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HomeExclusiveWhat Fruits Are Not Good For Diabetics

What Fruits Are Not Good For Diabetics

Why Diabetics Should Include Fruits In Their Diet

The 5 Worst Fruits For Diabetics

Fruits have many health benefits, ranging from controlling high blood pressure to reducing inflammation and blood sugar levels. They are a powerhouse of multiple antioxidants like vitamins A, B, C and E as well as minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium and fibre, Fruits also fulfil the sweet cravings of diabetic people, while meeting their nutritional needs.

List Of Fruits For Diabetics To Avoid

Fruits to limit when you are diabetic are:

  • Avoid fruits with High glycemic index values. But if you are willing to eat such fruits then a balanced diet is the best option.For example, Pineapple, Pumpkin, and watermelon are high glycemic fruits that can be consumed by diabetic patients only with balanced options i.e in little quantity and with care.
  • Fruit Juices: Avoid fruit juices as they tend to raise blood sugar levels instantly.
  • Dried fruits: These are rich in GI value and GL values. Thus, avoid them as they contain more sugar than fresh fruits. If you want to consume them then use only very little portions of them.
  • Cooked Fruits: Do not eat cooked fruits.
  • Fruits flavours: Flavored fruit products should be avoided as they are rich in sugar content. Example: Jam, fruit yogurt, candy, etc.
  • Applesauce & processed fruits: Dont eat applesauce and processed fruits as they are rich in sugar content and can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.


Avoid Fruits with high GI value and high GL value, dried fruits. If consumed then they must be consumed with moderation.

Is Egg Good For Diabetes

Eggs are a versatile food and a great source of protein. The American Diabetes Association considers eggs an excellent choice for people with diabetes. Thats primarily because one large egg contains about half a gram of carbohydrates, so its thought that they arent going to raise your blood sugar.

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Skip The Canned Fruit

Canned fruits and those cute little fruit cocktail cups may be convenient and inexpensive, but they aren’t so good for you.

“Those canned in heavy or light syrup are not an ideal choice for persons with diabetes,” says Kim Rose, RD and a certified diabetes care and education specialist. “This is because syrup-laden fruits contain added sugar that may be too much for the body to handle.”

Fruit Composition For Diabetes Patient

Are There Any Fruit for Diabetes

A type-2 diabetes risk significantly reduces through high fruit intake. Let us examine fruits and their impact on diabetes.

  • Carbs of Fruits: Fruits main composition is carbs and fructose which raises blood sugar levels. They are the direct source of glucose and thus increase blood sugar levels. Thus, if you are diabetic you need to ensure proper carbs count before eating any fruit.
  • Fibres of Fruits:
  • Fibre present in fruits helps in managing diabetes. A high soluble fibre diet slows glucose absorption from blood and thus helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Fibre helps in promoting the feeling of fullness and reduces hunger. This in turn helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is one factor that leads to type-2 diabetes. Thus, maintaining a healthy weight through a rich high soluble fibre diet can reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Fibre helps in promoting the feeling of fullness and reduces hunger. This in turn helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is one factor that leads to type-2 diabetes. Thus, maintaining a healthy weight through a rich high soluble fibre diet can reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • Processed fruits & Juices: Processed or canned fruits and fruit juices lack fibres. They also have high sugar content. These fruits when consumed lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. Thus, avoid processed fruits & juices, if you are diabetic.
  • Summary:

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    Types Of Sugar In Fruit

    Fruit contains two types of sugar: Fructose and glucose. The proportions of each vary, but most fruits are about half glucose and half fructose. Most fruits have 5-6 grams of fructose , which is a small amount. In excess, fructose can be toxic to the liver, but Im talking about large, substantial quantities of fructose. When you eat 3-6 grams of fructose at a time, the intestines will actually neutralize it and the fructose never makes its way to the liver. To put that into context, one medium orange has roughly six grams of fructose.

    Image by Hannah Haston

    Are Bananas Bad For Diabetics

    Bananas are a safe and nutritious fruit for people with diabetes to eat in moderation as part of a balanced, individualized diet plan. A person with diabetes should include fresh, plant food options in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables. Bananas provide plenty of nutrition without adding many calories.

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    Why Are Fruit And Vegetables So Good For Us

    Eating fruits and vegetables is associated with lower risk of developing many health conditions including high blood pressure, heart diseases, strokes, obesity and certain cancers.Its even more important for people with diabetes to eat more fruits and vegetables as most of these conditions are more likely to affect them.Fruits and vegetables have a good mix of soluble and insoluble fibre which is good for your bowels and general health so it makes sense to eat more of them.

    Foods To Avoid When You Have Diabetes

    Are fruits good for Diabetes?

    If you have diabetes, your healthcare provider has likely told you the importance of diet when it comes to managing your blood sugar. And if you’re not sure what foods to avoid, all you may have to do is listen to your body for clues.

    Certain foods, particularly those rich in carbohydrates, can cause blood sugars to rise quickly. This can make you feel sluggish, cause high blood sugar, and even make you gain weight.

