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HomePopularWhat Should A Diabetic With Kidney Disease Eat

What Should A Diabetic With Kidney Disease Eat

Will I Get Enough Vitamins On A Kidney

Eat Healthy to Prevent Kidney Disease and Diabetes

Your doctor or dietitian can help you find vitamins that are right for you. To help you get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, your dietitian may suggest you take:

  • A special supplement made for people with kidney disease
  • A special kind of vitamin D, folic acid or iron pill, to help prevent some common side effects of kidney disease, such as bone disease and anemia

Regular multi-vitamins may not be healthy for you if you have kidney disease. They may have too much of some vitamins and not enough of others.

Tell your doctor and dietitian about any vitamins, supplements or over-the-counter medicines you are taking. Some can cause more damage to your kidneys or cause other health problems.

What Is Diabetic Nephropathy

Nephropathy is the deterioration of kidney function. The final stage of nephropathy is called kidney failure, end-stage renal disease, or ESRD.

According to the CDC, diabetes is the most common cause of ESRD. In 2011, about 26 million people in the U.S. were reported to have diabetes, and more than 200,000 people with ESRD due to diabetes were either on chronic renal dialysis or had a kidney transplant. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to diabetic nephropathy, although type 1 is more likely to lead to ESRD.

There are five stages of diabetic nephropathy. The fifth stage is ESRD. Progress from one stage to the next can take many years.

How Can I Follow A Kidney

Your kidney-friendly eating plan may change over time, but it will always give you the right amount of these nutrients:

  • Protein: One of the nutrients that gives you energy. Your body needs protein to grow, build muscles, heal and stay healthy.
  • Fat: Fat is another one of the nutrients that gives you energy. Your body needs fat to carry out many jobs, such as to use vitamins from your food and keep your body at the right temperature.
  • Carbohydrates or “carbs”: Your body’s main source of energy. Your body can more easily convert carbs into energy than protein and fat.

Work with your dietitian to follow the steps below for a kidney-friendly eating plan.

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Glycemic Control In Ckd

Glycemic control is essential to delay the onset of complications from diabetes, and it can be challenging for even the most experienced physician. Blood sugar control in those with CKD adds another level of complexity. It requires detailed knowledge of which medications can be safely used and how kidney disease affects metabolism of these medications. In addition, the glycemic target needs to be individualized for each patient, acknowledging that our ability to interpret the data can be altered in the setting of kidney disease.

Diabetic Renal Diet Meal Ideas

Managing Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Problem

You may be thinking: Great, Melanie. I know I should eat more vegetables, but how can I make a meal out of those! Here are some ideas for building a healthy meal that fits with making ½ of your plate vegetables along with a little grain and a little protein.

Check out my recipes for more meal ideas for people with kidney disease and diabetes.

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Control Your Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of your blood against the wall of your blood vessels. High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard. It can cause heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.

Your health care team will also work with you to help you set and reach your blood pressure goal. The blood pressure goal for most people with diabetes is below 140/90 mm Hg. Ask your health care team what your goal should be.

Medicines that lower blood pressure can also help slow kidney damage. Two types of blood pressure medicines, ACE inhibitors and ARBs, play a special role in protecting your kidneys. Each has been found to slow kidney damage in people with diabetes who have high blood pressure and DKD. The names of these medicines end in pril or sartan. ACE inhibitors and ARBs are not safe for women who are pregnant.

Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

For people with diabetes, kidney problems are usually picked up during a check-up by their doctor. Occasionally, a person can have type 2 diabetes without knowing it. This means their unchecked high blood sugar levels may be slowly damaging their kidneys. At first, the only sign is high protein levels in the urine, but this has no symptoms. It may be years before the kidneys are damaged severely enough to cause symptoms. Some of the symptoms may include:

  • Fluid retention
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting.

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Choose The Right Types Of Fat

Fat gives you energy and helps you use some of the vitamins in your food. You need some fat in your eating plan to stay healthy. Too much fat can lead to weight gain and heart disease. Limit fat in your meal plan, and choose healthier fats when you can, such as olive oil.

Choosing the right types of fat is also part of a heart-healthy eating plan called DASH.

What Does A Kidney

Webinar: Eating healthy with diabetes and kidney disease

Your kidneys major function is to get rid of waste and extra fluid from your body through your urine. They also balance the bodys minerals and fluids and make a hormone that regulates your blood pressure.

A kidney-friendly diet will help protect your kidneys from further damage. You must limit some food and fluids, so other fluids and minerals such as electrolytes do not build up in your body. Also, you must ensure that you are getting the right intake of protein, calories, vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

If you have early-stage kidney disease, there are few food items you must limit. But as your disease worsens, you must be more careful about your daily food intake.

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Role Of Diet In Kidney Disease And Diabetes

Dietary limitations differ based on the extent of kidney damage. For instance, individuals in which kidney disease is recently diagnosed have varied diet limitations as compared to people with kidney failure, also referred to as end-stage renal disease .

