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HomeSugarDoes High Blood Sugar Make You Feel Sick

Does High Blood Sugar Make You Feel Sick

What If I Have Severe Low Blood Glucose And Cant Treat Myself

Feel Nauseous in the Morning? Skip Breakfast? This Could be a Sign of Blood Sugar Problems.

Glucagona hormone that raises blood glucose levelsis the best way to treat severely low blood glucose. Available as an injection or a nasal spray, glucagon will quickly raise your blood glucose level. Your doctor can prescribe you a glucagon kit for use in case of an emergency.

If your blood glucose level drops very low, you wont be able to treat it by yourself. Be prepared to address severely low blood glucose by

  • talking with your doctor or health care team about when and how to use a glucagon emergency kit. If you have an emergency kit, regularly check the date on the package to make sure it hasnt expired.
  • teaching your family, friends, and coworkers when and how to give you glucagon. Tell them to call 911 right away after giving you glucagon or if you dont have a glucagon emergency kit with you.
  • wearing a medical alert identification bracelet or pendant. A medical alert ID tells other people that you have diabetes and need care right away. Getting prompt care can help prevent the serious problems that low blood glucose levels can cause.

What Happens To My Diabetes When I Am Unwell

When a person with diabetes is unwell the sugar level in the blood tends to increase. This can happen even with a very mild illness such as the common cold. The blood sugar may go up even if you are not eating properly or are being sick or have loose or watery poo . The increase in blood sugar may make you very lacking in fluid in the body .

Treating Low Blood Glucose If You Take Medicines That Slow Down Digestion

Some diabetes medicines slow down the digestion of carbohydrates to keep blood glucose levels from rising too high after you eat. If you develop low blood glucose while taking these medicines, you will need to take glucose tablets or glucose gel right away. Eating or drinking other sources of carbohydrates wont raise your blood glucose level quickly enough.

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What Is Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis happens when your blood sugar is high and your insulin level is low. This imbalance in the body causes a build-up of ketones. Ketones are toxic. If DKA isnt treated, it can lead to diabetic coma and even death.

DKA mainly affects people who have type 1 diabetes. But it can also happen with other types of diabetes, including type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes .

Can Diabetic Ketoacidosis Be Prevented Or Avoided

16 Signs and Symptoms That You Have HIGH BLOOD SUGAR (And ...

If you have diabetes, there are some things you can do to watch for diabetic ketoacidosis. When youre sick, watch your blood sugar level very closely so it doesnt get too high or too low. Ask your doctor what your critical blood sugar level is. Most patients should watch their glucose levels closely when they are more than 250 mg per dL.

When youre sick or stressed, you should check your blood sugar level more often than normal . If your blood sugar reaches a critical level, check it every 1 to 2 hours. Ask your doctor if you should test your blood sugar level during the night.

You should also test your urine for ketones every few hours if youre sick, stressed, or if your blood sugar level is more than 250 mg per dL.

You should talk to your doctor to develop a plan if your blood sugar level gets too high. Make sure that you know how to reach your doctor in an emergency.

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Your Skin Has Been Breaking Out

While there are many contributing factors when it comes to acne, eating many sugary foods is often one of the main culprits.

“Skin is incredibly sensitive to sugar,”Laura McGevna, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in Vermont, tells Bustle. “We know that ‘high glycemic index‘ or foods that increase blood glucose easily are associated with worsening of acne. This is likely due to an insulin response that stimulates a cascade of endocrine and hormonal events that cause inflammation on the skin.”

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t have sugar. But if your skin is bothering you, you may want to consider what you’re eating. “If you notice that your skin seems more inflamed, you are developing new rashes or breakouts, and you’ve been burning the candle at both ends this is a strong indication that you need to back off, listen to your body, and put your health first,” McGevna says.

How To Deal With The Sick Feeling Quickly

Now that you have probably found the answer as to “why eating sugar makes me sick”, its time to gauge the possible cause and seek professional help when necessary. Proper treatment will be provided by your doctor to provide long term relief on this condition.

Below are proven to help ease your nausea quickly.

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Tingling Or Numbness In Hands Or Feet

A tingling or numb sensation in the bodys extremities such as hands and feet is a common early sign of diabetes.

It tends to occur first thing in the morning after you wake up, and can even feel more like a burning sensation.

Why does this happen?: Sugar that lingers in the blood will begin to damage nerves and nerve-endings. Nerves that are furthest from the heart are not well repaired due to circulation problems.

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Ut University Health Services

Does Your Blood Sugar Level Go Up When You’re Sick?
  • dizzy
  • confused

For some people, a blood sugar below 90 mg/dL can make them feel like this. For others, it takes a lower blood sugar to cause these symptoms.

