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HomePopularHow To Get Blood Sugar Down After Surgery

How To Get Blood Sugar Down After Surgery

Natural And Easy Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar

How to get blood sugar down immediately after surgery?

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Being diagnosed with Type II diabetes can be a bummer, and it can be a struggle to keep blood sugars under control.

Sometimes, you may find yourself with blood sugar levels that are higher than normal , but not excessive enough to necessitate taking more medication. You don’t feel very good with the higher blood sugar, but taking medication can make your blood sugar TOO low.

When To Go To The Er

High blood sugar can be very concerning because your body can start burning fat for energy instead of blood glucose.

This can cause conditions such as DKA and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome . These conditions are medical emergencies and can be fatal if left untreated.

DKA is a serious complication of type 1 diabetes. Its rare in people with type 2 diabetes, but can occur.

Symptoms that can indicate you should go to the emergency room include:

  • ketones in your urine, as diagnosed using a urine dipstick test
  • confusion
  • stomach pain
  • vomiting

High blood sugar levels can cause a fluid imbalance in the body and can cause the blood to become acidic in a manner that doesnt support life.

Medical treatments for these conditions include administering intravenous insulin on a continuous basis and IV fluids to correct dehydration.


High blood sugar can become a medical emergency. Go to the ER if you suspect DKA or HHS.

First Check Your Ketones

In people with type 1 diabetes, high blood sugars can put you at risk of developing ketones. Blood sugar levels over 250 mg/dL with too little insulin can quickly turn into diabetic ketoacidosis if it continues to rise.

Test your urine for ketones, and contact your doctor or visit an urgent care facility if you measure with moderate to large ketones. When large ketones are present, correcting a high blood sugar with insulin via pump or injection wont be effective. Instead, youll likely need intravenous fluids for a few hours to restabilize.

If you only have moderate ketones or less, you may be able to correct with insulin at home but youll likely need a larger dose than normal. Contact your healthcare team if you test positive for ketones and are unsure of how to safely manage the situation.

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Medication Considerations For People With Diabetes

Talk with your healthcare provider about what steps you should take to control your diabetes before spine surgery. In some cases, this will involve changes to your diabetes medication. Be sure that these steps are communicated to the surgeon.

It may be helpful to see a certified diabetes educator . Medicare covers two hours of diabetes self-management education per year, with your healthcare providers referral. Most insurance will cover DSME as well. By seeing a CDE, you can obtain an individualized plan for your care before, during and after surgery.

If you take type 2 diabetes medications to control blood sugar, ask your doctor about adjustments you should make to your regular dosage.

If you have type 1 diabetes and take insulin, talk with your healthcare provider about what dose you should take the night before and the day of surgery.

How Do I Lower My Blood Sugar Level If I Have Gestational Pregnancy

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A little more than 9.2% of pregnant women have gestational diabetes. It is very common that all women are tested during their pregnancy. If you havent yet, bring it up to your physicians attention. The cause is really unknown, but doctors believe that it is because the extra hormones that are released during pregnancy hinder the insulin sensitivity and increase the need for more insulin. It is very important to keep blood sugar levels under control because high blood sugars can lead to complications such as:

  • Premature labor
  • Pre-eclampsia which can lead to seizures
  • Increased risk of the mother to develop type 2 diabetes later in life

Lowering blood sugar with gestational diabetes is a lot like the other ways mentioned above.

They include:

Breastfeeding after the baby is born is a great way to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life as well as providing many benefits for the baby. Read this article / that I wrote about all of the benefits of breastfeeding.

Also Check: What Happens In Type 1 Diabetes

Here Are 4 Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar Fast :

  • Chugging water. Drinking a lot of water quickly will dilute your blood sugar and cause you to urinate a lot of it out. Do not drink a lot of water if you have any type of kidney problems or heart problems.
  • Increasing your heart rate for 15 minutes can maximize your insulin response and drop your blood sugar down. Be sure to check your blood sugar when you are finished.
  • Eat a snack that is high in protein. Protein stabilizes blood sugar. Make sure that the food doesnt have a lot of sugar in it. Good choices are cheese or almonds.
  • Administer a quick-acting insulin if your doctor has prescribed it, such as . Insulin is a very rapid way to lower your sugar. Be sure to check your level about 30 minutes after you administer the insulin to see if it prevented the hypoglycemia.

