How Jasmine Rice Different From Other Rice Varieties
There are different types of rice, and each has its own taste, texture, and properties that make it unique for a particular dish. Jasmine Rice is a long-grained rice that has a distinct texture, aroma and flavour that distinguishes it from other rice varieties.
Jasmine Rice is often used in a variety of Caribbean dishes and traditional Asian cuisine. Just like Basmati Rice, Jasmine Rice is an aromatic rice, but it is not as long as basmati rice when cooked. What makes this rice different from other rice types and popular is that when cooked, this rice becomes slightly sticky and gives off a delightful jasmine aroma and flavor, which makes it different from other types of rice.
This rice is also super soft with a moist texture that allows it to soak up flavors and spices. This makes Jasmine Rice great for stir-fry, as a side dish or in soups and curries.
While most other rice varieties come as white or brown rice, Jasmine Rice is available in white which is the polished variety and the less processed brown, black, red and purple variety.
Tip: Have you heard about Cauliflower Rice? Just follow the link to read more about the effect of Cauliflower on diabetes.
Top 10 Worst Foods For Diabetes
These foods can can cause blood sugar spikes or increase your risk of diabetes complications. French Fries Overdoing it on greasy, fried foods can lead to weight gain and wreak havoc on your blood sugar. French fries, potato chips, and doughnuts are particularly bad choices for diabetics because theyre made with carb-heavy, starchy ingredients, which can cause blood glucose levels to shoot up. Fried foods soak up tons of oil, leading to lots of extra calories and some, like fried chicken and many fried appetizers, are coated in breading which increases the calorie count even more. Many fried foods are also laden with unhealthy trans fats because theyve been deep-fried in hydrogenated oils, which will raise your bad cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease. Whether you already have diabetes or are working to prevent it, no amount of trans fats can be safely incorporated into your diet, so its best to check labels and keep hydrogenated oils far from your plate. Previous Next More Photos White Bread Pancakes and SyrupContinue reading > >
What Types Of Rice Are Ok To Eat
The type of rice is important when selecting what to eat. Its better to eat rice that packs a nutritional punch. Brown rice, wild rice, and long-grain white rice include more fiber, nutrients, and vitamins than short-grain white rice. You should also check the GI score of your choice.
Short-grain white rice has a high GI, which means its 70 or higher, so you should avoid it if possible. It contains little nutritional value when compared to other forms of rice and starches.
Basmati, brown, and wild rice have GI scores in the moderate range. They have a GI of 56 to 69. These are generally OK to eat in moderation. Cooking times can alter GI score, so be careful not to overcook your rice.
You can balance your pick with low-GI foods, including protein and non-starchy vegetables. You should also make sure you only eat a small portion of rice. Just 1/2 cup of rice has 15 grams of carbohydrates.
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Using The Glycemic Index
The glycemic index measures how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating carbohydrate-containing foods. High GI foods are quickly digested, absorbed and metabolized. This may result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI are digested slower and produce smaller fluctuations in your blood glucose and insulin levels.
The American Diabetes Association recommends choosing foods with a medium or low GI when planning your meals. Basmati rice carbs have a medium glycemic index of 56 to 69, according to Diabetes Canada. Therefore, this grain is suitable for those living with diabetes as long as you watch your portions.
A systematic review published in Nutrients in March 2018 assessed the effect of low-glycemic index diets on patients with Type 2 diabetes. These dietary plans resulted in significant improvements in blood sugar levels and glycemic control compared to either higher-GI diets or control diets. Further research is needed to analyze their long-term effectiveness.
What Is Cauliflower Rice
Cauliflower rice is a rice dish that is completely made of cauliflower. Just like the name suggests!
Its a dish that is easy to make, too.
Its also full of antioxidants and vitamins. Its high in fiber, low in carbs, and its something that can fit into so many different diets .
Cauliflower rice is a nice meal you can quickly whip up for dinner some night. It roughly takes only 5 minutes to cook after all the prep work, which isnt bad at all. Its a nice dinner, full of nutrients, but not full of calories, and its easy to quickly make, especially if youre really busy and dont have much time, but still want a decent meal for yourself and/or your family. It would be easy to quickly make for yourself, if youre dinning alone. But it can also be made into a bigger dish, and feed your entire family.
Its a smart idea for a quick meal, if you ever find yourself with not enough time to stay in the kitchen and prepare a big dinner/meal.
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What Alternative Grains Can I Try
Rather than relying on rice as a staple at mealtime, experiment with other types of grains. They can help you manage your diabetes and stick to your healthy diet. Most have extra nutritional content, too. These may satisfy you longer than more processed starches can.
