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HomeMust ReadWhat Vitamins Should A Diabetic Take

What Vitamins Should A Diabetic Take

What We Dont Yet Know About The Benefits Of Vitamin D For Diabetes

6 Vitamins EVERY Diabetics Should Take | Holistic Diabetic Health Part 5 | Dr. Kim Foot and Ankle

Yet more research is still needed in this area. Importantly, the American Diabetes Association notes that theres insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use of vitamin D to improve blood sugar control in people who have diabetes, and not all research suggests that vitamin D is useful when it comes to preventing diabetes. For example, a study published in June 2019 in The New England Journal of Medicine looked at close to 2,500 people at risk for type 2 diabetes who either received vitamin D supplementation of 4,000 international units or received a placebo. After two years, the people receiving the supplements did not have a significantly lower risk of diabetes than people receiving the placebo.

Its important to review the scientific evidence with a critical lens, says Devje. Much of the research has focused on observational and epidemiological studies, which illustrate an association between vitamin D and diabetes, and do not prove causality.

By Lianne Fachetti, ABA

You will find supplements for anything and everything these days. Even when you do not suffer from an ailment, supplements are suggested to keep you healthy and ailment-free. According to CDC, use of supplements is common among US adult population over 50% adults used supplements during 2003-2006, with multivitamins/multiminerals being the most commonly used.

Multivitamin Or Nutritious Diet

  • Prevent nutrient deficiencies and associated symptoms.
  • Consistently supply a range of nutrients on a daily basis.
  • Avoid worrying about getting each of more than 29 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Insure intake of nutrients required for blood glucose control.

Some people wonder whether a nutritious diet can take the place of a multivitamin. If I eat well, wont I be sure to get the vitamins and minerals I need?

Other people wonder whether a multivitamin can take the place of nutritious foods. As long as I get my vitamins and minerals from a supplement, cant I eat whatever I want?

No, and no!

A perfect diet could get you all the vitamins and minerals that you need, but it does not always. You might not get as much of each nutrient that you need, every single day. Or, you might miss out on some vitamins or minerals that are only in a few select foods.

Taking a multivitamin is like an insurance policy so that if you miss out on a few vitamins or minerals from your diet, you will still get them from your supplement as per guidelines by the US Department of Agriculture .

On the other hand, your multivitamin does not give you a pass to ignore nutritional content of your food. Low-nutrient foods tend to be pretty junky. If you choose them, you are almost sure to get more added sugars, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats in your diet than you really should. Thats a sure way to raise blood sugar!

Herbs Plants And Spices

  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is the bark of a particular family of tropical trees. Studies until now have found some blood glucose lowering effect of compounds in cinnamon and cinnamon extract, but the results have been largely inconclusive due to lack of large scale controlled studies on people regarding the efficacy and safety of cinnamon supplementation and whether the effects of cinnamon will last long term. It is thought that the way cinnamon works in reducing blood glucose is by increasing the effect of insulina through different mechanisms like increasing the sensitivity of insulin receptors, activating glucose transport, inhibiting intestinal alpha-glucosidase in a manner similar to the diabetes drug acarbose apart from others.
  • Side-effects and precautions: Side effects of cinnamon are not very well documented in people. Cinnamon in oral form is considered safe for most people in doses up to 6g daily for up to 6 weeks although some people may be allergic to cinnamon or its parts. Cassia type of cinnamon contains large amounts of coumarin which is a blood thinner and could cause liver toxicity when taken in large amounts. It is therefore not advisable to have large amounts of cassia cinnamon.
  • Interactions with drugs: A combination of cinnamon supplement and statins can cause acute inflammation of the liver .
  • You could take a small amount of this supplement under the care of your doctor.
  • Recommended Reading: How Do You Feel When Blood Sugar Is High

    Do Antibiotics React With Any Vitamin Supplements

    Antibiotics and vitamin supplements do not interact with each other. However, ensure you inform your doctor of any supplements you are on and stop/start them only after consultation.