You must watch your blood sugar level closely. Regular testing of your blood sugar may allow you to detect and treat hypoglycemia before it causes serious symptoms. You may be able to prevent ever having low blood sugar.

Some high blood pressure medicines called beta blockers hide the symptoms of hypoglycemia. If you are taking medicine for high blood pressure, ask your healthcare provider if the medicines you are taking could have this effect.

You should know the difference between the symptoms of low blood sugar and high blood sugar . High blood sugar doesn’t always cause symptoms, but when it does the symptoms may include blurry vision, extreme thirst, and a lot of urination.

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Cuts Or Wounds That Are Very Slow To Heal

Its not uncommon for an individual with high blood sugars to get a bruise or cut that just does not heal.

This is particularly common on the extremities that are furthest from the heart, like hands or feet.

Why does this happen?: Sugar lingering in the bloodstream begins to damage the arteries and veins, which restricts circulation. Blood is required to facilitate healing, so limited circulation to a wound or bruise will slow the healing process dramatically.

When To Get Urgent Medical Attention

Contact your diabetes care team immediately if you have a high blood sugar level and experience the following symptoms:

  • feeling or being sick
  • a fever for more than 24 hours
  • signs of dehydration, such as a headache, dry skin and a weak, rapid heartbeat
  • difficulty staying awake

These symptoms could be a sign of a more serious complication of hyperglycaemia, such as diabetic ketoacidosis or a hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, and you may need to be looked after in hospital.

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How Long Does It Take Sugar To Leave Your System

For people without diabetes, their blood sugar returns to near normal range about 1-2 hours after eating as a result of the effects of insulin. Also, their blood sugar levels typically dont climb as high as people with diabetes because insulin is immediately delivered into their circulatory system while eating.

What Causes Diabetic Ketoacidosis


The main cause of DKA is not enough insulin. A lack of insulin means sugar cant get into your cells. Your cells need sugar for energy. This lack of insulin causes your bodys glucose levels to rise. To get energy, your body starts to burn fat. This process causes ketones to build up. Ketones can poison the body.

High blood glucose levels can also cause you to urinate often. This leads to a lack of fluids in the body .

DKA can be caused by missing an insulin dose, eating poorly, or feeling stressed. An infection or other illness can also lead to DKA. If you have signs of infection , contact your doctor. You will want to make sure you are getting the right treatment. For some people, DKA may be the first sign they have diabetes.

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How To Check Your Blood Sugar Levels

As Dr. Emanuele says, glucose monitoring can be an important tool to help you get your blood sugar under control. Typically, you would do it yourself using a glucose meter or glucometer, which analyzes a drop of blood that you draw by sticking your finger with a lancet and placing the blood on a disposable test strip that you insert into the meter. Your blood sugar goals are set by you and your doctor, but blood glucose for an adult without diabetes is below 100 mg/dl before meals and at fasting and less than 140 mg/dl two hours after a meal, notes the ADA.

Some people will check their blood sugar daily or multiple times a day, sometimes using a continuous monitor that is worn on the body particularly those who have type 1 diabetes or who have type 2 but take insulin. Yet how frequently a person should monitor their blood sugar is based on a number of factors, including but not limited to whether theyre on insulin, whether they’re taking oral medication, and how well their blood sugar is controlled and how old they are.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for these nine key warning signs and symptoms that blood sugar is too high and talk to your doctor about whether you need to adjust your management plan.

Low Blood Glucose During Sleep

Your blood glucose level can drop while you sleep and stay low for several hours, causing serious problems.7 Symptoms of low blood glucose while you sleep can include

  • crying out or having nightmares
  • sweating enough to make your pajamas or sheets damp
  • feeling tired, irritable, or confused after waking up

Although you may not wake up or notice any symptoms, low blood glucose can interfere with your sleep, which may affect your quality of life, mood, and ability to work. Having low blood glucose during sleep can also make you less likely to notice and respond to symptoms of low blood glucose during the day.

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What Causes Hyperglycemia

Your diet may cause you to have high blood sugar levels, particularly if you have diabetes. Carbohydrate-heavy foods such as breads, rice, and pasta can raise your blood sugar. Your body breaks these foods down into sugar molecules during digestion. One of these molecules is glucose, an energy source for your body.

After you eat, glucose is absorbed into your bloodstream. The glucose cant be absorbed without the help of the hormone insulin. If your body is unable to produce enough insulin or is resistant to its effects, glucose can build up in your bloodstream and cause hyperglycemia.

