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Is 116 High For Blood Sugar

Diagnosing And Treating Hyperglycemia

Episode #116-Heart Health-Fix Blood Sugar Webinar

Diagnosing hyperglycemia is done by assessing symptoms and performing a simple blood glucose test. Depending on the severity of the condition and which type of diabetes the patient is diagnosed with, insulin and a variety of medication may be prescribed to help the person keep their blood sugar under control. Insulin comes in short, long and fast-acting forms, and a person suffering from type 1 diabetes is likely to be prescribed some combination of these.

Individuals who are either diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or are considered at risk for the disease are recommended to make alterations to their diet, lifestyle habits and exercise routine in order to lower blood sugar and keep it under control. These changes generally help to improve blood glucose control, individuals with type 2 diabetes may require medication eventually. These can include glitazones, acarbose, glucophage or sulphonylureas.

Whats The Best Way To Reverse Prediabetes

The best way is a combination of 1) whatever way works for you and 2) whatever way is sustainable.

Some people can control their blood sugar with modifications to their diet and lifestyle, while others need medication as well. The most important thing is to collaborate with your doctor to find the treatment plan that gets your blood sugar in check and keeps it there so that you dont develop T2D.

What Should I Do After I Check My Blood Glucose

Write the blood glucose number in a log book or on a log sheet , and:

  • Include all of your blood glucose numbers.
  • Write a comment if there is a reason the blood glucose is above or below target.
  • Take your blood glucose meter with you when you are away from home.
  • Know your blood glucose numbers when you call the clinic or the doctor.
  • Bring your blood glucose meter and blood glucose records to all your appointments.
  • Bring a list of any questions that you may have.

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How To Lower Morning Blood Sugar

Matthew Garza

Trying to learn how to lower morning blood sugar? Heres why your glucose levels rise in the morning and a few things you can try to keep them in range.

Waking up with high glucose levels may feel like it doesn’t make sense. You spend several hours asleep, not consuming any carbs, and yet somehow your glucose levels are still high when you wake up in the morning.

Why does this happen? What can you do to make sure your glucose levels are safely in range in the morning? Learn more about some tips on avoiding high morning blood sugar levels so you can start your day off right.

How Do I Take Care Of My Blood Glucose Meter

  • Set the date and time when you get a new meter.
  • Make sure the date and time are right each time you use your meter.
  • Use the control solution as needed. This will let you know the meter and test strips are working right. Use it:
  • When you get a new meter.
  • When you get new test strips.
  • When you think that the meter is not giving you the right blood glucose number.
  • Keep the meter and test strips out of very hot or very cold temperatures. This can cause blood glucose numbers to be wrong.
  • Keep meter and test strips in a case, away from sunlight.
  • Keep test strips in the container they come in. Keep the lid closed.
  • Keep extra batteries with your meter.
  • There is a phone number on the back of each blood glucose meter. Call that number if your meter is not working or you have questions about how to use your meter.
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    Still Frustrated With Your Blood Sugar And A1c Results

    Your blood sugars and your insulin or medication needs never stay in one place. If you gain weight or lose weight, your insulin and medication needs will change. If you become more active or less active, your needs will change. If you make drastic or even small changes to your nutrition, your needs will change!

    Working with your diabetes healthcare team, and diabetes coaches who can teach you how to make changes in your overall diabetes management plan are essential. Diabetes is a lifelong learning process.

    Take a deep breath and be patient. If you dont like what youre seeing on your glucose meter, dont get madget studying! Take good notes and work with your team to make changes to reach your goals.

    Read more about improving your A1c in DiabetesStrongs guide, How to Lower Your A1c.

    If you liked this guide to normal blood sugar levels, please sign up for our newsletter using the form below. We send out a weekly newsletter with the latest posts and recipes from Diabetes Strong.

    What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels After Eating

    Your blood sugar level is influenced by several factors, including the food you eat. During digestion, carbohydrates are converted into sugar which your body uses as an energy source. Excess sugar from any source is stored in your cells for later use. When your cells contain too much sugar, though, it can lead to type 2 diabetes. This is why eating a balanced diet to maintain a normal blood sugar range is important.

    Blood sugar levels can vary based on many factors, including age and life expectancy, comorbidities like heart disease, stress, and lifestyle factors like physical activity, smoking, or drinking alcohol.