    Note: Do not take any of the above-mentioned supplements and vitamins without consulting with your healthcare provider. The text provided above is only for information purposes and in no way can be replaced or considered over any medical advice.


  • Thomas Reinehr, Birgit Stoffel-Wagner, and Christian L. Roth Retinol-Binding Protein 4 and Its Relation to Insulin Resistance in Obese Children before and after Weight Loss. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jun 93: 22872293. Published online 2008 Apr 8. doi: 10.1210/jc.2007-2745.
  • Bhavani Jayabalan and Lian Leng Low. Vitamin B supplementation for diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Singapore Med J. 2016 Feb 57: 5559. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2016027.
  • Christie-David D, Girgis C, Gunton J. Effects of vitamins C and D in type 2 diabetes mellitus. 10 February 2015 Volume 2015:7 Pages 2128.
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    Essential Vitamins For Type 1 Diabetes


    Diabetes Type 1 is a severe condition that occurs when the pancreas cannot produce insulin in the body. It is insulin that produces energy use in regulating the amount of sugar in the hormone.

    The sucrose comes in the form of glucose entering into the body organ. Vitamins for type 1 diabetes and food supplements help treat and manage your diabetes by targeting the blood sugar and reducing it.

    Diabetes has no perfect cure despite the effort of researchers to get a cure for it. That is why diabetics are advised to follow their doctors advice in taking vitamins and other supplements to treat and monitor the blood sugar targeting the insulin.

    Taking multivitamins is one of the best ways to treat your health and manage diabetes. It provides nutrients needed by the body to function effectively and controls blood glucose levels and insulin resistance.

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    Precautions While Taking Supplements That People With Diabetes Must Observe:

    Firstly, always ask your doctor before you start any supplements, especially herbal supplements. Secondly, having anything in excess generally does not give good results. So keep the following precautions in mind to avoid any adverse effects on your health.

  • Excess consumption of vitamin A supplements can lead to side-effects such as dizziness, nausea, severe headaches and even coma in extreme cases.
  • Too much Vitamin B1 supplements can give a rise to diabetes-related complications. Unsightly patches on the skin, nausea, heartburn and extreme sensitivity are all side-effects of Vitamin B6 supplements.
  • Excessive intake of vitamin D can lead to hazardous effects such as constipation, weakness, weight loss and vomiting. Extremely high doses of Vitamin D can also spike calcium levels leading to confusion, damaged kidneys, disorientation, and irregular heartbeat.
  • Advantages/ Benefits Of Using Multivitamins For Diabetics

    • Vitamins and Minerals for diabetes helps in regulating blood sugar and insulin sensitivity
    • Vitamins and Minerals for diabetes helps in maintaining healthy skin, eyes, teeth, bones, brain, muscles and other things
    • Multivitamins for diabetes prevent nutrient deficiencies and symptoms associated with it
    • Taking multivitamins helps to keep a body energetic and fit
    • Getting enough Vitamins and Minerals for diabetes improves a personâs mood and emotional well-being, it enhances the brain function which is responsible for the mood
    • Taking multivitamins helps to reduce stress and anxiety
    • Multivitamins reduce the rate of getting cancer as it contains a lot of vitamins which decreases the risk of some cancers

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    Best Multivitamin For Diabetics

    Choosing the best strategy for managing diabetes surely isn’t easy. There are many obvious medical dependencies that people with diabetes have, but at the same time, they might be able to achieve healthy blood sugar levels through dietary supplements as well.

    One of the supplements I make sure all my diabetic clients is a daily multivitamin that has the right ingredients to support insulin sensitivity and sugar absorption. It has done wonders so far.

    However, diabetic patients shouldnt rush to buy just any vitamins and minerals as not all of them have the right combination of nutrients youll need.

    With the help of a nutritionist, we have been able to create a list of multivitamin and mineral supplements that you should focus on.

