Is It Ok For Cancer Caregivers To Get The Vaccine
Some vaccines for other diseases contain changed versions of the live viruses that cause the diseases. These types of live virus vaccines typically are not recommended for cancer caregivers because they might have unwanted effects on cancer patients. However, the available COVID-19 vaccines do not contain these types of live viruses, so getting one of these vaccines does not put you at risk for passing COVID-19 on to the person youre caring for.
Its important to know that if you do get a COVID-19 vaccine and are later exposed to the virus, its not yet clear if the vaccine will prevent you from infecting someone else .
For people who are fully vaccinated , the CDC has guidance on things you can now do , as well as what types of precautions you should still be taking. This guidance is being updated regularly, so check the CDC website for details. The CDC guidance may not apply if you have a weakened immune system , so its important to talk a health care provider about which precautions you still need to take.
People getting the vaccine might not feel well for a few days after each shot, so it might make sense to have someone else available to help with caregiving during this time.
Are The Vaccines Safe
We know that some people may still be worried about how quickly the vaccines are being developed. But this has been possible because scientists, governments and industry all around the world have focused their attention on this one shared goal.
All the vaccine trials have included the usual number of participants and no stages of development and testing have been rushed or skipped. The joint worldwide effort to find a vaccine has allowed for funding and approval processes to be fast-tracked, and manufacturing to begin early. This, alongside using existing technologies in the vaccine development, is why they have been developed quicker than usual.
The MHRA will also continue to monitor the vaccines over time and make sure vaccinations follow a very high standard. And its also useful to know that the vaccines have been tested in men and women of different ages and ethnicities, with a range of health conditions including diabetes.
We know from previous research that the immune response to fighting coronavirus in people with diabetes is no different to people who dont have diabetes. So theres no evidence to suggest that the vaccine will work less well in people with diabetes.
Not everyone taking the vaccine will have side effects. If you do have any, they are usually very mild. They normally wont last longer than around 48 hours.
The common side effects are:
- Your arm might feel sore where you had your vaccine.
- Feeling tired.
- Aches.
- Feeling sick.
How Will The Vaccine Affect My Blood Sugar Levels
Because the vaccine can cause symptoms of illness that can lead to high glucose levels, its important to carefully monitor your blood sugar levels for 48 hours after you receive your vaccination. Stay hydrated, and make sure to have your sick day plan ready in case you feel ill. So far, people with diabetes seem to be experiencing few side effects and minimal effect on blood sugar levels.
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What The Vaccines Are Made Of
The coronavirus vaccines do not contain meat, egg or any animal products. The vaccines are halal and kosher.
Theres a very small amount of alcohol in some of the vaccines, around the same as there is in bread. We call this negligible, because it wont have any effect on your body. The vaccines are still halal because the alcohol in them is at a concentration of much less than 1%. The alcohol is there to preserve the vaccine ingredients, to make sure it works.
The vaccines contain the blueprints for making tiny fragments of coronavirus. This triggers the immune system to react and start making antibodies that are ready to protect you if you later catch coronavirus.
Vaccines also contain other ingredients which are added to keep them stable and help them work better. Common ingredients in the coronavirus vaccines include sucrose and salt. These are added in extremely small quantities and wont have any effect on the body.
You can find out full information on vaccine ingredients in the patient information leaflet for the vaccine when you are offered one.
Why Are People With Diabetes At High Risk
Sood says people with diabetes are at higher risk for complications because the state of having diabetes is a state of chronic inflammation from elevated blood glucose. Inflammation, as well as high blood glucose levels, are prognostic factors for severe COVID-19 in type 2 diabetes patients, according to Sood.
Type 1 diabetes patients can also experience inflammation, making them susceptible to complications. When blood glucose levels are not controlled through exercise or diet, a person’s condition can be exacerbated. The problem is that often, there is not sufficient high-level management of diabetes,” Camillo Ricordi, MD, director of the Diabetes Research Institute, tells Verywell. “You have to be more careful of your metabolic control more than ever, especially with COVID-19.”
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Australian Adults With Diabetes Encouraged To Get Covid
Australias peak diabetes organisations are encouraging all Australian adults with diabetes to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as the vaccine is available to them.
The COVID-19 vaccinations are safe and have been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administrations rigorous testing process. Both vaccines currently approved by the TGA are suitable for use in adults living with diabetes.
A joint statement from Diabetes Australia, the Australian Diabetes Society, the Australian Diabetes Educators Association recommended all adults with diabetes get vaccinated against COVID-19. There is clear evidence that people with diabetes are at higher risk of serious illness if they get COVID-19. There is clear evidence that the approved vaccines reduce the risk of serious illness with COVID-19.
