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HomeFactsHow To Lower Morning Blood Sugar Without Medication

How To Lower Morning Blood Sugar Without Medication

Which Foods Keep Your Sugar Levels In Control

How to Lower Morning or Fasting Glucose Fast WITHOUT Medications!

Carbohydrates need to be consistent. You dont want to eat all of your daily carb count in one meal. That will cause your blood sugar to spike, and then drop during the other meals. Giving your body a steady amount of carbohydrates will provide a stable amount of energy. It will also help your body make enough insulin to keep your blood sugar at a healthy number.

The easiest way to make sure that your carb intake is appropriate is to count carbohydrates. It is a simplified way to evaluate foods based on their nutritional value. The best place to start when counting is to aim for 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per meal and roughly 15 to 30 grams for each snack in between meals. You may have to adjust this based on your individual needs and your blood sugar readings. It is a lot easier to calculate the carbohydrates when you have a food with a label, but many foods do not. Check the serving size on the label to be sure that you are counting correctly. The US Department of Agriculture has a website that allows you to type in any food and it will give you the nutritional values. Check it out at . A few examples of 15 grams of carbs include:

  • 1 slice of bread
  • ½ cup of oatmeal
  • 1 small piece of fresh fruit

It is important that you pay attention to nutrients other than the carbs too. Be sure to have adequate protein and fiber, while keeping lots of fat to a minimum.

What Causes The Blood Sugar Levels Go To High

Our bodies need sugar to make energy for the cells. Without it, we cannot do basic functions. When we eat foods with glucose, insulin pairs with it to allow it to enter into the cell wall. If the insulin is not there, then the glucose molecule cant get through the wall and cannot be used. The extra glucose hangs out in the bloodstream which is literally high blood sugar.

The lack of insulin can be caused by two different things.

  • First, you can have decreased insulin resistance which means that your insulin doesnt react the way that it is supposed to. It doesnt partner with glucose to be used as fuel.
  • Secondly, you can have no insulin, which is the case with type 1 diabetes.

Regardless of how it is caused, it is imperative to control blood sugars to help prevent problems.

Eat Less Sugar/refined Carbohydrates

The best way to keep blood sugar levels down without medication is to eat less sugar. The less sugar you consume, the smaller the metabolic response will bekeeping your pancreas and insulin levels healthy. You can cut back on sugars by limiting your intake of processed foods, sauces, fruit juices, candy, and soda, and paying attention to nutrition labels.

In turn, boosting your intake of fruits and veggies can have major benefits. Instead of sauces, opt for sugar-free seasonings and rubs, and try to drink water in place of other beverages. All of this can have immediate benefits for lower blood sugar.

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What Causes High Morning Blood Sugars

Two main culprits prompt morning highs: the dawn phenomenon and waning insulin. A third, much rarer cause, known as the Somogyi effect, may also be to blame.

The occasional morning high will have little impact on your A1C, a measure of your average blood sugar levels over time that indicates how well managed your diabetes is. But if those highs become consistent, they could push your A1C up into dangerous territory.

When Should I Call For Medical Help

Why Is Blood Sugar High In The Morning?

It is great to have regular medical care for your diabetes. There are some instances that you should call your doctor right away.

They include:

  • If you experience an abnormally high blood sugar for more than 24 hours
  • If you have fruity smelling breath or test positive for ketones in your urine
  • If you become severely dehydrated
  • If you are unable to eat or take your medications without vomiting

If someone ever loses consciousness, call 911 right away. This could be caused by blood sugar levels that are too high or too low.

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Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

When we talk about diabetes, the one thing we need to be careful about is maintaining a healthy and balanced level of blood sugar in the body. So, the question now arises: Why is controlling blood glucose level so important? When your body has high levels of blood ugar or glucose, the vital organs of the body are adversely affected. This, as time passes by, leads to several and chronic conditions.

How do we now control the high sugar level or how to lower blood sugar? There are several methods of doing the same. We can either go for medications or try to treat the condition naturally. In this article, we shall explore various foods that can lower blood glucose as well as 15 tips that will help to manage the blood sugar level naturally without taking any help of drugs or medicines.

Ensure A Good Nights Sleep

Never underestimate the power of a good nights sleep. A single night of inadequate sleep makes our body react in a manner similar to insulin resistance. It can lead to raised blood sugar levels. A good nights sleep can improve glucose metabolism. It will also keep you motivated to follow through with your diet and exercise routine.

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How Long Does It Take To Reverse Diabetes

When Jeff first came to the Pritikin Longevity Center several years ago, he was a type 2 diabetic.

But by his third day of eating and exercising Pritikin-style, his blood sugar had plummeted to normal, non-diabetic levels. By the third day it happened that quickly! recalls the Pritikin guest.

There is much we can do with a healthy lifestyle alone, no medications needed, to prevent diabetes. How long does it take to control diabetes with food and fitness? Find out below.