    You may even be surprised to realize that some of the foods you consider healthy are on this list because of their high carb content, lack of fiber, and generally limited nutritional value.

    Here’s a look at a few of them and why they should be avoided or eaten in moderation if you have diabetes.

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    What Foods Can I Eat If I Have Diabetes

    You may worry that having diabetes means going without foods you enjoy. The good news is that you can still eat your favorite foods, but you might need to eat smaller portions or enjoy them less often. Your health care team will help create a diabetes meal plan for you that meets your needs and likes.

    The key to eating with diabetes is to eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups, in the amounts your meal plan outlines.

    The food groups are

    • nonstarchy: includes broccoli, carrots, greens, peppers, and tomatoes
    • starchy: includes potatoes, corn, and green peas
  • fruitsincludes oranges, melon, berries, apples, bananas, and grapes
  • grainsat least half of your grains for the day should be whole grains
  • includes wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, and quinoa
  • examples: bread, pasta, cereal, and tortillas
  • protein
  • chicken or turkey without the skin
  • fish
  • Use oils when cooking food instead of butter, cream, shortening, lard, or stick margarine.

    What Fruits Can You Eat On A Ketogenic Diet

    If youre currently trying a ketogenic diet, youre well-aware of which starchy carbs and fruit can cause a spike in glucose. When it comes to maintaining ketosis, you want to be mindful of which fruits youre choosing. On a keto diet, most people can enjoy berries, cherries, plums, and kiwis on a regular basis. For example, ½ cup of raspberries contains 3 grams carbs, ½ cup of blackberries contains four grams carbs, and 8-10 strawberries contain six grams carbs.

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    The Best Fruits For Diabetics And How Much You Should Eat

    • Yes, diabetics can eat fruit, but it’s important to pay careful attention to your fruit intake.
    • Even though fruit is a carbohydrate high in sugar, which can spike blood sugar, it also is high in fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar.
    • Fresh fruit is better for diabetics than dried fruit or fruit juice here’s which fruits are best to eat and how much you should have each day.
    • This article was medically reviewed by Stephanie Redmond, PharmD, a certified diabetes educator and co-founder of Diabetes Doctor.
    • This story is part of Insider’s guide to Diabetes.

    People with diabetes need to carefully control their diet in order to keep their blood sugar levels in a healthy range.

    When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into sugar, which enters your blood in order to be used as fuel. For diabetics, who cannot process blood sugar effectively, carbohydrates can raise blood sugar, and because of that, many diabetics try to limit or count carbs, including sugar and other carbs, like those from fruit or grains.

    Fruit is a carbohydrate that contains sugar, and it may spike blood sugar levels if eaten excessively. However, fruit also has a high fiber content, and eating lots of fiber can regulate blood sugar levels and even help prevent type 2 diabetes.

    How Much Sugar Can You Have In A Day

    What fruits and vegetables are not good for diabetics ...

    The recommendations of the American Heart Association , for sugar intake, are:

  • Men: No more than 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day.
  • Women: No more than 6 teaspoons per day.
  • Are you fond of sweetened soda drinks? One 12-ounce can of soda contains 8 teaspoons of added sugar! There goes your whole days allotment in one slurp!

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    Fruits Not Forbidden For Diabetics But

    There are various fruits which are suitable for people who have diabetes. You! takes a look…


    There are various fruits which are suitable for people who have diabetes. You! takes a look…

    Generally speaking, it is thought that since most fruit contains sugar, they are dangerous for people with diabetes. However, medical experts suggest that fruits are not forbidden for diabetics if you make the right choices. These are low-carb and low-Glycemic Index fruits, which are good for your diabetes diet plan. Certain fruits may cause your blood sugars to spike at a quicker pace than others. The tricky part about eating fruits with diabetes is that everyone responds to them differently. While one person may be able to eat apples without any issue, someone else may find that apples cause their blood sugars to spike. Testing your blood sugars before and after eating fruit can help you to determine which fruits are best for you.

    Other ways to keep blood sugars controlled while enjoying fruits is to think about the context in which you eat it. Youll have a better chance at keeping your blood sugars controlled if you avoid juice altogether, limit your fruit servings to no more than two per day, pair your fruit with protein or include it into your meal as part of your carbohydrate choice, and avoid fruits that are very ripe. The riper a fruit is the higher its GI, which means it will raise your blood sugar more than a food with a low GI.

    What is the Glycemic Index ?

    The Best Fruits For Diabetics

    In saying fruit can be healthy for diabetics, “I am referring to fresh fruit, not canned or processed and not dried fruit,” Besser says. “Those have a higher sugar content, as the water has been removed, so you tend to eat more volume of dried fruit compared to fresh, and this will cause sugar spikes.”

    And even among fresh fruits, certain types are best, depending on their sugar and water content, as well as a measurement called the glycemic index .

    This scale measures how quickly foods will cause blood sugar levels to rise, with a higher number indicating a more rapid spike in blood sugars, which can be dangerous for diabetics.

    Foods with a GI of beneficial than high-GI foods for regulating blood sugar.

