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HomeMust ReadWhat Does Diabetic Urine Smell Like

What Does Diabetic Urine Smell Like

Causes Of Kidney Infections

5 Reasons Why Your Urine Smells Like Rotten Eggs or Sulfur

A kidney infection happens when bacteria infects your kidneys. The bacteria are usually a type called E. coli, which live in your bowel.

The bacteria get in through the opening of the urethra and move upwards through your urinary tract, first infecting your bladder and then your kidneys.

Its thought the bacteria can get into your urinary tract by accidentally spreading from your anus to your urethra. This can happen if you wipe your bottom after going to the toilet and the soiled toilet paper comes into contact with your genitals. It can also happen during sex.

In rare cases, a kidney infection can develop if bacteria or fungi infect the skin and the infection spreads through your bloodstream into your kidney. However, this type of infection usually only occurs in people with weakened immune systems.

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The Color Of Your Urine

Different medications, foods, illnesses , and other factors can affect the color of your urine. The color of your urine can give you important clues as to whats going on inside your body. There are other properties of urine that can make it easier for doctors and medical providers to determine whats going on inside. Our urine is the end result of all the metabolic processes that go on in our bodies, so it provides a valuable diagnostic source.

The amount of fluid in the body affects the color of urine. The more dehydrated the person is, the darker the urine can look. The more hydrated that the person is, the lighter in color that it may appear.

What does normal urine look like?

The normal look of urine ranges from pale yellow and clear, to a darker yellow. When red blood cells are destroyed, they breakdown into urobilin, which is a waste product from these cells. These waste products form a pigment, urochrome, which gives normal urine the characteristic yellowish color.

Hydration vs. dehydration

When urine barely has a yellow color, a person may be too hydrated. Urine that is basically colorless during a urine drug screen indicates an attempt to overhydrate, and cover up the presence of illegal drugs. Conversely, when urine has a dark yellow, or amber color, the person is likely dehydrated. In a person who takes diuretics, such as Lasix, the urine may also be pale in color.

Youre Extremely Hungry Even After Eating

Extreme hunger, especially after a meal, has to do withhow the body processes food. In a healthy person, the body converts the glucose in food into energy.

Since this process is facilitated by insulin, in the body of someone with diabetes, there eitherisnt enough insulin available to fuel this process or the bodys cells have become resistant to insulin.

This can make the person with diabetes feel tired and hungry, even though theyve just consumed a meal.

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How Do I Stop My Fat Folds From Smelling

Prevention Keep the skin folds as dry as possible. Change out of sweaty clothes promptly after exercising. Use an antiperspirant to keep armpits dry. Wash daily with an antibacterial soap. Apply anti-fungal powder to susceptible areas. Dry off well after bathing or showering. Reduce skin-to-skin contact.

Types Of Diabetes Insipidus

Your Urine And Diabetes: What You Should Know ...
  • Central diabetes insipidus. You get this when damage to your hypothalamus or pituitary gland affects how your body makes or puts out vasopressin. Your kidneys remove too much fluid from your body, and you pee more. This damage can result from:
  • A tumor
  • Inflammation
  • Surgery
  • Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. You get this when your kidneys donât respond to vasopressin and take too much fluid from your bloodstream. Doctors donât always know why it happens, but some causes include:
  • A blocked urinary tract
  • High levels of calcium in your blood
  • Low levels of potassium in your blood
  • Some medications, like lithium
  • Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus. This type, also known as primary polydipsia, happens when your body has trouble controlling thirst. When you drink, the liquid lowers the amount of vasopressin that your body makes, while making you pee more. Causes include damage to your hypothalamus or pituitary glands from:
  • A tumor
  • Surgery
  • Some medications or mental health problems could make you more likely to get dipsogenic diabetes insipidus.

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    Signs That Blood Sugar Levels Are High

    People with high blood sugar may:

    • pee a lot. When blood sugar levels get too high, the kidneys flush out the extra glucose into your urine , which is why people who have high blood sugar levels need to pee more often and in larger amounts.
    • drink a lot. Because youre losing so much fluid from peeing so much, you can get very thirsty.
    • lose weight. If there isnt enough insulin to help the body use glucose, the body starts to break down your muscle and fat for energy and you lose weight.
    • feel tired. Because the body cant use glucose for energy properly, you may feel really tired.

    High blood sugar levels dont always cause these symptoms. Sometimes you can have high blood sugar levels without even knowing it. But if left untreated, they can cause serious health problems. Thats why its important to work with your parents and diabetes team to keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range. This can mean checking your blood sugar levels a few times a day, even when you feel fine.

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    Why Its Important To Know About Bladder Infection Symptoms

    When you know about bladder infection symptoms, it can help you take action faster before it gets worse. You can schedule an appointment with a doctor and figure out the best treatment action.

