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How Do You Know If Your Blood Sugar Is High

How Do You Know If You Are On A Sugar High

10 Alarming Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High
  • Blood sugar more than 180 mg/dL.
  • Just so, is it bad to have sugar in your urine?

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    Which changes in the urine are possible signs of diabetes?

    possible diabetes signssymptomsurinationdiabetesCommon warnings signs of diabetes include:

    • Increased thirst.
    • Increased hunger
    • Dry mouth.
    • Frequent urination or urine infections.
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Fatigue

    How Is High Blood Sugar Diagnosed

    There are different kinds of blood tests that can diagnose hyperglycemia. These include:

    Random blood glucose: this test reflects the blood sugar level at a given point in time. Normal values are generally between 70 and 125 mg/dL, as discussed earlier.

    Fasting blood glucose: this is a measurement of blood sugar level taken in the early morning prior to eating or drinking anything since the night before. Normal fasting blood glucose levels are less than 100 mg/dL. Levels above 100 mg/dL up to 125 mg/dL suggest prediabetes, while levels of 126 mg/dL or above are diagnostic of diabetes.

    Oral glucose tolerance test: this is a test that measures blood glucose levels at given time points after a dose of sugar is consumed. This test is most commonly used to diagnose gestational diabetes.

    Glycohemoglobin A1c: is a measurement of glucose that is bound to red blood cells and provides an indication about blood sugar levels over the past 2 to 3 months.

    Think About What’s Going On

    Irene Dunbar, 73, of Durham, N.C., woke up one morning recently to discover her blood sugar was at 119, which is high for her. “I had a cold and had had orange juice yesterday and I normally do not drink orange juice and I thought, ‘I better not do that,'” she said. When she gets a high blood sugar reading, she tries to remember if she had anything recentlylike breadthat she knows are triggers, and avoids them next time.

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    Yeast And Urinary Tract Infections

    Having blood sugar that is too high can cause your urine to have glucose in it. High glucose concentration in urine can provide a rich source of nutrients for bacteria. Therefore, bacteria can multiply and may lead to infections, such as urinary tract infections or yeast infections.

    A recent American study performed on a health service database with more than 70,000 patients with type 2 diabetes found that 12.9% of women were diagnosed with UTI during one year, compared with 3.9% of men. If you are a woman and find yourself with recurrent UTIs or yeast infections, ask your healthcare provider if diabetes might be to blame.

    Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome

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    Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome is a potentially fatal condition that can develop as a result of infection or illness in people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes or when diabetes medications aren’t taken as directed. Some also refer to this as a “diabetic coma.”

    HHNS develops when glucose levels surge , leading to severe dehydration. This dehydration occurs because elevated levels of glucose cause blood to become thicker and result in the body needing to produce more urine in order to lower them.

    Signs and symptoms include:

    Additionally, chronically-elevated blood sugars can cause or exacerbate heart disease and peripheral arterial disease.

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    Risk Factors For High Blood Sugar

    Doctors do not know exactly what causes diabetes. Some factors may increase the risk, however.

    Type 1 diabetes

    Researchers believe certain genetic or environmental factors may make people more likely to get type 1 diabetes.

    The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases say certain genes play a role, and other factors such as viruses and infections may have an impact.

    The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation say that there is nothing a person can do to prevent type 1 diabetes. Eating, exercise, or other lifestyle choices will not change the outcome.

    Type 1 diabetes usually begins during childhood or early adulthood, but it can happen at any age.

    Type 2 diabetes

    People who have high blood sugar should discuss their target levels with their doctor.

    They may need regular testing to keep these within a healthy range. Each person is different and levels can vary between individuals.

    To find out their blood sugar levels, the person may need to fast for 8 hours, 2 hours after a meal, or at both times.

    Some people may also take a glucose tolerance test, in which they drink a sugary liquid and have a blood test after.

    The American Diabetes Association recommend a pre-meal blood sugar level of 80130 milligrams per deciliter . Around 1 to 2 hours after the beginning of a meal, blood sugar should be less than 180 ml/dL.

    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Dka

    The symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis usually don’t develop all at once they usually come on slowly over several hours. People who have DKA may:

    • feel really tired
    • feel really thirsty or pee way more than usual
    • have a dry mouth and signs of dehydration

    These symptoms are caused by the high blood sugar levels that usually happen before someone develops DKA. If the person doesn’t get treatment, these signs of DKA can happen:

    • abdominal pain
    • unconsciousness

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    Great Bedtime Snacks For People Living With Diabetes

    For some people, a healthy bedtime snack helps to prevent glucose swings during the night. By eating a small snack that is full of protein and healthy fats , your body may be better able to avoid an overnight high but if you take insulin, be sure to cover the carbohydrates in your snack even if it only requires a small dose of insulin.

