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HomeExclusiveCan You Donate Plasma If You Are Diabetic

Can You Donate Plasma If You Are Diabetic

Ive Known For A Long Time That People With Diabetes Are In Fact Able To Donate Blood But I Thought It Might Be A Good Focus For Those Who Want To Do More Outside Of The Diabetes World To Help Clear Up Any Misinformation You Might Have As A Potential Donor Read On

I Had to Stop Donating Plasma. Here’s Why.

Direct from the American Red Cross, you can see that it means a lot to those who may need a blood transfusion or another product of blood, Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. With this last year decreasing the ability to go places as well as the worry about visiting more clinical locations, the blood supply is at a low level and will take the help of many to get back to the levels needed.

This is important, but as we know with diabetes, there are variables to consider. Thankfully, there are good guidelines defining those that are eligible as well as a checklist to consider for donating blood successfully and healthfully when you live with diabetes.

According to the NIH, diabetes itself shouldnt impact a persons ability to donate if several criteria are met. In general, someone who donates should:

Tips For Diabetics On How To Prepare To Give Blood

In the days before your donation, strive to keep your sugar level within the normal range as determined by your medical care team. As with all blood donors, we recommend that you hydrate well the days before and after your donation and get plenty of sleep the night before. Find more pre-donation tips here.

What If You Get Turned Down For Some Reason To Donate Blood With Diabetes

If you are unable to give blood when you have diabetes, whether due to unmanaged blood sugars, or complications of diabetes, you can still help by donating money to the Red Cross. Your donation will help the Red Cross with providing supplies for blood donation banks, providing support to families in crisis who are in need, and helping to educate people on lifesaving techniques. There are many things that the Red Cross does to help others. Your donation will help them fulfill their mission. 4

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What Can I Expect After Donating Blood

You should monitor the blood sugar level after the donation and try to maintain a balanced diet. For 24 weeks after your gift, try adding iron-rich foods or a supplement to your diet. You can, in general,

  • When your arm is stiff, take acetaminophen.
  • To stop bruising, keep the bandage on for at least four hours.
  • When you are lightheaded, relax.
  • For 24 hours after the gift, stop strenuous exercise. This requires exercise and other activities as well.
  • Following your gift, increase your fluid consumption for a few days.

If you feel ill following a blood donation or are worried about your fitness, call your doctor immediately.

Preparing To Give Blood

Can I Sell/ You Donate Plasma If You Have Diabetes ...
  • Do not donate if you are sick
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid intense exercise/any major lifting
  • Have a snack
  • Be prepared to disclose any medications you are currently on
  • Eat iron-rich, protein-rich foods
  • Avoid fatty foods, smoking and alcohol
  • Try to relax
  • Avoid any strenuous exercise/activity 24 hours after
  • Continue adding iron-rich foods to your diet if it suits you

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Is Donating Plasma Safe

Yes. All material that comes in contact with your blood is sterile and used only 1 time for your plasma donation. Our highly trained staff follows strict guidelines to make sure youre comfortable and safe throughout the process. Our plasma centers follow all required U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory standards for plasma donation.

  • Do not donate if you are sick
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid intense exercise/any major lifting
  • Have a snack
  • Be prepared to disclose any medications you are currently on
  • Eat iron-rich, protein-rich foods
  • Avoid fatty foods, smoking and alcohol
  • Try to relax
  • Avoid any strenuous exercise/activity 24 hours after
  • Continue adding iron-rich foods to your diet if it suits you

Can Diabetic People Donate Blood

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration does not have any regulatory restrictions against diabetics donating blood other than if the individual has received bovine source insulin since 1980. The concern here is not the diabetes but rather the bovine spongiform encephalopathy. As bovine source insulins were not widely available in the US, the diabetic would have had to specifically import it from Europe. Donors may mistake this deferral as being due to their having diabetes. Here is the FDA guidance (Each blood collection center in the US can have criteria more stringent that either the FDA and AABB so there is some variability among blood centers. At the collection center where I work, we allow donors with diabetes, whether controlled with diet, oral hypoglycemics, or insulin, to donate. The only instance where I can think where diabetes would have a negative affect on blood product and therefore an adverse effect on the patient would be in the rare instances where we collect granulocytes. If the donor had poor glucose control, this could impair neutrophil function. Since granulocyte donors are usually stimulated with corticosteroids, which would worsen glucose control, diabetics are deferred from granulocyte donation at my institution so this is not an issue.Continue reading > >

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New Guidelines For Blood Donors

Diabetes UK welcomes a change in blood service guidelines allowing some people with Type 2 diabetes to now donate blood if they wish to.

