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HomeMust ReadIs Special K Cereal Good For Diabetics

Is Special K Cereal Good For Diabetics

Wheaties Whole Wheat Flakes Cereal

COLD CEREAL FOR DIABETICS | The Cereal School Review!!

Made from whole wheat flakes, Wheaties Whole Wheat Flakes Cereal is the best cereal for diabetics for numerous reasons.

What makes this cereal particularly ideal for individuals with diabetes is the fact that theyre rich in fiber. Each serving of Wheaties Whole Wheat Flakes Cereal contains up to 22 grams of whole grains, giving it a low gycemic index rating. This means the cereal doesnt cause a sudden spike in blood sugar, and instead releases energy into the system gradually over time.

Aside from that, Wheaties Whole Wheat Flakes Cereal also boasts less sugar than other mainstream breakfast cereals. For individuals with diabetes, this is of particular importance to diabetics because of their blood sugar levels.

Finally, this cereal is rated as one of the best because of the taste. Often, food thats marketed for diabetics compromises taste to meet nutritional restrictions. But Wheaties Whole Wheat Cereal guarantees an enjoyable breakfast treat that doesnt pose the same health risks as other cereals on the market.

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The Best Way To Pick The Right Dry Cereal For Diabetics

You might have heard on innumerable occasions how important having a proper breakfast is. Doctors call it the days most important meal. It can kick-start your rate of metabolism, prevent craving for food, and also help in losing weight. However, the common excuse many people give for skipping their breakfast is that they do not have enough time to eat their breakfast.

If you are diabetic or want to lose weight healthily, your breakfast cereal should include a cereal that is lower in carbohydrates but higher in protein and fat.

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What About The Milk

If youre still using good ol fashioned cows milk in your cereal bowl, youre truly consuming an extra 12 grams of sugar that could easily be avoided.

Unsweetened versions of almond milk, coconut milk, flax milk and coconut milk all contain about 1 to 3 grams of carbohydrate per 1 cup, around 35 calories, and lots of plant-based calcium! And they taste good! Give them a try!

What Kind Of Cereal Can Diabetics Eat

Pin on Best Healthiest Cereals For Weight Loss

According to the American Diabetes Association, rolled oatmeal , steel-cut oatmeal , and oat bran are all low GI foods, with a GI value of 55 or less. Quick oats have a medium GI, with a value of 56-69. Corn flakes, puffed rice , bran flakes, and instant oatmeal are considered high GI foods, with a value of 70 or more.

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Best Cold Cereal Brands For Diabetes

Guidelines for picking healthy breakfast cereal and tips to keep your blood sugar balanced.

Cold cereal is a quick and convenient breakfast option that can be part of a healthful, diabetes-friendly diet when you know what kind to buy. Our easy-to-follow guidelines will help you steer clear of overly sugary, processed cereals and build a balanced breakfast to maintain steady blood sugar and energy levels all morning. We’re even sharing a dietitian-approved list of lower-sugar cereals full of whole-grain goodness, satiating fiber and flavor to keep your taste buds happy.

Can A Diabetic Eat Special K Cereal

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Beside this, what kind of cereal can diabetics eat?

According to the American Diabetes Association, rolled oatmeal, steel-cut oatmeal, and oat bran are all low GI foods, with a GI value of 55 or less. Quick oats have a medium GI, with a value of 56-69. Corn flakes, puffed rice, bran flakes, and instant oatmeal are considered high GI foods, with a value of 70 or more.

Subsequently, question is, is Shredded Wheat OK for diabetics? Get your day off to a good start with a blood sugar friendly breakfast. The following simple ideas are all popular options amongst people with diabetes. However, Weetabix, Oatabix and Shredded Wheat have quite generous amounts of fibre and therefore are some of the more blood sugar friendly cereals available.

Secondly, what is the best breakfast cereal for diabetics to eat?

Many of my patients tell me that their blood sugars are best and they feel the most satisfied when they eat the following brands of cold cereal:

  • Cascadian Farm Organic Purely O’s.
  • Cheerios.

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Special K Kelloggs Cereal

Containing a mix of nuts, rice, and wheat flakes, the Special K Kelloggs Cereal in Cinnamon Pecan flavor can be a great pick if youre keeping an eye on your blood sugar. The cereal contains zero saturated fat and cholesterol, which adds even more to its health benefits.

In terms of sugar, each serving contains 7g which is still much lower than other mainstream cereals. Whats more, with more nuts and whole grains in the mix, the cereal offers substantial amounts of protein and fiber for slower energy release in the body.

The cereal itself is pleasantly palatable, with a distinct cinnamon flavor and crunchy pecans throughout the mix. The only downside to the product is the texture which might seem a little stale to some consumers.