It is important that as many Australians as possible get vaccinated. This is the best path forward in the fight against the virus.
What Are The Side Effects Can The Vaccine Be Dangerous
When you receive a vaccine for a particular virus, your immune system builds protection against it. Because your body is creating antibodies and learning how to fight the virus or bacteria targeted by the vaccine, you may experience normal side effects for a day or two this is similar to getting a flu shot, and people with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels and have a sick day management plan ready.
According to the CDC, these are the common side effects of the COVID vaccines they are similar for people with and without diabetes:
Pain, swelling, or redness in the vaccinated arm
Muscle pain
These side effects are a result of your immune system preparing to combat a future viral infection they do not mean that you have gotten sick from the vaccine itself. If your side effects dont go away, contact your healthcare team.
Severe allergic reactions to the COVID vaccine are rare you can learn more from the CDC here. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to any vaccine, ask your healthcare professional if you should get the COVID vaccine. If you experience a severe allergic reaction to the first dose of the COVID vaccine, do not get the second dose.
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Should Cancer Patients And Survivors Get The Vaccine
Many expert medical groups recommend that most people with cancer or a history of cancer get the COVID-19 vaccine once its available to them.
The main concern about getting the vaccine is not whether its safe for people with cancer, but about how effective it will be, especially in people with weakened immune systems. Some cancer treatments like chemotherapy , radiation, stem cell or bone marrow transplant, or immunotherapy can affect the immune system, which might make the vaccine less effective. People with certain types of cancers, like leukemias or lymphomas, can also have weakened immune systems which might make the vaccine less effective.
The initial studies testing the COVID-19 vaccines did not include people getting treatment with drugs that suppress the immune system, like chemo, or people who have weakened immune systems for other reasons. This is because the studies needed to see first if the vaccines work in people with healthy immune systems. Because of this, its not yet clear how effective the vaccines might be in these groups of people.
Since the situation for every person is different, it is best to discuss the risks and benefits of getting one of the COVID-19 vaccines with your cancer doctor. They can advise you and tell you when you should receive it.
Are The Vaccines Safe And Effective For People With Diabetes
Three COVID-19 vaccines are currently available in the United States and people with diabetes were included in all three vaccine trials.
Two vaccines require two doses spaced either 21 days or 28 days apart. With their two doses completed, these vaccines are over 90 percent effective and received emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in December 2020. A study of of 4,000 individuals, including healthcare workers and first responders, published in March 2021 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, observed that those who were fully vaccinated with either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine were 90 percent less likely to get infected with COVID-19.
The one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine is 66 percent effective at preventing moderate to severe COVID-19 disease 28 days after vaccination in clinical trials around the world in U.S. trials it was 72 percent effective, according to phase 3 clinical trials. There were no deaths or hospitalizations from COVID-19 among people vaccinated during the J& J clinical trial. It received emergency use authorization from the FDA on February 27, 2021.
C. Buddy Creech, MD, MPH, is director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program in Nashville, Tennessee, was part of the phase 3 trials of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We wanted to make sure we recruited a number of individuals who had the types of underlying medical conditions that can make COVID more severe, Dr. Creech says.
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Vaccine Effects On Blood Sugar
Vaccines can cause temporary spikes in blood sugar levels within 48 hours of the injection. This is because the vaccines can cause side effects that increase blood sugar levels.
It is important for anyone with diabetes to closely monitor their blood sugar levels for a few days after receiving the vaccine.
safe and effective for helping prevent COVID-19.
There are some differences between the vaccines. For example, Pfizer-BioNTech has approval for use in people over 12 years old, but Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have approval for individuals over 18 years old.
All the vaccines become fully effective around 2 weeks after the shot. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine only requires one shot, whereas Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna require two shots.
There are some signs that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is less effective at helping prevent COVID-19 in people with diabetes.
It may not be possible to choose a vaccine due to limited supplies across the U.S. But people with diabetes can be confident that all three vaccines are safe and effective at helping prevent COVID-19.
When Can I Get The Covid Vaccine If I Have Diabetes
With the authorizations of two COVID-19 vaccines for use in the US, and more globally, come many questions about when people with diabetes will be able to receive the vaccine. Where do you fall in the vaccine line? Find out more about what you can expect whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes depending on where you live.
The last year has been defined by the COVID-19 pandemic. The toll it has taken on individuals, families, communities, places of work, our schools, the healthcare system on every aspect of our lives has been unprecedented. That is why we deeply applaud the arrival of the numerous COVID-19 vaccines that will help protect people from the virus. The applause of those with diabetes is even greater, since it has been shown that having type 1 or type 2 diabetes increases the risk of severe illness with a COVID-19 infection, and the need for hospitalization and intensive care unit support.