The governments advisory has concluded that blood donation is safe for people with diabetes who manage their condition by taking tablets and have no complications or other underlying medical conditions.

How To Get Ready For Blood Donation

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Before you donate the blood, you should implement the following steps to ensure successful blood donation:

  • Drink a huge volume of water before you donate blood. It is recommended that you should increase the water intake many days before the date of blood donation.
  • Consume iron-rich food items.
  • Have a sound sleep before the day of blood donation.
  • Have balanced meals before donating your blood so that you can compensate for the loss. Balanced meal consumption is very important for the diabetic person.
  • Reduce the consumption of caffeine.
  • Create a list of medications that you are taking right now.

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How Does Plasma Donation Work

Donating plasma is similar to giving blood. A trained staff member called a phlebotomist puts a sterile needle in your arm vein to draw blood. The blood is then cycled through special, sterile equipment that separates plasma from the other parts of your blood. Your plasma is then collected in a container, while the other parts are safely returned to your body. This process is called plasmapheresis.

How Long Does It Take To Donate Plasma

The time it takes depends on your body weight and other factors, and also whether youre a first-time donor. Your first visit can take up to 2 hours because it includes a health screening, in-depth questionnaire, and medical history questions to make sure you can donate plasma. After that, each visit takes less time about an hour to an hour and a half.

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Can Diabetics Donate Plasma

The largest part of the blood is plasma. It carries salts, water and takes nutrients, proteins, and needed contraceptives to the bodys most needed part.

Plasma donation is a way of helping out others who are in dire need of it. People need a transfusion for several reasons, as there are many types of medical conditions. Diabetes patients can always give out blood, but there are essentials to be met before they can do so.

Diabetes patients must ensure their blood glucose is under control regularly and also eat a balanced diet. You must seek your doctors advice before you donate blood. Your doctors know more about how eligible you are to do so.

Also, when you see that the level of your blood sugar is still intact according to your doctors diagnoses and your health is good shape, you can still be able to donate blood, but if you are still struggling to regulate your blood glucose level, it is not advisable to donate blood at that time.

It would be better to refer your physician before you donate plasma.

Your A1c And General Blood Sugar Management

Why Can T Diabetics Donate Blood

The American Red Cross does not list a specific A1c or blood sugar level requirement for those with diabetes to be eligible.

That being said, blood with higher levels of glucose simply doesnt maintain its quality during the storage period compared to blood with a normal glucose level.

This doesnt mean you need perfect blood sugar levels to donate, but if youve been struggling with diabetes management and your A1c is well above 9 percent, or your blood sugar is over 200 mg/dL at the time of donating, you may want to wait until youve been able to bring your blood sugars down into a healthier range.

You will not have to prove your A1c or even your current blood sugar level at the time of donating, so its really up to you to be honest, and let the American Red Cross professionals determine if you qualify during the screening process.

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Want To Donate Your Unused Diabetes Supplies

If youve got unused diabetes supplies that you no longer need, dont throw them away! Here are several easy ways that you can donate your supplies to others.

If youve recently switched to a new diabetes medication or device, you may have leftover diabetes supplies that you wont need. It might feel like such a waste to throw away things like insulin vials, needles, and test strips, especially when there are many people in the world who cannot afford the diabetes devices and medication that they need to live healthy lives. The good news is that there are several ways to donate your supplies so that people who do need these items can receive them.

Its important to know that your supplies should be unused and unopened most donations will not be accepted if the supplies are no longer sealed, or if they have already expired.

Option 1: Contact your healthcare office

There is a chance that your care team collects unused diabetes supplies to provide to other people with diabetes. You can call and ask them about whether they are interested in your donation.

Option 2: Contact local diabetes advocacy organizations

Diabetes education centers or local branches of advocacy organizations may collect diabetes supplies themselves or be able to refer you to other donation sites.

Option 3: Mail your supplies to a national organization

Insulin for Life accepts the following supplies donations . The organization does not accept pump supplies.

  • Insulin Vials

Can People With Diabetes Donate Blood

Donating blood once or on a regular basis saves lives. Just one session of blood donation can impact many lives but as a person with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you may wonder: do they want my blood, too?

Does the American Red Cross want blood from a person with diabetes if their blood sugars arent perfect? If you have diabetes-related complications? If you have other conditions, like a thyroid disorder or Celiac disease or high cholesterol?

Lets take a closer look at the rules and guidelines of blood donation for people with diabetes.

