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HomeExclusiveHow Many People Die A Year From Diabetes

How Many People Die A Year From Diabetes

Diabetes Kills More Americans Than Thought

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Condition is third-highest cause of death, study finds

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25, 2017 â The number of Americans who die from diabetes is much higher than previously believed, according to a new study.

The research, based on federal government data, found that diabetes causes 12 percent of deaths in the United States. That makes it the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, researchers said.

âAnother way of saying that is, if diabetes were eliminated as a disease process, the number of deaths would decline by 12 percent,â said study author Samuel Preston, a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

âThere has been only one similar, earlier research effort, and it was based on data from the 1980s and early â90s. It showed deaths attributable to diabetes amounted to roughly 4 percent of total deaths,â he said in a university news release.

Data for the new study came from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey and the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey . Both are conducted annually, which gives researchers more current figures.

From this, the researchers found that Americans with diabetes have about a 90 percent higher death rate than those without diabetes. They noted that diabetes as the âunderlying cause of deathâ had been significantly underreported in the United States.

The study was published Jan. 25 in the journal PLOS One.

How Many People Die From Diabetes Each Year In The Us

gaultiero1448162100 over a year ago


over a year ago

Hi gaulteiero,

You have to know that diabetes is manageable disease. Thereis medication that can control the level of glucose in your blood. You justhave to more careful about your life. Eat proper food, have regular exercises,keep checking your blood sugar levels. You now have home tests for glucose levels,which is a great thing. In recent history people had to go to hospital to checkthis and there were more deaths at that time.

The information that I found is that in 2007 there were 71382 death that are caused by diabetes. This is a large number of death, butdiabetes is also a cause for other complications in other diseases that lead todeath.

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Type 1 Diabetes Statistics

Why look at statistics?

Rates of incidence of Type 1 diabetes are rising around the world. Statistics specific to certain countries allow us to study areas that may be experiencing a sharp uptick in Type 1 diagnoses, or even a gradual climb that indicates something is changing in that place. Looking at Type 1 through the lens of statistics also allows those of us living with diabetes every day to separate ourselves from something personal and emotional, focusing instead on facts and a bigger picture.

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Chapter 2 The Health Impact Of Diabetes On Canadians

  • Individuals with diabetes are over three times more likely to be hospitalized with cardiovascular disease than individuals without diabetes, 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with end-stage renal disease, and almost 20 times more likely to be hospitalized with non-traumatic lower limb amputations.
  • Diabetes was the primary cause of 34% of new cases of end-stage renal disease in 2009, creating a growing demand for renal replacement therapy in Canada.
  • Because diabetes shares several risk factors with other chronic diseases, 36.5% of Canadian adults with diabetes reported having two or more other serious chronic conditions in addition to diabetes, and 12.5% reported having three or more.
  • Nearly 40% of Canadian adults who reported having diabetes rated their health as “fair” or “poor”, compared to a tenth of the adult population without diabetes .
  • Although only 3.1% of all deaths in Canada were attributed to diabetes in 2007, more than a quarter of individuals who died had diabetes in 2008/09. Diabetes itself does not typically lead directly to death, but the complications associated with diabetes do.
  • At every age group, individuals with diabetes experienced mortality rates at least two times higher than those without. This results in noticeable decreases in life expectancy as well as health-adjusted life expectancy.
  • Based on available data, it is calculated that more than one in ten deaths in Canadian adults could be prevented if diabetes rates were reduced to zero.

Causes Of Death By Category

Heart disease, cancer and diabetes are top 3 killers ...

The share of deaths from infectious diseases are declining a larger share is dying from NCDs

In the visualization we see the distribution of global deaths broken down by three broad categories:

This is shown for global deaths as the default, but can be viewed for any country or region using the change country toggle on the interactive chart.

At a global level we see that the majority of deaths are caused by non-communicable diseases . Collectively NCDs account for more than 73% of global deaths. As the world is making progress in the fight against many infectious diseases, and as populations age, we expect that NCDs will become increasingly dominant as the cause of death.

Related chart the death rate from causes of death.This chart shows the death rate from infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and injuries over time.

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Why Are So Many People Dying Of Diabetes

The analysis itself did not look at the specific causes of death among people with diabetes. However, it is widely recognised that without proper management of this condition, there is a higher risk of death from several causes including critically high or low blood sugar, heart failure or kidney failure.

Diabetes is a long-term condition that affects the bodys ability to process glucose . Normally the amount of glucose in the blood is controlled by the hormone insulin, which helps break it down to produce energy. In people with diabetes, there is either not enough insulin to process the glucose or the bodys cells do not respond appropriately to the insulin produced. This results in glucose levels building up in the blood.

