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HomeIs Coke Zero Good For Diabetics

Is Coke Zero Good For Diabetics

A Possible Danger Asparatame

Is COKE ZERO bad for Type 2 Diabetic? – PART 2 – Effect of soda to blood sugar

Aspartame is one of the most popular artificial sweeteners available. Aspartame is also known as: NutraSweet and Equal. Aspartame is approved by the FDA but

The California Environmental Protection Agency and others have urged that independent scientists conduct new animal studies to resolve the cancer question. In 2005, researchers at the Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna, Italy, conducted the first such study. The study found that rats exposed to aspartame starting at eight weeks of age and continuing through their entire lifetimes developed lymphomas, leukemias, and other tumors, including kidney tumors, which are extremely rare in the strain of rat used. In 2007, the same researchers published a follow-up study that exposed rats to aspartame beginning in the womb and continuing through their entire lifetimes. That study, too, found that aspartame caused leukemias/lymphomas, as well as mammary cancer. Then in 2010, they published a study that exposed mice to aspartame, starting in the womb and continuing throughout their entire lifetimes. That third study found that aspartame caused liver and lung cancer in male mice.

Coke Zero Was Marketed As A Men’s Soda

When Coke Zero first debuted in 2005, the product’s marketing was angled towards one very specific group of people: men. And this hasn’t really changed over the years, either. In 2013, Coca-Cola ran a series of ads suggesting Coke Zero was the birthright of “guys being guys.” When the company began introducing that neat little gimmick where you could get names printed on cans, the advertising for the generic words used on Diet Coke and Coke Zero cans couldn’t have been more different: Diet Coke featured epithets such as “BFF,” “Star,” and “Go-Getter,” whereas Coke Zero cans were emblazoned with the words “Grillmaster,” “Wingman,” “Gamer,” and “Bros.”

There’s a reason for this too: Apparently, men won’t drink Diet Coke. In the past, Coke has tried to convince men to buy and drink Diet Coke, with lackluster results. Arguably, this comes down to the perception that diet products are inherently feminine and apparently Diet Coke’s white can doesn’t exactly help, either.

But Coke Zero, with its black can and male-oriented marketing strategy, has been far more successful. According to Harvard Business School lecturer Jill J. Avery, what Coke quickly realized “was that even though there was a functional need for men to drink lower-calorie soda, men couldn’t bridge the gender gap image-wise without a new brand and product just for them. It was a way to tell men, it’s OK, here’s your brand. Drinking this brand won’t affiliate you with women.”

Acesulfame Potassium Or Ace K:

Acesulfame potassium or Ace k is the second sweetener to find in Coke zero, enough to increase Coke Zeros health risks. How?

Acesulfame potassium is made of many compounds, one of which is carcinogen methylene chloride. Methylene chloride is associated with risks of headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver effects, kidney effects, visual disturbances, and in the worst cases, cancer.

If you are still confused about, is coke zero bad for you or not, check the following lines.

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Are There Associated Risks For Diabetics Consuming Zero Coke

It should be noted that even though sweeteners contained within a Diet Coke do not have a direct effect on the sugar levels of the blood, they may still lead to issues. Based on research carried out by the Harvard School of Public Health, the sweet taste which Coke Zero has may confuse your brain.

Normally, sweet foods usually contain quite a lot of calories. Hence when you drink a Coke Zero, your brain by default would be expecting you to take in more calories. In a situation where you dont, there would be an increase in your hunger levels thus making you eat more to make up for the calories your brain was initially expecting.

Also, the cravings you may be having may be cravings for carbohydrates which can affect your blood sugar levels. Hence, indirectly, Coke Zero may affect the glucose level of your blood if you dont take care.

What Drink Will Lower Blood Sugar

Is Coke Zero Good For Diabetes

Consider steeping a cup of green tea, which contains 28 milligrams of caffeine, according to the Mayo Clinic, and may help fend off diabetes. A review of studies suggested that green tea and green tea extract may help lower blood glucose levels and may play a role in helping prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity.