    Here are some snack ideas:

    • Plain nuts or seeds try eating a small handful

    • Raw vegetables, such as carrots, celery, cucumbers, or tomatoes, with a small amount of hummus or peanut butter

    • Plain yogurt, and you can add berries or cinnamon

    When To See A Doctor


    If youre experiencing one or many of these symptoms enough for it to raise a mental red flag or affect your life , thats a sign that you should talk to a doctor about your concerns. An expert like a primary care provider can help determine if high blood sugar due to diabetes or prediabetes is the cause of your symptoms. Even if youre not sure thats exactly whats going on, its still worth having a conversation with your doctor about hyperglycemia and other possible causes behind your symptoms.

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    When To Call For Medical Advice

    It is important to note that very high blood glucose levels can be dangerous and it is important to be aware of the symptoms and risk factors of the following conditions:

    If you are struggling to keep your blood glucose levels under control, speak to your GP or consultant who can advise you or refer you onto a diabetes education course.

    How To Test For Ketones

    You can use a urine test strip or blood ketone meter and ketone test strip to test for ketones at home. Testing either urine or blood is important, but when possible, a blood test is preferred because it gives you and your care team more precise information about your ketone levels. Because urine may have been in the bladder for some time, the results from these tests may show levels that are either higher or lower than the ketone levels that are actually circulating in your body. It is also very important to know that urine test trips degrade over time, so if you are using this method, you need to look at expiration dates carefully.

    Your diabetes care team can give you specific directions about when you should check for ketones, but in general, you should check for them when your blood glucose is 240 mg/dL or higher. You should also check for ketones if you notice any of the DKA symptoms listed above or if you are sick it is possible to have ketones while your blood glucose levels are within range .

    At-home urine test strips will change color to show the level of ketones in the urine. They typically report results as negative, trace, small, moderate or large. Blood ketone meters will provide a number that indicates the ketone levels. The following ranges are generally used:

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    Test Before You Eat And Two Hours After

    This will tell you how well your medication is controlling your blood sugar. It will also shed light on what food is boosting your sugar too highand thus should be avoided. “You should consult your health-care provider to develop a plan that works for you,” says Donna Rice, immediate past president of the American Association of Diabetes Educators, who notes that the frequency and time of day you test will depend on how controlled your blood glucose is.

    What Are Target Blood Sugar Levels For People With Diabetes

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    A target is something that you aim for or try to reach. Your health care team may also use the term goal. People with diabetes have blood sugar targets that they try to reach at different times of the day. These targets are:

    • Right before your meal: 80 to 130
    • Two hours after the start of the meal: Below 180

    Talk with your health care team about what blood sugar numbers are right for you.

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    Youre Hungrier Than Usual But Losing Weight

    Many people with uncontrolled high blood sugar find that theyre hungrier than usual, which signals a symptom called polyphagia, MedlinePlus notes. And although youre eating more, you may be losing weight for no apparent reason if your blood sugar levels are too high, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Since your body is not getting energy from the preferred source, glucose, it has to turn to muscle and fat, Zanini explains. When your body starts breaking down muscle and fat for energy, you experience unintentional and unhealthy weight loss. In addition to these changes in weight and appetite, you may notice weakness in your muscles and experience more frequent falls, Emanuele adds.

    Planning For Sick Days

    Your body releases stress hormones when you are sick, which can cause hyperglycemia. Keep taking your insulin and other diabetes medications, even if you are throwing up. If you have ketones and your blood sugar is above 240 mg/dL, call your doctor. They might also want you to call if:

    • You have diarrhea that lasts more than 6 hours
    • You are throwing up
    • You have a high fever or trouble breathing
    • You feel very sleepy or confused

    Continue checking your blood sugar levels and keep track of the results.

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    Symptoms Treatments And Prevention

    Hyperglycemia means high glucose in the blood . Your body needs glucose to properly function. Your cells rely on glucose for energy. Hyperglycemia is a defining characteristic of diabetes when the blood glucose level is too high because the body isn’t properly using or doesn’t make the hormone insulin. Over time, hyperglycemia can lead to potentially dangerous complications. Here’s a closer look at this condition, beginning with what glucose is and does in the first place.

    Eating too many processed foods may cause your blood sugar to rise.

    You Feel Tiredness And Fatigue Constantly

    What Are The Alarming High Blood Sugar Symptoms & Signs?

    Fatigue and extreme tiredness are symptoms of uncontrolled blood sugar, the ADA says. Simply put, when your body is not processing insulin properly or it doesnt have sufficient amounts of insulin, the sugar is staying in our blood rather than getting into our cells to be used for energy, Zanini says. Also, frequent urination can lead to dehydration, which Bandukwala identifies as another contributing factor to fatigue.