For up-to-date information on the COVID vaccines, check out our article “What You Should Know About COVID-19 Vaccines and Diabetes.”
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Will People With Diabetes Get First Dibs
Generally, PWDs who arent in healthcare or on the front lines, or arent 65 and older, are most often included in the third Phase 1C group, which has the lowest priority before the general public.
At first, the CDC prioritized type 2 diabetes differently than T1D as far as prioritizing COVID-19 vaccine access.
But on March 29, 2021, the CDC revised that prioritized both T1D and T2D at the same level. Per the CDC, they both can make you more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19.
That change in prioritization supports the cited studies shows specifically that T1D presents a potential three times higher risk for more severe illness,
The CDCs change in view on prioritizing different types follows months of advocacy, especially the 19 diabetes organizations that signed a letter in early 2021 urging the CDC to immediately prioritize T1D alongside T2D.
The impact on the diabetes community of COVID-19 cannot be understated, with about 40 percent of U.S. COVID deaths occurring among people with diabetes thus far, said Dr. Robert Gabbay, chief scientific and medical officer for the American Diabetes Association . As the data makes clear, differentiating between T1D and T2D for purposes of assessing COVID risk is an error that could cost even more lives, and we urge CDC to correct this immediately.
What Is An Emergency Use Authorization
In an EUA, the FDA allows the use of a vaccine or drug during a time of emergency, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, when the available evidence shows the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks. An EUA is not the same as a full FDA approval, which requires a more thorough review of safety and effectiveness.
Drugs and vaccines that have been given an EUA continue to be studied in clinical trials.
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Why Is It More Than Important For People With Diabetes To Take The Covid
People with diabetes and other underlying conditions like heart diseases and hypertension should take the vaccine shots as soon as possible. The chairman of Dr. A. Ramachandrans Diabetes Hospitals, A. Ramachandran, states that underlying medical conditions put people at higher risks of contracting coronavirus. He further said that diabetes is an age-related health risk that can intensify coronavirus infection.
It has been estimated that around 80% of deaths during the pandemic have been among patients with comorbidities like heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Studies show that out of every 1000 covid-19 patients in Chennai, mortality rate was twice in people with diabetes as compared to those without it. Additionally, complications were much higher in people with diabetes.
As an after-covid recommendation for people with diabetes, people should keep a regular tab on their blood sugar levels, get into moderate exercise, and follow a good diet plan. However, everything must be under the guidance of professional experts.
Conclusively, people with diabetes or any other underlying medical condition should get vaccinated as soon as possible. Early vaccination can keep them protected from contracting coronavirus. However, even after getting vaccinated, you must follow the social distancing norms and preventive measures like wearing masks, washing hands often, etc.
14 days after the shot | 14 days after the second shot | 14 days after the second shot |
Are Other Vaccines Coming
To date, 17 vaccines have been approved for full or limited use around the world. Ninety-five vaccines are currently in different stages of human clinical trials: 63 are in the early stages and 32 are in the final stages of testing. Hopefully, some of these vaccines will be found to effectively protect against COVID, opening up more vaccination options for people around the world. To track global vaccine development, view the New York Times Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker.
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Why Should I Get The Covid Vaccine
The vaccine has the ability to protect you, your loved ones, and your community. It will help your bodys immune system fight off a COVID-19 infection this means that if you are exposed to COVID, your body can protect you and significantly reduce your chances of getting sick or experiencing severe complications from the virus. Two of the vaccines that are currently authorized in the US are almost 95% effective at preventing symptoms of COVID in adults who have been exposed, and the third vaccine is 85% effective at preventing severe COVID infection. In other words, if you are vaccinated with any of the three and then come into contact with someone who has COVID, you probably wont get sick.
To stop the global spread of COVID-19, the majority of people around the world will have to become immune to the virus. The COVID vaccine like the many vaccines that protect us from small pox, measles, the flu, and other illnesses will play a major role in improving the health and wellbeing of people across the globe.
Have Diabetes And Hesitant About Covid
Editors Note: We have a simple goal: tap into the power of the global diabetes community to save lives. Visit to learn more about what you can do as a person with diabetes to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19 until were all safe.
Only 53 percent of people in the United States are fully vaccinated. While we encourage everyone who is able to get vaccinated to do so, we also understand that each person has their own concerns about getting the COVID-19 vaccines. Were here to give you trustworthy science and fact-based information. Here are a few things we want you to know:
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