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How Do You Know If Your Insulin Resistant

How Do Doctors Diagnose Insulin Resistance And Prediabetes

How to know if you’re insulin resistant using routine blood tests

Doctors use blood tests to find out if someone has prediabetes, but they dont usually test for insulin resistance. The most accurate test for insulin resistance is complicated and used mostly for research.

Doctors most often use the fasting plasma glucose test or the A1C test to diagnose prediabetes. Less often, doctors use the oral glucose tolerance test , which is more expensive and not as easy to give.

The A1C test reflects your average blood glucose over the past 3 months. The FPG and OGTT show your blood glucose level at the time of the test. The A1C test is not as sensitive as the other tests. In some people, it may miss prediabetes that the OGTT could catch. The OGTT can identify how your body handles glucose after a mealoften before your fasting blood glucose level becomes abnormal. Often doctors use the OGTT to check for gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy.

People with prediabetes have up to a 50 percent chance of developing diabetes over the next 5 to 10 years. You can take steps to manage your prediabetes and prevent type 2 diabetes.

The following test results show Prediabetes2

  • A1C5.7 to 6.4 percent
  • FPG100 to 125 mg/dL
  • OGTT140 to 199 mg/dL

You should be tested for prediabetes if you are overweight or have obesity and have one or more other risk factors for diabetes, or if your parents, siblings, or children have type 2 diabetes. Even if you dont have risk factors, you should start getting tested once you reach age 45.

Living With Insulin Resistance

Living with insulin resistance requires lifestyle changes as well as regular use of prescription medicine. You will have to be more careful in making meal and snack choices, reading labels, and maintaining a lower weight. You also will have to commit to regular exercise and take your medicines as prescribed.

Dangers Of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance causes an imbalance between the storage and uptake of glucose in your cells, and causes a high concentration of sugar in your blood. When your blood sugar levels rise above a healthy range, it puts you at risk of diabetes.

Diabetes is a disease classified by having chronically high blood sugar. If your blood sugar rises above normal levels, but isnt high enough to signify diabetes, your doctor will refer to it as prediabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , roughly one in three Americans are prediabetic.

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Get Off Your Ass And Exercise

If you want to be healthy, you need to get off of your ass. You need to try to mimic your hunter gatherer ancestors as much as possible. But still continue to follow me on Twitter, even though they didnt

Unfortunately, most people today are sitting down and eating all day. Most people are cramped in a cubicle surrounded by snacks. You want to do the exact opposite. Move around as much as possible throughout the day.

And most importantly for insulin resistance, conduct high intensity exercise.

Other than consuming red meat, exercise is the fastest way to reduce insulin resistance. Just one single bout of high intensity training can increase insulin sensitivity 40%

This study below showed that just 6 weeks of training, with one set of 8 exercises improved insulin sensitivity. You dont need to go out and run a marathon.

Just lift heavy weights.

Steak + deadlifts are a magical combination.

Obesity is also highly correlated to insulin resistance, which rises linearly with BMI . If youre insulin resistant and obese, you need to cut your BMI.

Lastly, lean muscle mass is associated with better insulin sensitivity . Lean muscle is like a glucose sink. It sucks up any and all glucose available in your blood stream.

When Eating Carbs Choose Complex Carbs

insulin resistance symptoms and recommended tests

While complex carbs are an important part of a nutritious diet, refined or simple carbs dont usually contain a lot of fiber or micronutrients and are digested very quickly.

Refined carbs include simple sugars as well as grains that have had the fibrous parts removed. Some examples are cereal with added sugar, highly processed fast foods, foods made with refined flour like certain breads and pastries, and white rice .

Regularly consuming refined carbs can lead to several health problems, including high insulin levels and weight gain (


Replacing refined carbs, which are digested quickly and can sharply raise blood sugar, with slower-digesting complex carbs and whole grains may help lower insulin levels.

