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What Is The Best Treatment For Diabetes

What Are The Different Ways To Take Insulin

What is the Best Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes?

The way you take insulin may depend on your lifestyle, insurance plan, and preferences. You may decide that needles are not for you and prefer a different method. Talk with your doctor about the options and which is best for you. Most people with diabetes use a needle and syringe, pen, or insulin pump. Inhalers, injection ports, and jet injectors are less common.

Examples Of Diabetes Medicines

There are a variety of medicines used to treat type 2 diabetes most are available as tablets. The most commonly prescribed medicine is metformin. Some people also need insulin, which is available as an injection only.Your diabetes may be well controlled on one medicine alone, or you may need a combination of medicines. Some people need a combination of tablets and insulin injection. Every persons care plan is different and your healthcare provider will work with you to find out the best treatment plan for you.

Diabetes medication
  • Pioglitazone

Insulin injections are used when your blood glucose levels have not been lowered successfully with tablets. This is usually when your body no longer produces enough insulin. Insulin medicine is very similar to natural human insulin. Insulin is given as an injection under your skin. It cannot be given as tablets because enzymes in your stomach destroy it. There are different types of insulin. Read more about insulin.

New Way Of Preventing Immune Cells From Attacking Beta Cells

One of the most important discoveries in the field of medicine and healing diabetes is a way to prevent immune cells from killing beta cells that are producing insulin. This process is possible with immunotherapy treatment, and have some very important benefits like the customization of treatment for every particular person with the disease, decreasing the immunosuppression, and other positive effects. The main reason why people need to use drugs is that body becomes unable to produce insulin. According to this most recent discovery from Dr. Song, suppressing the autoimmunity can significantly increase chances for treating Type 1 diabetes.

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Reduced Inflammation Of Pancreas

CBD produces anti-inflammatory effects that may help to mitigate some of the symptoms of diabetes especially when it comes to delaying the onset of type 1 diabetes.

Experts argue that this disease develops after chronic inflammation of the cells in the pancreas responsible for insulin production.

Inflamed pancreas cells become damaged to the point they almost cant produce insulin its a signal that youre developing type 1 diabetes.

Supplementing yourself with CBD may help you delay this process, especially among those who are more likely to suffer from the condition due to lifestyle factors or genetic predisposition.

Treatment For Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetic Nephropathy Archives

There’s no cure for type 2 diabetes, but patients may be able to manage their condition by eating healthy, staying active through regular exercise, and maintaining a normal weight. But sometimes this just isn’t enough.

Medication treatment for type 2 diabetes often begins with oral metformin, a drug that is the backbone of oral diabetes treatment regimens. From there, different drug classes may be added to metformin, and for some patients, the use of injectable insulin may be necessary.

  • Insulin is a hormone the body needs to utilize the glucose from food to provide energy for the body.
  • In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas makes no insulin and it must be replaced. In type 2 diabetes, either the pancreas either doesn’t make enough insulin, there is resistance to the effects of insulin, or both.

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Type 2 Diabetes Treatment: Types Benefits And Side Effects

Canva Everyday Health

Treatment of type 2 diabetes is not just limited to the occasional doctors visit: It includes important types of self-care in addition to regular medical care from doctors and other healthcare providers, such as dietitians or mental health professionals.

  • Lifestyle measures to manage stress and other issues
  • Specialist care to prevent and treat complications
  • Bariatric surgery

The cornerstone for all diabetes treatment is a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise, says Kathleen Dungan, MD, an endocrinologist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. However, diabetes is a progressive disease, which means that even if you are doing well with a particular treatment, it usually fails over time.

The latest updates about care for type 2 diabetes can be found in the American Diabetes Associations 2021 Standards of Medical Care, which lists updates related to diabetes, complications, new technology, and more.

Diabetes Causes Nerve Damage

Interestingly, findings show men with erectile dysfunction and diabetes can also cause nerve damage. Unfortunately, this damage can prevent signals from the brain to the central nervous system. These signals send blood to the penis, in response to sex drive.

Due to rigid blood vessels, the heart must work harder to push blood through the vessels. This condition can cause elevated blood pressure.

High blood pressure and diabetes damages the lining of the arteries and effects a males ability to achieve or maintain an erection. It is quite common for men with diabetes and erectile dysfunction to have coronary artery disease. The high blood pressure increases the force of blood as it moves through your blood vessels. The constant pounding weakens the lining of the arteries and results in hardening of the arteries. Over time plaques build up on the walls of the arteries, which restricts blood flow. Restricted blood flow results in a weak erection or inability to maintain an erection.

Eventually, they loose the ability to respond to the signals from the brain and central nervous system, thus preventing a diabetic man from achieving an erection.

Most noteworthy, the Canadian Diabetes Association states that nearly 50% of men with diabetes will show symptoms of impotence within 10 years of diagnosis. The CDA also reported that many men with heart disease discover their ED is not due to their heart condition, but rather Type 2 diabetes.

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Can These Newer Medications Replace Metformin

For most patients, metformin is considered first-line therapy for most everyone who is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes that is hard to controlled after you have done your best to adjust your diet and physical activity as advised by your doctor, registered dietitian, and/or certified diabetes educator.