    The following fruits have a low GI:

    • Avocado: 15

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    Fruits & Diabetes: Fruits For Diabetics

    Diabetes is a condition wherein the body fails to maintain normal blood sugar levels. The best way to manage Diabetes is to have a proper medicine plan, a proper diet plan, and a healthy lifestyle.

    There is a myth related to fruits and diabetes. The myth is to avoid fruits while you are diabetic. But numerous health researchers recommend that fruits are essential for a healthy lifestyle. They thus recommend a rich fruit diet to diabetic patients.

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    Fruits High In Carbohydrates

    The Best & Worst Fruits For Diabetics from SugarMD!

    According to Diabetes UK, the amount of carbs a person eats has the most impact on their blood sugar levels.

    If a person is following a low carb diet, they should identify which carbs they are eating that are low in nutrients or unhealthy in other ways and cut those out first. Fresh fruit carries many health benefits, so it may not be first on the list.

    This table outlines the carb content in several fruits compared with other high carb foods:


    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that drinking fruit juice during a meal or on its own quickly raises a persons blood sugar levels.

    However, the combination of fiber and simple sugars in fruit slows the absorption of sugar into the blood when a person eats whole fruits.

    A 2013 research paper looked at how fruit consumption affects the likelihood that a person will develop type 2 diabetes.

    The results showed that people who consumed more whole fruit were less likely to develop the condition. People who drank larger amounts of fruit juice were more likely to develop the condition.

    A 2017 study had similar results. The researchers found that fresh fruit consumption reduced a persons risk of developing type 2 diabetes. They also found that people with diabetes who ate fresh fruit regularly had a lower risk of developing cardiovascular conditions or dying.

    A person can also include dried fruit in their diet, as long as it was not dried with added sugar.

    • packed in its own juices
    • unsweetened
    • no added sugar

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    Best Ways To Eat Fruits While Diabetic

    Everyone has different needs for carbs. Consult the dietitian for a good fruit diet plan. Generally, diabetic patients should eat 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day. A single-serve is nearly 150 g of the fruit.

    The 1 serving of fruit portion shall give 15g of carbs. 1 serving for each fruit is as follows:

    • 1 cup of strawberries
    • 3/ 4 cup of black plums
    • 1 medium-sized orange
    • 1 small piece of apple, peach, or pear
    • 1/2 medium-sized banana.
    • 18 small cherries or grapes
    • 2 tablespoons of raisins

    Tips On How To Eat More Fruit And Vegetables If You Have Diabetes

    Here are a few basic tips on how to eat more fruit and vegetables:

    • Make a juice out of a variety of fruits and vegetables. I prefer vegetables as they don’t elevate my blood sugar levels.
    • Include a proportion of salads, vegetables, or fresh fruit in every meal. Try to eat at least one serving per day.
    • Add some extra fiber to your breakfast cereal by adding chopped apple. It will also make it taste very good!
    • Mix the fruits and veggies with something you enjoy like yogurt or oatmeal.
    • Eat fruit as a snack, it’s much better than chips!
    • Swap fries for sweet potato fries when you eat out at fast-food restaurants.
    • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. The range from dark leafy greens to brightly-colored berries is very wide, so why not try something new every week!
    • Try cooking the fruit and vegetables: preparation methods such as roasting, grilling, stir-frying, and air-frying can add flavor and freshness to these healthy foods. Make sure to use healthy cooking oils.
    • Experiment with condiments: dressings, dips, or salsas can be used to transform your plate by introducing both flavor and nutrients. Experiment with different recipes for sauces such as those containing turmeric or ginger roots which have healing properties as well as many health benefits such as improved brain function.

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    Add Extra Activity To Your Daily Routine

    If you have been inactive or you are trying a new activity, start slowly, with 5 to 10 minutes a day. Then add a little more time each week. Increase daily activity by spending less time in front of a TV or other screen. Try these simple ways to add physical activities in your life each day:

    • Walk around while you talk on the phone or during TV commercials.
    • Do chores, such as work in the garden, rake leaves, clean the house, or wash the car.
    • Park at the far end of the shopping center parking lot and walk to the store.
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    • Make your family outings active, such as a family bike ride or a walk in a park.

    If you are sitting for a long time, such as working at a desk or watching TV, do some light activity for 3 minutes or more every half hour.5 Light activities include

    • leg lifts or extensions

    Fruit And Fatty Liver Disease

    Which Fruits Not To Eat If You Are Diabetic

    Somewhere along the way, maybe you read that fructose in fruit causes everything from weight gain to fatty liver disease. When youre sucked into the chronic dieting vortex, a food as nourishing as a vitamin C-packed apples can be overshadowed by its sugar content. While studies suggest that high fructose intake may increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, consider which type of fructose is being tested: Naturally-occurring fructose vs. processed fructose. When it comes to weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease, the bigger culprits are high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar. Fruit isnt the enemy. Its only when fruit is consumed in large quantitieswithout anything to slow blood sugar that the liver receives a cascade of fructose.

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