle as well as the skin around the injection spot.
    • A sharps container, which is basically any sturdy box with a lid where you can keep the used needles and syringes. There are rules about how and where you can dispose of these, so check in your area for what is most convenient for you. Keep in mind that you may need a specific type of container depending on which disposal option you choose.

    Learning To Take Insulin

    Insulin Injections With Gestational Diabetes | Info & How To

    Your healthcare provider will prescribe your insulin. You will need to inject it one or more times a day. Insulin is injected into fatty tissue. It does not cross the placenta. That means it does not affect your baby the way taking a pill would. Your healthcare provider will teach you how to give yourself a shot. With practice, youll get comfortable doing it yourself. The best site for injecting insulin is your belly or abdomen. But you can also inject into an upper arm or thigh. Talk with your healthcare provider about where to give yourself a shot.;Here are some steps to follow while injecting yourself with insulin:

    • Choose an injection site.

    • Clean with alcohol if the skin is dirty.

    • Pinch a fold of skin. Insert the needle at a 45° to 90°;angle. The best angle will depend on your body type, the length of the needle, and the injection site. Your healthcare provider will help you find which angle is best for you.

    • Keeping the skin pinched, inject the insulin by pushing the plunger down.

    • Release the pinched skin.

    • Remove the needle from your skin.

    Apply pressure to the site for 5 to 8 seconds if you see blood or insulin leaking from the site after injection. Dont rub the injection area.

    Needles and syringes should only be used once. After using, throw them away in a puncture-proof container, or a sharps container. Dont throw needles in your household trash. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about taking insulin.

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    Types Of Insulin Treatments

    All types of insulin produce the same effect. They mimic the natural increases and decreases of insulin levels in the body during the day. The makeup of different types of insulin affects how fast and for how long they work.

    • Rapid-acting insulin: This type of insulin begins working approximately 15 minutes after injection. Its effects can last between three and four hours. Its often used before a meal.
    • Short-acting insulin: You inject this insulin before a meal. It starts working 30 to 60 minutes after you inject it and lasts five to eight hours.
    • Intermediate-acting insulin: This type of insulin starts working in one to two hours after injection, and its effects may last 14 to 16 hours.
    • Long-acting insulin: This insulin may not start working until about two hours after you inject it. Its effects can last up to 24 hours or longer.

    How Do You Inject Insulin While Pregnant

    You can follow these steps when using most types of insulin pens:

    • Wash your hands and collect your insulin pen, needle, alcohol swabs and a container for the needles
    • Uncover the pen and clean the top of the pen with an alcohol swab
    • Open the needle by peeling off the cover and placing it on top of the pen; remove the outer covering and the needle cap
    • Turn the knob in the pen to a unit; push the injection button; when you see the insulin coming out, you will know that the pen is ready to use
    • Turn the knob in the pen to ensure you have the correct dosage of insulin
    • Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab and then inject the needle firmly at a 90 degree angle. Pull it out after 5-10 seconds.

    Watch a video with instructions to use an insulin pen.

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    Is A Skin Lift Necessary

    In adults, a skin lift is used in some situations, based on needle length and the amount of adipose tissue. A skin lift should be used when the needle is 8;mm or longer. In addition, in people whose arms and legs or abdomen have little fatty tissue, a skin fold might be justified when using a needle of 5 mm or 6 mm. A skinfold may not be necessary especially when using a 4 mm needle .

    A skin lift, if required, must be done properly to ensure that the medication is not injected into the muscle or not deeply enough.

    Where Should A Pregnant Woman Inject Insulin

    Insulin Requirements during Pregnancy 4

    Pregnant women should inject insulin in areas rich in fat mass such as the abdomen or sides of the thigh as insulin is best absorbed in these areas. This is less painful and helps absorb the insulin faster. Some injection sites/areas are:;

    • Abdomen/belly or two inches away from the belly button
    • Outer side of the arms that contain more fat
    • Upper and outer side of the thighs
    • Outer side of the buttocks

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    Things To Keep In Mind While Using The Insulin Injections

    Keep in mind the following when you are using insulin injections to manage your type 1 or type 2 diabetes effectively:

    • When you are into the regular use of insulin injections, remember to keep on changing the sites where youare injecting the insulin. This is important because by this it can be assured that the absorption of the hormone is consistent in the body
    • However, for the same type of meal, it shall be helpful if you are injecting the insulin injections around the same area. For example, after you have had your breakfast, you can inject short-term insulin around the belly area. Similarly, the long-term insulin can be injected around the legs or buttocks.
    • Having said the above, the best site for insulin injection for each type should be discussed with your medical expert.
    • It is also highly recommended that you keep on rotating sides when you are injecting your insulin injections on one particular site. To explain this further, if you are injecting the insulin on the right-hand side of the belly during breakfast, the next day you can inject the insulin injection on the left-hand side of the belly. This is important because, after each time of injecting, a few scars may be left in the particular area. By the time you inject on the same site again, the area will have healed completely allowing a better and smoother insulin absorption.

