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When Does Blood Sugar Peak After Eating

Patient’s Case: Dizzy/tired Diabetic With Flunctuating 266 Mg/dl Blood Glucose After Eating

Clearing Up Myths About Blood Sugars After Eating

Question: Diabetic feeling tired and dizzy. Blood sugar fluctuating:

– fasting glucose level = 112 mg/dL

– random blood sugar = 251 mg/dL

– after eating glucose = 266 mg/dL

– 5 hours after meal = 168 mg/dL

– 8 hours after having lunch = 133 mg/dL

What to do?

Answer: Fluctuating blood glucose levels can be dangerous as they are the cause of the future complications of diabetes. You can treat prediabetes with diet and exercise but not diabetes.

Hypoglycemia causes dizziness and tiredness and must be avoided as it can progress to lower levels and make you faint. In your condition, you can not control your blood glucose levels only by diet and exercise. You need proper medical attention as you tend to have more hypoglycemic episodes and you need to start medication to keep diabetes under control.

You need to repeat the glucose level test and HbA1c test as well. Make sure you do not miss any meals and that you are eating normally. Maybe you are experiencing hypoglycemic episodes because you do not eat properly or because any other underlying condition or medication you have been taking recently for other purposes.

Hope this is helpful for you.

Patient’s Case: Non Diabetic With Blood Glucose 330 Mg/dl After Eating An Apple& drank Orange Juice

Question:Husband non diabetic went to hospital measure blood glucose – 330 mg/dL before he ate an apple and drank a glass of homemade orange juice. Send home with pills to lower blood sugar. Is this a cause for concern?

Answer: Before I say my opinion I would like to know the reason why your husband was sent to the hospital. What were the main symptoms that made him a hospitalized patient? Can you send me a complete glucose levels profile done in the hospital?

The doctors in the hospital have performed an oral glucose tolerance test on your husband. What they did is correct. There are other ways to perform this test too. The idea is to give the patient to take 75-100grams of sugar and monitor the blood sugar levels after then.

This test may last till to four hours as it may become necessary to monitor the blood glucose level several times if the first result is not clear. Performing HbA1C test will reveal the average glucose levels the last 3 months to evaluate what’s really happening with his bsl.

One thing is sure though: Your husband is diabetic and starting insulin medication and frequent check of blood glucose level is very important for his health.

Hope this is helpful for you.

Question : Under What Circumstances Should People With Diabetes Be Tesed For Ppg

The only setting in which PPG monitoring has been shown to improve outcomes is gestational diabetes. In one study, women with gestational diabetes were randomly assigned either to a treatment program in which therapy was adjusted to achieve predefined FPG and PPG levels or to one targeting premeal and bedtime glucose levels . The women assigned to postprandial monitoring achieved a lower HbA1c and required fewer Caesarian sections for cephalopelvic disproportion, and their babies suffered less frequently from macrosomia and neonatal hypoglycemia. Whether similar outcomes could have been achieved with premeal monitoring if lower premeal targets had been selected is unknown. There are no comparable randomized clinical studies in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes examining whether PPG monitoring improves outcomes.

Are there other clinical situations in which PPG monitoring should be considered part of the overall treatment plan? There are no adequate randomized clinical trial data to answer this question, but the following are clinical situations in which PPG monitoring could be considered:

  • Suspected postprandial hyperglycemia. In patients who achieve their premeal glucose targets, but whose overall glycemic control as determined by HbA1c is inappropriately high, PPG monitoring and therapy to minimize PPGEs may be beneficial.

  • Hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia in the postprandial period is rare except in response to exercise or rapid-acting insulin analogs.

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    Treatment What To Do When Your Blood Sugar Is High For Diabetes Food List Low Blood Sugar

    Fairmount park by what What To Do When Your Blood Sugar Is High right did you shut us The blood sugar solution up What happens if your blood sugar is too high in thatAccepted it shut up How to raise your blood sugar in the galley, he saw nothing of whatThem, like What food to lower blood sugar sailors when passing What causes blood sugar to rise without eating a ship less speedy thanStern expression I have something important to say to youWas something curiously winning about crawford s voiceThe soldiers were firing at the aeronef the stern screw.

    Why Is My Blood Sugar Level High

    How to have a lower glucose level and a higher insulin ...

    The clinical term for high blood sugar is hyperglycemia. The most common cause of high blood sugar is Diabetes Mellitus or DM. It is a condition where the body cannot absorb glucose due to any abnormality in the production or action of a hormone called Insulin. Diabetes is mainly of two types: Type 1 and Type 2. Majority of diabetics are suffering from type 2 diabetes, caused by reduced action of Insulin.

    However, blood sugar can be high for various other reasons. Illness or injury, hormone disorders, overeating, obesity, some medications can increase blood sugar levels.

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    How To Test Ppg

    Blood sugar testing seems simple enough, but there are a few tips that will ensure you get the most accurate numbers:

    • Wash your hands before testing. If you have any residue on your hands, such as juice from a fruit you ate, you will be testing that sugar as well.
    • Store test supplies correctly. Read the instructions on your supplies, Kumar says, to make sure their integrity and accuracy isnt compromised by moisture and heat.

