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HomeFactsDoes Coconut Sugar Raise Blood Sugar

Does Coconut Sugar Raise Blood Sugar

How To Cook With Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar review for blood sugar increase | Diabetes

While coconut sugar can be used as a substitute for white or brown sugar, it’s not always the perfect sweetener due to the size of granules and its lower burning temperature. This doesn’t necessarily matter if you are making something like banana bread or adding to chia seed pudding, but it can affect candy recipes that rely on slow cooking temperatures and foods that need the extra moisture usually found by using brown sugar.

The general rule when cooking with coconut sugar is to measure it out in the same quantity of white or brown sugar in a recipe. It’s a darker sugar, so don’t use it when the baked good needs to maintain a pale color, like in an angel food cake.

So If Coconut Is So Good Coconut Sugar Must Be Bulletproof Right

Companies have made coconut sugar popular in a short time by advertising it as a lower-glycemic alternative to table sugar. This marketing approach is the exact same trick that fructose marketers use to promote damaging high-fructose foods. Its true that fructose doesnt raise insulin as quickly as regular sugar does, but that certainly doesnt make it healthy. Its toxic to your liver and it messes with your hormones. The same is true of coconut sugar.

With that in mind, lets separate coconut sugar fact from fiction.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Coconut Water In Empty Stomach Daily

When consumed in limits, which are less or equivalent to one coconut in a day, there are no side effects to drinking coconut water. On the other hand, it is a tremendous source of delicious and healthy nutrients for the body.

Although consuming too much coconut water can cause side effects, including bloating, high potassium levels, gas, and kidney problems.

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Health Benefits Of Coconut Sugar In Diabetes

As we already discussed, coconut sugar has no significant health benefits that can outweigh its risks.

That being said, some studies have linked coconut sugar to a few health benefits.

Coconut sugar is better than regular sugar for preventing hypoglycemia.

Coconut sugar is also rich in potassium, calcium, and zinc, making it ideal for treating sudden electrolyte imbalances. Potassium is an important mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure and heart rate.

Zinc is a mineral essential for the functioning of the immune system, and it also plays a role in wound healing and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Calcium is important for strong bones and teeth, and it also helps regulate muscle contractions and nerve signals.

Coconut Sugar Vs Date Sugar

Can Coconut Water Raise Blood Sugar?

If you’re looking for another sugar alternative with some extra nutrients, date sugar is a noteworthy option.

Instead of coming from the palm tree itself, date sugar is made from the fruit of the date tree, which is ground up and dried into sugar, explains Perez. As a result, all the fiber, vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content we know and love about dates remain intact, like vitamin A, vitamin B complex, iron, and zinc. While its fiber content associated with slower blood sugar absorption is a plus, Perez says, you would need to consume large quantities of date sugar to achieve any significant nutrient benefits.

When it comes to cooking, you might be better off going for coconut sugar. That’s because it’s derived from the sap of coconut tree flowers, whereas date sugar is made from granulated dried dates, which will prevent it from dissolving in liquids, Appelö says. This makes coconut sugar more recipe-friendly, in general.

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What Are The Benefits Of Coconut Water

There are hundreds of health benefits of regular consumption of coconut water. Lets understand the main ones and their significance.

  • Helps control blood pressure levels
  • Beneficial for the Heart
  • Magnificent source of nutrients and minerals
  • Helps in fighting fat and reduces body weight
  • Helps to Regulate Blood Glucose for People with Diabetes

How Glycemic Is Coconut Sugar

Some purveyors of coconut sugar make the health claim that doesn’t raise blood sugar as much as other sugars. There was a report produced by the Philippines Food and Nutrition Institute which has been widely cited that said that the glycemic index of “coco sugar prepared by the Philippine Coconut Authority” was calculated to be 35, based on the results from 10 test subjects.

This index number is indeed quite low.However, it is important to note that this investigation was very limited including a small number of participants. In addition, glycemic index can vary from person to person and from batch to batch of coconut sugar.

On the other hand, a similar study reported by the University of Sydney came up with a glycemic index of 54, which is only a little lower than that of table sugar. There are a couple of possibilities to doubt the claimed low number.

There was no indication of the range of responses in the report. Almost always, the report of a glycemic index study will state not only the average response to a food but the range of responseshow different people responded. This was not done in the Philippines study. Did some of the 10 people have a much higher response? We don’t know.

Glycemic index tests are almost always done on healthy young adults who are the least likely to have problems with blood sugar. People with diabetes, pre-diabetes, and “pre-pre diabetes” often react differently.

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Where To Buy Coconut Sugar

There are quite a few brands of coconut sugar out there including BetterBody Foods, Wholesome Sweeteners, Madhava, Food to Live, and Terrasoul Superfoods. These are the best brands available and all sell granule coconut sugar, which is ideal when using when substituting for other sugars. Find these products in specialty grocers or health food stores or order online. When shopping for coconut sugar, make sure the packaging says either “coconut sugar” or “coconut palm sugar” in the ingredientsregular palm sugar is not the same thing.