What Was Our Selection Criteria For The 3 Best Diabetes Programs

How To Choose Best Cereal For Diabetes| Best Cereal For Diabetes Type 2
  • Natural Method We specifically searched for programs which recommend all-natural healing and not relying on medications as well as medicines. is special k cereal good for diabetics
  • Scientific evidence We sought clinical research study evidence supporting the program in each instance and also confirmed that it was present.
  • Refund Policy Typically, having a client-friendly refund policy shows the confidence a business has in their very own item. All chosen options in this write-up have at least a 60-day money back refund program.
  • Recommended Reading: Is Greek Yogurt Good For Diabetics

    But Those Cereals Are Expensive

    Yes, yes they are! You know whats cheaper? A couple of eggs over easy and a big pile of sauteed greens with nuts. There are all kinds of ways to eat a low-carb breakfast and ditch the processed products entirely. I have even collected a long list of the best low-carb recipe ideas for diabetics.

    But you could also create those breakfast cereals for diabetics yourself by simply mixing: unsweetened coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, a little flax meal, a little oat fiber, frozen blueberries, etc. and pouring a little milk on top! Step out of your comfort zone and try some new things.

    Cereal And The Glycemic Index: What You Should Know

    The glycemic index was developed as a way to assess the effect a carbohydrate-containing food has on blood sugar levels. It measures how quickly a food is digested, absorbed, and ultimately used for energy.

    Foods are ranked on a scale from 0 to 100 the lower the score, the smaller the effect on blood sugar. A score of 55 or less is considered a low GI, and a score of 70 to 100 is considered high.

    Foods low on the index have the smallest effects on blood sugar and help us feel full. This is mostly due to fiber and protein, which your body takes longer to break down and digest. Beans, legumes, and 100 percent whole-wheat bread are good examples.

    If you live with diabetes, your body doesnt produce or use all the insulin necessary to get that sugar where it needs to go , which means theres more floating around in your blood.

    Because low-GI foods take longer to digest and absorb, the sugar they contain is released into your blood more slowly, helping keep your blood sugar levels more stable.

    High-GI foods are typically made up of simple carbohydrates, which are low in fiber and protein . Your body breaks them down quickly to be used for energy or stored for later use .

    These foods dont help you feel full or help stabilize blood sugar. In fact, youll likely be hungry again soon after eating them since your body uses them so quickly.

    Rule No. 1: Dont get bogged down in every detail of a label, because no product is perfect. Instead, just follow these simple guidelines:

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    How Many Carbs Should You Eat

    While everyone needs to eat carbohydrates, some people need more carbs than others. For example, people who are very active need to eat more carbs than people who are not as active.

    Those with diabetes usually need to limit the amount of carbohydrates they consume during each meal to help manage their blood sugar levels.

    People on low-carb diets, like the Atkins, keto, and South Beach diets may limit their carbohydrate intake in an attempt to increase weight loss.

    Carbs arent bad, but its worth thinking carefully about the amount your body needs each day to stay healthy. The amount of carbohydrates you need depends on your:

    • age
    • health status
    • activity level

    Some health experts recommend people get between 45 and 65 percent of their daily calories from carbs, with more active people erring on the higher side and less active people eating fewer carbs.

    For example, an average-sized person between the ages of 19 and 25, who is aiming to maintain their weight, should consume about 2,400 calories that include 270 to 390 grams of carbs a day. They should then get 35 to 55 percent of total calories from a combination of fat and protein.

    A recommended portion of carbohydrates provides about 15 grams.

    According to the American Heart Association, examples of recommended portions include:

    • one slice of bread
    • 1/2 of a banana
    • one small potato

    This means that for a daily range of 270 to 390 grams of carbs, you would need to consume 18 to 26 recommended portions.

    • starches
    • fiber

    Can Diabetics Eat Potatoes

    special k protein cereal 125 oz pack of 4 learn more>> Learn more …” alt=”Special K Protein Cereal 125 oz Pack of 4 >>> Learn more …”>

    Although potatoes are a starchy vegetable, a person with diabetes can still enjoy them as part of a healthful diet. For this reason, it essential that people with diabetes monitor their carbohydrate intake. Potatoes are a starchy vegetable. They contain carbohydrates which will increase a persons blood sugar levels.

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    Kellogs Special K Low Gi

    Before bed my level was 4.8 and when i woke up it was 7.8. Then 2hrs after a bowl of kellogs special k low gi it was 14.8. Last night before bed. 1 x janumet Fist thing in the morning. 2 x diamicton 8h00. 1x janumet and 1x metformin 1000mg I do not think special k is that much low gi……. I THOUGHT I could eat ceral. Plus every registered dietation put me a diet that included it. After I took the bull by horns,, I decided it was NOT OK. I read every lable on every box of cereal in the grocery store. It took a while to not want it. Oatmeal for sure ..I loved loved loved cereal. It did lighten the load ,a little money wise tho .. ghezz that stuff is $$$$$$$$. Before diabetes I was a vegetarian, so a large part of my diet was healthy breakfast cereals like Kashi with all the fiber. When I started to test with a bg meter, cereal was the first to go, too. Don’t believe any of the advertisements. I don’t like the whole GI index thing. The GI diet was started in the 1980’s and tested on normal people, not diabetics. A few years ago it had a rebirth for diabetics. If you look at the whole GI list most of the things that they say are low GI would spike most of us. So my suggestion is forget GI and let your meter show you what to eat.Continue reading > >

    Which Cereal Is The Best For People With Diabetes

    The American Diabetes Association considers oatmeal, corn flakes, puffed rice, and bran flakes as food with high GI. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that a diet with low GI can help people suffering from diabetes to control their blood sugar levels. Oat bran, steel-cut oatmeal, and wrapped oatmeal are cereals with low GI.