Dr. Kennedy says: if your diabetes remains hard are to manage even after you begin taking metformin, or you cannot tolerate it or do not want to take it, some studies have shown that both GLP-1RAs and SGLT2i medications are both safe and effective glucose lowering treatments when compared to a placebo.

As for insulinthis remains an important treatment option for some patients with type 2 diabetes, particularly when you may be facing an acute illness or for severe or problematic, longstanding diabetes. If a GLP-1RA or SGLT2i is initiated while you are taking insulin, you will need to monitor your blood sugar even more closely, and report any changes in your blood sugar readers to your doctor.

The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study

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The care of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus has been profoundly shaped by the results of the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study . This landmark study confirmed the importance of glycemic control in reducing the risk for microvascular complications and refuted previous data suggesting that treatment with sulfonylureas or insulin increased the risk of macrovascular disease. Major findings of the UKPDS are displayed in the images below.

Significant implications of the UKPDS findings include the following:

  • Microvascular complications are reduced by 25% when mean HbA1c is 7%, compared with 7.9%

  • A continuous relationship exists between glycemia and microvascular complications, with a 35% reduction in risk for each 1% decrement in HbA1c a glycemic threshold below which risk for microvascular disease is eliminated does not appear to exist

  • Glycemic control has minimal effect on macrovascular disease risk excess macrovascular risk appears to be related to conventional risk factors such as dyslipidemia and hypertension

  • Sulfonylureas and insulin therapy do not increase macrovascular disease risk

  • Metformin reduces macrovascular risk in patients who are obese

  • Vigorous blood pressure control reduces microvascular and macrovascular events beta blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors appear to be equally effective in this regard

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How To Treat Men With Erectile Dysfunction And Diabetes

There are several treatment options for men with diabetes and erectile dysfunction, including medication and diet for erectile dysfunction.

Ultimately, while most doctors will prescribe medications such as Viagra for diabetes, these prescription medications work, but come with several side effects, such as stomach upset, headaches, body pains and even blurry vision.

Even more, this has lead men with erectile dysfunction to seek a natural Viagra alternative that improves their erection without the side effects. One of the best ways to treat erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes is vacuum therapy.

The Cause Of Diabetes

Diabetes is an illness related to elevated blood sugar levels. When you stop releasing and responding to normal amounts of insulin after eating foods with carbohydrates, sugar and fats, you have diabetes. Insulin, a hormone thats broken down and transported to cells to be used as energy, is released by the pancreas to help with the storage of sugar and fats. But people with diabetes dont respond to insulin properly, which causes high blood sugar levels and diabetes symptoms.

Its important to note that theres a difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Heres an explanation of the two types of diabetes and what causes these conditions:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is commonly called juvenile diabetes because it tends to develop at a younger age, typically before a person turns 20 years old. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

The damage to the pancreatic cells leads to a reduced ability or complete inability to create insulin. Some of the common causes that trigger this autoimmune response may include a virus, genetically modified organisms, heavy metals, or foods like wheat, cows milk and soy.

The reason foods like wheat and cows milk have been linked to diabetes is because they contain the proteins gluten and A1 casein. These proteins can cause leaky gut, which in turn causes systemic inflammation throughout the body and over time can lead to autoimmune disease.

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Most Diabetes Medications Effectively Lower Blood Sugar

The blood sugar goal for most adults with diabetes is an A1C of below 7%. In many people, diet and exercise are not enough to reach this goal, and one or more medications may be needed. Metformin is a tried and tested medicine that has been used for many decades to treat type 2 diabetes, and is recommended by most experts as first-line therapy. It is affordable, safe, effective, and well tolerated by most people.

When metformin does not adequately control blood sugar, another medication must be added. It is at this point that doctors and patients must choose among the many drugs and drugs classes available to treat type 2 diabetes. In general, for people who are at low risk of heart disease or have no history of diabetic kidney disease, most diabetes medications that are added to metformin effectively reduce blood sugars and can lower A1C to under 7%.

So, how to choose a medication? Each person with diabetes has their own goals, needs, and preferences. Before choosing a medicine, it is important to ask some relevant questions: Is my blood sugar at goal? Is this medicine affordable? Do I have heart or kidney disease? What are the side effects? Is it a pill or injection, and how often is it taken?

Regardless of which treatment is selected, the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care recommends reassessment of diabetes control every three to six months, followed by modifications to treatment if needed.

Stimulating Younger Generations To Have A Proper Nutrition Plan

Beat Diabetes

One of the most important studies related to diabetes is that the main factor that is causing it lies in the nutrition of people, especially younger generations. The main cause of type 2 diabetes is fast food, processed meat, and sugar in beverages. The lack of psychical activity can have negative effects as well. In that matter, the best way to prevent diabetes is to teach children to have a healthier diet and to exercise more.

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Medicines For Type 2 Diabetes

Most people need medicine to control their type 2 diabetes.

Medicine helps keep your blood sugar level as normal as possible to prevent health problems. You may have to take it for the rest of your life.

