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Can Nph And Regular Insulin Be Mixed

What Insulins Can Be Mixed Together

How to Mix Insulin NPH and Regular Insulin Nursing | Mixing Insulin Clear to Cloudy


. Likewise, people ask, which insulin should never be mixed?

Some insulins, like glargine and detemer , cannot be mixed. Other insulins are already a combination of two types of insulin and should not be mixed.

Furthermore, which insulin do you draw up first? When you mix regular insulin with another type of insulin, always draw the regular insulin into the syringe first. When you mix two types of insulins other than regular insulin, it does not matter in what order you draw them into the syringe.

Regarding this, how do you mix two types of insulin?

Inject air into the cloudy insulin vial first, before injecting air into the clear insulin vial. Always draw clear insulin into the syringe before drawing cloudy insulin. Only insulins from the same source should be mixed together, for example, Humulin R and Humulin N are both from human source and can be mixed.

Can you mix Humalog and NovoLog together?

Manufacturer: 70/30 should not be mixed with any other insulin product. Comments: Humalog®Mix 75/25 has a duration of activity similar to that of Humulin 70/30.

How Do I Store And/or Throw Out Insulin Nph And Insulin Regular

  • Store unopened containers in a refrigerator. Do not freeze.
  • Do not use if it has been frozen.
  • If an unopened container has been stored at room temperature, be sure you know how long you can leave insulin NPH and insulin regular at room temperature before you need to throw it away. If you are not sure, talk with the doctor or pharmacist.
  • After opening, be sure you know how long the product is good for and how to store it. Ask the doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
  • Protect from heat and light.
  • Keep all drugs in a safe place. Keep all drugs out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Throw away unused or expired drugs. Do not flush down a toilet or pour down a drain unless you are told to do so. Check with your pharmacist if you have questions about the best way to throw out drugs. There may be drug take-back programs in your area.

Key Concept For Mixing Insulin: Draw Up Clear To Cloudy

Remember the mnemonic: RN

Why? It prevents contaminating the vial of clear insulin with the cloudy insulin because if contaminated it can affect the action of the insulin.

Why does this matter because they will be mixed in the syringe? You have 5 to 10 minutes to give the insulin mixed in the syringe before the action of the insulins are affected

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How Do You Draw Up Two Insulins

How to draw up 2 types of insulin into a syringe: Remove insulin from the refrigerator 30 minutes before you will use it. Wash your hands. Gather your insulin supplies. Determine the total amount of insulin you need. Gently mix intermediate or long-acting insulin. Prepare the insulin bottles. Prepare the syringe.

How To Switch Insulin Products


Switching insulins shouldalways be done with prescriber approval and close monitoring. Advise patients to closely monitor bloodglucose levels after switching insulins.If switching between human insulin brands , keep the number of units each daythe same. However, because these brandsare not AB rated pharmacists may need to contact the prescriber beforeswitching. See our chart, Comparisonof Insulins, for meal timing, onset, peak, duration of action, andother information. Also see our algorithm,Initiationand Adjustment of Insulin Regimens for Type 2 Diabetes.

Project Leader in preparation of thisclinical resource : Melanie Cupp, Pharm.D., BCPS Last modified July 2020.


  • Clinical Resource, Tips to Improve Insulin Safety. Pharmacists Letter/Prescribers Letter. April 2016.
  • Product information forSoliqua. Sanofi-Aventis. Bridgewater, NJ 08807. November 2019.
  • Product information for Xultophy. Novo Nordisk. Plainsboro, NJ 08536. November 2019.
  • Davidson MB. Insulin therapy: a personal approach. Clin Diabetes 2015 33:123-35.
  • Information for health care professionals. Switching between insulin products in disaster response situations. Approved by the American Diabetes Association, the Endocrine Society and JDRF. August 2018. . .
  • Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Conversion from premixed insulin. Last updated June 9, 2018. . .
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    What 2 Insulins Can Be Mixed

    insulinscannot be mixedinsulinstwoinsulinmixed

    . Beside this, what insulins can be mixed?