If any person has been diagnosed with kidney disease, its best to follow the concerned doctors advice for dietary needs. For individuals with an advanced form of kidney ailment, its advisable to stick to a kidney-friendly diet that assists in reducing the amount of waste in the blood. These renal diabetic diet foods are of great help in boosting kidney function together with preventing its added damage. Its commonly suggested that individuals having kidney disease must limit the intake of the following nutrients:

Every individual with kidney disease is different thereby its significant to discuss with a suitable healthcare provider about the dietary requirements. And fortunately, several delicious and healthy alternatives having a low amount of phosphorus, potassium, and sodium are available. And make a list of foods to avoid for kidney health.

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What Food Items Should You Limit In Kidney Disease

Many food items that are part of a typical healthy diet may not be right for you if youre suffering from kidney disease. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, your doctor may recommend limiting certain food items such as

Depending upon the stage of your kidney disease, your doctor will advise you to reduce the potassium, phosphorus and protein levels in your diet.

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How Does Diabetes Cause Damage To My Kidneys

Diabetes can harm the kidneys by causing damage to:

  • Blood vessels inside your kidneys. The filtering units of the kidney are filled with tiny blood vessels. Over time, high sugar levels in the blood can cause these vessels to become narrow and clogged. Without enough blood, the kidneys become damaged and albumin passes through these filters and ends up in the urine where it should not be.
  • Nerves in your body. Diabetes can also cause damage to the nerves in your body. Nerves carry messages between your brain and all other parts of your body, including your bladder. They let your brain know when your bladder is full. But if the nerves of the bladder are damaged, you may not be able to feel when your bladder is full. The pressure from a full bladder can damage your kidneys.
  • Urinary tract. If urine stays in your bladder for a long time, you may get a urinary tract infection. This is because of bacteria. Bacteria are tiny organisms like germs that can cause disease. They grow rapidly in urine with a high sugar level. Most often these infections affect the bladder, but they can sometimes spread to the kidneys.

What Is Chronic Kidney Disease

What to Eat and What Not to Eat with CKD: Produce

Your kidneys are important because they keep the rest of your body in balance. They:

  • Remove waste products from the body
  • Balance the bodys fluids
  • Help keep blood pressure under control
  • Keep bones healthy
  • Help make red blood cells.

When you have kidney disease, it means that the kidneys have been damaged. Kidneys can get damaged from a disease like diabetes. Once your kidneys are damaged, they cannot filter your blood nor do other jobs as well as they should.

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Choose Whole Grain Carbohydrates

Eating too many carbs can lead to weight gain. When you have kidney disease, it is best to choose whole grains and healthy carbs such as fruits and vegetables. Unhealthy carbs include sugar, honey, hard candies, soft drinks and other sugary drinks.

If you have diabetes, you may also need to carefully track how many carbs you take in. Your dietitian can help you learn more about the carbs in your eating plan and how they affect your blood sugar.

The ketogenic diet or “keto diet” is a type of low-carb diet that focuses on eating very low carbs, high fats and moderate protein amounts, so your body uses stored fat for energy instead of carbs. This diet may not be a healthy option for you because it limits your options, and you may miss out on some key nutrients. If you have questions about a specific diet, ask your dietitian.

Meal Planning For Diabetes And Kidney Disease

December 3, 2017 by Joanne Lewis

Up to 50% of people with diabetes demonstrate signs of kidney damage in their lifetime, so managing kidney disease along with diabetes is quite common. Each illness can be difficult enough to manage on its own, but can create even more stress when you have to manage both, especially when it comes to meal planning for diabetes and kidney disease.

A simple description of kidney disease in people with diabetes is a gradual increase in the amount of protein found in your urine. This could result in your kidneys not working adequately. As kidney function decreases, waste and minerals become hard to remove, and the kidneys must work harder to get rid of them. Some of the key risk factors for kidney disease include long duration of diabetes, poor blood sugar control, high blood pressure, obesity and smoking. Controlling your blood sugar and blood pressure are important to slow the progression of kidney disease and to help prevent or minimize other complications of diabetes, such as eye problems or nerve problems.

For diabetes, the nutrient of most concern is carbohydrate. Because it has little impact on blood sugar, protein gets less attention however, with kidney disease, the amount of protein your body needs depends on the level of your kidney function as well as how the kidney disease is being treated. Your healthcare team can help you figure out whether you require more protein or less protein in your diet.

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Best Tips To Prevent Kidney Disease If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Nephropathy or kidney disease is intrinsically linked with diabetes. Almost a third of diabetics or one out of four adults with diabetes develop diabetic kidney disease or nephropathy.

In India, the results of a 2017 study published in the journal Diabetes Care flagged the prevalence of diabetic kidney disease or DKD in urban Indians as 2.2 percent.

Diabetic kidney disease occurs when poorly controlled blood-sugar damages the blood vessels in your kidneys that cleans your blood. This also leads to high blood pressure, and high BP further damages your kidneys by increasing the pressure in the delicate filtering system of the kidneys called the glomeruli.