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    Tingling Hands And Feet

    Over the years, hyperglycemia can begin to impact nerve function and eventually cause nerve damage, called neuropathy, Dr. Hatipoglu says. The most common kind of neuropathy is peripheral, according to the NIDDK, which affects the extremities. You might start noticing feelings of tingling, numbness, or burning in your hands, feet, arms, and legs, per the Mayo Clinic.

    Glucose Changes During The Menstrual Cycle

    Hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle can make blood sugar levels more difficult to control.

    Roughly halfway through your menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs. At that point in your cycle, your progesterone levels increase. Studies have shown that progesterone is associated with increased insulin resistance.

    That means that during the second half of your cycle after ovulation when your progesterone levels are naturally higher you will have some relative insulin resistance and may have a tendency towards hyperglycemia.

    Women with type 1 diabetes may be more sensitive to this menstrual cycle-related insulin resistance.

    Research shows the risk for hyperglycemia changes significantly during the cycle for women with type 1 diabetes, with high blood glucose indices increasing until the early luteal phase and returning to initial levels thereafter.

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    When To Get Urgent Medical Attention

    Contact your diabetes care team immediately if you have a high blood sugar level and experience the following symptoms:

    • feeling or being sick
    • a fever for more than 24 hours
    • signs of dehydration, such as a headache, dry skin and a weak, rapid heartbeat
    • difficulty staying awake

    These symptoms could be a sign of a more serious complication of hyperglycaemia, such as diabetic ketoacidosis or a hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, and you may need to be looked after in hospital.

    Can Drinking A Lot Of Water Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels


    Although feeling very thirsty is a symptom of a hyper, drinking a lot of water will not bring your blood sugar levels down. It will only help to reduce your risk of dehydration.

    Its important that you take your diabetes medication to bring your blood sugar levels down. If you have consistently high blood sugar levels, you will need to follow the advice below and speak to your diabetes healthcare team.

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    Signs Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Diabetes

    The signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes usually develop quickly, especially in children, over a period of weeks. In babies and young children, the first indication of Type 1 diabetes may be a yeast infection that causes a severe diaper rash that’s far worse than the common red, puffy and tender skin rash. In young children and infants, lethargy, dehydration and abdominal pain also may indicate Type 1 diabetes.

    Once the symptoms appear, a blood test generally will reveal very high blood glucose.

    Type 2 diabetes can be detected easily during a routine screening exam and blood test. However, it frequently can go undiagnosed for years unless a physician draws a blood sample to check the blood glucose.

    In the early stages of Type 2 diabetes, you experience few to no noticeable signs of the disease. As time goes by and the untreated blood glucose continues to rise, symptoms begin.

    If you’re over 40 or have parents or siblings with diabetes, be sure to have your blood glucose checked routinely.

    The most common symptoms of undiagnosed Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are:

    You Have Noticeably Blurry Vision And Frequent Headaches

    You may notice that your vision isnt as clear as it used to be and that things may appear a bit blurry. High blood sugar levels can lead to swollen lenses in your eye from fluid leaking in, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. This changes the shape of the lens, which makes it unable to properly focus, causing blurred vision. You may also find yourself struggling at work, having difficulty driving, and suffering from frequent headaches, Emanuele notes.

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    For People With Type 2 Diabetes

    It is normal for blood glucose levels to go up and down throughout the day. An occasional high blood glucose level is not a problem. But if your blood glucose level remains high for a few days or if you are sick, contact your doctor or Credentialed Diabetes Educator.

    If not treated, high blood glucose levels can be dangerous and lead to Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Find out more here:

    What You Can Do Now

    *How to lower high blood sugar* (6 tips to reduce blood sugar)

    Your doctor will provide you with clear steps to follow aimed at lowering your blood sugar levels. Its important that you take their recommendations to heart and make any necessary lifestyle changes to improve your health. If left untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to serious, and sometimes life-threatening, complications.

    Your doctor may recommend that you buy a blood glucose meter to use at home. This is a simple and effective way to monitor your blood sugar and act quickly if your levels have spiked to an unsafe level. Being aware of your levels can empower you to take charge of your condition and live a healthy lifestyle.

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    All You Need To Know About Reading Your Blood Glucose Test Report

    Written by Dr Anitha Anchan | Updated : April 26, 2016 5:29 PM IST

    Glucose is a type of sugar that is produced by the digestion of dietary carbohydrates. It is transported by the blood to all parts of the body and is body s main source of energy. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, transfers extra glucose from the blood to muscle, fat, and liver cells where it is stored. Blood glucose levels changes indicate abnormal digestion process. People with diabetes often have high levels of glucose in their blood.

    Prediabetes is a condition where the blood glucose is higher than normal but not high enough to be confirmed as diabetes. It could lead to diabetes if appropriate measures are not taken.

    Blood glucose tests what are they?


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