    The following insulins may be combined: a. Novolog and Humalog , Rapid acting insulin, can be mixed with NPH if provided by the same manufacturer and are administered within 15 minutes after mixing. b. Regular and NPH can be mixed.

    Beside above, which insulin do you draw up first? When you mix regular insulin with another type of insulin, always draw the regular insulin into the syringe first. When you mix two types of insulins other than regular insulin, it does not matter in what order you draw them into the syringe.

    Subsequently, question is, how do you mix two types of insulin?

    Inject air into the cloudy insulin vial first, before injecting air into the clear insulin vial. Always draw clear insulin into the syringe before drawing cloudy insulin. Only insulins from the same source should be mixed together, for example, Humulin R and Humulin N are both from human source and can be mixed.

    Why is NPH mixed with regular insulin?

    NPH +Regular insulin: Always draw the Regular insulin into the syringe first. Phosphate-buffered insulins should NOT be mixed with lente insulins. Zinc phosphate may precipitate, and the longer-acting insulin will convert to a short-acting insulin to an unpredictable extent.

    Where To Inject Your Insulin

    • Insulin is most often injected in belly fat. That is where it is absorbed fastest.
    • Change the injection site each time you give yourself insulin. This helps prevent problems.
    • Plan out how you will move from site to site.
    • Leave at least 2 inches around your belly button .

    Ask your healthcare provider to teach you about rotating your injection site. This will help prevent a bump from forming under the skin from using the same spot. Also ask how to prevent injecting it into the muscle. Injecting the muscle or into the bump can lead to incorrect insulin absorption.

    Injection sites in adults include the belly , front of thighs, back of upper arms and upper buttocks.

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    What Happens If You Mix Insulins

    These long-acting insulins cant be mixed in the same syringe with other insulins this could change how the insulin works. Insulin glargine forms clusters when it is injected under the skin. As the individual insulin units detach from the cluster, the insulin analog can be absorbed into the blood stream.

    How Does A Person Mix Insulin

    Giving a mixed dose of insulin Regular and NPH. TErry Rudd

    Self-mixing insulin requires a person to inject themselves with two types of insulin in one injection.

    The types of insulin people can use are intermediate-acting insulin and short- or rapid-acting insulin. These insulins take different lengths of time to work, helping a persons blood sugar levels to remain steady throughout the day.

    A person can mix the two insulins in the following way:

  • Draw the short- or rapid-acting insulin into the syringe first. This insulin is clear.
  • Before drawing the cloudy intermediate insulin into the syringe, roll it gently between the palms 1020 times. This helps to mix the insulin suspension gently.
  • Once the cloudy insulin is mixed, draw it into the syringe with the clear insulin.
  • Inject the insulin mixture immediately.
  • Premixed insulin is a pre-prepared mixture of different insulins. Premixed insulin generally contains 7075% intermediate-acting insulin and 2530% short- or rapid-acting insulin.

    A person may prefer to use premixed insulin if they:

    • find it difficult to measure and draw up the insulin themselves
    • prefer the convenience of a premade solution
    • have variable eating and exercise patterns

    However, a person is unable to adjust premixed insulin. This means that if a person increases their pre-dinner dose of premixed insulin to offset high blood sugar levels before going to bed, they are at risk of overnight hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when a persons blood sugar levels drop too low.

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    How To Use Insulin Nph And Regular Human Suspension

    Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start using combination isophane/regular insulin and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor, diabetes educator, or pharmacist.

    Learn all preparation and usage instructions from your health care professional and the product package.

    Before using, gently roll the vial or cartridge, turning it upside down and back 10 times to mix the medication. Do not shake the container. Check this product visually for particles or discoloration. If either is present, do not use the insulin. Combination isophane/regular insulin should look evenly cloudy/milky after mixing. Do not use if you see clumps of white material, a “frosty” appearance, or particles stuck to the sides of the vial or cartridge.

    Before injecting each dose, clean the injection site with rubbing alcohol. Change where you inject each time to lessen the risk of problems or damage under the skin . Inject this medication under the skin as directed by your doctor, usually once or twice a day. This insulin product may be injected in the stomach area, the thigh, the buttocks, or the back of the upper arm. Do not inject into a vein or muscle because very low blood sugar may occur. Do not rub the area after the injection. Do not inject into skin that is red, swollen, itchy, or damaged. Do not inject cold insulin because this can be painful. The insulin container you are currently using can be kept at room temperature.