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    High Blood Sugar: Causes Complications And How To Lower Blood Sugar

    Your body breaks down glucose for energy using the insulin produced by the pancreas. This is required for our bodies to function. Illness can have an impact on the way our pancreas functions. Read this to learn how high blood sugar can affect your health.

    7 minute read

    Your body requires energy to function, and this energy comes from food. Specifically, your body breaks down glucose for energy using the insulin produced by the pancreas.

    Type 1 and type 2 diabetes cause impairment to this breakdown of sugar in the body, causing blood glucose levels to become irregular. When glucose is not broken down into energy, it can build up in the bloodstream and then becomes a health problem.

    Your pancreas produces insulin, which breaks down glucose. With type 1 diabetes, the cells that produce insulin are mistakenly attacked by your immune system. As a result of this autoimmune condition, blood sugar levels can become dangerously high without intervention.

    Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body no longer responds to insulin as well as it should and then also causes glucose to accumulate in the blood.

    Levels After Youve Eaten

    Why your glucose levels are high in the morning. Type 2 diabetes

    Many foods have types of carbohydrates called starches and sugars. When you eat foods with these types of carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, which is a type of simple sugar, and releases the glucose into your bloodstream. Aside from glucose produced by your liver, food is the main source of plasma glucose.

    Two hours after eating, your blood sugar levels rise. They rise more when you eat more carbohydrates, when you do not eat fiber, fat, or protein with your carbs, and when you eat certain types of carbohydrates, such as refined sugars and starches.

    These are target values from The Joslin Diabetes Center, which include levels for people with diabetes:

    When Measured

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    My Perspective On A1c As A Person Living With Diabetes

    I have a very ambivalent relationship with my A1c myself. Ive been living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years, and my A1c is not something I think about in my daily life. However, every three months when I see my endo, I get a little anxious because receiving your A1c can feel a lot like getting your diabetes report card.

    And, quite honestly, thats really silly. My A1c number doesnt reflect whats been going on in my life for the last three months. It doesnt tell me how much effort Ive put into managing my diabetes and it does not define me as a person. Its a good source of information, nothing more.

    Still, we tend to look at it and judge, good or bad, how weve done with our diabetes management. But we really shouldnt!

    That doesnt mean that I think we shouldnt get our A1c checked. I absolutely think we should, but we also need to understand what it means as well as why we should look beyond the A1c number. I hope this guide has given you the knowledge and tools to do so!

    If you liked this guide on how to lower your A1c, please sign up for our newsletter in the form below. We send out a weekly newsletter with the latest posts and recipes from Diabetes Strong.

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    If you found this guide to lowering your A1c useful, please sign up for our newsletter using the form below. We send out a weekly newsletter with the latest posts and recipes from Diabetes Strong.

    What You Can Drink With Meals

    Add a low-calorie, low-sugar drink or choose water. Proper hydration is essential to helping your body remove excess sugar.

    Some drinks that are good for keeping your blood sugar level low include:

    • Unsweetened tea
    • Unsweetened coffee
    • Sparkling water or club soda
    • Flavored water or sparkling water without added sugar
    • Diet soda or other diet drinks

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    What Is Your Fasting Blood Sugar

    Simply put, your fasting blood sugar is your blood sugar first thing in the morning before you eat breakfast. Since its been typically has been more than 8 hours since your last meal, the fasting blood sugar indicates how your body has managed its blood sugar levels when variables like food are not present.

    Why Does Blood Sugar Go Up In The Morning What Is The Dawn Phenomenon

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    There are a few main reasons why your glucose levels may be higher in the morning. One of these is known as the dawn phenomenon.

    The dawn phenomenon occurs early in the morning between 3 am and 8 am while you are still asleep. As morning approaches, the body naturally signals your liver to produce glucose, giving your body the energy it needs for the start of the day. Caused by changes in hormonal levels, the dawn phenomenon happens to all people, with or without diabetes. However, for those without diabetes, insulin levels increase and they do not experience hyperglycemia.

    Another reason you may experience higher morning glucose levels is because your injected insulin wears off. If your body has insufficient insulin during the night, your glucose levels may start to rise. To combat this, you may consider trying a new basal insulin, adjusting the timing and amount of your basal dose , or changing your nighttime basal rates .

    The last reason you may experience higher morning glucose levels is known as the Somogyi effect. This occurs if your glucose levels fall too low during the night, caused by too much insulin or medication. To respond, your liver produces more glucose to try to maintain your glucose levels, which may result in hyperglycemia. The Somogyi effect is not as common as the other reasons described.