    Consideration Of Alternative Explanations

    Top signs of B12 Vitamin Deficiency: Should diabetics take it? SugarMD

    Despite very promising and consistent data from observational studies, relying on observational data alone to establish causality is not sufficient, as evidenced by carefully examining the multiple determinants of the ones vitamin D status, as reflected in ones blood 25D level.

    Vitamin D is obtained from oral sources or cutaneous biosynthesis and many factors influence each of these routes . The amount of vitamin D that reaches the circulation from oral sources is influenced by food selection, food fortification, supplement use, and absorption efficiency. For example, absorption is increased when supplemental vitamin D is co-ingested with a meal containing fat and it is decreased by medical conditions that produce intestinal malabsorption . Cutaneous biosynthesis declines with age and is reduced by higher levels of melanin in the skin . Season, latitude, altitude, time of day, ozone layer, and pollution also influence the degree of effective cutaneous biosynthesis. Individuals with a higher body weight have lower circulating vitamin D levels, probably reflecting the larger pool size over which vitamin D metabolites are distributed . Assuming that the supply of the precursor is not rate-limiting, the blood 25D level reflects the balance between liver production, the genetically determined amount of vitamin D binding protein, and the metabolism of 25D to 1,24-dihydroxyvitamin D or to 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D .

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    Vitamins Vs Supplements What Is The Difference

    There is always a misconception whether vitamins and supplements are the same. The answer is no.

    However, the only major difference between vitamins and supplements is that supplements are products that add nutritional value to diets and promote health. And, vitamins are a type of supplement.

    This means that vitamins are supplements, but supplements are not vitamins.

    Usp Certification For Multivitamin Supplements

    Taking a multivitamin can be healthy, but there are a few precautions to follow to stay safe. First, ask your doctor if you should take one and which nutrients to look for. Follow her suggestions to be sure you are getting what you need.

    When you are choosing a brand, your doctor may have specific recommendations. If not, be aware that the Food and Drug Administration is technically responsible for the oversight of vitamins and minerals, but in reality has little control due to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 . The FDA does not guarantee that the label on the supplement is correct.

    To protect yourself as much as possible, choose a supplement with US Pharmacopeia certification. USP-certified products have been tested to be sure they contain the nutrients they claim, and that they do not contain harmful contaminants.

    The best multivitamins for diabetes can help give your body what it needs for improving blood glucose control and maintaining your health in other ways. They are best when you also make healthy diabetes management choices, such as the ones that Lark Diabetes Care coaches you on.

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    Get Your Intake Timing Right

    Some of the best multivitamins above come as a once a day capsule, while others may require two or more. From a timing perspective, I generally advise taking them at the same time every day, and you can basically choose which meal you take them with.

    The time of day at which a person takes a supplement will rarely make a difference, except in reducing the risk of some rare adverse effects of specific B vitamins.– Katherine Marengo, registered dietitian

    Nature Made Vitamin C


    Vitamin C is primarily necessary for a good resistance and immune system. Additionally, it ensures healthy bones, teeth, and skin. It ensures a properly functioning immune system and contributes to your energy levels. Vitamin C is natural antioxidant and combined with vitamin E, it protects the body against diseases. Vitamin C conjointly promotes the absorption of iron.A shortage of vitamin C causes a reduced immune system and therefore less resistance against diseases. Type one diabetics typically have a lower vitamin C level.

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    Should Diabetics Take Vitamins

    Type 2 diabetes is a multifactorial disease, is often time linked to carbohydrate and fat metabolism, although other micronutrients can also contribute to this.

    Carbohydrate and fat metabolism are jointly called energy metabolism. In type 2 diabetes, the major complication of this is an imbalance between free radicals and their control by natural antioxidants.

    Most vitamins have antioxidant properties therefore, they are very important in type 2 diabetics.

    Supplements That Impact Blood Sugar

    Supplements may cause unwelcomeor dangerousside effects, especially if they interact with your medications. While some ingredients could intensify the effects of your diabetes meds, causing hypoglycemia , others may have the opposite effect, leading to hyperglycemia .