    How To Mix Insulin

    Purpose of mixing insulin: To prevent having to give the patient two separate injections .

    Most commonly ordered insulin that are mixed: NPH and Regular insulin .

    Important Points to Keep in Mind:

    • Never mix Insulin Glargine âLantusâ with any other type of insulin.
    • Administer the dose within 5 to 10 minutes after drawing up because the regular insulin binds to the NPH and this decreases its action.
    • Check the patientâs blood sugar and for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia to ensure they arenât hypoglycemic â¦if patient is hypoglycemic hold the dose and notify md for further orders.

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    S On How To Mix Insulin

    1. Check the doctorâs order and that you have the correct medication:

    Doctorâs order says: â10 units of Humulin R and 12 units of Humulin N subcutaneous before breakfast dailyâ

    Youâre giving a total of 22 units

    As the nurse, it is important to know the peak times of the insulin you are giving because this is the most likely time the patient could experience HYPOGLYCEMIA.

    • Regular insulin has an onset of 30 minutes, peak 2 hours, and duration of 8 hours
    • NPH insulin has an onset of 2 hours, peak 8 hours, and duration of 16 hours

    Learn these insulin mnemonics to remember the onset, peak, and duration times.

    2. Wash your hands and don gloves!

    3.Roll the âcloudyâ insulin vial in between the palms of the hands to mix the ingredients because if you donât mix the contents it can alter how much cloudy insulin you are actually drawing up. DONâT SHAKE the vial because this will cause air bubbles!

    4. Clean off tops of vials with alcohol prep for 5 to 10 seconds.

    5. Remove cap from syringe.

    6. Inject 12 units of air into the Humulin-N vial & then remove syringe from vial.

    7. Inject 10 units of air into the Humulin-R vial & turn bottle upside down and then withdraw 10 units of clear insulinâ¦REMOVE SYRINGE.

    8. Insert syringe into Humulin-N and turn bottle upside down and remove TOTAL UNITS NEEDED by pulling the plunger to 22 units

    9. Recap the needle using the one-hand scoop techniqueâ¦if not using immediately.

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    Which Insulin Do You Draw Up First

    Mixing NPH and Rapid/Short

    youinsulininsulindrawinsulinfirstyouinsulinsinsulindoesyou draw

    Regular and NPH can be mixed. Rapid acting or Regular insulin is drawn up first, followed by intermediate/long acting insulin use within 15 minutes. 3. Mixing insulin for future use : a.

    Subsequently, question is, which insulin do you draw up first clear or cloudy? Inject air into the cloudy insulin vial first, before injecting air into the clear insulin vial. Always draw clear insulin into the syringe before drawing cloudy insulin. Only insulins from the same source should be mixed together, for example, Humulin R and Humulin N are both from human source and can be mixed.

    Regarding this, why do you draw up regular insulin first?

    When mixing rapid- or short-acting insulin with intermediate- or long-acting insulin, the clear rapid- or short-acting insulin should be drawn into the syringe first. After the insulin is drawn into the sy- ringe, the fluid should be inspected for air bubbles.

    What is the correct procedure for drawing up mixed insulin?

    Steps for preparing a mixed dose of insulin

  • Rolling the bottles gently.
  • Cleaning the lids of the bottles.
  • Drawing air into the syringe for the cloudy insulin dose.
  • Forcing air into the cloudy insulin bottle.
  • Drawing air into the syringe for the clear insulin dose.
  • Forcing air into the clear insulin bottle.
  • Drawing clear insulin into the syringe.
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    Can Nph And Regular Insulin Be Given Together

    4.5/5insulinsinsulincanNPHadministeredRegularNPH canread here

    NPH +Regular insulin: Always draw the Regular insulin into the syringe first. Phosphate-buffered insulins should NOT be mixed with lente insulins. Zinc phosphate may precipitate, and the longer-acting insulin will convert to a short-acting insulin to an unpredictable extent.