Hyperglycemia can also be triggered by a change in your hormone levels. This commonly happens when youre under a lot of stress or when youre feeling ill.

Hyperglycemia can affect people regardless of whether they have diabetes. You may be at risk of hyperglycemia if you:

  • lead a sedentary or inactive lifestyle
  • have a chronic or severe illness
  • are under emotional distress
  • use certain medications, such as steroids
  • have had a recent surgery

If you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels may spike if you:

  • dont follow your diabetes eating plan
  • dont use your insulin correctly
  • dont take your medications correctly

When To See A Doctor

Do I Have Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia?

If youre experiencing one or many of these symptoms enough for it to raise a mental red flag or affect your life , thats a sign that you should talk to a doctor about your concerns. An expert like a primary care provider can help determine if high blood sugar due to diabetes or prediabetes is the cause of your symptoms. Even if youre not sure thats exactly whats going on, its still worth having a conversation with your doctor about hyperglycemia and other possible causes behind your symptoms.

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What You Can Do Now

Your doctor will provide you with clear steps to follow aimed at lowering your blood sugar levels. Its important that you take their recommendations to heart and make any necessary lifestyle changes to improve your health. If left untreated, hyperglycemia can lead to serious, and sometimes life-threatening, complications.

Your doctor may recommend that you buy a blood glucose meter to use at home. This is a simple and effective way to monitor your blood sugar and act quickly if your levels have spiked to an unsafe level. Being aware of your levels can empower you to take charge of your condition and live a healthy lifestyle.

You’ve Been Struggling With Sinus Issues

Have you been feeling extra stuffy as of late? “In the large majority of people, thesesymptoms are coming from candida overgrowth,” Dr. Jacob, Teitelbaum, author of Beat Sugar Addiction Now!, tells Bustle. A lifestyle high in sugar can cause candida, or yeast, to get a bit out of control in your body, leading to sinusitis, congestion, and other chronic nasal issues.

While the research is limited, one study noted that higher sugar consumption may be associated with increased inflammatory stress and sinonasal symptoms. When in doubt, it won’t hurt to do an experiment of your own, and see how you feel when you cut back on sugar.

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How Long Will The Effects Last

The effects of low blood sugar will continue and may even get worse until treatment brings your blood sugar level back to normal. It may take several minutes for the symptoms to go away after you start treatment. This may be a temporary problem while you and your healthcare provider are adjusting your medicine. If you are always prone to having low blood sugar, you may need to take special care for the rest of your life to keep your blood sugar at the proper level.

Managing Your Diabetes Devices

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If you are using an insulin pump, talk to your diabetes team about how to best manage hyperglycemia. In general, be sure to check your pump first. Make sure all parts are connected and working correctly. Check your bolus history and temporary basal rate. Also check your insulin to make sure it has not expired or gotten too warm.

If you use a CGM, try not to react to it too often. You might be tempted to give another dose of insulin too soon, before the first one finishes working, which is known as stacking insulin this can cause low blood sugar .

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Youve Been Feeling Emotional Lately

An unstable mood can be caused, in many ways, by blood sugar fluctuations, which Hershenson says can impact how you feel. Studies have also shown a connection between the intake of sweet foods, beverages and added sugars, and symptoms of depression.

What you eat really can play a large role in how you feel overall, including mentally and emotionally. While speaking with a therapist will always be a good idea if you arent feeling like yourself, it can also help to pay attention to what youre eating on a daily basis.

If youre consuming a lot of sugar, you might notice a big difference if you balance out meals in a way that keeps your blood sugar even. Or by lessening your sugar intake and seeing how that makes you feel.

Why Do I Feel Weird After Eating Sugar

Brain Fry. Too much sugar affects your brain as well as your body. A high-sugar diet causes your brain to produce less of a brain chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF , which helps with memory formation and learning. If you feel foggy headed after eating sugar, you may be experiencing the effect of diminished levels of BDNF.

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The Other Jab Kids Must Have

Last month I wrote that I was worried that thousands of teenagers had missed out on vital vaccines they are supposed to have at school, having spent so much time out of the classroom.

Official figures showed that uptake of the HPV jab given to year eight students to protect against human papillomavirus were down on the year before.

I am pleased to report that, from what Im hearing, most pupils have been jabbed by now as part of catch-up programmes for both HPV and meningitis. My teenage son received his last week I do reflect on how incredible it is that we are vaccinating a generation against some of the most horrible cancers that HPV causes.

If you think your child or grandchild has slipped through the net, and still hasnt had a jab, get in touch with your GP and ask whats going on.

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