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Is Sweating After Eating A Sign Of Diabetes

Extremely Dry Itchy Skin

Sweating After Eating Food – Sweating after eating (gustatory sweating): Causes and Prevention

Dry, itchy skin

If you have diabetes, youre more likely to have dry skin. High blood sugar can cause this. If you have a skin infection or poor circulation, these could also contribute to dry, itchy skin.

Take action
  • Tell your doctor about your extremely dry skin. Gaining better control of diabetes can reduce dryness.
  • If you continue to have dry skin after you gain better control of your diabetes, a dermatologist can help.

Sweating After Eating This Is Why It Can Happen

Sweating after eating is called gustatory hyperhidrosis. Spicy foods may cause sweating after eating because the compound that gives peppers their kick raises your body temperature. Freys syndrome, a rare condition involving nerve damage near your salivary glands, may also cause sweating after eating.

Sometimes we do something for one outcomeand end up with the exact opposite. Yogas supposed to be relaxing, and yet many times, youre left breaking a sweat. Massages can actually cause your muscles to cramp up if you dont stretch afterward. And eating, which is also generally a relaxing experience, can cause you to perspire.So whats the deal with sweating after eating? After all, youre probably not a competitive eater. It sort of makes sense, even without science, that downing 50 hot dogs in five minutes would activate someones sweat glands. But a nice sit-down dinner is different, and, apart from holidays like Thanksgiving, youre generally not stuffing yourself. Heres what might be making your shirt wet and how to prevent it.

Diabetes Symptoms In Adults And Children

Diabetes is;the term given to;blood sugar levels;that are too high for a sustained period of time.

The signs or symptoms of high blood sugar are typically the same for both children and adults.

Patients with type 1 diabetes usually develop symptoms over a sudden, short period of time. The condition is often diagnosed in an emergency setting.

Type 2 diabetes on the other hand progresses quite slowly. Symptoms tend to come on gradually, which is why they are often overlooked. Some dont experience any early symptoms at all.

The following early signs of diabetes are the most common:

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When To Talk With Your Doctor

If youve tried at-home steps and still have concerns, talk to your doctor.

Several prescription approaches are available. Examples include prescription-strength antiperspirants applied to the face or other sweating areas, or taking medications called anticholinergics to reduce sweating.

Doctors may also use Botox in an off-label fashion. A doctor will inject Botox into key areas to keep sweating at bay. This may work anywhere from 9 to 12 months before youd need another injection.

Doctors dont usually recommend surgery as the first treatment to correct Frey syndrome. Surgery doesnt always work, and it could make the condition worse instead of better.

Tired Of Sweating After Eating Avoid These 8 Sweat Triggers

Diabetes Symptoms Sweating

Scott Steffenson, PhDIn this article…Sweating and diabetesWhat if I sweat all the Time?How can I stop sweating?

Have you ever wondered why a delicious meal or an afternoon snack are often followed by an unexplained PDES? .

Sweaty armpits and clammy palms are just a few of the places this inconvenient sweat might rear its ugly head.

Sweating after eating is annoying and embarrassing. It can leave you feeling like youre forever doomed to eating takeout and dining alone.

Youre probably asking yourself: Why me?

What does it mean when you sweat after eating? Is this normal, or is it an indication of a hidden health problem?

In this article we’ll explore common reasons for “food sweats” and show you 8 foods that can trigger excessive sweating.

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Is Sweating After Eating A Sign Of Diabetes

Just because you sweat after you eat doesnt immediately mean you have diabetes. However, it can be an indication or an early sign.

Like mentioned above, if you frequently sweat after eating sugary foods, this could be a sign of diabetes or pre-diabetes. Every time we eat something sweet, our bodies compensate by producing insulin to keep our blood sugar levels stable.

However, in diabetes or pre-diabetes, our bodies arent as effective at blood sugar control.

Instead, when the blood sugar rises, the body freaks out and produces too much insulin, sending the body into a hypoglycemic state. Sweating is a symptom of hypoglycemia and is caused by the malfunction of our fight or flight response.

If this happens frequently, it can be a sign of pre-diabetes or diabetes, and its worth a trip to the doctor.

Now, alternatively, if your blood sugar spikes too high and stays high for too long, you can lose nerve function, resulting in something called diabetic neuropathy.

Neuropathy is a loss of nerve function. Studies show that 36% of diabetes patients with neuropathy experience food-related sweating. The American Diabetes Association estimates that about half of diabetic patients have some level of nerve damage.

Additionally, in advanced diabetes, 69% of diabetics with nephropathy also experience gustatory sweating.

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

The warning signs of hypoglycemia may vary from person to person, but it’s important to know about and be alert to all of them, including:

  • Feeling very shaky or trembling
  • Weakness or dizziness
  • Sweating or feeling cold and clammy
  • Extreme hunger pangs
  • Trouble keeping your balance or staggering when you walk
  • Pale or gray skin
  • Becoming confused and unable to think or concentrate
  • Feeling uncharacteristically moody or cranky
  • A tingling sensation around your mouth
  • Double vision or vision that has grown blurry
  • A quickening heartbeat

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Preventing Low Blood Sugar Levels

Remember: You can’t turn off the action of insulin once it’s been injected. So to avoid low blood sugar episodes, insulin doses need to be matched to your child’s needs each day taking meals, exercise, and other things into consideration.