    If a bladder infection is untreated, it can cause significant damage to the kidneys, which filters the fluid in your body. This is why its important to take action immediately if you know you have the symptoms.

    If you have more questions about a bladder infection, you can contact us here.

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    You Loaded Up On Vitamins

    Weve all experienced this one: You take your daily multivitamin and a couple of hours later your urine looks and smells rather terrifying.

    Dont be alarmed: Multiple vitaminsespecially vitamin B6can affect urine color and odor, says Dr. Dune. In fact, B vitamins are notorious for turning urine a neon yellow-green color.

    What Color Is Your Pee

    Tasting urine to test for diabetes mellitus | By Richard P. Holm, MD

    If everything is normal and healthy, the color should be a pale yellow to gold. That hue comes from a pigment your body makes called urochrome.

    The shade, light or dark, also changes. If it has no color at all, that may be because youâve been drinking a lot of water or taking a drug called a diuretic, which helps your body get rid of fluid. Very dark honey- or brown-colored urine could be a sign that youâre dehydrated and need to get more fluids. It may also be a warning sign of liver problems, so see your doctor if it doesnât get better after a day or so.

    Other unusual colors that may show up:

    Pink or red: Some foods like carrots, blackberries, beets, and rhubarb can turn your pee a pinkish-red color. This can also be a side effect of medications like the antibiotic rifampin or a drug for urinary tract infections called phenazopyridine.

    Always check with your doctor if your pee is pink or red. You might have blood in your urine. It doesnât always mean thereâs a problem, but it can be a sign of kidney disease, a UTI, prostate problems, or a tumor.

    Orange: When your pee is the color of a citrus-flavored soft drink, itâs probably because of meds like high-dose vitamin B2, the UTI drug phenazopyridine, or the antibiotic isoniazid. Depending on the color, it could also be a sign that youâre dehydrated or that thereâs a problem with your liver or bile duct. You should ask your doctor about it.

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    Uncontrolled Diabetes May Trigger Unexpected Weight Loss

    In type 2 diabetes, the bodys cells dont get enough glucose for energy. As a result, the body can turn to breaking down its fat stores for energy, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Severe, unintended weight loss is most common when the type 2 diabetes goes undetected for a long time, according to research.

    Increased urination can also contribute to weight loss. For example, if you are urinating high levels of glucose because of uncontrolled diabetes, you are literally flushing calories down the toilet, says Daniel Einhorn, MD, the medical director of the Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California in San Diego. Dehydration involves a significant loss of water weight.

    Red Pee Could Be A Urinary Tract Infection

    Urinary tract infections are as painful and irritating as they are common. They can make your urine look red, brownish-red, or cloudy. UTIs can also change the smell of your pee, and it may burn when you pee if you have one. Many people with UTIs also feel the need to urinate more frequently. Women are about four times more likely to get UTIs than men. Most UTIs are caused by bacteria.

    If a UTI is suspected, your doctor may order a leukocyte esterase test. This method of urinalysis reflects how many white blood cells are in your peeesterase is an enzyme produced by white blood cells. If you have an infection, esterase may show up in your urine. Your test may also be positive for pus in the urine , another sign of infection.

    UTIs can bring other symptoms as well. Signs of bladder infection include exhaustion, shakiness, fever, back pain, and pressure in the lower abdomen. Tell your doctor if you think you might have a UTI. If that’s the cause of your trouble, it can be treated with antibiotics. Your doctor may also prescribe phenazopyridine, a drug that relieves the burning pain and irritation of urinary tract infections.

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    What Increases The Risk Of Developing Diabetic Kidney Disease

    All people with diabetes have a risk of developing diabetic kidney disease. However, a large research trial showed that there are certain factors that increase the risk of developing this condition. These are:

    • A poor control of your blood sugar levels.
    • The length of time you have had diabetes.
    • The more overweight you become.
    • Having high blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the greater your risk.
    • If you are male.

    This means that having a good control of your blood glucose level, keeping your weight in check and treating high blood pressure will reduce your risk of developing diabetic kidney disease.

    If you have early diabetic kidney disease , the risk that the disease will become worse is increased with:

    • The poorer the control of blood sugar levels. The greater your HbA1c level, the greater your risk.
    • Having high blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the greater your risk.
    • Smoking.

    What Is An Unhealthy Poop

    Why your urine smells like coffee and what to do about it

    Types of abnormal poop pooping too often not pooping often enough excessive straining when pooping. poop that is colored red, black, green, yellow, or white. greasy, fatty stools.

    Malabsorption occurs when the body isnt able to break down the food or absorb it properly, depriving the body of the nutrients it needs to sustain itself and grow. This condition is often associated with failure to thrive, poor weight gain and weight loss.