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    Diagnosing Prediabetes Type 2 And Type 1 Diabetes

    Depending on which country or medical organization you ask, the qualifying numbers for normal versus prediabetes versus diagnosed type 1 or type 2 diabetes can vary slightly. The following blood sugar and A1c the general results are used to diagnosed prediabetes and diabetes according to sources including the American Diabetes Association and Diabetes UK:


    • HbA1c: 5.7 to 6.4 percent
    • Fasting: 100 to 125 mg/dL
    • 2 hours after a meal: 140 mg/dL to 199 mg/dL

    Type 1 or 2 diabetes

    • HbA1c: 6.5 percent or higher
    • Fasting: 126 mg/dL or higher
    • 2 hours after a meal: 200 mg/dL or higher

    Please note: Type 1 diabetes tends to develop very quickly which means that by the time symptoms are felt, blood sugar levels are generally well above 200 mg/dL all the time. For many, symptoms come on so quickly they are dismissed as the lingering flu or another seemingly ordinary virus.

    By the time blood sugar levels are tested, many newly diagnosed type 1 patients will see levels above 400 mg/dL or higher. If you do suspect that you or a loved-one has type 1 diabetes, visit your primary care or urgent care immediately and ask for a urine test to measure ketones in addition to testing blood sugar levels and A1c.

    Read more about ketones at diagnosis in Diabetes StrongsDiabetic Ketoacidosis Guide.

    Prediabetes Symptoms To Watch For

    If prediabetes was easy to detect, you wouldnt have people go years and years before getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, says Antonucci.

    Typically, adults experience either no symptoms at all, or the insulin resistance symptoms are so gradual or slight they may go unnoticed for years. Sometimes, though, there are warning signs. These include:

    • Increased thirst

    • Unexplained weight loss, even if eating more

    • Frequent urination

    The last symptom happens because excess sugar in your bloodstream triggers your body to make more urine in order to flush the glucose out. The more you urinate, the more likely you are to become dehydrated, which can lead to a cycle of increased hunger and thirst signals.

    Diabetes symptoms men experience can also cause sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction and decreased sex drive.

    These are some of the prediabetes risk factors and warning signs to watch for.

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    Why Your A1c Matters

    In a nutshell: your A1c is one of the clearest indicators of your risk for developing diabetes complications like neuropathy , retinopathy , nephropathy , and severe infection in any part of your body that requires healing.

    For instance, a small cut on your toe could become infected due to high blood sugars, struggle to heal, and become severe enough that the infection could lead to an amputation.

    The general guidelines from the American Diabetes Association recommend an A1c at or below 7.0 percent for the best prevention of diabetes complications. Your risk of developing a diabetes complication continues to drop as your A1c drops closer to 6 percent.

    Some people with diabetes aim for A1c levels in the 5s and lower especially those who follow strict low-carb diets like the ketogenic diet and the Bernstein diet. However, this hasnt been proven in research as especially necessary, nor is it reasonably achievable for the larger population of people with diabetes.

    Its also important to remember that your blood sugar levels and your A1c are just information that tells you whether your body needs more or less of factors like insulin, other diabetes medications, changes in your nutrition, and changes in your exercise.

    If you dont like the number youre seeing on your glucose meter or your A1c results, use that number as motivation to make changes in how you safely manage your diabetes in order to get different results.

    Morning Blood Sugar 113

    Blood Sugar Fluctuations and Gluconeogenesis

    All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. You should always speak with your doctor before you follow anything that you read on this website. Any health question asked on this site will be visible to the people who browse this site. Hence, the user assumes the responsibility not to divulge any personally identifiable information in the question. Use of this site is subject to our Terms & Conditions You are already signed-up with us. Enter your password.Continue reading > >

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    Determining The Right A1c Goal For You

    Just because a normal blood sugar range of 70 to 130 mg/dL is considered the healthiest doesnt necessarily mean thats the appropriate goal range for you especially if you have type 1 diabetes, or take insulin as a person with type 2 diabetes.

    The reason this may not be the right goal for you is that extremely tight blood sugar management in people taking insulin can potentially lead to frequent low blood sugars which can be dangerous.

    Achieving extremely tight blood sugar management, like a range of 70 to 130 mg/dL, also often requires a strict nutrition plan, more frequent than usual blood sugar monitoring, precise medication management, and most importantly, years of experience studying your own blood sugar levels.

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