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HomeMust ReadIs Type 2 Diabetes A Disability

Is Type 2 Diabetes A Disability

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Social Security Disability and Type II Diabetes

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Does Type 2 Diabetes Qualify For The Disability Tax Credit

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body cant properly use the insulin released or does not make enough insulin. As a result, sugar builds up in the blood instead of being used as energy. About 90 percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes more often develops in adults, but children can be affected.

Unlike Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 doesnt always require insulin administration, but it takes a significant amount of time, money, and effort to maintain when it is necessary. If caring for the disease takes up to 14 hours per week to tend to, you could be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit.

Measuring Impacts On People With Disabilities


  • Are you using qualitative as well as quantitative indicators to evaluate the impact of policies and programs on people with disabilities?

  • Have indicators been included throughout the evaluation framework to assess short-, medium- and long-term impacts?

  • Have you included indicators that will assess whether the policy or program has contributed to full participation, equality of opportunity, opportunities for independent living and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities?

Examples of such indicators could include whether the policy or program will:

  • provide people with disabilities with increased opportunities for social, economic and civic participation
  • reduce disparities for people with disabilities with regard to income, employment, health, housing, education, transportation and information and
  • help people with disabilities overcome barriers to self-sufficiency and independence .
  • Are beneficiaries passive recipients or does the process enable them to take part in decision-making processes?

  • Do your evaluation mechanisms measure whether the policy or program creates any direct or indirect obstacles to the full participation of persons with disabilities? For example:

  • lack of supports for disability-related costs
  • eligibility criteria which may not be justified
  • physical accessibility and,
  • accessible service delivery.
  • What is the satisfaction rate of people with disabilities participating in the program or receiving the service?

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    Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits For Diabetes Mellitus

    The Social Security Administration lists diabetes as an Endocrine Disorder in its medical Listing of Impairments.

    However, SSA does not list diabetes individually as an impairment. SSA looks at how disorders resulting from diabetes affect different body systems. SSA also considers the combined effects of your impairments.

    For example, hyperglycemia may damage your nerve and blood vessel function, which in turn can damage any number of body symptoms, such as your eyes, heart, kidneys, extremities, digestive system, or mental state. If your condition fulfill the medical requirements of one affected SSA Listings, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits for diabetes mellitus.

    If your condition does not fulfill SSA listing criteria, SSA then goes to the next step to evaluate your disability claim.

    At this stage of review, disability is based on whether you have the residual functional capacity to work and earn a living, given the combined effect of all of your health problems. RFC is a measure of the maximum you can still do despite your impairments.

    How Does A Person With Diabetes Qualify For Disability Benefits

    Social Security Disability: Diabetes

    Diabetes is listed in the Social Security Administrations impairment listing manual, or Blue Book, as a condition which can qualify a person for Social Security Disability benefits, explains Disability Benefits Help.

    Its important to know that a diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes on its own will not qualify you for disability. Instead, there must be an additional diagnosis of a diabetes-related complication or condition often associated with diabetes.

    Many of the complications that can result from years of living with diabetes like retinopathy, nephropathy, amputation can significantly impact your ability to function and work on a daily basis.

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    Does Diabetes Count As A Disability In Canada

    While diabetes is one of the eligible conditions under the DTC, you will only be eligible for the tax refund if you spend an excessive amount of time maintaining the disease.

    Due to its impact on activities of daily living and the time spent maintaining the disease from constantly monitoring blood sugar levels to injecting insulin, the CRA considers diabetes a disability.

    The CRA provides a tax refund to help offset the costs of insulin shots and lifestyle adaptations through the DTC, which is available to those with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. However, your physical and mental health conditions may/will also be considered.

    The CRA will look at many different factors when determining if an individual is eligible for the DTC. To be found eligible, you must:

    • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
    • Live with a prolonged impairment, marked restriction, two or more significant restrictions, or depend upon life-sustaining therapy.
    • You or your supporter pay federal taxes.