    Research on many supplements is inconclusive. Talk to your health care provider before you start taking chromium, vitamin E, St. Johns wort, or niacin.

    Confused about what to take? Unless your health care provider recommends a specific vitamin or supplement, its probably not all that helpfulor economicalto add another pill to your regimen.

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    Can There Be An Overdosage Of Vitamins

    Having stated the importance of vitamins, we should have it at the back of our mind that there is a limit to what we are allowed to take, especially if we are supplementing it.

    Once health is involved, there is always a U-shaped curve. This means that taking too little or too much is bad for the health.

    For example, too little vitamin A causes eye problems, while too much of it causes hair loss, dizziness, nausea, headaches, coma, and even death. Too little vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis, bone pain, muscle weakness, and heart diseases, while an excess of it can lead to hypercalcemia , nausea, vomiting, weakness, kidney problems, etc.

    The essence of the examples is to buttress further the point that too little or too many vitamins can be harmful.

    Low Vitamin D Levels And Type 2 Diabetes: Which Came First

    Thiamine/Benfotiamine: A Vitamin Every Diabetic Should Take.

    A 2017 study in Italy found highly consistent data supporting the theory that vitamin D supplementation may actually reduce a persons risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    Of course, because most studies are observational versus controlled, a clear conclusion is impossible to make. The study emphasized that they are not certain whether the low levels of vitamin D contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, or if low levels of vitamin D are a consequence after the development of type 2 diabetes.

    by Next Advanced Medicine | Dec 21, 2018 | Blog, Health News

    Type 2 diabetes is a complex condition that impacts the immune system, metabolism, hormones, and every other system and function within the body.

    At this point in time, diabetes is widely considered an inflammatory disease. While chronic inflammation is thought to be a precursor to T2D, high blood sugar and insulin resistance perpetuate inflammation, resulting in a vicious cycle. This stressful state affects energy, sleep, weight, circulation, digestion, mood, and concentration, which can lead to diabetic complications and disease progression.

    While a whole food and nutrient-dense diet is the first step, diabetics have increased nutritional needs due to the stress their bodies are under.

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    Which Multivitamin Supplement Should You Try First

    Of all the supplements we tested out and reviewed with our nutritionist, Ritual Multivitamin managed to come out on top.

    With the right combination of vitamins and minerals, it doesnt just aim to target insulin sensitivity but also has a lot of positive reports about slowing down the bodys sugar absorption rate.

    Once you order yours, make sure to track how your glucometer readings change.

    Lets Review What The Best Vitamins For Diabetes Are And The Ones That Arent Worth Your Money

    From vitamins, to minerals, to functional supplements, thereâs a lot of information about what you should be taking when you have diabetes and what might help lower blood sugars. In this article, well cover answer common questions about the best vitamins for diabetes, and review a list of the top 21 vitamins/minerals taken by people with diabetes.

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    Expert Advice On Vitamin D Levels: Whats Enough

    Based on our results,5 Dr. Gardner says, those with blood level above 50 ng/dl have the best chance at avoiding diabetes. However, an expert panel of the Endocrine Society recommends 30 ng/dl as a healthy goal,6 Dr. Garland points out, so more research is needed on the most effective level of the vitamin needed to lessen the risk of diabetes before that recommendation might be reconsidered.

    Dr. Garlandâs advice: get a blood test to see where you stand on vitamin D, then ask your doctor for advice on how best to proceed given your overall health and diet.

    Dr. Rubinâs advice: Until further evidence is in, maintaining a level between 20 and 40 ng/ml âis usually advisable for most people, including those with diabetes or prediabetes.â

    When you do get a blood test for vitamin D levels, your lifestyle may play a role in your results. For example, researchers found that women taking hormonal contraceptives were more likely to have their vitamin D levels overestimated.7 So your doctor may want to take that into account. And another endocrine disease: autoimmune thyroiditis appears to be affected by low vitamin D levels, too, specifically individuals who are overweight or have obesity are at significant risk for developing this condition.8


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