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Is It Safe For Diabetic Person To Donate Blood

If you have a query “can a person with diabetes donate blood?” or “can i donate blood if i have diabetes” If you are suffering from diabetes and want to donate blood, then you should meet certain conditions. Can people with diabetes donate blood? Usually, blood donation for diabetic people is not safer. Can a type 1 diabetic donate plasma? People who are suffering from type 1 and type-2 diabetes can donate the blood by maintaining their good health. It is imperative for diabetic people that their health condition is under control.

The good health condition of diabetic people means they have maintained their optimum blood sugar level. It is mandatory to be aware of your blood sugar level before you donate blood. You should regularly check the variations in the sugar level of your blood. The best way to maintain good health is to eat a proper diet and do regular workouts. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and put in a lot of effort to keep your blood sugar level in an ideal range, then you can live a normal life. Doctors will also prescribe some medicines to diabetic patients so that their blood sugar level stays in the ideal range. The diabetic person should also invest in edema slippers to take care of their feet. Usually, the diabetic people suffer from swollen feet.

How Can I Prepare For Donating Blood

DONATING PLASMA: Learn STEP-BY-STEP How You Can Donate Plasma To Make Extra Money Today!

Before you decide to donate blood, there are a few ways you can prepare to make sure your donation is successful. You should:

  • Drink plenty of water leading up to the donation. You should increase your water intake a few days before your scheduled donation.
  • Eat iron-rich foods or take an iron supplement one to two weeks before the donation.
  • Sleep well the night before your donation. Plan on getting eight or more hours of sleep.
  • Eat balanced meals leading up to your donation and afterward. This is especially important when you have diabetes. Maintaining a healthy diet that keeps your blood glucose levels low is key to having control of your condition.
  • Limit caffeine on donation day.
  • Bring a list of the medications you are currently taking.
  • Carry identification with you, such as your drivers license or two other forms of identification.

After the donation, you should monitor your blood sugar level and continue to eat a healthy diet. Consider adding iron-rich foods or a supplement to your diet for 24 weeks following your donation.

In general, you should:

  • Take acetaminophen if your arm feels sore.
  • Keep your bandage on for at least four hours to avoid bruising.
  • Rest if you feel lightheaded.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours after the donation. This includes exercise as well as other tasks.
  • Increase your fluid intake for a few days following your donation.

If you feel sick or are concerned about your health after the blood donation, contact your doctor immediately.

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Diabetes Medication And Giving Blood

People who take diabetes medication can give blood, as long as their medication hasnt changed in the last four weeks.

Medication changes include changes in dosage, as well as the type of medication taken.

If your medication has changed recently, the effect on your blood glucose means that your health would be at risk should you give blood.

Safety Disqualifications Delays And Logistics

Many people with psoriatic arthritis are advised not to donate plasma. But having PsA on its own doesnt necessarily disqualify you from donating your plasma. According to the American Red Cross, most people with chronic illnesses can give blood if they are feeling well, their condition is managed, and they meet all eligibility guidelines.

Keep reading to learn about the safety of plasma donation if you have PsA, what could potentially disqualify you, when to delay donation, and what your options are for donating plasma.

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Can I Still Donate Blood If I Have Diabetes

By Elisabeth Almekinder RN, BA, CDE

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may have questions about donating blood.

Blood banks are always in need of donations. During disasters and other emergencies, people often require blood transfusions to survive.

Its only natural that people with diabetes will want to help in situations when blood transfusions are needed, and people with both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes can and do donate blood in the United States.

Its important to note that just one pint of blood can help up to three people in need.

However, there are some things that you need to know before you donate blood and have diabetes.

In this article, we will look at the requirements for donating blood with diabetes, as well as general requirements for donating blood in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.

Rules For Donating Plasma

Can People with Diabetes Donate Blood?

This author has been verfied for credibility and expertise

Like other forms of blood donation, a plasma donation can prove lifesaving to others 18. Plasma is the liquid portion of your blood. It contains many important proteins that help fight infections and enable the blood to clot. But before heading to a local donation facility, there are some eligibility rules to consider. Age, weight and general health requirements must be met for your safety. You will also be asked about your medical conditions, medications, recent activities and the date of your last donation to determine your eligibility.

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Is It Safe For Diabetics To Donate Blood

It is only natural to be concerned about giving blood if you have diabetes.

As a general rule, it is safe for diabetics to donate blood as long as:

  • Your diabetes is under control
  • You are otherwise in good health and you meet the criteria for donating blood

If you plan to give blood, it is sensible to talk to your healthcare provider first to get their perspective and their advice.


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