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HomeFactsWhat Is A Dangerous High Blood Sugar Level

What Is A Dangerous High Blood Sugar Level

Treating And Managing Hyperglycaemia

What is a dangerous level of Blood Sugar

If your blood sugar level is slightly high for a short time, emergency treatment wont be necessary. But if it continues to rise you may need to act fast to avoid developing diabetic ketoacidosis .

If your blood sugar level is 15 mmol/l or more, you should check your blood or urine for ketones. If ketones are present, it is likely that you do not have enough insulin in your body. This means you may need to increase your dose or give yourself an extra dose. Talk to your diabetes team about how to do this if you are unsure.

You should also try to drink plenty of sugar-free fluids to prevent dehydration. And if you are feeling unwell, especially if you are vomiting, you should follow any sick day rules you have been given and contact your diabetes healthcare team for advice.

Best Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Quickly

When treated early, you can bring high blood sugar levels down and prevent complications, including DKA.

Some sources suggest that drinking water or eating a high protein snack can quickly lower your blood sugar levels, though there isnt enough research to support this.

If you have high blood sugar and need to lower it fast, try the following methods:

Sensation In Your Feet Indicates Dangerously High Blood Sugar Levels

Serious problems can arise if blood sugar levels are left to rise unregulated. And if you have type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to have elevated blood sugar levels.

There are two sensations in your feet that can indicate a dangerous spike in your blood sugar levels, according to Bupa.

Type 2 diabetes means that your body cannot process insulin properly or that the insulin it produces is not absorbed by the cells. The primary role of insulin is to regulate blood sugar the main type of sugar found in the blood.

Neuropathy is one of the most serious injuries caused by persistently high blood sugar levels. A neuropathy is damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when nerves in the extremities of the body, such as the hands, feet and arms, are damaged.

According to Bupa, nerve damage can cause tingling, burning or loss of sensation.

Persistently high blood sugar levels can lead to:

Damage to your eyes, which may lead to vision loss.

Heart disease and stroke.

Persistent or regular infections, especially infections of the skin and urine.

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Eating a healthy lifestyle can help control your glucose level and reduce your risk of complications.

Adjusting your diet is one of the most effective countermeasures against high blood sugar levels.

The report warns of water intoxication if a number of liters of water are drunk in a short period of time.

Foods with a high glycemic index include white bread, potatoes, and white rice.

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What Is A Dangerous Blood Sugar Level How To Prevent This

Keeping your blood sugar levels in the range advised by doctors can be daunting at times. What is a Dangerous Blood Sugar Level? You dont want your blood sugar level getting to 180 and above. When your blood sugar level is too high or too low, the body is overpowered, and you become very sick.

Is Diabetes Diagnosed The Same Way In Every Country

Avoid blood sugar rise by using blood sugar levels chart ...

There are four methods of diagnosing diabetes, which are used around the world. They are:

  • Fasting blood glucose level. This is a simple blood test done after you have not eaten for at least 8 hours. Your healthcare team will draw a sample of your blood and send it to a laboratory for analysis. In Canada, a blood glucose level that is 7.0 mmol/L or higher means that a person has diabetes. A level of 6.1 to 6.9 mmol/L indicates that someone has prediabetes.
  • This test also involves analyzing a sample of your blood in a laboratory. A1C is measured as a percentage and reflects your average blood sugar over the past 2-3 months in Canada, an A1C level of 6.5% or higher means that a person has diabetes. A level of 6.0 6.4% indicates prediabetes.
  • Random blood glucose test.If your healthcare team suspects you may be at high risk for diabetes, they may draw your blood to be tested when you visit them, regardless of whether you have been fasting or have eaten recently. In Canada, if the laboratory test confirms a blood glucose level of 11.1 mmol/L or higher, it means that a person has diabetes.
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    How To Lower Blood Sugar

    Its best to always talk to your doctor about what to do if a certain situation presents itself. For example, your doctor may recommend you take an additional dose of insulin to lower blood sugar. Make sure youre aware of the dose that should be taken, as well as what level it should be taken at.

    While lowering blood sugar for some requires taking insulin or other medication, there are some simple things that can be done to help get blood sugar moving in the right direction.

    Drinking water is a simple, effective way to help lower blood sugar. It wont get you all the way back to normal when your blood sugar level is very high, but it will usually help get it moving downward. When your body needs to get rid of extra glucose, it can dispose of it through urine. In order for this to happen, you need to be properly hydrated.

    Additionally, exercising can serve as a long term proactive means of lowering average blood sugar. When you exercise, your body becomes more sensitive to insulin in your body and can pull sugar from the blood to use for energy. This is another effective way to lower your blood sugar levels naturally. Make sure that the exercise youre doing isnt too strenuous. Even going for a walk can be the exercise the body needs to use some of the excess glucose in the blood.

