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How To Raise My Blood Sugar

Medication And Supplements May Contribute To Blood Sugar Changes

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Illness itself can increase blood sugar levels, but so can illness-fighting medication. A number of over-the-counter and prescription drugs even some vitamins and supplements can raise blood sugar. Examples include corticosteroids, asthma medication, birth control pills, certain antidepressants, and some medication for severe acne, Dodell says. While the exact causes arent completely clear, research suggests that changes in blood flow as well as direct effects on insulin release and receptors may explain why blood-pressure-lowering medication has the potential to spike blood sugar.

Its therefore important to let your doctor know about each and every medication you take, whether OTC or prescribed by another doctor, he says. They may be able to help you find an alternative medication that is better for your blood sugar levels or, alternatively, simply help you manage your blood sugar despite any sugar-increasing medicine.

Nighttime Low Blood Sugar

While low blood sugar can happen at any time during the day, some people may experience low blood sugar while they sleep. Reasons this may happen include:

  • Having an active day.
  • Being physically active close to bedtime.
  • Taking too much insulin.
  • Drinking alcohol at night.

Eating regular meals and not skipping them can help you avoid nighttime low blood sugar. Eating when you drink alcohol can also help. If you think youre at risk for low blood sugar overnight, have a snack before bed.

You may wake up when you have low blood sugar, but you shouldnt rely on that. A continuous glucose monitor can alert you with an alarm if your blood sugar gets low while youre sleeping.

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Michael Menna, DO, is a board-certified, active attending emergency medicine physician at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, New York.

If you have high blood sugar, a condition also known as hyperglycemia, theres too much sugar in your blood and not enough insulin in your body to lower it. In people with diabetes, hyperglycemia can be caused by things like eating too many carbohydrates, lack of physical activity, stress from an illness or infection, nondiabetes medications , or skipping or not taking enough glucose-lowering medication.

Hyperglycemia requires immediate treatment to prevent serious complications, including nerve, tissue, and organ damage diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome . While taking rapid-acting insulin is the quickest way to lower your blood sugar, there are other ways like exercising and staying hydrated that can help. In cases of an emergency, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

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When To See A Doctor

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According to the University of Michigan, blood sugar levels of 300 mg/dL or more can be dangerous. They recommend calling a doctor if you have two readings in a row of 300 or more.

See your doctor if you have consistently high blood sugar levels. Symptoms of this include:

  • increased thirst
  • high levels of sugar in urine

Ask your doctor how often to check your blood sugar and about your ideal blood sugar levels.

If you dont currently see a doctor who specializes in diabetes, known as an endocrinologist, you can find one by searching the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists website.

You can find a certified diabetes educator by visiting the American Diabetes Associations website and searching by zip code.


Talk to your doctor if you have consistently high blood sugar readings or symptoms of chronic hyperglycemia.

Checking your blood sugar and then treating hyperglycemia early will help prevent any complications.

Health problems can arise when someone has high blood sugar regularly and without treatment.

Examples of complications include:

  • nerve damage, called diabetic neuropathy, that may affect sensations in the feet and hands
  • diabetic retinopathy, or damage to the blood vessels in the eyes that affects vision
  • increased risks for kidney problems
  • increased risks for heart problems

Taking steps to keep your blood sugar at target levels can help to minimize the likelihood that these complications will occur.

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Medications That Affect Blood Sugar

Some medicines that are used for other conditions such as high blood pressure, COPD, or depression can affect your blood sugar. Some over the counter medicines can affect your blood sugar. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine all affect your blood sugar.

Below are lists of some of the medicines that might cause your blood sugar to increase or decrease. Do not stop taking prescription medicines or change the dose without talking to your doctor. Always let your doctor know what over the counter medicines, vitamins and supplements you take.

Why Does Blood Sugar Go Up In The Morning What Is The Dawn Phenomenon

There are a few main reasons why your glucose levels may be higher in the morning. One of these is known as the dawn phenomenon.

The dawn phenomenon occurs early in the morning between 3 am and 8 am while you are still asleep. As morning approaches, the body naturally signals your liver to produce glucose, giving your body the energy it needs for the start of the day. Caused by changes in hormonal levels, the dawn phenomenon happens to all people, with or without diabetes. However, for those without diabetes, insulin levels increase and they do not experience hyperglycemia.

Another reason you may experience higher morning glucose levels is because your injected insulin wears off. If your body has insufficient insulin during the night, your glucose levels may start to rise. To combat this, you may consider trying a new basal insulin, adjusting the timing and amount of your basal dose , or changing your nighttime basal rates .