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and 2. People with type 1 diabetes do not produce any insulin. People with type 2 diabetes do not make enough insulin, or the bodys cells are not sensitive enough to insulin. Having either type puts people at increased risk of several serious complications, including heart disease and stroke, circulation problems, nerve damage, foot ulcers, blindness and kidney damage.

Breakdown Of Deaths By Age

Fewer people die at a young age

In this chart we see the breakdown of deaths by age bracket. Globally fewer and fewer people die at a young age.

In 2017, there were 56 million deaths globally nearly half of these were people who were 70 years or older 27% were between 50 and 69 years old 14% were between 15 and 49 only 1% were older than 5 and younger than 14 and almost 10% were children under the age of 5.

The age at which people die has changed significantly since 1990. Fewer people die at a young age. In 1990 nearly one-quarter of all deaths were in children younger than 5. In 2017, this had declined to just under 10%. In contrast, the share of deaths in the over-70s age bracket has increased from a third to half of all deaths over this period.

It is possible to change this chart to any other country or region in the world. In countries with good health the share dying at a young age is very low. In Japan more than 83% are 70 years or older.

Causes of deaths of children younger than 5

This chart shows the number of deaths in children under 5 years old by cause.

Through the combination of neonatal disorders, infections and congenital defects, we see that the largest share of deaths in under-5s arises from complications at birth or in the first few weeks of life. Under-5s are also highly susceptible to lower respiratory infections, infectious diseases, diarrheal infections, malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies.

Causes of deaths for children between 5 and 14

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Many Didn’t Seek Treatment

The CDC offered only the statistics, not explanations. The agency also did not say how many of the fatalities were people who had been infected with and weakened by the coronavirus but whose deaths were attributed primarily to heart disease, diabetes or other conditions.

Some experts believe a larger reason is that many patients did not seek treatment in an emergency because they feared becoming infected with the virus.

When hospitalization rates for Covid would go up, we would see dramatic declines in patients presenting to the emergency room with heart attacks, stroke or heart failure, Dr. Donald Lloyd-Jones, a Northwestern University researcher who is president-elect of the American Heart Association.

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Other possible explanations also point indirectly to the coronavirus.

Many patients stopped taking care of themselves during the crisis, gaining weight or cutting back on taking high blood pressure medications, he said. Experts said the stress of the crisis, the lockdown-related disappearance of exercise options, and the loss of jobs and the accompanying health insurance were all factors, too.

Increases in Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and West Virginia pushed the four into the group of states with the highest rates of death from heart disease, the CDC data showed. For diabetes, similar changes happened in Indiana, New Mexico, West Virginia and some other Southern and Plains states.

Global Trend Of Diabetic Burden From 1990 To 2017

COVID-19 & Diabetes: What’s the Link?

The global disease burden of diabetes increased greatly from 1990 to 2017 . Globally, the incidence of diabetes increased from 11.3 million in 1990 to 22.9 million in 2017, with a 102.9% increase. The age-standardized incidence rate increased from 233.6 to 284.6 . The global prevalence of diabetes increased from 211.2 million in 1990 to 476.0 million in 2017, with a 129.7% increase. The age-standardized prevalence rate increased from 4,738.5 to 5,886.9 .

Figure 1

Global burden of diabetes mellitus from 1990 to 2025. Incidence number Age-standardized incidence rate Prevalence number Age-standardized prevalence rate Death number Age-standardized mortality rate DALYs number Age-standardized DALYs rate. DALYs: disability-adjusted life-years.

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The Allegheny County Registry 19651999

  • Rimei Nishimura, MD,
  • Ronald E. LaPorte, PHD,
  • Janice S. Dorman, PHD,
  • Naoko Tajima, MD,
  • Dorothy Becker, MD and
  • Trevor J. Orchard, MBBCH, MMEDSCI
  • 1Department of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • 2Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
  • 3Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • What Was The Reports Main Finding

    Researchers estimated that in total there were about 16,000 more deaths among people with diabetes than would been expected if their mortality risk was the same as the general population. By linking these results to records of national death certificates they estimated 24,000 excess deaths each year in people with diabetes.

    The risk of death for patients with type 1 diabetes was estimated to be 2.6 times higher than that of the general population, and for people with type 2 diabetes the risk was estimated to be 1.6 times higher. Across the country there were variations in mortality, from 1,852 deaths out of 100,000 people with type 1 diabetes in London to a high of 2,351 out of 100,000 in the northeast. For type 2 diabetes the figures ranged from 1,246 out of 100,000 in London to 1,668 out of 100,000 in the northeast.