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Does Pepsi Max Affect Blood Sugar Levels

Bottom Line: Artificial sweeteners do not raise blood sugar levels, and are considered safe alternatives to sugar for diabetics.

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The Secret Recipe Of Coke Zero

Considering such a big deal is made out of the ingredients in Coke Zero, it’s probably worth taking a deeper dive into just what this particular soft drink contains.

According to Coca-Cola, Coke Zero contains exactly nine ingredients: carbonated water, caramel color, phosphoric acid, aspartame, potassium benzoate, natural flavors, potassium citrate , acesulfame potassium, and caffeine.

Many of these speak for themselves we don’t need to tell you what carbonated water is, for example. The exact make-up of the natural flavors aren’t known for certain, since the company likes to keep the recipe on the down-low, but past suggestions of ingredients include lime juice, vanilla, caramel, orange oil, lemon oil, nutmeg oil, coriander, neroli, and cinnamon. For what it’s worth, Coke Zero contains 34 milligrams per 12 fluid ounces of caffeine the exact same amount as a can of regular Coca-Cola.

In terms of nutritional information… well, there basically isn’t any. Coke Zero contains no fat, no carbohydrates, no sugars, no protein, practically no minerals , no calories and only 40 milligrams of sodium around 2 percent of your daily guideline amount. Don’t get too excited, though a clean sheet like this doesn’t necessarily mean Coke Zero is good for you.

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Can Diabetics Drink Sprite Zero

Sprite zero contains artificial sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame potassium, which do not contain any carbohydrate form. It neither raises the blood sugar level nor lowers the blood sugar level. So if any diabetic patient drinks sprite zero it will not cause any harm or benefit. So diabetics can drink sprite zero without any tension.

Do Diet Soft Drinks Cause Diabetic Retinopathy

Is Coke Zero Sugar good for diabetics? Coca Cola No Sugar review, Caffeine, Sweetener health effects

A study published in Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology linked soft drinks and diabetic retinopathy. This study showed that people who have diabetes and consume more than 1,5 liters diet soft drinks per week are at increased risk of getting proliferative diabetic retinopathy.

However, the Australian Medical Journal recently published a study done in 2020. It concluded that Diet soda and non-nutritive sweeteners were not associated with diabetic retinopathy, irrespective of gender or body mass index. Diabetic retinopathy was associated with the duration of DM after its first diagnosis.

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Can I Drink Cocacola If I Have Diabetes

We recommend that anyone with diabetes who has questions about their diet contact their doctor. For people who want to reduce their sugar and calorie intake, including those with diabetes, we offer a variety of great-tasting drinks with reduced, low or no sugar and calories, like Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Fanta Zero and Sprite Zero. Its also why we offer many of our drinks in small pack sizes. We provide information on how much sugar and how many calories are in our drinks, so people can choose what makes sense for them and their families For more information visit Diabetes UK.Continue reading > >

Coke Zero Has Had Other Marketing Mishaps

Australia wasn’t the last of Coke Zero’s marketing woes, however. When the product was released in the UK, Coca-Cola attracted flak for its Coke Zero launch campaign. It featured a number of ads with various straplines, playing on the idea that Coke Zero contains the best part of Coca-Cola without the worst prat. Many of these straplines were criticized for being offensive to various groups. “Girlfriends without a five-year plan,” for example, sparked complaints for implying that all women want to do is settle down. “Gigs without tall people” was criticized for marginalizing tall people and encouraging verbal and physical abuse. Most of all, however, “Blind dates without the psychos” attracted criticism from mental health charities, such as the Scottish anti-stigma campaign See Me.

In a statement on behalf of Coca-Cola, a spokesperson said: “Mental health is a sensitive issue and we appreciate that this ad may offend some people.”

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The Myth About Diet Drinks

Its interesting because diet drinks and diet foods were largely introduced from the 1960s aside the discovery of many of the artificial sweeteners. Being that we had a growing obesity problem we thought that these high intensity sweeteners would help people cut out sugar filled sodas and therefore reduce their calorie intake.