    You can see more:

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    Top Tips When Selecting Cereal

    • Be aware of portion sizes – consider whether the portion size suggested on the box is the same as the portion size you’re consuming. Many people pour a larger bowl and therefore consume more calories and more carbohydrate. This is important if you’re counting calories to control weight, or if you carb count to adjust the correct dose of insulin.
    • Weigh your cereal a couple of times to get an idea of the amount you usually consume and then keep a note of this along with other foods you consume on a regular basis. Use this weight against the per 100g values to calculate your intake.
    • Another tip when carb counting – remember to allow for the extras you have added to your cereal such as milk, fruit or yogurt.
    • Check the label for fibre and try to choose a cereal with a higher fibre content.
    • The type of milk you choose to put on your cereal can also contribute to overall health – choosing semi-skimmed or skimmed instead of whole milk can reduce your overall fat intake for the day.
    • Try to choose cereals that are graded green for sugar, where possible.

    The Special K Challenge: Food For Thought

    The Ultimate Pudding/Cereal for Diabetics!

    If you only need to drop a few pounds or want to jump-start a long-term weight loss plan, the Special K diet is a great place to begin. To make it healthier, add regular physical activity, make sure your dinner meal is healthy, and take a daily multivitamin to fill in any nutritional gaps.

    You can lose weight on the Special K Challenge. It can also help you make some adjustments toward a healthier eating plan, such as starting each day with a healthy breakfast and controlling your portions.


    But keep in mind that this is not a long-term weight loss solution, and if you return to your regular diet, the weight can come back quickly. The Special K diet doesn’t address other lifestyle changes that are the foundation of a sustainable weight loss program. And it’s the things you do on a daily basis that really make the difference over time.

    As with any weight loss plan, it’s best to see your doctor before beginning the program.

    Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, is director of nutrition for WebMD and the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic. Her opinions and conclusions are her own.

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    The Special K Challenge: How It Works

    The Special K Challenge works in the short term because it slashes calories. When you have a meal containing 100-250 calories instead of a meal made up of bacon, egg and cheese croissant, or a triple cheeseburger and fries, you will certainly lose weight. Special K products are all low in fat and calories.

    It’s also easy to follow. Like a meal replacement diet plan, the Special K Challenge eliminates the guesswork for all snacks and most meals. The freedom to self-select a third meal makes the Challenge more acceptable to most dieters.

    Results of a 2002 study done at Purdue University showed that replacing regular meals with calorie- and portion-controlled cereal meals could result in weight loss. Study participants took in an average of 1,590 calories per day and cut their fat intake in half.

    “Substituting cereal for higher-calorie meals can help people trim calories and fat. In the study, we found those reductions were doable and resulted in about a 4.4 pound weight loss over a 2-week period,” says study author Rick Mattes, PhD.

    Be warned: You may be very hungry on the Special K diet, depending on what you’re used to eating. It’s high in carbohydrates and relatively low in fiber and protein.

    What Are Some Cereals That Diabetics Can Eat

    Oatmeal and muesli are some breakfast cereal choices for diabetics, although sweetened and instant versions of oatmeal should be avoided, says Healthline. Wheat bran cereals, such as Post’s 100% Bran, and rice cereals, such as Kellog’s Special K, are also healthy cereals for people with diabetes.

    Cereals that consist of simple carbohydrates are not good choices for diabetics because they quickly break down into glucose, explains Healthline. Foods with a low glycemic index number are digested more slowly and consequently don’t cause spikes in glucose levels. Glycemic load is another measurement of how quickly blood sugar levels raise by eating different kinds of carbohydrates the lower the GL, the better.

    Cereals made with wheat bran or rice have very low numbers, while other cereals, such as cream of wheat, corn flakes and grape nuts, are among the highest, states Healthline. Oatmeal is second only to wheat bran cereals, and muesli, which is made of oats and whole grain wheat, has the fourth lowest GI and GL numbers.

    Eating other foods that have a high GI can slow their digestion, according to Healthline. For instance, eating a hard-boiled egg, Greek yogurt or a few nuts with a high GI cereal helps prevent spikes in blood sugar. Other good breakfast foods for diabetics include whole fruits, eggs and wheat or rye breads.

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