These grains have a low GI score:
- rolled and steel-cut oats
How Much Basmati Rice Can I Eat With My Diabetes
In most practices, including my own, 45-60 g carbohydrate are recommended with each meal. If you do not count your carbs, see my article on the plate method LINKS to better assist you.
Make an appointment to see a Registered Dietitian to help you develop a meal plan, individualized to meet your specific needs and to work best with your personal lifestyle.
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Why Black Rice Can Be A Part Of A Diabetic Diet Plan
Let me tell you why I decided to cook black rice in place of regular white rice for the person who was suffering from diabetes.
Great source of nutrition
Black rice is a wonderful source of nutrition as 100 grams of black rice contains 9 grams of protein while brown rice has 7 grams.
45 grams of uncooked black rice provides
- 160 Calories
- 1 gram Fiber
Black Rice Vs Brown Rice
While its true that both brown rice and black rice are much healthier than their white counterpart, there are still some major differences between the two that you need to know.
- One-third cup of raw brown rice contains 226 calories while the same quantity of black rice contains 200 calories.
- When it comes to carbs, fiber, protein and fat, black rice is healthier than brown rice. This is because it has less carbs and more fiber and protein. In fact, it also beats red rice, purple rice, and polished white rice when it comes to these nutrients.
- Though both black and brown rice contain equal amounts of zinc and phosphorus, black rice wins when it comes to the iron content. It does so by meeting 6% of the daily value of iron and opposed to brown rices 5%.
- Black rice contains pigments called anthocyanins that give it its dark coloring. These are powerful antioxidants that fight against cancer and heart disease.
Though the difference in the nutrient and mineral content of brown rice and black rice may seem insignificant, they make a world of difference in the long run. For instance, consuming that extra 26 calories a day from brown rice can lead to a 2.7-pound weight gain in a years time!
Well, black rice sure does sound too good to be true when it comes to its nutritive value. Which begs the question, are there any side effects that you need to worry about? The answer will surprise you.
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They Count Towards Your Five A Day
Three tablespoons of pulses count as one serving of fruit and vegetables. Great news if you find it hard to meet your five-a-day target. However, no matter how much you eat, it still only counts as one of your five a day because while pulses contain fibre they do not provide the vitamins and minerals you would get from fruit and vegetables.
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Why Is Brown Rice Healthier
Brown rice is whole grain essentially because it is processed differently when compared to regular rice. With white rice, the process requires the hull , bran as well as the germ to be removed.
But with brown rice, only the husk is removed, leaving the bran and germ to provide nutrition, protein, carb-rice endosperm, and fibre to its consumers. Not surprisingly, brown rice is a rich source of riboflavin, thiamine, iron, niacin, and calcium.
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The Advantages Of Basmati Rice
There are a number of reasons why you should choose this type of rice to be part of your meals. One of the most important reasons is because of the type of carbohydrate that basmati rice is and how it affects your blood sugar levels. There are two types of carbohydrates, those that hit high on the glycemic index and those that have a low to moderate effect. The foods that have a high GI number are to be avoided while low to moderate GI amounts are acceptable.
Basmati rice is a food that ranges from the low to moderate levels in terms of GI. That means it can be consumed during meals as long as other foods that have a higher GI count are left out so that the effect is not magnified. So, for example when you are eating steak you can have a serving of basmati rice instead of bread and potatoes. This means that this rice makes for a nice alternative when you are consuming meals on a daily basis.
Where Does Brown Rice Fall
Boiled brown rice has a score of 68, categorizing it as a medium GI food.
To put this in perspective, examples of other foods based on their GI score include :
- High GI foods : white bread, corn flakes, instant oatmeal, white rice, rice crackers, white potatoes, watermelon
- Medium GI foods : couscous, muesli, pineapple, sweet potatoes, popcorn
- Low GI foods : oatmeal , barley, lentils, beans, non-starchy vegetables, carrots, apples, dates
In comparison, white rices score of 73 makes it a high GI food. Unlike brown rice, its lower in fiber and thus gets digested more quickly resulting in a greater spike in blood sugar .
People with diabetes are generally encouraged to limit their intake of high GI foods.
To help reduce the overall GI of your meal, its important to eat brown rice alongside low GI foods, protein sources, and healthy fats.
Brown rice has a medium GI score, making it more suitable than white rice which has a high score for people with diabetes.
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Is Rice Good For A Diabetic
Unlike other grains or cereals rice remains rich in carbohydrates hence it should be consumed in less amounts.