While this is a good philosophy, it hasnt turned out to be quite like that at all. Our rates of diabetes and obesity have sky rocketed since then. So have diet drinks helped the problem?

Definitely not.

In fact, evidence shows the opposite effect, that diet sodas increase weight gain rather than help weight loss. Artificial sweeteners disrupt hormonal and neurological signals of hunger and fullness, meaning they mess with your normal metabolism and interfere with the messages that should occur.

I wrote about all these artificial sweeteners recently over here, and Id recommend you read it.

The Lowdown On Diet Soda

Can Diabetics Drink Sprite Zero

Research suggests a strong link between regularly drinking diet soda and type 2 diabetes. One study found that the artificial sweeteners in diet soda are harmful to gut bacteria, and there’s a resulting relationship between drinking diet soda and increased insulin resistance, weight gain, and diabetes.

Scientists have proposed that other behaviors that go along with drinking diet soda are to blame for weight gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes. There seems to be both a direct and indirect effect between drinking diet soda and diabetes.

However, the artificial sweeteners in diet soda and other sugar-free beverages have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration . They have not been found to cause other health issues and can provide flexibility for planning diabetes-friendly meals.

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Which Is Better Coke Zero Or Diet Coke

Coke Zero looks and tastes like Coca-Cola classic, but Diet Coke has a lighter taste than the original. For those looking to recreate the experience of drinking a classic Coke, Coke Zero is the way to go. If you want a slightly different blend of flavors, Diet Cokes lighter taste is refreshing and tasty.

Diet Soda Isnt Nutritious

Diet soda is essentially a mixture of carbonated water, artificial or natural sweetener, colors, flavors, and other .

It usually has very few to no calories and no significant nutrition. For example, one 12-ounce can of Diet Coke contains no calories, sugar, fat, or protein and 40 mg of sodium .

However, not all sodas that use artificial sweeteners are low in calories or sugar-free. Some use sugar and sweetener together. For example, one can of Coca-Cola Life, which contains the natural sweetener , contains 90 calories and 24 grams of sugar .

While recipes differ from brand to brand, some common ingredients in diet soda include:


Diet soda is a mixture of carbonated water, artificial or natural sweeteners, colors, flavors, and extra components like vitamins or caffeine. Most varieties contain zero or very few calories and no significant nutrition.

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Other Potential Harms From Consuming Coke Zero

As a person with diabetes, often the main concern is your sugar levels. However, this is hardly the only thing that can affect your diabetes. Drinking diet sodas may not have a direct on your sugar levels, but they can affect other factors that worsen your diabetes.

Some studies show that drinking artificially sweetened drinks can often lead to an increase in heart disease. In one study, a substantial link was found between women who drank artificially sweetened drinks and an increased risk of heart disease when they had no prior history of these risks.

Additionally, the high phosphorus content in sodas can often lead to kidney damage, which may further complicate your diabetes. In this study, researchers showed that people who drank more than seven glasses of diet soda per week had twice the risk of kidney disease in the future.

As mentioned above, gut health is an increasingly popular health concern and one that diet sodas can affect. In both of these studies scientists concluded that an increased amount of diet sodas in a persons diet can alter their gut microbiome, which is in charge of controlling a persons blood sugar content.

Finally, the last major common health concern when drinking diet sodas is the possibility of increased risk of osteoporosis. One study found that people who drink diet soda daily had a lower done mineral density.

Benefits Of Staying Hydrated

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Staying hydrated is vital for general health, and even more so for people with diabetes. Drinking ample fluid throughout the day can help support glucose control by flushing out excess sugar in the blood through urine.

At the same time, being dehydrated is a common side effect of diabetes. When the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or becomes less sensitive to insulin , sugar can build up in the bloodstream, forcing the kidneys to work extra hard and increasing the production of urine .