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    Exercise Strategies That You Can Implement Today

    The New Year is traditionally a time for resolutions but change can be overwhelming. To help turn this years resolutions into a permanent lifestyle I am providing one health tip each day in January. I chose this approach because the most complex tasks can be made easy if you just take one step at a time. These daily tips are an empowering and invaluable resource for beginners and experts alike. Together, these 30 tips will form a comprehensive guide that will allow you to take control of your health. Just a few of the topics addressed are: What to eat and when to eat it Exercise strategies that you can implement today The power of emotional health Enhancing your health with essentials like air, sunshine and water How to get the restorative sleep that your body requires Remember starting January 1, a new tip will be made available each day, free of charge, to Mercola subscribers. Whether you are making major changes or just want to stay focused on maintaining healthy habits, this 30-Day Resolution Guide will be your ultimate health resource.Continue reading > >

    Diabetes Statistics In America

    Type 1 Diabetes Hypoglycemia Deaths Per Year
    • More than 34 million Americans have diabetes, which is nearly 11% of the U.S. population.
    • Every 17 seconds, an American is diagnosed with diabetes.
    • There are 1.5 million new cases of diabetes in the United States each year.

    Diabetes statistics by state

    The states with the highest percentage of adults with diagnosed diabetes are:

    • West Virginia

    *The statistics are for adult cases, which were updated in September 2020

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    Prevalence Of Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes By Age

    Of course, the number of people in the population who have diabetes will be many more than this. Data from the UK shows how the total number of people with diabetes is dominated by those with type 2 diabetes from the middle years onwards. The main reason for this is that diabetes developing because of poor lifestyle and being overweight in older people is much more likely than that developing spontaneously in younger people.

    Cdc: Heart Disease Diabetes Deaths Rose In 2020

    • Medium
    • Large

    As COVID-19 spread through the U.S. in 2020, the death rates for heart disease and diabetes saw significant increases, according to data from the CDC’s Mortality Dashboard.

    In 2019, the death rate for heart disease was 161.5 deaths per 100,000 population. That rose to 167 in 2020 about a 3.4 percent rise.

    The death rate for diabetes jumped nearly 14 percent between 2019 and 2020. In 2019, the diabetes death rate was 21.6 per 100,000 population, rising to 24.6 in 2020.

    While the CDC did not provide information on the reasons behind the increases, many studies over the last year have focused on pandemic-related delays in care. A November study published in JAMACardiology, for example, found the survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest dropped 17 percent during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    A separate study, published May 26 in Health Affairs, found that as emergency calls for heart issues fell by 27.2 percent in the Boston area, out-of-hospital cardiac arrests jumped nearly 36 percent, compared to historical baselines.

    To access the CDC’s Mortality Dashboard, which includes data on 16 causes of death,

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    Type 1 Diabetes Hypoglycemia Deaths Per Year

    This JDRF ad sparked controversy but reveals a fact that needs to be known. 1 in 20 Type 1 Diabetics will die from hypoglycemia.

    Several times a year I hear of severe hypoglycemia taking the life of another Type 1 diabetic. Most of us are familiar with Dead in Bed syndrome, which is the term used to refer to severely low blood sugars taking the lives of children as they sleep. Since these deaths almost always can be prevented with proper management of the disease, I set out to discover just how many Type 1s were losing every year, in particular due directly to severe hypoglycemia. Sure, a far greater number of diabetics are passing away indirectly from complications brought on by years of mismanaged blood sugars, but given that Ive landed in the ER twice since being diagnosed in 2004, Ive grown curious as to how many Type 1s are dying directly from severely low blood sugars.

    Finding an answer to this question proved to be far more difficult than I had imagined. In fact, according to the Medtronic website and various other sources online, there is no official mortality rate for how many people die each year from hypoglycemia. This is unfortunate news. However, it is not due to mere ignorance. The problem is that after death the body can still release glucose, thereby making it difficult to determine if the deceased had suffered a hypoglycemic incident at the time of death.

    Global And National Socioeconomic Status

    Deaths Comparison : Deaths Per Year Worldwide By Different Causes

    Gross national income , a measure of the total domestic and foreign output, was calculated using the World Bank Atlas method. Countries were divided into 4 categories according to GNI in 2017. Low income $995 Lower-Middle income $996 to $3,895 Upper-Middle income $3,896 to $12,055 High income $12,056. Socio-demographic Index , an indicator of a locations socio-demographic development, was calculated on average income per person, educational attainment, and total fertility rate. The SDI ranges from 0 to 1, with a higher value implying a higher level of socioeconomic development. 2017 National SDI data were obtained from the Global Health Data Exchange: high SDI , high-middle SDI , middle SDI , low-middle SDI , and low SDI .

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