    Disability Benefits For Diabetes Mellitus

    Social Security Disability Lawyers: Riverside, Orange & San Bernardino Counties

    Disability Benefits for Diabetes?Diabetes is caused by problems with insulin. In Type I diabetes , the pancreas makes too little or no insulin, and in Type II diabetes , the problem is insulin resistance, often from obesity, where the insulin doesn’t work well. The body needs insulin to transport glucose into the cells of the body. When there is too little insulin or there’s insulin resistance, glucose cannot get into the cells of the body, and the sugar in the bloodstream becomes elevated. When glucose can’t get into the cells of the body, multiple metabolic problems occur, because cells need glucose to generate energy.Genetic factors play a huge role in the development of Type I diabetes. They are also important in Type II diabetes, but life-style is also very important. Diagnosis of Diabetes

    Diabetes is diagnosed by doing lab work and finding high levels of glucose in the blood stream. There is another test, called the A1C, that measures and averages what the blood sugar has been running for the past 3 months or so. It’s a look back test, and it is useful in diagnosing diabetes along with a fasting glucose. Complications of Diabetes

    SSA utilizes the term “Impairments” are the essential bits of information that must be clearly and consistently documented throughout your medical history by the treating sources .

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    Could Type 2 Diabetes Be A Disability Under The Equality Act 2010

    19 January 2017#Employment

    Under the Equality Act 2010, a person with a progressive condition has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities… as a result of the condition.

    In a previous case, the EAT decided that Type 2 Diabetes did not itself amount to a disability but in Taylor v Ladbrokes Betting and Gaming Ltd, the EAT again considered this question.

    The Tribunal held that Mr Taylor was not disabled based on the evidence before them, which focussed on Mr Taylors prognosis in the past, as the medical reports did not go into detail on the likely effect of the condition in the future. However, the EAT remitted the case back to the Tribunal for further expert evidence into ways in which Type 2 Diabetes can deteriorate and Mr Taylors future prognosis. It said that Even a small possibility of deterioration… is enough to result in the particular individual having such an impairment, as there were various possible complications over the long-term. For progressive conditions, the relevant question was whether the condition was likely to result in a substantial adverse effect on normal day to day activities.

    This case illustrates the complexity in establishing if a progressive condition is a disability and the importance of asking the right questions of the medical expert when a report is being compiled on the issue of a possible disability.

    How Do I Apply

    Type II Diabetes and Social Security Disability: New Strategies for Winning

    You can do it through the local Social Security Administration office or state agencies .

    You can apply in person, over the phone, by mail, or online. DDS will get information from your doctors to decide if your diabetes qualifies as a disability.

    If you donât qualify, your case is kept on file in case you decide to appeal.

    The process isnât quick. It can take 3 to 5 months to get a decision, depending on how long it takes for DDS to get your medical records and other information they need.

    Itâs not unusual to be turned down the first time you apply. Up to 80% of first-time applications are rejected. If you appeal, it can take another 3 to 5 months to get a decision. If that appeal gets denied, you can appeal once more before an administrative law judge. That process can take as long as 2 years.

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    What Are Other Benefits & Programs Available To Those Who Have Diabetes

    If you live with diabetes, many other government programs can assist you with the added expenses brought on by diabetes.

    Here are some of the other programs available to assist those living with diabetes:

    These are just a few essential support programs there are many other programs available to help you and your loved ones with the added expenses brought on by diabetes.

    Financial Assistance For People With Diabetes

    If you’re living with diabetes, you may have higher health care-related costs than people without diabetes. Financial assistance programs can help offset some of the costs associated with diabetes management.

    Various financial assistance programs are offered by governments, communities and groups across Canada. These programs may differ from province to province and eligibility criteria for each program are unique.

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    Appealing A Denial Of Benefits

    Most people who apply for disability based largely on diabetes are denied benefits the first time around and need to file an appeal to get a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. A disability lawyer can help you at a hearing by using strategies like combining the effects of multiple impairments, showing you have reduced productivity, proving you can’t do sedentary work, and cross-examining Social Security’s vocational expert at the hearing. Contact a local disability attorney here.

    You Should Be Protected But Your Mentality Should Be Limitless

    Diabetes Self

    When it comes to people with diabetes, it’s an important question to know if you qualify for disability benefits, or qualify for social security. It’s also important to know that you may be eligible for protections from discrimination, or may qualify for local tax credits.

    But to us, there’s a far more important question: will you let high blood glucose control your life?

    Whether you’re living with diabetes type 1 or type 2, you have a choice. You can resign yourself to a potentially shortened life with constant treatment, complicated symptoms, and medical challenges.

    Or you can decide to Master Diabetes.

    Because no matter what your challenges, you can overcome this health and challenge.