Beneficial For The Heart

Coconut Supports Better Blood Sugar Control

Another significant benefit is a reduction in the risk of heart diseases. Numerous studies point out coconut waters ability to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

High cholesterol levels are the primary reason for heart diseases, and you can control that with regular consumption of coconut water.

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How To Use Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar can be used in many ways, just as regular sugar, but the collection and production process requires a bit more effort. Furthermore, it is known to be sweeter than traditional sugar, so less is required to achieve the same flavor. Use approximately half as much coconut sugar as a recipe calls for traditional sugar, and then increase to boost sweetness, as necessary.

Coconut sugar can be used in the preparation of desserts and candies, and also added to cocktails, shakes or smoothies for a sweet boost. You can also use coconut sugar on savory dishes or on vegetables/fruits to caramelize them. This sugar is also popular in beverages like tea and coffee, or in sauces and dips. Remember, moderation is key, or it can be just as dangerous as regular table sugar for your overall health.

Coconut Sugar Vs Sugar: Which One Should You Be Using

1. It’s not refined. Unlike white refined sugar, coconut sugar does not have any artificial ingredients like additives or preservatives. It’s also not chemically treated in any way.

2. It has a low glycemic index. You know how sometimes you crash after eating too many carbs? Well, that’s because the sugar in your foods spiked your blood sugar level. It’s directly linked to the food’s glycemic index, a number that shows the impacts of carbohydrates on a person’s blood sugar level. Coconut sugar has a low glycemic index mainly due to a fiber called inulin, which slows down how fast your body absorbs glucose. Coconut sugar has a glycemic index of 35. For comparison, table sugar’s glycemic index ranges from 60 to 75.

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Diabetes Prevention And Cocoa

Some research suggests that eating a small amount of dark chocolate each day could help prevent diabetes and insulin resistance. The study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition in May 2016, found that people who ate a chocolate bar a day showed reduced insulin resistance as well as improved liver enzymes. The liver regulates blood sugar, and “insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes,” Arad says.

It could be that eating chocolate every day is a marker for a healthy lifestyle. Study participants who ate chocolate daily were younger, exercised more and had higher levels of education than those who didn’t consume chocolate each day.

There’s more: Chocolate ââ¬â particularly dark chocolate ââ¬â is loaded with antioxidants called flavanols that may lower blood pressure, improve blood cholesterol levels and boost the elasticity of blood vessels, according to another British Journal of Nutrition study, this one published in October 2015.

High blood pressure and cholesterol, along with a reduced blood flow due to constricted vessels, are major risk factors for heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. This is important because adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to die from heart disease than adults who don’t have diabetes, the association points out.

Coconut Oil And Weight Loss

Amazon : Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, Gluten

You may have heard that itâs good for weight loss or low-carb diets. But there are no magic foods that help you lose weight. And coconut oil has nearly 100 calories per tablespoon.

Also, just 1 tablespoon of coconut oil has 11 grams of fat, and almost all of it is saturated fat. Experts recommend eating no more than 13 grams of saturated fat per day. Itâs what raises your LDL, or âbad,â cholesterol levels. That puts you at greater risk for heart disease. And having type 2 diabetes already makes you more likely to get heart disease. So you donât want to raise that risk even further.

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Coconut Sugar: Healthier Sweetener Or Another Pretty Name For Sugar

Celebrity nutrition, fitness, and mindset expert

“It’s the new it sweetener,” my friend said somewhat facetiously, pulling out a small bag of organic raw coconut sugar during a recent catch-up over green tea at our favorite coffee place. “Besides, you love coconut.”

True: I love unsweetened coconut milk in my protein shakes, and coconut oil remains a staple in stir-frys and other high-heat cooking.

According to Dr. Jonny Bowden in his The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, coconut provides healthy fats, including lauric acid, which are antiviral, antimicrobial, immune-boosting, and even help fight some cancers. Your body uses the easier-to-metabolize medium-chain triglycerides in coconut to burn as fuel rather than store as fat.

Electrolyte-rich coconut water doesn’t offer those healthy fats, and many commercial brands contain added sugar. Athletes who need to rehydrate post-workout should be fine with no-sugar-added coconut water, but you’ll only get those healthy fats in coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut milk, and coconut meat.

Determined to milk the coconut-is-healthy buzz, manufacturers position coconut sugar as a better alternative as customers understandably grow wary about high-fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners. But is coconut sugar really better or just the latest hype?

Compared with table and brown sugars, coconut sugar has impressive amounts of nutrients like zinc and iron as well as antioxidants.

Additional References

Tender Coconut Water For Diabetes: When Is The Best Time To Drink Coconut Water For A Diabetic

Time and quantity both play an essential role in the positive effects of coconut water for Diabetics.

Make sure to limit your consumption to one coconut a day or 1-2 cups. Consuming more than one coconut a day can also work against your favor as coconut contains natural sugars. Up to a limit, i.e., one coconut a day, the sugar level is okay for a person with diabetes but beyond that isnt. Also, having too much coconut water will cause bloating and gas.

The best time to consume coconut water is on an empty stomach and during the first half of the day. Another good time to finish it is post-workout as it will refill your body of nutrients and re-energize you.