The Diabetes And Kidney Connection

E 5: Eating For Diabetes & Kidney Disease

Anyone with diabetes is at risk of developing CKD. In fact, the number one cause of CKD is diabetes. High blood pressure also increases a persons risk of developing CKD and is the second leading cause of CKD. CKD is sometimes treated with dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that removes excess fluid and waste from your blood. Your doctor will discuss the need for dialysis when kidney function drops below 15% or less. Increasing your knowledge of kidney health can help protect and preserve your kidney function. If you are on dialysis, use these tags to find recipes to help you plan healthy meals.

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Will My Eating Plan Be Different If I Have Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you need to control your blood sugar to prevent more damage to your kidneys. Your doctor and dietitian can help you create an eating plan that helps you control your blood sugar, while also limiting sodium, phosphorus, potassium and fluids.

You can also ask your doctor to refer you to a diabetes educator who can work with you to better manage your diabetes.

Certain Herbal Supplements And Vitamins

Its important to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are living with chronic disease. Surprising to most, it is not recommended to take some types of herbal supplements and vitamins if youre living with diabetic kidney disease. Certain herbal supplements and vitamins can actually cause further damage to your kidneys. Herbal supplements that your healthcare provider may recommend avoiding include parsley root, astragalus, creatine, licorice root and stinging nettle, but there are many more. Vitamins to limit with DKD include vitamins A, E and K, as these vitamins may accumulate and damage the kidneys.

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Where Can I Get More Information

The National Kidney Foundation has free booklets that provide more information about diabetes and kidney disease. Call the national toll-free number 855.653.2273 and ask for free booklets. You can see these and other titles at

If you would like more information, please contact us.

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Eat The Right Amount And The Right Types Of Protein

Foods to Avoid with Kidney Disease and Diabetes

Why? To help protect your kidneys. When your body uses protein, it produces waste. Your kidneys remove this waste. Eating more protein than you need may make your kidneys work harder.

  • Eat small portions of protein foods.
  • Protein is found in foods from plants and animals. Most people eat both types of protein. Talk to your dietitian about how to choose the right combination of protein foods for you.

Animal-protein foods:

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Pretzels Chips And Crackers

Ready-to-eat snack foods like pretzels, chips, and crackers tend to be lacking in nutrients and relatively high in salt.

Also, its easy to eat more than the recommended portion size of these foods, often leading to even greater salt intake than intended.

Whats more, if chips are made from potatoes, theyll contain a significant amount of potassium as well.


Pretzels, chips, and crackers are easily consumed in large portions and tend to contain high amounts of salt. Additionally, chips made from potatoes provide a considerable amount of potassium.

Lose Weight If Youre Overweight

Make exercise a part of your routine and lose weight as this will make you more sensitive to insulin and also prevent kidney damage. Maintaining a healthy weight is critical, too, as obesity is linked with kidney disease. Most type 2 diabetics are already overweight. As their weight increases, they become more insulin insensitive, and this escalates their chances of diabetic nephropathy.

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Packaged Foods Instant Meals And Fast Food

Packaged foods, instant meals, and fast food tend to be high in sodium, which is one reason they arent ideal for someone with kidney disease and diabetes.

Some examples of these foods are instant noodles, frozen pizza, frozen boxed meals, and other types of microwavable meals.

For example, a slice of frozen pepperoni pizza contains 568 mg of sodium, one-quarter of the advised sodium intake if you have kidney disease, and doesnt provide significant amounts of beneficial nutrients .

These foods are also heavily processed and often high in refined carbs. This isnt ideal if you have diabetes, as refined carbs are digested quickly and tend to spike blood sugar levels .


Packaged foods, instant meals, and fast food are high in sodium and refined carbs but low in beneficial nutrients. Limit your intake of these foods if you have kidney disease and diabetes.

29 ).

Keep in mind that when these leafy veggies are cooked, they shrink to a significantly smaller size but still contain the same amount of potassium.

So, if you have kidney disease, its better to eat them raw, as youre likely to eat a smaller amount of them this way. That said, its OK to eat them cooked, as long as you manage your portion sizes.

Spinach, beet greens, chard, and other leafy veggies are also high in oxalic acid, an organic compound that can form oxalates once bound to minerals such as calcium.

What Is A Carbohydrate

Chronic Kidney Disease And Diabetes (Commonalities) | What To Eat In CKD And Diabetes???

A carbohydrate is a nutrient found in many foods and drinks that is turned into sugar when you digest it. Any food or drink that has carbohydrates can raise your blood sugar. However, some foods and drinks will raise your blood sugar faster than others, depending on the type of carbohydrates they contain. There are two types of carbohydrates:

  • complex carbohydrates or starches, which usually raise blood sugar more slowly
  • simple carbohydrates or sugars, which usually raise your blood sugar more quickly than complex carbohydrates

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