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    What Is Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

    Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that causes a person to experience increased blood glucose levels due to insulin resistance or deficiency. The severity of this condition varies on a case-by-case basis. Some people are able to control their type 2 diabetes with a restricted diet, whereas others may find it difficult to control blood sugar levels, even with regular insulin injections. As type 2 diabetes progresses, blood sugar may become harder to control, resulting in complications that can lead to an increased degree of disability.

    Is Type 2 Diabetes Classed As A Disability

    The bodies of people with type 2 diabetes make insulin, but they may not make enough, or their cells may not respond to it the way they should.

    As with type 1 diabetes, these insulin problems elevate blood sugar levels. However, with medications, diet and exercise, people with type 2 diabetes can manage their condition. Type 2 diabetes is also classed as a disability.

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    It’s Difficult To Get Disability For Controlled Diabetes But Most Diabetic Applicants Suffer From Related Medical Problems That Limit Their Ability To Work

    By Aaron Hotfelder, J.D., University of Missouri School of Law

    An individual may qualify for Social Security disability benefits based on uncontrolled diabetes or related symptoms like peripheral neuropathy or poor vision. While diabetes that is well-controlled with medication won’t form the basis of a successful claim on its own, most disability applicants with diabetes also suffer from other medical problems that limit their ability to work. When filing for disability benefits for diabetes, it’s important to list all your symptoms and diagnoses, even those unrelated to your diabetes.

    Protections Under The Americans With Disabilities Act

    Social Security Disability and Type II Diabetes Mellitus

    The Americans With Disabilities Act is a federal law that protects disabled people from discrimination in the workplace and by public services.

    If you’re legally considered to be disabled, the ADA requires employers with fifteen or more employees not to discriminate against someone because of one’s disability as long as they can perform their job duties satisfactorily.

    This means that if your employer thinks you might be unable to fulfill your job duties, they must first offer reasonable accommodations that can allow you to stay on the job, otherwise it will be considered discrimination.

    For people with diabetes, this can be simply accommodating the need to inject insulin, eat more frequently to maintain your proper blood sugar levels, or other challenges.

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    Type 1 Diabetes The Closest Form To A Disability

    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system has mistakenly attacked and destroyed the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

    There is currently no known cure for type 1 diabetes, and people with type 1 diabetes must regularly supplement their bodies with insulin throughout their lives.

    Definition Of Comorbid Diseases

    Prevalence of hypertension was defined according to the presence of at least one claim per year for the prescription of antihypertensive agents under ICD-10 codes I10-I13 and I15, or systolic/diastolic blood pressure â¥140/90 mm Hg. The presence of dyslipidemia was defined according to the prescription of at least one claim per year for antihyperlipidemic agents under ICD-10 code E78, or total cholesterol â¥6.21 mmol/L .

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    Is Diabetes Considered A Disability In The United States

    Approximately 34.2 million Americans, or more than one in 10, live with diabetes. Additionally, a further 88 million have prediabetes. That means roughly a third of adults in the United States have a substantial risk of developing diabetes in the future.

    If youve been diagnosed with diabetes or at significant risk of developing the condition, you may wonder whether the government considers diabetes a disability.

    What Does The Disability Classification Of Diabetes Mean


    As diabetes qualifies as a disability, those with the condition are legally protected against discrimination. People living with diabetes should have the same access to job opportunities as everyone else.

    They should also feel confident that their school, office and public places are safe environments where they wont face harassment because of their medical condition. These places should make reasonable accommodation to ensure they meet the needs of people with diabetes.

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    Can Type 2 Diabetes Be A Disability

    According to Diabetes UK, there are now 3.9 million people in the UK who are diagnosed with diabetes, and an anticipated 1.1 million currently undiagnosed.Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common type, with an estimated 90% of diabetics suffering from Type 2. In light of these alarming statistics, are employers required to make reasonable adjustments for type 2 diabetics in the workplace?

    What is Disability?

    Disability is one of the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 . It is unlawful for an employer to treat those with disabilities less favourably than those without. In addition, employers have an obligation to make reasonable adjustments for disabled employees. The Act contains principles that employers should follow in their treatment of employees with disabilities.

    The Act defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial long-term effect on a persons ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The Act does not refer to an exhaustive list of what will be considered as normal day-to-day activities, and rather will be determined on an individual basis. Applying common sense however, in the workplace, examples could include using a telephone or computer, writing, interacting with colleagues or following instructions.

    Progressive Conditions

    Does Type 2 Diabetes Amount to a Disability?

    Implications for Employers

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