And by the third day, I got this burst of energy, says Jeff. I felt as good as I did when I was in high school. And all this without taking any medications just eating healthy and exercising. Thats all it was!

Not everyones blood sugar tumbles as quickly as Jeffs, but there is plenty of research affirming that a healthy diet like the Pritikin Eating Plan combined with daily exercise can profoundly reduce blood sugar levels in just two to three weeks time.

Guests at the Pritikin Center learn about the best foods for reversing diabetes at a Diabetic Luncheon with Kimberly Gomer, Director of Nutrition.

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Dawn Phenomenon: High Fasting Blood Sugar Levels On Keto & IF

Fiber plays a preventative role, too. Studies have found that high-fiber diets can reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 15 to 19 percent compared to low-fiber diets, according to a March 2018 study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine.

Youll find fiber in plant foods such as raspberries, peas, and whole grains, according to the Mayo Clinic. Beans are another good source of fiber. People with type 2 diabetes who ate at least a cup of legumes daily for three months had lower blood glucose levels as measured by the A1C test, according to a study published in the;Archives of Internal Medicine. Beans also are an excellent source of folate, which is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, a common diabetes complication, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Men should aim for 30 to 38 g of fiber per day, and women should eat 21 to 25 g per day, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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Just Ate Too Much The Night Before

If you had a late night high carb snack, then it is possible that your fasting blood glucose is high simply due to poor food choices in the presence of insulin resistance. As well, a large late night dinner high in fat can delay digestion and absorption of the carb content of the meal enough so that your post-meal rise in BG is going like gangbusters around the time the Dawn Phenomenon is kicking in.

Need help controlling carbs at meals? You can start with a typical goal of 30-45 grams of total carbs/meal if you are an adult woman or 45-60 grams/meal if you are an adult man. Try limiting your bedtime snack to 11- 20 grams total carbs. Discuss personalized meal and snack goals with your healthcare provider. If you have diabetes, ask your doctor for a referral to a Certified Diabetes Educator . This type of specialist is trained to help patients manage all aspects of their diabetes care including how to lower morning blood sugar.

Originally published on Dec 4, 2012,Updated: Updated: Jan 17, 2020

Never Skip Eating Breakfast

Cameron Whitman/Stocksy

Weve all heard that breakfast is the days most important meal. This is especially true for those who have diabetes. I think eating breakfast is important, especially with potential risk for hypoglycemia and avoiding potential highs related to fasting for too long a period of time, Crandall Snyder says.

A high-protein breakfast has an edge over breakfasts that are high in carbohydrates, according to research from The University of Missouri-Columbia. In the research, women ages 18 to 55 consumed meals with similar calories, fat, and fiber contents but differing amounts of protein. Researchers monitored the amount of glucose and insulin in the participants blood for four hours after they ate breakfast. The;best breakfasts;contained 39 g of protein and led to lower post-meal glucose spikes than the meals with less protein, the researchers found.

Besides, eating breakfast may help overweight people with type 2 diabetes shed extra pounds. Of the participants in the National Weight Control Registry who maintained at least a 30-pound weight loss for at least one year, 78 percent said they eat breakfast daily.

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Diet And Exercise To Reduce Blood Sugar

Aside from taking any medications that you may be prescribed, losing extra weight, getting active, and eating right can be the best ways to reduce blood sugar.

Losing weight: Any pounds that you lose if your body mass index is over 30 can lower your blood sugar dramatically. These strategies are simple and effective.

  • Eating more vegetables.
  • Cutting portion sizes of high-calorie foods.
  • Eating less often at restaurants, or eating half of the amount you are served.
  • Swapping sugary beverages for water and fruit for dessert.
  • Steaming, grilled, and baking instead of frying with added fats.

You can check your BMI here. Overweight is over 25, and obese is over 30.

Getting active: Getting moving increases insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar, and also helps you lose weight. This includes dedicated workouts, activity throughout the day, and breaking up sedentary time.

Eating right: While weight loss is a significant factor in blood sugar control, eating right also helps reduce blood sugar. What does eating right include?

Some research suggests that a low-glycemic diet can be helpful. You can choose one by limiting sugar and refined starches, having fiber, protein, and fat with your carbohydrate sources, and choosing less processed foods, such as whole grains instead of refined.

What You Need To Know About High Morning Blood Sugar

Lowering Blood Sugar Without Medication

How in the world can your blood sugar climb during the night when you’re not eating a thing? Before blaming the carbs in last night’s dinner, consider these other common culprits.

Waking up and seeing a high blood sugar reading can be … puzzling. However, it is not as uncommon as you think. Here is all you need to know about your blood sugar numbers in the morning and what may be contributing to it.

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Try To Control Blood Sugar By Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar consists of properties that help in the reduction of the blood sugar and glucose levels of our body. By improving the response of our body to sugar, this solution goes a long way in improving and increasing the sensitivity to the essential hormone, Insulin. Besides, the regular use of the apple cider vinegar helps to improve the usage of glucose by our body cells.