    Some foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. Sometimes, unusual urine odor indicates a medical condition or disease, such as: Cystitis Dehydration. Jul 4, 2005

    Most changes in urine odor are temporary and dont mean you have a serious illness, particularly if you have no other symptoms. When an unusual urine odor is caused by an underlying medical condition, other symptoms are also present. If youre concerned about the odor of your urine, talk to your doctor. Jul 4, 2005

    Urinary tract infection A bladder infection or other infection impacting the urinary tract can lead to urine that smells like ammonia. Other symptoms associated with a UTI include: pain when urinating.

    Brief episodes of phantom smells or phantosmia smelling something thats not there can be triggered by temporal lobe seizures, epilepsy, or head trauma. Phantosmia is also associated with Alzheimers and occasionally with the onset of a migraine. Jul 10, 2018

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    What Does Diabetic Urine Smell Like

    If you have diabetes, you may notice your pee smells sweet or fruity. This is because the body is trying to get rid of the excess blood sugar and is disposing of glucose through your urine. For people who havent been diagnosed with diabetes, this symptom can be one of the first signs they have the disease.

    If Your Pee Smells Strong

    It could be dehydration, or maybe it’s the supplement you’re taking.

    As we noted before, your pee is more concentrated when you’re dehydrated, so it has that strong pee smell.

    Another cause behind that smell, though, can be B-6 vitamins, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The vitamin is water-soluble, meaning it is eliminated in the urine. Check your supplements and multivitamin: How much B6 do they contain?

    Fix it: Drink more water if you’re dehydrated. If it’s your supplement, consider switching to a vitamin with lower levels of B-6.

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    Does Your Pee Smell Fishy Or Like Overripe Fruit It Could Point To Health Issues

    Petai, coffee, and certain supplements and medicines may be responsible for your urines unusual odour as well. We ask the experts when you should be sniffing around for signs of diabetes, UTI and more.

    Depending on how you look at them, bathroom breaks can be welcomed reprieves or inconvenient disruptions to your busy schedule. But regardless, toilet trips are necessary to release the pressure on your bladder.

    Most people would feel the urge to pass urine when theres around a cup or 200ml of urine in the bladder. On average, you produce around 1,500ml of pee a day, depending on how much water you drink. And all that liquid needs to be released about four to six times a day on average.

    Does Diabetes Evidence Appear In Pee

    What can cause urine to have a foul odor?

    While glucose is one urine testing method that suggests diabetes, it’s not the only sign of diabetes in the urine. People with diabetes have difficulty converting sugar for the fuel the body needs. The body needs to use a different fuel source in this case. Fat becomes a substitute for glucose, and ketones result.

    Small amounts of ketones in the body are normal. But high amounts can lead to serious health problemseven death. The medical term for ketones in the urine is ketonuria. So it is important to test for ketones in your urine, especially if you have other symptoms of diabetes such as inexplicable thirst, frequent urination, and unusual levels of hunger and fatigue.

    Some things can provoke a high ketone reading in your pee without diabetes. Spikes in ketones can also be caused by excessive exercise. Some medicines can bring it on, too. Following a very-low-carb diet or a high-fat diet can elevate ketone levels as well.

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    Why Is There Blood In My Urine

    Blood in urine, also known as hematuria, occurs when red blood cells leak from your urinary tract. Blood in urine can indicate that you have an undiagnosed or untreated medical condition.

    Sometimes blood in urine is visible, appearing clotlike or turning the urine pink, red, or brown. Other times it can be viewed only with a microscope .

    Conditions that cause blood in urine can include:

    If you notice or suspect blood in your urine, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Your doctor will conduct a urinalysis and various other tests to determine the cause of the bleeding and any appropriate treatment.

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    You Are Having Little Wees And Going Just In Case

    You may just have poor bladder habits. If youre weeing less than 300-350 mls when you go for a wee , you may be setting yourself up for problems with urgency and/or urge incontinence in the future. Book a womens health physio appointment with Vicky if you think you are suffering from incontinence.

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    Pee That Smells Like Ammonia

    If you detect a hint of ammonia in your urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. The odor suggests that bacteria may be swimming around in your urinary system, most likely in your urethra, kidneys or bladder.

    Urine showing signs of a UTI also may be cloudy or even a bit bloody. Peeing may also become painful a symptom made even worse by the fact that you may feel the need to urinate more often. A fever and mental confusion are other tell-tale accompanying signs.

    If you have multiple symptoms, schedule a visit with your healthcare provider.

    UTIs are pretty common, sending approximately 10 million Americans to the doctor every year for antibiotic treatment, says Dr. Bajic. Women and older adults are more prone to getting the infection.

    Other potential causes of urine that carry the whiff of ammonia include:

    Now an ammonia-like odor also can be linked to dehydration and certain foods and vitamins, as mentioned previously. So if the smell pops up and disappears quickly, theres little reason for concern. If it lingers, though, get checked by a medical professional.


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