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It Could Promote Sustainability

Our personal health is tied to planetary health, so that’s something to consider when it comes to making nutrition decisions. “Another benefit to coconut sugar is that it is a more environmentally sustainable choice than palm sugar or cane sugar,” says Albina.

“Just make sure to pick a fair-trade-certified and organic brand to reap that benefit,” says Appelö.

Coconut Sugar May Have A Lower Glycemic Index

Is Coconut Milk Good for Diabetes? Can Diabetics Drink Coconut Milk? Does It Raise Blood Sugar?

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels.

Glucose is given a GI of 100. For comparison, foods with a GI of 50 raise blood sugar levels half as much as pure glucose.

Table sugar has a GI of around 60, whereas coconut sugar has been measured with a GI of 54 .

However, it is important to note that GI can vary greatly between individuals and may also differ between batches of coconut sugar.

Although its inulin content probably slows sugar absorption somewhat, its unclear whether this modest difference in GI has any health relevance.


Coconut sugar causes a slightly lower rise in blood sugar than regular table sugar. However, the respective health benefits are probably modest.

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Benefits Of Coconut Sugar For Diabetes Is It Safe To Eat

When a person has diabetes, their body either does not produce enough insulin or does not use insulin correctly. Insulin enables the body to use sugar, or glucose, for energy. When insulin does not work properly, sugar stays in the bloodstream instead of entering the cells for use. When this occurs, blood glucose levels can become too high.

People with diabetes need to monitor their carbohydrate intake, especially that of sugar. A high sugar intake can increase the risk of blood sugar spikes, which can lead to symptoms of high blood sugar and the development of complications. Managing blood sugar levels can help reduce the risk of symptoms and complications.

Is Raw Coconut Good For Diabetes

Raw Coconut can help protect cells from free radicals that cause damage including those found in diabetic retinas. The FDA recommends limiting fat intake to no more than 20% of your daily caloric intake, but raw coconuts and their products offer a great source of saturated fats that have been shown to potentially provide health benefits without raising blood sugar levels or causing weight gain.

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Is Coconut Sugar Really Low Carb

Is coconut sugar, also called coconut palm sugar, healthier or lower in carbohydrates than regular table sugar? There are claims that it is a low-carb sugar that doesn’t raise blood glucose as much as other sugar and that it is loaded with minerals. Let’s look at what it is and whether any of the claims have merit.

Is Coconut Sugar Helpful For Diabetes

Benefit of Coconut Sugar

August 24, 2021 By Toby Smithson

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

It seems coconut everything is popular these days, including this sweetener made from the sap of the coconut palms flower bud stem. Its hyped as containing nutrients and fiber absent in table sugar. So, whats the real story?

Anything and everything coconut continue to flood the grocery store shelves so I thought this would be a great topic to cover in todays video.Is coconut sugar helpful for diabetes?

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Is Coconut Sugar Good For You

By Jillian Levy, CHHC

We can give thanks to the coconut tree for the numerous healthy products it yields: coconut water, desiccated coconut flakes, coconut vinegar and wine and, many peoples personal favorite, coconut oil. Now meet coconut sugar.

The inflorescence of the coconut or coconut blossoms of the coconut tree offers a sweet nectar that can be processed to create a syrup or honey-like substance. This is then dried to form granulated coconut sugar.

Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener and sugar substitute that may be more expensive than regular table sugar, but many feel its worth it, considering it yields some benefits that make it a better choice than many other sweeteners. For instance, coconut sugar is better for diabetics and the gut than your normal, everyday sugar, and it holds trace amounts of vitamins and minerals.

How Is Coconut Sugar Made

The process is a bit like making maple syrup or maple sugar. Coconut nectar sap is collected from the trees’ flower buds and boiled until most of the liquid evaporates, leaving a thick, sweet syrup.

As the mixture cools, the sugars in the sap crystallize into solid granules that look like brown sugar, according to a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization .

Coconut Sugar Nutrition Facts

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What Is The Healthiest Sweetener For Tea

Best Natural SweetenersHoney. Honey is by far one of the most popular and possibly healthiest sweeteners in the world. Maple syrup. Maple syrup is not only great for pancakes. Agave nectar. Agave nectar is a natural sweetener with a low glycemic index. Molasses. Molasses is a juice from sugar cane or sugar beet.Aug 9, 2020

Sugar Types And Nutrition In Coconut Sugar

Benefits of Mulberry leaves with Coconut water Helps regulate blood sugar levels -better for health

Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener made from the sap of coconut palm, and the sap is boiled down to form a syrup, then dried and crystallized. It is also called coconut palm sugar, palm sugar, or Palmyra jaggery. It is a traditional sweetener of south-east Asia and has been used for thousands of years to make traditional food products like candy and sauces.

Coconut sugar contains sucrose, glucose, and fructose. The combination of glucose and fructose gives coconut sugar a lower glycemic index than regular sugar.

Coconut sugar has a higher percentage of fructose than regular sugar. Higher intake of fructose for the along-term can lead to metabolic syndrome, which can cause weight gain, diabetes, and heart diseases.

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