Ultimately, the body becomes dehydrated as fluid is pulled from the organs and tissues. Keeping on top of your fluid intake can help support your kidneys and keep your other organs healthy, while at the same time stabilizing your glucose levels.

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Aspartames Effects On Diabetes And Weight Loss

When it comes to diabetes and weight loss, one of the first steps many people take is to cut empty calories from their diets. This often includes sugar.

Aspartame has both pros and cons when considering diabetes and obesity. First, the Mayo Clinic states that, in general, artificial sweeteners may be beneficial for those with diabetes. Still, this doesnt necessarily mean that aspartame is the best sweetener of choice you should ask your doctor first.

Sweeteners may also help weight loss efforts, but this is usually only the case if you consume a lot of sugar-containing products before trying to lose weight. Switching from sugary products to those containing artificial sweeteners may also reduce the risk of cavities and tooth decay.

According to a 2014 PLoS One study , rats that were fed aspartame had lower body masses overall. One caveat to the results was that these same rats also had more gut bacteria as well as increased blood sugar. This increase in blood glucose was also linked to insulin resistance.

The research is far from conclusive about how aspartame and other nonnutritive sweeteners affect these diseases and others.

Drinks For People With Type 2 Diabetes

Choosing the right drinks for people with diabetes is as important as choosing the right foods, and it isnt always simple. Is coffee helpful or harmful to insulin resistance? Does zero-calorie diet soda affect your blood sugar? Some studies may only add to the confusion. We reviewed the research and then asked three top registered dietitians, who are also certified diabetes educators, what they tell their clients about seven everyday drinks for people with diabetes. Heres what to know before you sip.

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Coke Zero And Diabetes Risk

Coke Zero is sugar-free. However, the sugar substitutes it contains may not necessarily be a healthier option for people looking to reduce their risk of diabetes.

A 14-year study in 66,118 women observed an association between drinking artificially sweetened beverages and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes .

Another study in 2,019 people showed a link between both sugar-sweetened drinks and artificially sweetened diet beverages and type 2 diabetes, suggesting that switching to diet soda may not lower your diabetes risk .

Whats more, in an 8-year study in 64,850 women, consuming artificially sweetened beverages increased the risk of diabetes by 21%, though the risk for those drinking sugar-sweetened beverages was even higher at 43% .

Interestingly, other studies have found opposing results.

A 14-year study in 1,685 middle-aged adults did not find any association between diet soda intake and an increased risk of prediabetes .

The results from these studies are conflicting and dont provide an exact explanation of how artificially sweetened beverages increase your risk of diabetes. Therefore, more research is needed.


Though Coke Zero is sugar-free, its artificial sweeteners are controversial. Still, research on the effects of artificial sweeteners on diabetes risk is mixed, and more studies are needed to fully understand a possible connection.

Artificial Sweeteners And Weight Loss

Is Coke Zero Bad For Type 2 Diabetes

Research results on the effects of Coke Zero and other artificially sweetened beverages on weight loss are mixed.

One 8-year observational study found that people who drank more than 21 artificially sweetened beverages per week almost doubled their risk of overweight and obesity, compared with people who didnt consume these kinds of drinks .

The same study noted that total daily calorie intake was lower in individuals who drank diet beverages despite their increase in weight. This suggests that artificial sweeteners may influence body weight in other ways than calorie intake .

Another study observed that drinking diet soda was associated with greater waist circumference over 910 years .

On the other hand, many human intervention studies indicate that the use of artificial sweeteners is either neutral or beneficial for weight management.

In one 6-month, randomized, controlled study, people with overweight or obesity experienced moderate weight loss of 22.5% of their body weight when replacing caloric beverages with diet beverages or water .

In another study, people in a 12-week weight loss program who drank artificially sweetened beverages lost 13 pounds , while those drinking water lost 9 pounds .

Thus, the evidence on the effects of artificially sweetened beverages on weight management are conflicting, and more research is needed.

Similarly to regular soda, drinking diet sodas like Coke Zero is associated with an increased risk of tooth erosion.

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