    What If It Goes Untreated

    Hyperglycemia can be a serious problem if you don’t treat it, so it’s important to treat as soon as you detect it. If you fail to treat hyperglycemia, a condition called ketoacidosis could occur. Ketoacidosis develops when your body doesn’t have enough insulin. Without insulin, your body can’t use glucose for fuel, so your body breaks down fats to use for energy.

    When your body breaks down fats, waste products called ketones are produced. Your body cannot tolerate large amounts of ketones and will try to get rid of them through the urine. Unfortunately, the body cannot release all the ketones and they build up in your blood, which can lead to ketoacidosis.

    Ketoacidosis is life-threatening and needs immediate treatment. Symptoms include:

    • Shortness of breath

    Talk to your doctor about how to handle this condition.

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    What Is Low And High Blood Sugar Level

    Low Blood Sugar Levels

    Low blood sugar levels orHypoglycemiaoccurs when there are low glucose levels in blood which makes it difficult for the body to function normally. Low blood sugar causes primarily include diabetes related side effects. But could also be due to:

    • Certain medications
    • Medical condition like kidney disorder
    • Rare chances of tumor which produces extra insulin
    • Endocrine disorders

    Effects of low blood sugar level include both short term complications such as confusion, dizziness etc and long term complications like coma or even death. If your blood sugar is below 70 mg/dL, you should treat yourself right away.

    High Blood Sugar Levels

    High blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia occurs when people have high sugar levels in blood.

    • Blood glucose levels higher than 7.0 mmol/L when fasting
    • Blood glucose levels higher than 11.0 mmol/L 2 hours after meals

    Causes of Hyperglycemia include:

    • Inadequate usage of insulin or diabetes medication
    • Not eating a proper diabetes diet
    • Being inactive
    • Having an infection or illness

    Short term effects of Hyperglycemia include nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, dry mouth, among others. Long term effects of Hyperglycemia include cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage, kidney damage, blindness, etc.

    How Can I Treat High Blood Sugar

    What Is High Blood Sugar Levels – Blood Glucose Levels Explained – Normal Sugar Level In Blood

    Talk to your doctor about how to keep your blood sugar levels within your target range. Your doctor may suggest the following:

    • Be more active. Regular exercise can help keep your blood sugar levels on track. Important: dont exercise if ketones are present in your urine. This can make your blood sugar go even higher.
    • Take medicine as instructed. If your blood sugar is often high, your doctor may change how much medicine you take or when you take it.
    • Follow your diabetes meal plan. Ask your doctor or dietitian for help if youre having trouble sticking to it.
    • Check your blood sugar as directed by your doctor. Check more often if youre sick or if youre concerned about high or low blood sugar.
    • Talk to your doctor about adjusting how much insulin you take and what types of insulin to use.

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    How Should You Treat Hypoglycaemia

    The symptoms of low blood glucose include: weakness, dizziness or feeling light-headed, nervousness, sweating, pounding heartbeat, hunger and thirst, and confusion.

    To tackle hypoglycaemia, follow the 15-15 rule: Have 15 grams of carbohydrate or fast-acting sugar, such as half a cup of regular fruit juice or 4 glucose tablets, to raise your blood glucose. Check your level after 15 minutes. If its still below 70 mg/dL , repeat the above step until your blood sugar reaches normal levels. Once your blood glucose is at least 70 mg/dL , have a snack or a meal to ensure it doesnt lower again.

    Severely low blood sugarIf your hypoglycaemia is left untreated, or if your blood sugar level remains abnormally low and does not increase, you may pass out. In such cases, you need to be given emergency glucagon and require immediate medical attention.

    The people around you, such as your family members, friends, or co-workers, should be taught how to administer glucagon in case of an emergency. They should also remember: NOT to give you insulin, as it will lower your blood sugar even more NOT to give you anything to eat or drink if you are unconscious, as it could cause you to choke.

    What Are The Causes Of Hyperglycemia

    There are two main causes of rising or high blood sugar levels in the body:

  • Loss of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas
  • If the body develops resistance to insulin
  • If you are diagnosed with hyperglycemia, it is advised that you keep your blood sugarlevels in check especially after meals.

    You are also advised to keep off foods with high glucose or sugar levels to reduce the chances of high blood sugar levels that can lead to an emergency.

    Some of the immediate reasons that cause hyperglycemia include:

    • Missing a dose of your prescribed diabetic medication or insulin
    • Eating a lot of carbohydratesthat the body cant handle
    • Mental and emotional stresslike anxiety or surgery

    These are the causes of hyperglycemia in people who are already diagnosed with the condition and medication provided to help keep the blood sugar levels in balance.

    Diabetics diagnosed with hyperglycemia are in more danger as compared to those diagnosed with hypoglycemia. With hypoglycemia, cases of emergency are rare, and if an incident occurs, you can control it before you get to the emergency room. But of course you never want it to get to that point.

    Low blood sugar level can be controlled by giving the patient a sugar or glucose solution or fruits with high amounts of sugar, and they will stabilize before you get to the ER. With hyperglycemia, the ER is the first stop you make because getting rid of blood sugar is much harder and is mostly controlled by insulin shots.