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Causes And Risk Factors Of Insulin Resistance

  • With a family history of type 2 diabetes
  • With a personal history of gestational diabetes
  • Over the age of 45
  • Who are Hispanic, African American, Native American, or Asian American
  • With a waist circumference larger than 40 inches or larger than 35 inches
  • With a history of high blood pressure or high triglycerides

The risk factors for insulin resistance are similar to the risk factors for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. But lifestyle changes can help your body use insulin properly, which can reduce your risk of diabetes.

Insulin Resistance In The Dog

Obesity causes carbohydrate intolerance and hyperinsulinemia in dogs. Insulin resistance as a result of obesity is due to down regulation of insulin receptors, reduced receptor binding affinity, and post-receptor defects in intracellular glucose metabolism. Chronic carbohydrate intolerance leads to chronic hyperglycemia which impairs insulin secretion by beta cells, down regulates glucose transport systems, and interferes in post-receptor activity. This beta-cell suppression is called glucose toxicity, and is a common finding in cats with diabetes mellitus. The effects of obesity and glucose toxicity are reversible, and insulin sensitivity will improve with treatment.

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Can Insulin Resistance Be Prevented Or Avoided

You cannot prevent or avoid risk factors such as race, age, and a family medical history. You can take steps to reduce your insulin resistance by losing weight , exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. Choose healthy carbohydrates. For example, eat whole grain bread instead of white bread, drink water instead of soda, and reduce your intake of sugary foods.

If you have or have had gestational diabetes, insulin resistance typically goes away after you give birth. However, you are at greater risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when you are older. That should be a warning to change your diet and lifestyle early so that you can delay it for as long as possible.

How Does Insulin Resistance Become Diabetes


In a person with prediabetes, the pancreas works increasingly hard to release enough insulin to overcome the bodys resistance and keep blood sugar levels down.

Over time, the pancreas ability to release insulin begins to decrease, which leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance remains a major feature of type 2 diabetes.

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No Drugs For Insulin Resistance

At this stage, there is no pill you can swallow to fix insulin resistance.

For the most part, you have to wait until something gives.. then, a whole host of medical interventions are used, to manage the problem.

Unfortunately, the odds that something GIVES, if you are insulin resistant, is rather high.

The Types Of Insulin Resistance Tests

Insulin resistance is not something that is commonly tested for. However, if prediabetes or type 2 diabetes is suspected, a doctor will perform an insulin resistance test.

The most commonly used insulin resistance tests are:

Fasting plasma glucose test

An FPG test is used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes by testing a persons blood sugar level after they have not eaten for 8 to 12 hours usually overnight. When you have an annual physical, the standard blood panel includes an FPG test, which makes it the most common type of insulin resistance test.

Oral glucose tolerance test

An OGTT is performed after an overnight fast. A healthcare professional starts by taking a blood sample, and then you are instructed to drink a high-glucose beverage. Additional blood samples are taken at specific intervals for two to three hours, and the results are compared to analyze how your body processes glucose over time. This test is not used as often as others.

Random blood glucose test

An RBG test measures your blood sugar at any time throughout the day, without the need for fasting. This test is performed when a quick diagnosis is necessary.

A1C test

The CDC classifies the following results for each blood test:

n/a Under 140 mg/dL

If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, the ADA recommends being checked for type 2 diabetes every 1-2 years.

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Pilaf: How To Measure Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Often, being diagnosed with diabetes precedes the diagnosis of other chronic conditions, including coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, Alzheimers disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic inflammation.

When reversing insulin resistance using your diet, the goal is to become as insulin sensitive as possible, to prevent against the development of these chronic diseases.

In order to help you understand your level of insulin resistance, weve developed a convenient checklist to help you understand how to become as insulin sensitive as possible.

Signs And Symptoms Of Insulin Resistance: Can You Be Insulin Resistant And Not Know It

3 Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

Signs and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance: Can You Be Insulin Resistant and Not Know It?

Insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome, is an increasingly common problem where cells become less responsive to the insulin your pancreas produces. Insulin resistance affects between 60 and 70 million Americans, many of whom are unaware they have it. Insulin is a hormone that unlocks cells so that glucose can enter after a meal. People who are insulin resistant have larger amounts of insulin circulating in their bloodstream. When cells are exposed to more insulin, they become less sensitive to its effects and fail to unlock to allow glucose to enter.

What happens then? Since glucose remains in the bloodstream, more insulin is pumped out in a futile attempt to get it into cells. Over time, the pancreas can burn out and be unable to meet the demand for higher insulin production. Thats when type 2 diabetes sets in. Plus, insulin resistance increases the risk of other health problems like heart disease. Needless to say, you want to avoid the problem of insulin resistance but how do you know if you have it?

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Hyperinsulinemia & Insulin Resistance Causes More Death Than Ww1 And Ww2 Combined

When youre more insulin resistant, your body requires MORE insulin from your pancreas to push glucose and energy into cells.

High insulin may not cause all chronic disease. But at the very least it exacerbates them. Having persistently high fasting insulin levels is called hyperinsulinemia. It usually goes hand in hand with insulin resistance.

If you have insulin resistance, youre at risk for chronic disease. Theres no chronic disease thats not related to insulin resistance:

  • Heart disease
  • A waist larger than 35 for women or 40 for men
  • A fasting insulin level above 5

Increase Your Overall Activity Level

Living an active lifestyle can help reduce insulin levels.

A 2005 study of more than 1,600 people found that the most sedentary people were nearly twice as likely to have metabolic syndrome as those who did at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week .

Other studies have shown that getting up and walking around, rather than sitting for prolonged periods, can help keep insulin levels from spiking after a meal .

One study looked at the effect of physical activity on insulin levels in men with extra weight who were at risk for type 2 diabetes. Those who took the most steps per day had the greatest reduction in insulin levels and belly fat compared with those who took the fewest steps .


Avoiding sitting for prolonged periods and increasing the amount of time you spend walking or doing other moderate activities may help reduce insulin levels.

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F Stands For Fasting Blood Glucose

Your fasting blood glucose value is a key indicator of your level of insulin resistance, and is important to monitor daily when living with any form of diabetes. As you become more insulin sensitive, your fasting blood glucose is likely to decrease.

Monitoring your daily fasting blood glucose is a simple way to measure how your diet is affecting your glycemic control. The goal is to achieve a consistent fasting blood glucose between 80-100 mg/dL.

As you transition to a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet, you are likely to experience fluctuations in your fasting blood glucose, but an overall downward trend is a great indicator of increased insulin sensitivity.

Fasting Blood Glucose Target: 80-100 mg/dL

Diagnosis And Tests For Insulin Resistance


Your doctor will use these things to diagnose insulin resistance:

  • Questions. Theyâll want to know about your family’s medical history.
  • Physical exam. Theyâll weigh you and check your blood pressure.
  • Blood tests. You might get:
  • Fasting plasma glucose test. This test measures your blood sugar after you havenât eaten for at least 8 hours.
  • Oral glucose tolerance test. First, you’ll take the fasting glucose test. Then you’ll drink a sugary solution. Two hours after that, you’ll take another blood test.
  • Hemoglobin A1c test. This blood test shows your average blood sugar level for the past 2 to 3 months. Doctors use it to diagnose prediabetes or diabetes. If you have diabetes, it helps show whether it’s under control. You may need to take the test again to confirm the results.

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You Follow A Typical Modern Diet

The typical modern diet is atrocious. Its packed with sugar, refined carbohydrates, and too many nasty preservatives and chemicals to name. Eating these kinds of foods constantly will ruin your bodys natural leptin response.