Diabetes usually gets worse over time, so your medicine or dose may need to change.

Adjusting your diet and being active is usually necessary to keep your blood sugar level down.

Cost Implications Of Treating Diabetes

Hubert Biramahire, a resident of Kigali was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes five years ago. From that time, he has had to endure the stressful and emotionally challenging journey of living with this condition.

On top of this however, the 20-year-old says his other challenge has been affording treatment, something he says has caused him bouts of anxiety.

Luckily, Rwanda Diabetes Association, a non-governmental organisation with a mission of promoting diabetes care, preventing and curing diabetes came to his aid.

Through the association, Biramahire got support psychologically, emotionally as well as physically. But most importantly, he gained access to free treatment something he says has reduced his worry and has been able to focus on his studies.

Treating diabetes can be emotionally and financially draining. Photos: Net

Francine Hakuzimana, a mother of two children suffering from diabetes, says dealing with this condition has drained her financially and emotionally.

Her children, aged 14 and 18 were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes two years ago. And just like Biramahire, she has faced financial challenges with seeking treatment.

Though she has been able to seek treatment using Mutuelle de santé, some of the complications that come as a result of the condition are not always attended to.

When my children get complications related to diabetes, it means that I have to incur extra costs which are not covered by insurance, and this has been a challenge, she says.

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What Medications Are Used To Treat Type 2 Diabetes

Many people with type 2 diabetes start with the oral drug Glucophage to help control blood sugar levels. You may add other drugs to your regimen, either soon after your diagnosis or months or years later.

There are currently more than 10 classes of diabetes drugs, each of which lowers blood sugar in a different way.

If your current drug regimen isn’t lowering your blood sugar enough, your doctor may elect to add a drug from a different class.

Down the line, you may also need to add insulin to your treatment regimen.

Heres a breakdown of the different medications that your healthcare team may prescribe in your diabetes treatment plan.

Treatment Of Diabetic Neuropathy

Doctors Divided On Best Treatment Options For Type 2 Diabetes

In case that a patient is suffering from neuropathy caused by diabetes, nerves can become damaged and cause pain and some much more serious conditions such as sepsis. Also, neuropathy can hurt the brain and spinal cord. While it is very hard to treat this condition, there are some improvements related to a new method of therapy where molecules are used to prevent neuropathy, especially the type that is affecting the brain.

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The Advantages Of Newer Diabetes Medications

If you have tight glycemic control and no complications, then your doctor will likely recommend sticking to the treatment plan you are currently following because it is working for you.

However, if you have T2D and are showing signs of heart disease or beginning to have issues with other organs, it is a very good idea to consider adding one or more of the newer medications, so-called second-line treatments, such as one of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists or sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors .2,3

These two classes of drugs not only help control blood sugar but, in some cases, can help protect your heart, kidneys, and liver as well as foster greater weight loss,4 according to data from the American Diabetes Association. In fact, metformin is considered weight neutral, meaning it helps with glucose management but doesnt promote weight loss in most people who take it.

Effects On Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is believed to contribute to a wide range of clinical conditions such as inflammation, ischaemia-reperfusion injury, diabetes, atherosclerosis, neurodegeneration, and tumor formation .

Metformin has antioxidant properties which are not fully characterized. It reduces reactive oxygen species by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration and decreases advanced glycosylation end product indirectly through reduction of hyperglycemia and directly through an insulin-dependent mechanism .

There is some evidence that metformin also has a beneficial effect on some components of the antioxidant defense system. It can upregulate uncoupled proteins 2 in adipose tissue and can also cause an increase in reduced glutathione .

Metformin has been proposed to cause a mild and transient inhibition of mitochondrial complex I which decreases ATP levels and activates AMPK-dependent catabolic pathways , increasing lipolysis and ß-oxidation in white adipose tissue and reducing neoglucogenesis . The resultant reduction in triglycerides and glucose levels could decrease metylglyoxal production through lipoxidation and glycoxidation, respectively .

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If Im Taking Medication For Another Condition Could That Affect Which Type 2 Diabetes Medication I Should Take

If youre taking certain medications for another condition, it may affect which therapies are the best option for treating type 2 diabetes.

Many different medications can affect your type 2 diabetes treatment plan. For example, steroid therapy, which may be needed for various skin or rheumatological conditions, may increase blood sugar levels. In turn, this means modifying an individuals diabetes treatment plan.

Many chemotherapy drugs can also affect the choice of which diabetes medication is right for an individual.

Many people who live with type 2 diabetes also need treatment for high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The most common medications used to treat these conditions dont interact with diabetes therapies.

If the treatment isnt working, you may experience progressively increasing blood sugar levels. The most common symptoms that may appear if your blood sugar levels are rising include:

  • feeling thirsty
  • getting up at night several times to urinate
  • blurry vision
  • losing weight without effort

If you experience these symptoms, its a sign that elevated blood sugar levels need to be addressed immediately. Its very important to notify your doctor about these symptoms as soon as possible. If these symptoms become severe before you can see your doctor, consider going to the emergency room for an evaluation.


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