More tips to help avoid low blood sugar levels:

  • Give your child the correct dose and type of insulin at the right time in the appropriate injection site.
  • Check your child’s blood sugar regularly and whenever necessary to confirm that symptoms are due to hypoglycemia.
  • Your child shouldn’t take baths or hot showers right after an insulin shot.
  • Check blood glucose levels before and during exercise and make sure your child eats snacks as needed to keep or bring blood sugar levels into target range.
  • Make sure your child follows the suggested timing of meals, injections, and exercise, based on the diabetes management plan.
  • Your child should keep something containing sugar with him or her at all times and take it right away if symptoms of low blood sugar appear.

No matter how careful parents and children are, kids with diabetes at some point will have episodes of low blood sugar. So they should always wear and/or carry some sort of medical identification . Besides identifying your child as having diabetes, this can provide emergency contact information.

If you have any questions about how to prevent or treat low blood sugar levels, call your child’s doctor or diabetes health care team.

When To Seek Medical Help For Excessive Sweating

Diabetes in children (6 of 9): Hypoglycemia

It is important to be able to identify the true cause of sweating and seek medical treatment especially if the condition is linked with a systemic disorder. Here are some basic tips on identifying such medical condition,

  • If the sweating is too profuse especially after eating or drinking any kind of food, it can be indicative of poor blood sugar level control. This form of sweating usually affects the head, neck and upper part of the body.
  • Profuse sweating in a cold and pleasant environment can be indicative of an autonomic nervous system dysfunction and you may need to consult your physician immediately.
  • Excessive and profuse sweating throughout the year with low or no urine output is indicative of a renal dysfunction. It is important to consultant your physician to check for your kidney functions.

Fortunately, the medications can help in controlling blood sugar levels and also prevent the complications that are associated with diabetes like renal and nerve damage. Early diagnosis and treatment plays a very important role in the management of severe complications of diabetes.

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Blurred Vision Is One Of The Early Signs Of Diabetes

Distorted or blurred vision, as well as commonly seeing eye floaters is a common symptom of diabetes.

Fortunately its largely a reversible problem once the high blood sugar levels are corrected.

Why does this happen?: Excess glucose in the blood pulls fluids out of your cells and tissue. This includes the lens of your eye, which can swell and alter its ability to focus.

How To Treat Someone Who’s Having A Seizure Or Fit

Follow these steps if someone has a seizure or fit caused by a low blood sugar level:

  • Stay with them and stop them hurting themselves lie them down on something soft and move them away from anything dangerous .
  • After the seizure or fit stops, give them a sugary snack.
  • Tell your diabetes care team if you ever have a severe hypo that caused you to have a seizure or fit.

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    Low Blood Glucose Levels

    A low blood glucose level is called hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia triggers a fight-or-flight response in the body. As a result, the body produces additional norepinephrine and adrenaline, which can lead to heavy sweating as well as shakiness and anxiety. Good diabetes management can help keep your blood glucose levels in check.

    What Are The Types Of Diabetes

    Diabetes and Sweating After Eating

    Diabetes refers to a collection of diseases in which the human body has some sort of issue with insulin. In some instances of diabetes, the body doesnt make enough of the crucial hormone whereas, in other situations, the body cant appropriately use whatever insulin is created. In other cases, a combination of both occurs. Each of these situations inhibits the body from drawing sugar out of the bloodstream and distributing it to the cells. This results in high blood sugar levels that require medical attention and management.;

    We draw a majority of our energy from glucose, which is found in the bloodstream. Insulin helps manage this and, when unavailable, sugar continues to build up in the bloodstream, creating a wide variety of health problems and issues.;;

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    Diabetes And Sweating After Eating

    Learn about the possible reasons that make diabetics sweat in excess after eating. This condition is not well understood but investigational reports.

    Why Diabetics Sweat After Eating Diabetes

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    What Causes Hot Flashes In People With Diabetes

    To remain healthy, the body needs to maintain a constant temperature. This process relies on the nervous system detecting changes in the external environment.

    If the nervous system detects a drop in temperature, it sends a message to the hypothalamus region of the brain. The hypothalamus then triggers a series of reactions to raise the body temperature. These include shivering and the body hair standing on end to trap warm air.

    Likewise, if the nervous system detects a rise in temperature, the hypothalamus must trigger reactions to cool the body down. The primary way it does this is by sending messages to the skin telling it to release sweat.

    From skin infections to nerve damage and organ failure, learn about possible complications of diabetes, and what you can do to prevent them.

