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How To Give Insulin To A Cat

What Happens If You Give Your Cat An Insulin Shot

How to Give Your Diabetic Cat an Insulin Injection

If you give your cat its injection right before feeding time and it doesnt eat, or vomits the food out, hypoglycemia can appear. It can also appear after your cat has had great exertion or vigorous exercise. If you see mild symptoms of hypoglycemia, the first thing to try is feeding your cat its regular food.

Older Cat With Diabetes

If you had a 15 year old cat who you had adopted when he was 1, and he was recently diagnosed with diabetes, what would you do? The long term prognoses is not good, but not horrible either. With diet modifications and medicine, he could live another couple of years. But he also might not respond to the medicine and die within a few months. The diet modification is no more dry food. Only wet food, and it needs to be a prescription diabetic food – probably about $50/month. Then there’s figuring out what doseage of insulin he needs. That will take probably three days of hospitalization and blood tests. Average cost is about $600. And the medicine is twice daily insulin injections. Cost $100/month. Can’t miss a day or he might get sick, so someone would need to stay in the house if you went on vacation or away for the weekend. Other than the newly diagnosed diabetes, he’s healthy and friendly. Sleeps a lot and no longer plays, but he’s old so that’s to be expected. So… would you pay $600 upfront and $150/month and give twice daily injections? Or would you put him to sleep? Would you do the new diet and medicine for a period of time to see if it worked and then reevaluate? I’ve already made my decision, just wondering if it’s the same one other people would make.Continue reading > >

Diabetes Mellitus In Cats

Diabetes is an inability of the body to regulate blood sugar caused by an abnormality of the pancreas and is the second most common endocrine disease in cats. It causes increased thirst, urination, appetite, and weight loss. Cats most commonly have type 2 diabetes caused by decreased insulin production or insulin resistance and it often is associated with obesity. Diabetes is diagnosed by measuring increased levels of glucose in the urine and blood. Diabetes treatment includes insulin injections and dietary manipulation. Changes in blood sugar must be monitored regularly. If cats receive too much insulin, they can become hypoglycemic resulting in weakness, coma or even death.

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The Perfect Way Of How To Euthanize A Cat At Home Without A Vet

Posted by Elena O’Reilly | Apr 25, 2020 | Cat | 0 |

Now that you finally realize that your lovely cat has become too old or sick and has to leave you forever. Many questions must have arisen in your mind, such as will it hurt them? Can I have to be with them during the process? How to euthanize a cat at home?

Completely knowing all such facts can give you and your family a quiet relief in such situations. A cat can quickly be euthanized both in your homes as well as in the clinic. Its your personal decision that depicts your love towards your cat and its responsibility for the same.

Knowing The Right Time

Prozinc Insulin For Cats Dosage

Is It the Pain of Their Old Age?

Discuss well, either with your friend or your vet that the symptoms your cat shows are due to old age or just arthritis problems. Such arthritis problems can be cured, and that is entirely different from the old age symptoms of your cat. Remember that cats do not show their pain and try to adapt to the pain within them. So you have to monitor such a condition. Some of the symptoms that you feel that can make you aware regarding euthanizing your cat.

  • Check if your cat eat, sleep and moves around comfortably
  • Does she or he responds to your signal and greets you as before
  • Do they now feel interested in their favorite food when you offer them
  • You may also witness vomiting in your catsalong with the degradation of its fur for no specific reason.

If you feel that there are negative results of all the above points, then perhaps your cat might need a euthanizing procedure to end its life peacefully. You and your family members can easily detect such awkward behavior of the cat. Many cats sadly die on their own in vacant areas of your house, while the others may need your help for this.

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Home Monitoring Is Possible

Home monitoring devices are available for pets, just like human diabetics use.

These cut down on vet visits and are great for the cat who is anxious at the vets office.

Some cats wont let you prick their ear for a drop of blood. Home monitoring is certainly not for everyone, or every cat. But its worth discussing with your vet.