With any of these quick remedies, it is imperative to have a snack handy in case your blood sugar drops too low. Always discuss any plans that you have with your physician.

How can you reduce your blood sugar levels naturally without medications?

Like I mentioned above, diet and exercise are the two ways that you can to lower blood sugar. Did you know that losing just 5 pounds can reduce your need for medications or insulin?

Foods that you should consume should include lots of lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. Read on for more details about how exercise and a healthy diet can lower your sugar.

How can exercise lower my blood sugar?

Exercise can help lower your blood sugar in two ways:

What To Do After You Overcome A High Blood Sugar Reading

Make it a priority to understand what caused your high reading in the first place, so you can focus on how to prevent it from occurring again.

Was it something that you ate? A food with lots of simple sugars? Or did you drink a soda? If it was a food or drink, you know to avoid it in future and start making better choices.

Is it that you have been ignoring your diabetes and not taking care of yourself? And it may be that you have high blood sugar all the time? What can you do to rectify this? Eat better? Exercise more?

Was it a stressful event that caused this?

Was it an illness?

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Strict Blood Sugar Control After Heart Surgery May Not Be Necessary

Study results may encourage hospitals to consider more liberal blood sugar control policies

Chicago, October 1, 2014

Patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery may not have to follow a strict blood sugar management strategy after surgery, according to a study in the October 2014 issue of The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.

Key points

  • Liberal management of a patient’s blood sugar levels following CABG surgery leads to similar survival and long-term quality of life as achieved through stricter blood sugar management.
  • The findings applied to all patients, regardless of diabetes status.
  • The results may encourage hospitals to consider more lenient blood sugar control in all patients after heart bypass surgery.

Previous research has shown that hyperglycemia after CABG and other cardiac surgery is associated with increased morbidity and mortality however, more recent studies have shown that liberal maintenance of blood glucose levels after CABG surgery can be safer and more advantageous in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients.

A. Thomas Pezzella, MD, Niv Ad, MD, and colleagues from Inova Heart and Vascular Institute in Falls Church, VA, used data from patients enrolled in one of their previously published studies to assess long-term survival and health-related quality of life based on glucose control following first-time isolated CABG surgery.

Reassurance for Patients

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How To Manage Diabetes Before And After Surgery

Can Blood Sugar Levels go down after Weight Loss Surgery?

When there is a storm on the way, we close the windows and take precautions to keep safe. The same holds true when preparing for surgery. By taking steps to be ready, complications following surgery are less likely to develop. This is especially true if you have diabetes. By taking steps to establish a firm control over the diabetes, the outcome can be less troublesome.

Here are some suggestions from Medline Plus on how people with diabetes can get ready for surgery and have a safer recovery.

Getting readyThe key to being ready revolves around clear communication between you and your doctors. Here are some things that should be covered in the time before surgery.

* Bring the doctor a list of all your medications and ask if any changes need to be made. The doctor may suggest stopping some medications 48 hours before surgery. Write down all instructions and be sure to follow them.

* If you take insulin, talk to your doctor about the time you take it and whether the routine doses need to be altered before surgery.

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* Ask your doctor for a recommended blood sugar level for days preceding surgery and strive to meet that goal. It is always important to control your blood sugar but it is even more important when facing surgery.

Following surgeryAfter surgery, it is important to be both vigilant and patient. Here are some things to remember.

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Reflect On The Amount Of Sugar In Your Diet

Hyperglycemia occurs when there is too much glucose in the blood.

Therefore, one way of reducing your blood glucose levels is reflecting on where sugar may be consumed in the diet. Think about any refined and processed foods that may be in your diet as these are often high in sugar. This can be achieved through a low carbohydrate diet.

General Tips On How To Keep You Blood Sugar Levels In Control

  • Foods to eat

You should eat foods that are high in protein, fiber, and lower in carbohydrates. You should aim at having around 45 to 60 carbs for each meal. Consistency throughout the day is key to keeping blood sugar levels in control. Foods low in fat and high in nutrients should be picked to maximize your nutrition.

Vegetables and fruits are great as well as eggs, fish, beans, and oatmeal. There is also research that shows cinnamon and apple cider vinegar can help lower your sugar.

  • Foods to avoid

Avoiding foods like soda, juice, pasta, candy, and other desserts can help keep your sugar from climbing too high. These foods are high in sugars and fat but low in other nutrients.