    Mid To Late Pregnancy Changes

    From the second trimester of pregnancy, especially after 18 weeks your insulin requirements will usually start to rise. By around 30 weeks you may need up to two or three times as much insulin as you did before pregnancy. Hormones made by the placenta interfere with the way your insulin normally works, so as the pregnancy hormones rise, so does your need for insulin.

    In the second half of pregnancy, you are likely to need more mealtime, , compared with the long-acting insulin. Insulin requirements tend to continue to rise until about 34 to 36 weeks, when they may plateau or start to fall a little. If you notice your insulin requirements fall significantly and rapidly in late pregnancy, promptly contact your diabetes in pregnancy team for advice.

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    Insulin Changes In Pregnancy

    Insulin requirements are constantly changing during the different stages of pregnancy. This is because of all the hormonal changes that your body goes through while your baby is growing. Be prepared for adjustments in your insulin doses as these are quite common and have been known to happen at least once a week.

    Try Not To Be Overwhelmed

    Side effects of Insulin during Pregnancy on baby – Dr. Shashi Agrawal

    Some women find the idea of having an injection overwhelming, especially at first. If your diagnosis has come as a shock, you may find it hard to take in the instructions for what you need to do.

    “I wish Id had some sort of support group. I dont think I realised how much of an impact the gestational diabetes would have on me until I was right in it.”;


    If you are unsure about any of the steps, contact your healthcare team as soon as possible. You can also talk to your GP. You could also try the Diabetes UK helpline on 0345 123 2399, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm or email

    If you’re in Scotland, you can call 0141 212 8710, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm or email

    You can also call our pregnancy line on 0800 014 7800 , or email us at;.

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    How Can I Make Insulin Injections Less Painful

    Minimizing the Pain

  • If you can, make sure your medicine is at room temperature.
  • Wait until the alcohol you used to clean where youre going to inject is dry.
  • Always use a new needle.
  • Get the air bubbles out of the syringe.
  • Make sure the needle is lined up right going in and coming out.
  • Stick the needle in quickly.
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    4.2/5Pregnancyin pregnantin pregnancy

    Beside this, is it safe to use insulin during pregnancy?

    Insulin is the traditional first-choice drug for blood sugar control during pregnancy because it is the most effective for fine-tuning blood sugar and it doesn’t cross the placenta. Therefore, it is safe for the baby. If you have type 1 diabetes, pregnancy will affect your insulin treatment plan.

    One may also ask, where are insulin shots given during pregnancy? Insulin is given as a shot into the fatty tissue just under the skin. In pregnant women, insulin usually is given in the upper arm or thigh.

    Also know, how many units of insulin is safe during pregnancy?

    Insulin detemir can be safely titrated every 3 days by 3 units in nonpregnant patients . However, insulin glargine U-100 has two suggested options for dosing adjustments in nonpregnant patients: either by 1 unit every day or by 2 units every 3 days .

    When should a pregnant woman start taking insulin?

    FIGO recommends insulin as the first-line treatment in women in whom diabetes is diagnosed before 20 weeks of gestation, if pharmacologic therapy is needed >30 weeks, fasting blood glucose is >110 mg/dL , one-hour postprandial glucose is >140 mg/dL , or pregnancy weight gain is >12 kg (26.5

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    Which Insulin Is Safe During Pregnancy

    Your doctor is the best person to determine the type of insulin for you.

    According to an article published in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, intermediate-acting neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin, the long-acting NPH, long-lasting insulin glargine, and regular insulin, or short-acting insulin may be considered by the doctors for treating GD .

    Will One High Blood Sugar Hurt My Baby

    Insulin Therapy

    High blood glucose levels during pregnancy can also increase the chance that your baby will be born too early, weigh too much, or have breathing problems or low blood glucose right after birth. High blood glucose also can increase the chance that you will have a miscarriage link or a stillborn baby.

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    Changes After The Birth

    Once your baby is born and your placenta is delivered, your insulin requirements will fall dramatically. The mothers insulin requirements tend to be very low for the first few days after the baby is born and then gradually increases.;However, if you had Celestone injections before the birth, your insulin requirements will probably fall less.

    Your target blood glucose levels should be reviewed after the birth, and frequent blood glucose monitoring is recommended. Target blood glucose targets will be higher than your pregnancy targets. This helps reduce the risk of hypos while you are establishing breastfeeding, and a new routine with your baby. The Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society recommends keeping blood glucose levels in the 510mmol/L range at this stage.

    In the first few weeks, you will usually still need less insulin than you did before the pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding, once your milk comes in your insulin requirements may decrease again. Your endocrinologist or credentialled diabetes educator will help you re-adjust your insulin doses after birth. In the later stages of pregnancy or before you go home from hospital, discuss with your diabetes health professionals the best way of contacting them. It can be challenging managing your diabetes in the early weeks/months with a new baby.


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