Rice can easily be incorporated in meals in small amounts since it is high in carbohydrates and increase in its intake leads to adverse health problems.
Foods that contain fats and proteins really do help in slowing down the effects of rice on sugar levels in blood. A cup filled with rice to a third of its level has carbohydrate content of 15 grams which generally accounts to the stipulated amount of carbohydrates that is recommended for one meal that is if the aim is a maximum of 60 grams in each meal.
Is It Ok For Diabetics To Eat Rice
Can diabetics eat rice?, this is the most sought-after question we cane across the web while conducting our research.
Rice is the chief food of our afternoon meals. Not just India, many other countries have rice as an integral part of their plates.
Rice comes in manifold varieties. It depends on which variety you are consuming. At the same time, the status of your blood sugar levels is also a key determinant.
White rice has acquitted certain traits that make it undesirable for consumption for someone with diabetes.
Every 100 grams of rice load 345 grams of calories into your body. Thats a huge number. Huge enough to worsen your sugar levels.
White rice is a red signal for your diabetic health because:
- It has a high glycemic index value
- It is loaded with high carbohydrates and calories
- The healthy bran layer is separated away for making white rice
- Can raise blood sugar levels to a disastrous extent
Such are the facets that make rice not so okay for diabetes.
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Is Orzo A Healthy Choice
Orzo is a good low-fat pasta option with only one gram of fat per serving. You can also choose orzo made from whole grains for a healthier pasta option. A two-ounce serving of orzo is only 200 calories. If you’re looking for carbohydrates, this small pasta is a good source of them, containing 42 grams in one serving.
Nutritional Value Of Black Beans
Black beans are enriched with a wide range of nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals. A one-cup serving of cooked black beans in daily diet provides 227 calories, 15 grams of protein, 15 grams of fibre, zero fat, 64% folate, 40% copper, 38% manganese, 35% vitamin B1 , 30% magnesium, 24% phosphorus, 20% iron.
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Foods To Avoid When You Have Type 2 Diabetes
1 / 10 Know What to Avoid Diabetes requires daily maintenance, including monitoring your blood sugar, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and of course staying on top of any complications with your heart, eyes, and other organs. Controlling your weight is another key aspect of managing type 2 diabetes. If youre overweight, losing some weight even just 10 to 15 pounds can help improve insulin sensitivity and glycemic control, reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and lower your blood pressure. A healthy diet for diabetes will help you manage your weight and lead you toward foods that have a positive effect on your glucose levels, while guiding you away from those foods that are likely to cause dangerous spikes in your blood sugar. Learn which nine foods you should steer clear of if you have type 2 diabetes.Continue reading > >
Black Rice And Weight Loss
Now, we all know that there are a ton of products out there that make claims when it comes to losing weight. That being said, one of the best ways to shed those unwanted pounds is diet modification and transitioning to healthier food choices and black rice is certainly a fantastic option.
Granted this is just one study and both a mix of brown and black rice was used, but per a 2008 study by the Department of Food and Nutrition at Hanyang University in Korea:
Researchers divided 40 overweight adult women into two groups for a six week study.
One group ate meals containing white rice, while the others ate almost identical meals the only difference being the white rice was replaced by a mix of black and brown.
Even though both groups had significant reductions in weight, BMI and body fat, the brown/black group enjoyed greater reductions in all three areas, when compared with the white rice group.
It should also be noted that black rice have much higher fiber contents. Foods that are higher in fiber tend to keep us feeling fuller for a longer period of time, so could it just be the fiber that is causing the weight loss? Absolutely. Certainly more studies would need to be done, but you can check out the study right here.
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Black Rice And Heart Health
As diabetics we all know how important it is to eat a healthy lifestyle and even incorporate exercise to not only help our blood sugars, but to keep our heart healthy and in peak performance.
Per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US for both men and women, accounting for one in every four deaths.
So how does black rice help in this area?
Well, per a study by the Journal of Nutrition:
Black rice has been shown to decrease atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries. When this plaque builds up, it causes the arteries to harden and become blocked.
Its a major risk factor for both heart attack and stroke. In this particular study, male rabbits were injected with high levels of cholesterol in order to cause this plaque formation. They were then divided into five groups, four of which were fed high cholesterol diets, one without rice and the others with various types of rice, including black.
The plaque was 50% lower in rabbits fed black rice than in those fed with white rice. Researchers conclude that the antioxidants in black rice may play a role in reducing atherosclerosis.
You can read about the entire study here.