    Similarly, how do you mix and administer insulin? Prepare the Insulin and Syringe

  • Remove the plastic cap from the insulin bottle.
  • Roll the bottle of insulin between your hands two to three times to mix the insulin.
  • Wipe off the rubber part on the top of the insulin bottle with an alcohol pad or cotton ball dampened with alcohol.
  • Then, when mixing insulin which is drawn up first?

    When you mix regular insulin with another type of insulin, always draw the regular insulin into the syringe first. When you mix two types of insulins other than regular insulin, it does not matter in what order you draw them into the syringe.

    What insulin Cannot mix?

    Some insulins, like glargine and detemer , cannot be mixed. Other insulins are already a combination of two types of insulin and should not be mixed.

    Insulin Analogs Are Now Replacing Human Insulin In The Us

    Insulins are categorized by differences in onset, peak, duration, concentration, and route of delivery.

    Human Insulin and Insulin Analogs are available for insulin replacement therapy. Insulins also are classified by the timing of their action in your body specifically, how quickly they start to act, when they have a maximal effect and how long they act.Insulin analogs have been developed because human insulins have limitations when injected under the skin. In high concentrations, such as in a vial or cartridge, human clumps together. This clumping causes slow and unpredictable absorption from the subcutaneous tissue and a dose-dependent duration of action . In contrast, insulin analogs have a more predictable duration of action. The rapid acting insulin analogs work more quickly, and the long acting insulin analogs last longer and have a more even, peakless effect.

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    Nph Insulin: Mixing Is Critical For Best Results

    With commentary by study author Geremia Brunetto Bolli, MD, professor of endocrinology, Perugia University School of Medicine, Perugia, Italy

    Patients on insulin known as NPH are often reminded that they need to re-suspend it before use by shaking it or rolling it in the palm of their hand.

    However, doctors know that patients often hurry and don’t take the time to mix up this kind of insulin before using it. Now, a new study suggests how crucial that step is. Italian researchers compared the effects of mixing or not mixing NPH insulin on the insulin concentrations in the blood.

    “It is well known that NPH insulin needs resuspension prior to its use,” says Geremia Brunetto Bolli, MD, professor of endocrinology at the Perugia University School of Medicine in Perugia, Italy, who led the study. “However, the different glucose lowering effect of re-suspended versus non-resuspended NPH was not known,” he says.

    In his study, he found that non resuspended NPH insulin ”may result in an approximately twofold difference” in the effect on insulin levels in the blood. His study was published online Sept. 10 in Diabetes Care. So it is important that NPH is properly resuspended prior to its use, says Dr. Bolli.

    NPH insulin use is probably more common overseas, he says, but is still in use in the U.S. “If you don’t turn it upside down, the insulin doesn’t disperse equally,” Dr. Mezitis says. And it doesn’t work as well. “The blood sugar is not going to be controlled as well.”

    Can You Take Short And Long


    Long-acting insulins have no peak and last for up to 24 hours. Ultra Long-acting insulins have no peak and last for 24 hours or more. Mixtures of insulin can sometimes be combined in the same syringe, for example, intermediate-acting and rapid- or short-acting insulin. Not all insulins can be mixed together.

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    Do You Inject Air Into Regular Insulin First

    The amount of air in the syringe should be equal to the part of the dose that you will be taking from the first bottle. Inject the air into the first bottle. Do not draw the insulin yet. Next, draw into the syringe an amount of air equal to the part of the dose that you will be taking from the second bottle.

    What Do I Need To Tell My Doctor Before I Take Insulin Nph And Insulin Regular

    • If you are allergic to insulin NPH and insulin regular any part of insulin NPH and insulin regular or any other drugs, foods, or substances. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had.
    • If you have low blood sugar.

    This is not a list of all drugs or health problems that interact with insulin NPH and insulin regular .

    Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all of your drugs and health problems. You must check to make sure that it is safe for you to take insulin NPH and insulin regular with all of your drugs and health problems. Do not start, stop, or change the dose of any drug without checking with your doctor.

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