The last reason you may experience higher morning glucose levels is known as the Somogyi effect. This occurs if your glucose levels fall too low during the night, caused by too much insulin or medication. To respond, your liver produces more glucose to try to maintain your glucose levels, which may result in hyperglycemia. The Somogyi effect is not as common as the other reasons described.

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  • Eat some protein and fiber. Stabilize your blood sugar by eating some slow-digesting protein and fiber.
  • Go to a yoga class. Eighty percent of people say they eat more sweets when they’re stressed out.
  • Prep a healthy meal for later.
  • Eat some probiotic foods.
  • Low Blood Sugar Levels In Diabetes

    HOW TO TREAT LOW BLOOD SUGAR!! Snacks More! | Laina Elyse

    People with diabetes can have low blood sugar levels because of the medicines they have to take to manage their diabetes. They may need a hormone called or diabetes pills to help their bodies use the sugar in their blood.

    These medicines help take the sugar out of the blood and get it into the body’s cells, which makes the blood sugar level go down. But sometimes it’s a tricky balancing act and blood sugar levels can get too low.

    People with diabetes need to keep their blood sugars from getting too highor too low. Keeping blood sugar levels in a healthy range means balancing when and what they eat, and when they exercise with when they take medicines.

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    Broccoli Or Broccoli Sprouts

    Sulforaphane is a sulfur-containing compound naturally found in cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and broccoli sprouts. Sulforaphane can help lower blood sugar by increasing glucose uptake from the bloodstream by regulating signaling proteins that control liver cells and their response to insulin.

    Liver cells produce ceramides, fatty lipid molecules that can cause insulin resistance. Sulforaphane has been shown to block an enzyme involved in the synthesis of ceramides. By inhibiting this gene, sulforaphane can decrease ceramide levels and improve insulin sensitivity by decreasing insulin resistance. When insulin sensitivity is increased, the body has an improved ability to release insulin when blood sugar is high to bring levels back down.

    Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli also contain glucosinolates, sulfur, and nitrogen compounds that can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce glucose levels in the blood.

    What Are Blood Sugar Targets

    A blood sugar target is the range you try to reach as much as possible. These are typical targets:

    • Before a meal: 80 to 130 mg/dL.
    • Two hours after the start of a meal: Less than 180 mg/dL.

    Your blood sugar targets may be different depending on your age, any additional health problems you have, and other factors. Be sure to talk to your health care team about which targets are best for you.

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    Blood Sugar Spike Causes

    Blood sugar levels fluctuate all day long. When you eat food, particularly those foods that are high in carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, or pasta, your blood sugar will immediately begin to rise.

    If your blood sugar is consistently high, you need to talk to your doctor about improving your diabetes management. Blood sugar rises when:

    • youre not taking enough insulin
    • your insulin isnt lasting as long as you think it is
    • youre not taking your oral diabetes medication
    • your medication dosage needs adjusting
    • youre using expired insulin
    • youre not following your nutritional plan
    • you have an illness or infection
    • youre using certain medications, like steroids
    • youre under physical stress, such as an injury or surgery
    • youre under emotional stress, such as trouble at work or home or with money problems

    If your blood sugar is usually well-controlled, but youre experiencing unexplained blood sugar spikes, there might be a more acute cause.

    Try keeping a record of all the food and drinks you consume. Check your blood sugar levels according to your doctors recommendations.

    Its common to record your blood sugar reading first thing in the morning, before youve eaten, and then again two hours after eating. Even a few days of recorded information can help you and your doctor discover whats causing your blood sugar spikes.

    Common culprits include:

    Pick Fruit For Natural Sugars

    Foods that Can Help You To Lower Blood Sugar Easily

    Watermelon, pineapple, bananas and grapes are fruits with a high glycemic index that can quickly raise your blood sugar. The glycemic index, or GI, of processed foods tends to be higher than fresh foods. Dried fruits, such as raisins and dried dates, can quickly raise your blood sugar levels. Fruit juice raises your blood sugar more rapidly than fresh fruit. To help replenish your body’s energy stores, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach suggests that you consume 8 ounces of fruit juice within 30 minutes of finishing a workout.

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    Normal Postmeal Blood Sugar Levels

    Checking your blood glucose one to two hours after eating can help you understand how your blood sugar reacts to the food you consume. It can also offer insight into whether you’re taking the right dose of insulin or if you need to follow up with your healthcare provider to discuss medication and diet or lifestyle adjustments.