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    Normal Blood Sugar Levels Vs Hyperglycemia

    If youve been diagnosed with diabetes, your endocrinologist will tell you what your target blood glucose levels are. Your levels may be different from what is usually considered as normal because of age, pregnancy, or other factors. You will be given two target levels, or ranges, one applying to when you haven’t eaten for a number of hours and one for after meals .

    How Do I Prevent Hyperglycemia

    Normal and ideal blood sugar levels chart  DTC Diabetes
    • Exercise to help lower blood sugar. Work with your healthcare provider to make a daily activity plan.
    • Follow your meal plan if you have one. Learn how carbohydrates impact your blood sugar, and work with your diabetes care team to find the best meal plan for you.
    • Maintain a healthy weight.
    • Dont smoke.
    • Limit drinking alcohol. Alcohol can raise blood sugar levels, but can also cause dangerously low blood sugar levels. Work with your provider to determine how much is safe to drink.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 02/11/2020.


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    Why Is Managing Blood Sugar Important

    Keeping blood sugars at target levels helps people with diabetes avoid serious complications from the disease. High blood sugar can cause many ill effects, which can be sudden, such as acid buildup in the bloodstream, or occur gradually over time.

    Over time, keeping blood sugar at unhealthful levels can damage small and large blood vessels in several organs and systems, leading to serious consequences, such as:

    • vision impairment and blindness

    What Causes Low Blood Sugar

    Low blood sugar has many causes, including missing a meal, taking too much insulin, taking other diabetes medicines, exercising more than normal, and drinking alcohol. Blood sugar below 70 mg/dL is considered low.

    Signs of low blood sugar are different for everyone. Common symptoms include:

    • Shaking.
    • Dizziness.
    • Hunger.

    Know what your individual symptoms are so you can catch low blood sugar early and treat it. If you think you may have low blood sugar, check it even if you dont have symptoms. Low blood sugar can be dangerous and should be treated as soon as possible.

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    Monitor Blood Sugar Levels Closely

    High blood sugar levels often do not cause symptoms until they run well over 200 mg/dL. As such, it is essential for a person with diabetes to monitor their blood sugar several times a day. Doing so will mean that blood sugar levels never get that high.

    A person with diabetes can use a home glucose monitor to check blood sugar levels. These are available for purchase online.

    Recommendations for how frequently to check glucose levels during the day will vary from person to person. A doctor can make the best recommendations regarding blood sugar monitoring to a person with diabetes.

    How Are High Blood Sugar Levels Treated

    What Is High Blood Sugar Levels | Blood Glucose Levels Explained

    Treating high blood sugar levels involves fixing what caused them in the first place. Your diabetes health care team will give you specific advice on how to keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range. But here are some ways to manage the common causes of high blood sugar levels:

    Reason for High Blood Sugar Level What to Do
    Not getting enough insulin or other diabetes medicine
    • Make sure that you take the proper type of insulin and the correct dose at the right time.
    • Check that insulin is not expired.
    • Make sure that all equipment is working properly.
    • Diabetes medicines may need to be changed or adjusted check with your diabetes health care team.
    Not following the meal plan
    • Work with a registered dietitian to make adjustments to your meal plan as needed.
    • Adjust insulin/pills when you eat more or less than recommended on your meal plan .
    Not getting enough exercise
    • Figure out a plan to make time for exercise.
    • Adjust your medicines based on the diabetes health care team’s instructions.
    Illness or stress
    • Contact your diabetes health care team.
    • Continue to take insulin .
    • Check your blood sugar levels frequently.
    Use of other medicines that can increase blood sugar
    • Contact your diabetes health care team if you start taking any other medicine.
    • Your insulin or pills may need to be adjusted while you take the medicine that’s causing high blood sugar levels.
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    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Dka

    The symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis usually don’t develop all at once they usually come on slowly over several hours. People who have DKA may:

    • feel really tired
    • feel really thirsty or pee way more than usual
    • have a dry mouth and signs of dehydration

    These symptoms are caused by the high blood sugar levels that usually happen before someone develops DKA. If the person doesn’t get treatment, these signs of DKA can happen:

    • abdominal pain
    • unconsciousness

    What Are The Dangerously High Blood Sugar Levels

    Normally, in a diabetic, blood sugar levels will always stay high. During stress, more sugar is added to your blood, which then, turn to become dangerous.

    This is because your body will find it hard to bring them normal again.

    Furthermore, persistent high blood glucose level will cause many problems to all your body cells.

    NORMAL or DANGEROUS & nbsp& #160Type Your Blood sugar Level: & nbsp& #160

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    What Are Risk Factors For Hyperglycemia

    Major risk factors for hyperglycemia are:

    • You have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
    • You are African American, Native American, Hispanic or Asian American.
    • You are overweight.
    • You have high blood pressure or cholesterol.
    • You have polycystic ovarian syndrome .
    • You have a history of gestational diabetes.


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