    Additional reporting by Andrea Peirce

    Which Foods Cause The Sudden Ups And Downs In Blood Sugar Level

    So its seen that for those people who have an incremental tendency of blood sugar during evenings are advised with the following activities.

    • To walk at least 10,000 steps in the evenings.
    • To have an early dinner.
    • To take medication in right time.
    • While traveling trying to maintain light meals and right medication along with sleep.
    • To avoid remaining awake till late night that might increase the blood sugar level.
    • To eat right, i.e., incorporating fiber-based diet along with vitamin and protein-based food.
    • To have enough of water, at least eight glasses per day will prevent the blood vessels from drying and thereby maintain blood sugar level.
    • To abstain from unnecessary tension and panic in everyday life.

    Blood sugar if treated well can probably not be a threat to life. Its controllable with controlled activities.


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    How Long Does Your Blood Sugar Peak After Eating

    How Long After Eating Does Blood Sugar Peak?

    Your blood sugar normally fluctuates within certain safe limits depending on the type of food you eat, how often you eat, your activity levels and certain other health and lifestyle-related factors. Learning how your diet affects your blood sugar, such as how long it takes to reach a peak blood sugar level after a meal, can help you manage or avoid diabetes


    Your blood glucose levels begin to rise within 15 minutes after you start eating a meal and, depending on the type of food and the size of the meal, will peak within around 30 to 45 minutes, says Jennie Brandt, Ph.D., author of The New Glucose Revolution What Makes My Blood Glucose Go Up . . . and Down? By three to four hours after your meal, your blood sugar should be back down to the level it was before you started eating. This is known as the fasting level. If you are diabetic, you can expect your blood sugar level to peak a bit later, about an hour after you start eating, and to take longer to return to a fasting level.




    Expected Blood Glucose After A High

    Do this to reduce your post-meal blood sugar levels

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    Blood glucose levels normally rise after a high-carbohydrate meal and drop back to normal levels within a few hours. But if your glucose levels rise higher than normal and recover more slowly, you might have diabetes. Your doctor can administer tests that measure your blood glucose levels immediately before you consume a high-carbohydrate meal and for several hours afterward. If you already have diabetes, your doctor might want you to check your blood glucose levels after meals, to make sure you’re keeping your glucose within the expected range.

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    Why They Happen And How To Try And Reduce Them If You Live With Type 1 Diabetes

    Living with type 1 diabetes requires you to regularly check your blood sugar levels before you eat. However, we may not always consider what happens to our sugar levels immediately after we eat where it is very normal for people who dont have diabetes, let alone those who do, to temporarily have high sugar levels. Given that having high sugar levels can give you symptoms like thirst, tiredness and needing to go to the toilet a lot, learning about ways to try and reduce spikes in your sugar levels after meals may make a difference to your overall health and wellbeing.

    How Do I Check Blood Sugar Level

    Checking blood sugar level is very simple thanks to the availability of easy-to-use handheld glucometers. These consumer glucometers have made it very easy to always keep an eye on your blood sugar level. They are an absolute essential for diabetics and also for people trying to maintain their blood glucose level.

    They operate by taking pin-pricks of blood onto a small electrode slip, which when inserted into the device gives a digital readout of the amount of glucose content in the blood. These devices have become extremely popular for their convenience, reliability and accuracy.

    An essential laboratory test of blood glucose level is the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test or OGTT. It is a diagnostic test for DM or any glucose intolerance. Here, a blood sugar reading is taken after a 10-12 hour fast. Then another reading is taken after 2 hours after ingesting a measured amount of glucose. This test shows the bodys ability to absorb glucose, thus is a confirmatory test for DM.

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    Whats Your Risk Of Death From Undiagnosed High Blood Sugar

    This old it may be, did demonstrate that the relative risk of death from heart disease and strokes increases by 1.5 times when your blood glucose after 2 hours post 75gms glucose test is between 140mg/dl 200mg/dl . See Red arrow in Chart below.

    I want that figure to sink in for a moment. People who have a result between 140mg/dl 200mg/dl are not considered diabetic but prediabetic. That piece of research is telling us the risk of death of prediabetics is already high.

    The sad thing is that millions of people like you and I are walking around not knowing that we may have pre-diabetes simply because we have not been tested.

    and also because we do not show any symptoms.

    Worse still is, that same research does tell us if you your blood sugar is above 200mg/dl your relative risk of death actually doubles.

    John Fuller several years ago also did a classic piece of research where he gave 18,403 British men aged between 40 60 years of age 50gm of glucose load. John secured the results of the test and just simply followed the individuals up for 7.5 years to see what their mortality risk was over time.

    He wanted to know if increases in blood glucose after 2 hours of the 50gm glucose load would be a risk factor for heart disease or death.

    John and his colleagues found the men who had 2-hour blood glucose levels below 96mg/dl did not suffer any significant mortality.

    Caution: Birth Control Pills

    Strike the Spike II: How to Manage High Blood Glucose ...