    There are two ways you can measure your blood glucose levels: by pricking your fingertip using a glucometer or by using continuous glucose monitoring. How often you should check your glucose levels varies from a few times per week to four to six times each day. As a general rule, the American Diabetes Association recommends keeping blood sugar below 180 mg/dL one to two hours after eating.

    However, your target blood sugar range will depend on the following:

    • Duration of diabetes

    What If I Have Severe Low Blood Glucose And Cant Treat Myself

    Glucagona hormone that raises blood glucose levelsis the best way to treat severely low blood glucose. Available as an injection or a nasal spray, glucagon will quickly raise your blood glucose level. Your doctor can prescribe you a glucagon kit for use in case of an emergency.

    If your blood glucose level drops very low, you wont be able to treat it by yourself. Be prepared to address severely low blood glucose by

    • talking with your doctor or health care team about when and how to use a glucagon emergency kit. If you have an emergency kit, regularly check the date on the package to make sure it hasnt expired.
    • teaching your family, friends, and coworkers when and how to give you glucagon. Tell them to call 911 right away after giving you glucagon or if you dont have a glucagon emergency kit with you.
    • wearing a medical alert identification bracelet or pendant. A medical alert ID tells other people that you have diabetes and need care right away. Getting prompt care can help prevent the serious problems that low blood glucose levels can cause.

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    How To Raise Blood Sugar

    For optimal body function it is necessary to maintain a certain blood sugar level, when the blood sugar levels drops below the cut off point of 3.35 mmol/l the condition is known as hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar level.

    Hypoglycaemia mainly occurs in people with glucose metabolism defects and can lead to dizziness, sweating, tremor, hunger, loss of energy and other symptoms. If you suffer from hypoglycaemia you need to know how to raise your blood sugar levels in case they drop.

    Glucose acts as the main fuel for the body and all the food consumed is eventually converted into glucose. Insulin helps to convert glucose into energy. Carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, juices and sweets are instant sources of glucose.

    How Is Ozempic Different From Glp

    How to Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Increase Time in Range

    GLP-1 is a naturally occurring hormone found in all people. Ozempic shares 95% of the same structure as human GLP-1 but is synthetically manufactured. Semaglutide has been modified structurally to prevent it from being broken down by an enzyme in the blood called dipeptidyl peptidase-4 or DPP-4.

    The formulation causes Ozempic to have a long duration of action and it is an example of a once weekly GLP-1. Another example of long acting GLP-1 is Trulicity .

    Drugs that block the action of DPP-4 are called DPP-4 inhibitors and these have been used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes for many years. By blocking the enzyme that breaks down naturally occurring GLP-1 they increase amount of GLP-1 in the body. inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus). Examples of DPP-4 inhibitors include:

    • sitagliptin
    • linagliptin
    • alogliptin

    If a person is taking a GLP-1 therapy they should NOT also be taking a DDP4 inhibitor.

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    How Does Illness Affect Diabetes

    Illness and infections, as well as other forms of stress, can raise your blood glucose levels. As part of the bodys defence mechanism for fighting illness and infection, more glucose is released into the blood stream. This can happen even if youre off your food or eating less than usual.

    People who dont have diabetes just produce more insulin to cope. But when youve got diabetes, your body cant do this. The symptoms of diabetes can add to those of the original illness or infection and make it much worse.

    Feeling or being sick, or having diarrhoea can make your blood sugar levels drop, because you’re not absorbing food as usual.

    How To Treat Low Blood Sugar

    If you think you have low blood sugar, be sure to check it.

    Keeping your blood sugar levels on target as much as possible can help prevent or delay long-term, serious health problems. While this is important, closely managing your blood sugar levels also increases your chance for low blood sugar . Blood sugar below 70 mg/dL is considered low. If you think you have low blood sugar, check it. If you arent able to check it, go ahead and treat it.

    Untreated low blood sugar can be dangerous, so its important to know what to do about it and to treat it immediately.

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    How Long Does It Take To Work

    Ozempic begins to work right after you inject it. But when youre first starting to take Ozempic, it takes several weeks for its full effects to build up.

    This means that you wont have the full effects of Ozempic until about four to five weeks after your first injection. After this time, youll have a steady amount of Ozempic in your body all the time to help manage your blood sugar levels.

    There are limited studies on Ozempics effects on human pregnancies. Animal studies show possible harm to a fetus. However, studies in animals dont always predict how a drug might affect humans.

    Ozempic should be only used if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risks.

    If youre pregnant or planning to become pregnant, talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of using Ozempic during pregnancy.

    Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Ozempic.


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