To improve the usage of apple cider vinegar in your diet, all you need to do is either add the vinegar to your salads or make a solution of the vinegar with water and drink it.

Have A Protein/ Fat Combined Snack

Many people find that a bedtime snack helps lower morning highs.

This is most likely because it shortens the fasting time and may slow down the livers own glucose production. If youre not using the apple cider vinegar method above, try having a mix of protein and fat combined before going to bed.

Here are a few ideas:

  • A tablespoon of natural peanut butter
  • A small piece of chicken with avocado or 5 olives
  • A small handful of macadamia nuts
  • A couple of slices of cheese

These are all simple snacks that contain both protein and fat.

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How Can I Treat High Blood Sugar

Talk to your doctor about how to keep your blood sugar levels within your target range. Your doctor may suggest the following:

  • Be more active. Regular exercise can help keep your blood sugar levels on track. Important: dont exercise if ketones are present in your urine. This can make your blood sugar go even higher.
  • Take medicine as instructed. If your blood sugar is often high, your doctor may change how much medicine you take or when you take it.
  • Follow your diabetes meal plan. Ask your doctor or dietitian for help if youre having trouble sticking to it.
  • Check your blood sugar as directed by your doctor. Check more often if youre sick or if youre concerned about high or low blood sugar.
  • Talk to your doctor about adjusting how much insulin you take and what types of insulin to use.

How Can I Check My Blood Sugar

How to Bring Fasting Blood Sugar DOWN FAST!

Use a blood sugar meter or a continuous glucose monitor to check your blood sugar. A blood sugar meter measures the amount of sugar in a small sample of blood, usually from your fingertip. A CGM uses a sensor inserted under the skin to measure your blood sugar every few minutes. If you use a CGM, youll still need to test daily with a blood sugar meter to make sure your CGM readings are accurate.

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How Can You Tell The Difference

The major difference between the dawn phenomenon and the Somogyi effect is that the latter includes a decrease in glucose levels hypoglycemia followed by a rebound hyperglycemia.

The easiest way to rule out the Somogyi effect is to check blood sugar levels at bedtime, around 2 to 3 a.m., and after waking up. The person should do this for several nights and mornings.

Some people may choose to wear a continuous glucose monitor, which can record the sugar levels throughout the day and night, allowing the user to track the trends.

Here are two possible results and what they might mean:

  • If the blood sugar level is low at or between 2 to 3 a.m., there is a good likelihood the Somogyi effect is the cause.
  • If the blood sugar level is normal or high at or between 2 to 3 a.m., it is more likely that the cause is the dawn phenomenon.

Treatment for the dawn phenomenon is likely to be the same as treatment for a spike in blood sugar.

This may involve:

  • injecting insulin
  • using specific medication to target increases in blood sugar

Each person with diabetes should discuss with their doctor what to do when their blood sugar levels spike, whether due to the dawn phenomenon or not.

If a person often experiences high blood sugar in the morning, doctor may suggest

Some common home remedies or lifestyle changes that may reduce the risk of high blood sugar in the morning include:

  • drinking a large glass of water
  • going for a walk

Get Enough Quality Sleep

Good sleep has a role in blood sugar control. It also promotes a healthy weight. If you are deprived of sleep or have poor sleeping habits, your metabolic hormones get disrupted.

Growth hormones are decreased, and cortisol is increased, which also affects blood sugar levels. Poor sleep and lack of rest also effects on insulin sensitivity and promotes weight gain.

Get enough sleep of good quality every night to maintain your good health in general and control blood sugar .

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The Fattest People On Earth

The Pimas of Arizona are among the fattest groups of people in the world. The only populations more obese are people living on some isolated Pacific Islands. On the Gila River reservation in Arizona, children as young as six and seven are so obese they cannot run. They lumber across baseball fields, out of breath before they get to first base.

Eat More Fibre On A Morning

Lowering Blood Sugar Without Medication

Like protein, fiber is a great way to lower blood sugar levels in a morning /natural way to lower blood sugar. This can be difficult to get, especially without added sugar. Think about the way you eat your oats. There are high chances that you pile on sugar refined or natural or bake it into a bar with dried fruits and other ingredients.

Its time to get your fiber in natural forms and consider low-GI options. That can mean cutting back on the fruit, especially first thing in a morning. Look for fruits that are lower on the glycaemic index to eat with your breakfast, such as apples and pears.

You should also look at enjoying oats with more savoury ingredients. Nuts and seeds are the perfect alternatives, packing your breakfast full of protein and fats, as well as fiber.

When you have these three ingredients working together, they will break down in the body slowly. You will find that they reduce the amount of glucose released into the body, so you dont have the same insulin response.

The extra fiber will also help you feel fuller for longer. This is important in the long term, as it will help you lose weight.

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