    However, if the nervous system is not functioning well, these messages can become confused. The brain may think that the body is too hot, even when it is not. This is why diabetics with nerve damage may be prone to excess sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis. Furthermore, sweating can be a sign that the blood sugar has fallen too low. In this case, it may be accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, irritability and reduced concentration.

    These effects may be even more pronounced in menopausal women who are already having hot flashes. Fluctuating hormone levels can play havoc with the blood sugar, making it more difficult to regulate.

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    Cuts Or Wounds That Are Very Slow To Heal

    Its not uncommon for an individual with high blood sugars to get a bruise or cut;that just does not heal.

    This is particularly common on the extremities that are furthest from the heart, like hands or feet.

    Why does this happen?: Sugar lingering in the bloodstream begins to damage the arteries and veins, which;restricts circulation.;Blood is required to facilitate healing, so limited circulation to a wound or bruise will slow the healing process dramatically.

    Added Thirst And Urination

    Diabetes symptoms in men | early diabetes symptoms in men

    People with diabetes may also experience high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, after meals due to excess glucose build up in the blood. When this happens, your kidneys attempt to filter and absorb the excess sugar. When glucose levels are extremely high, the kidneys may be unable to keep up. Thus, excess sugar is excreted through urine, leading to frequent urination. As this happens, your thirst increases, causing further increased urination. According to the National Institutes of Health, excess thirst and frequent urination are some of the most common diabetes symptoms and are often the first symptoms people experience prior to diagnosis. In severe cases, excess or frequent urination is a symptom of ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes. For this reason, if your thirst and urination symptoms are severe, or if you experience additional symptoms such as excessively dry mouth, difficulty breathing, nausea, or vomiting, seek emergency medical attention.

    • People with diabetes may also experience high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, after meals due to excess glucose build up in the blood.
    • In severe cases, excess or frequent urination is a symptom of ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes.

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    Why Your Vision Might Be Blurred

    “Blurred vision is a result of a change in the glucose levels in the fluids of the eye,” Williams says. “Blurred vision is a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes but can also occur as treatment is begun and the glucose levels are lowered.” In that case, the blurred vision is temporary and corrects itself.

    Unexpected And Unintentional Weight Loss

    Rapid and unintentional weight loss is one of the more obvious signs of diabetes. This could be anywhere from 5-10 kg;;in a matter of weeks or months.

    This symptom is much more typical of those with type 1 diabetes, where sugar metabolism can shutdown very quickly.

    Why does this happen?:;Without new energy coming into the cells, the body is tricked into thinking you are in starvation.;In order to provide energy, the body responds by breaking down protein in the muscle, which leads to muscle deterioration and the unexpected weight loss.

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    The Sweating Is Accompanied By Insomnia Flushing Chest Pain Seizures Fatigue Or Increased Thirst And Urination

    Taking stock of your overall health can help determine if excessive sweating is part of a larger issue. Insomnia plus sweating, for example, can be a sign of hyperthyroidism, Garshick said.

    Sweating along with flushing may signal carcinoid syndrome, or when a rare cancerous tumor secretes certain chemicals into your bloodstream, according to the Mayo Clinic.;

    Excessive sweating paired with chest pain sometimes indicates a serious heart condition, so “it’s important to always to seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing chest pain,” Garshick said.

    Seizures accompanied by sweating, meanwhile, usually means people are experiencing a medication overdose, Djavaherian said. Sweating with fatigue could mean an infection or low blood pressure.

    Finally, increased thirst and urination is associated with diabetes and blood glucose levels. “Sometimes, people will sweat if their blood glucose drops, such as an early warning sign of stress or strain,” Djavaherian said.

    Head And Neck Surgery

    Flushed Face After Eating Diabetes

    One of the most common known causes of excessive sweating is a history of head and neck surgery, especially surgery to remove a parotid gland in the head.

    People whove had head and neck surgery can experience trauma to close-knit tissues, especially in these regions.

    Its thought that parotid gland surgery can accidentally damage the nearby nerves, which mixes up certain nerve signals, such as those for sweating. This is Frey syndrome.

    Usually, whether you know it or not, you salivate and typically produce extra saliva when you eat. This is your bodys way of aiding in the digestive process.

    If nerves to your parotid glands are damaged, you may start sweating instead of salivating due to your bodys mixed signals.

    A person with Frey syndrome may experience mild to severe sweating on the head. Its usually mild.

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    How To Treat Someone Who’s Unconscious Or Very Sleepy

    Follow these steps:

  • Put the person in the recovery position and do not put anything in their mouth ;so;they do not choke.
  • If an injection of glucagon is available and you know how to use it, give it to them immediately.
  • If they wake up within 10 minutes of getting the injection and feel better, move on to step 5. If they do not improve within 10 minutes, call 999 for an ambulance.
  • If they’re fully awake and able to eat and drink safely, give them a carbohydrate snack.
  • They may need to go to hospital if they’re being sick , or their blood sugar level drops again.

    Tell your diabetes care team if you ever have a severe hypo that caused you to lose consciousness.


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