Sodas, candy bars, and other sugary foods flood your body with a temporary burst of energy, but it doesnt take your body long to process these nutritionally empty foods. You can eat them and find yourself hungry again an hour or two later. These foods send your leptin on a rollercoaster ride. Surges of leptin force your body to adapt by becoming resistant to the hormone.

Your brain ends up thinking youre hungry all the time, even though youre packing in food!

The Ketogenic Diet Is Also Great For Weight Loss

People with type 2 diabetics and poorly controlled blood sugar levels are normally not physically active.

Obesity and diabetes have a very strong connection, with one improving another or worsening another.

For example, if you gained 25 pounds, chances are you will lose control of your blood sugar level too.

As a matter of fact, obesity is a major determining factor for developing metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance syndrome. When this happens, not only will you have poor blood sugar control but also various ailments of the heart and circulatory system.

On the other hand, if you make an effort to lose some weight you can significantly reduce insulin resistance. This can be achieved by following the standard ketogenic diet.

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How Insulin Resistance Develops

Researches have yet to indicate a single cause of insulin resistance however, a diet rich in sugar and processed carbohydrates may be to blame. When you eat a meal rich in carbohydrates, sugar rapidly enters your bloodstream and a rush of insulin follows. If sugar continues to enter your bloodstream, your pancreas will continually release insulin but your pancreas cant keep that up forever.

Alcohol and caffeine, and soda are also culprits that can increase your blood sugar levels. And so can too little exercise, poor sleep patterns, and elevated stress levels.

Get Control Of Your Stress Levels

Do You Know Your Insulin Level

No amount of healthy dieting and exercising will help you lose weight if you are constantly under stress. Stress contributes to a pro-inflammatory state which induces insulin resistance, obesity and blood sugar dysfunction. Try different stress management techniques to get your stress levels under control. Indulge in a hobby few times a week to unwind, try deep breathing and yoga, or enroll in a meditation course to learn how to better manage your stress levels.

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Insulin Blood Sugar And Type 2 Diabetes

Insulin is a key player in developing type 2 diabetes. This vital hormoneyou cant survive without itregulates blood sugar in the body, a very complicated process. Here are the high points:

  • The food you eat is broken down into blood sugar.
  • Blood sugar enters your bloodstream, which signals the pancreas to release insulin.
  • Insulin helps blood sugar enter the bodys cells so it can be used for energy.
  • Insulin also signals the liver to store blood sugar for later use.
  • Blood sugar enters cells, and levels in the bloodstream decrease, signaling insulin to decrease too.
  • Lower insulin levels alert the liver to release stored blood sugar so energy is always available, even if you havent eaten for a while.

Thats when everything works smoothly. But this finely tuned system can quickly get out of whack, as follows:

  • A lot of blood sugar enters the bloodstream.
  • The pancreas pumps out more insulin to get blood sugar into cells.
  • Over time, cells stop responding to all that insulintheyve become insulin resistant.
  • The pancreas keeps making more insulin to try to make cells respond.
  • Eventually, the pancreas cant keep up, and blood sugar keeps rising.

Carbs And Fat Together Make You As Fat As Possible

And because sugar and fat are burned reciprocally, if you combine them it makes you as fat as possible. All the fat just goes straight to storage.

Nutritional scientists have discovered this and actually use this methodology to fatten up rats. Researchers created an obesogenic rat chow made up of 14% protein, 45% fat and 40% carbohydrates.

Well, thanks to the USDA, our basic dietary recommendations are basically the same obesogenic rat chow.

The fat and sugar accumulate in your bloodstream, causing more futile insulin secretion. When your insulin levels are chronically elevated, this is called hyperinsulinemia.

Unsubstantiated evidence led experts to substitute saturated fats for poisonous carbohydrates. Now hundreds of millions of people around the globe are insulin resistant today.

Every time you eat carbohydrates especially refined, high glycemic carbs your body goes to war with itself. And you lose.

Ancel Keys Junk science has destroyed your health.

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