Avoiding excess alcohol is also better for you. Read the following article that I wrote about drinking alcohol when you have diabetes to learn more about this topic:

  • Signs and symptoms

Signs of high blood sugar include: increased thirst and hunger, blurred vision, irritability, dry mouth, tired, and urinating a lot.

  • Look for patterns

Patterns can be great because they help you figure out what is causing undesirable blood sugar values. A good way to track of it is to keep a journal of all of the food you eat, activities you do and your blood sugar levels for 1 week. During this week, check your sugar before and after you eat, as well as in between meals. Also document any insulin that you give yourself.

  • Test sugar levels regularly

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Blood Sugar Level After 30 Minutes:

About half an hour after a meal, the digestive tract works in full swing to digest and absorb the nutrients taken during the meal. So, the proteins, carbs and fats are broken down by different digestive enzymes and are gradually absorbed in the body.

The blood is the carrier of these nutrients and it transports them throughout the body to supply energy to the different organs. The blood glucose level at this time is generally at its peak.

Hyperglycemia A Significant Risk Factor Following Leg Surgery

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University of Missouri-Columbia
High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin to turn blood glucose into energy. Although high blood sugar usually only affects diabetics, hyperglycemia has been associated with poorer outcomes for patients undergoing surgical procedures.

High blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin to turn blood glucose into energy. Although high blood sugar usually only affects diabetics, hyperglycemia has been associated with poorer outcomes for patients undergoing surgical procedures. A recent study by University of Missouri School of Medicine researchers found that following surgery for artery disease of the legs, hyperglycemia can cause complications, increased hospitalizations and mortality for all patients — even those who are not diabetic.

“Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is a common circulatory problem caused by plaque build-up inside the arteries of the legs,” said Todd Vogel, M.D., associate professor and chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery at the MU School of Medicine, and lead author of the study. “This build-up blocks blood flow to the lower extremities, and usually requires surgical intervention. Patients with PAD often have additional health concerns such as diabetes. Our study looked at how common hyperglycemia is following surgery for PAD and how it affects post-surgical outcomes.”

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Recommended Reading: Why Does Blood Sugar Go Up At Night

What Is The A1c Test

The A1C test is a simple blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 2 or 3 months. The test is done at a lab or your doctors office in addition tonot instead ofregular blood sugar testing you do yourself.

A1C testing is part of the ABCs of diabetesimportant steps you can take to prevent or delay health complications down the road:

The A1C goal for most adults with diabetes is between 7% and 8%, but your goal may be different depending on your age, other health conditions, medicines youre taking, and other factors. Work with your doctor to establish a personal A1C goal for you.

What Is A Dangerous Blood Sugar Level

A normal blood sugar level is between 70 and 130 after you have been fasting for a few hours. Blood sugar levels can be dangerous if they are too high or too low.

Low blood sugars can be caused by not eating enough, or by trying to lower your sugar too quickly. A blood sugar under 60 is considered dangerous. It can lead to confusion or loss of consciousness, which can be deadly. It is important to have a snack with you at all times in case this happens to you. If it does happen, think about what you did or didnt do that lead to the low number. If it happens often, start writing things down to help you track what the cause is so that you can avoid it.

High blood sugars over 300 are pretty concerning. A lot depends on what your sugar typically runs. If you are normally in the 200s, then a sugar of 320 wouldnt affect you the way that it would for someone whose typically runs 150.

If your blood sugar gets too high, then you may have Ketoacidosis. What happens is that the body does not have enough insulin to use the glucose cells, so it starts to break down fat and muscle for fuel. This causes ketones to enter the bloodstream and causes a pretty bad chemical imbalance. Ketones can also be found in your urine, which is an easy way to test. Signs of Diabetic Ketoacidosis are:

  • Fruity smelling breath
  • Loss of vision
  • An abnormal increase in blood sugar

You should also seek medical attention for this as well to rehydrate your body before any complications happen.

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How To Improve Blood Test Results

Identifying the foods or meals that regularly spike your blood sugar too high, too fast, or too long can help you to individualize your diet for longevity.

After a few weeks of testing your blood sugar levels after eating various types of food, you should have a clear record of how your body responds.

A balanced blood sugar results in a greater sense of wellbeing, having more energy, preventing the afternoon crash and feeling hangry , and getting a better nights rest.

Heres what It feels like to have normal blood sugar:

  • No extreme hunger between meals
  • No sleepiness after meals or mid-day
  • Balanced mood


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