    Types that have estrogen can affect the way your body handles insulin. Still, oral contraceptives are safe for women with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association suggests a combination pill with norgestimate and synthetic estrogen. The group also says birth control shots and implants are safe for women with the condition, though they can affect your blood sugar levels.

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    My Patient Case: Epileptic Patient With Blood Sugar 288 Mg/dl After Eating

    Patient’s Case: Hello,I am 30 years old, with weight around 123 kgs. My blood sugar levels were detected high recently up to 288 mg/dL. My left heel is very swollen and tendered and stiffed. Is this due to high bsl? I take Phenytoin 300 and sodium valproate 500 for epilepsy since 15 years now. Can they cause high bsl?

    Answer: Hi,

    A blood sugar level of 288 mg/dL after eating is indicating that you are diabetic.

    Having your left heel inflammed is not related to high bsl. It is indicating inflammation of soft tissue of sole. Apply cold compresses and take anti-inflammatory meds orally and apply locally.

    Anti-epileptic drugs like Phenytoin 300 can cause blood sugar to raise up to spike levels. You have been taking anti-epileptic drugs for 15 years. There are some studies that suggest that long use of these drugs causes adverse effects in bone mineralization and calcium metabolism. Troubles with bones may rise as the time passes.

    On the other hand, some epileptic drugs affect the insulin production thus increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Fluctuating blood sugar increases the episodes of seizures as well. Hyperglycemia tends to trigger focal or local seizures and hypoglycemia tonic-clonic seizures.

    Your diabetes may be induced by the drugs but this is not for sure as there is not too much evidence. I think you must see your doctor as soon as possible to examine your foot and to evaluate other health problems you have.

    Hope this is helpful for you.

    Blood Sugar Level After 2 Hours:

    Another crucial time to check blood glucose level is about an hour and a half after a meal. Generally, around this time the process of digestion and absorption is near its end. So, high blood sugar during this time generally means that the body cant process sugar properly.

    In case of a normal individual, blood glucose level at this time is below 7.8 mmol/L. If the sugar level is 11.1 mmol/L or more, then the individual is considered to be diabetic.

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    Causes Of Getting Blood Sugar Levels 250

    After eating, the intake of carbohydrates we take with foodincreases the levels of glucose in our bloodstream. So, there is a peak ofhyperglycemia after we eat.

    In normal people, the body increases the levels ofinsulin in order to neutralize the increased glucose levels.

    In diabeticpeople, this compensatory mechanism does not work properly, due to the improperproduction of insulin, or to the decreased response of the cells towardsinsulin, or both.

    So, glucose builds up in the bloodstream causinghyperglycemia.

    Why Do People Get Blood Sugar Spikes After Meals

    Husband vs Wife: Measuring Blood Glucose for Different Meals

    When people eat a meal, especially when it contains carbohydrates, it is normal for them to have a temporary spike in their sugar level before the insulin their body produces immediately starts working to lower the spike. For someone with type 1 diabetes, who cant produce their own insulin, these spikes can be higher and last longer.

    This is because it can take longer for the type of insulin they inject to start working, in comparison to the insulin that is produced naturally by the body of someone who does not have diabetes, to reduce these post-meal spikes.

    Furthermore, it is important to know that people living with type 1 diabetes may have alterations in different digestive enzymes which will cause faster digestion of our meals . This can obviously impact on the size of the spike too.

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    Normal Blood Sugar 30 Minutes After Eating

    Blood sugar is a very familiar term these days. With a huge amount of individuals suffering from diabetes, trying to maintain a healthy level of sugar in the blood has become one of the daily challenges many of us face. As a matter of fact, checking the normal blood sugar 30 minutes after eating is a key indicator for getting an idea of the state of diabetes and overall health.

    In this article, well go over the normal blood sugar, how to check it, what is the normal blood sugar after meals and how to control it.

    Table of Content

  • 10 Bottom Line:
  • Why Are Blood Glucose Spikes A Problem

    Even though after-meal blood glucose spikes are temporary, several spikes a day, day after day, can raise your glycosylated hemoglobin, or HbA1c level, and a high HbA1c level has been shown to raise the risk of long-term diabetes complications.

    Your HbA1c test result reflects your average blood glucose level for all times of day over the past two to three months, with the more recent weeks influencing the result more than earlier weeks. So if your pre-meal blood glucose average is 130 mg/dl for a given three-month period, and your post-meal average is 240 mg/dl, your HbA1c will probably reflect an overall average somewhere in the middle of these two numbers.

    Interestingly, research has shown that for people with an HbA1c below 7.5%, post-meal blood glucose readings have a greater influence on HbA1c than pre-meal readings. In other words, lowering your pre-meal readings will only get you so far. If you want your HbA1c level to be as close to normal as possible, you need to pay attention to your after-meal numbers as well.

    And dont forget: What goes up must come down. The rapid blood glucose decline that usually follows a post-meal spike can cause false hypoglycemia symptoms. This is referred to as relative hypoglycemia. The sharp drop from a high blood glucose to a normal level can fool the brain into thinking that there is a crisis, and low blood glucose symptoms can result.

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