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Cat Insulin Injection Sites

So you just found out that your cat has diabetes and the vet told you that your cat needs regular insulin shots? Do not worry, giving insulin to your cat is pretty straightforward, but the first step to fixing your cats diabetic health is knowing where to inject the insulin from. Are you aware of the most common cat insulin injection sites?

If not, fear not, because in this article, we will go through the best insulin injection sites for your cat as well as other tips that will ensure a smooth experience for both you and your cat.

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How To Administer Insulin To A Cat

This article was co-authored by Lauren Baker, DVM, PhD. Dr. Baker is a Veterinarian and PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Baker received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Wisconsin in 2016, and went on to pursue a PhD through her work in the Comparative Orthopaedic Research Laboratory.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 90% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 48,099 times.

Just like their human companions, cats can become diabetic. If your beloved feline has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be feeling nervous or overwhelmed at the thought of having to administer insulin injections to your cat. Fortunately, giving insulin to a cat is not a difficult or complicated process, and is not particularly painful or unpleasant for most cats. Help your diabetic cat by learning how to store and handle insulin, develop a good injection routine, and properly administer an injection.

A Potential Game Changer For Pets With Diabetes

How to give Insulin to a cat

UPDATE: Resources and information on COVID-19 testing and more.

When Olaf, a four-year-old Siberian husky, was diagnosed with diabetes in February, there wasnt anything his owners, Gina and Brian Dacey, wouldnt do to help him. Weve had him since he was a few weeks old, and hes really still just a baby, Gina Dacey said.

Pets with diabetes cannot properly use glucosea type of sugar found in the blood and the main source of energy for all the bodys cells. Glucose levels are primarily controlled by a hormone called insulin, which in pets with diabetes is either not produced or is insufficient for healthy living. Diabetic animals, just like many humans with the condition, must receive carefully timed daily injections of insulin to avoid developing life-threatening complications from their disease.

Already juggling the schedules of two small children and work, the couple rearranged their life to ensure someone would always be home to give Olaf his twice-daily insulin injections. Its definitely been a lifestyle change and learning curve for all of usespecially Olaf, whos used to getting treats from his human sister, Dacey said. Now my three-year-old daughter will tell him, You cant have a treat, because you have diabetes and we have to watch your blood sugar.

To learn more about participating in the diabetes clinical trials at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, email .

Genevieve Rajewski can be reached at .

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We Just Found Out My Cat Has Diabetes He Will Need Insulin 2 Times A Day My Mom Is Too Stressed To Take Care Of Him So She Wants To Put Him Down So

There’s no need to euthanize for this reason. A diabetic cat can be managed quite easily once the blood glucose level is regulated. Your question was cut off, but you can discuss the care and feeding of a diabetic cat with your veterinarian. You can also request a consultation and we can discuss the situation in more detail. Wow I am so sorry Hummer has diabetes! Unfortunately, your post was cut off, so I don’t know the question you are trying to ask. Diabetes can be managed with shots of insulin. There are some oral medications, but they have more side effects and are mainly used when insulin cant be used for some reason. You can talk with your vet and your mother to see if oral medications can be used instead of shots, which may be less stressful. I would discuss with your vet options for treating Hummer before putting him to sleep. If I haven’t answered your question, feel free to post again, or I’d be happy to consult with you to discuss things further. Ask a Vet for FREE now! Get trusted answers from verified pet experts standing by 24/7Continue reading > >

Unfortunately The Cost Of Insulin For Cats Is Ridiculous

And we were on such a good roll there with all those upsides to having a diabetic cat!

Oh well. Now weve reached a huge, honking downside: the skyrocketing costs of insulin.

When the first version of this article was published, in 2012, we mentioned that a bottle of Lantus insulin considered by many vets to be the first insulin choice for diabetic cats ran about $100.

Research has shown that early treatment with Lantus gives the best possibility of remission. Its labeled for human use for only 30 days, but veterinary experts believe its effective for several months past the expiration.

Anyway, $100 a bottle of this stuff wasnt too bad considering it can last a few months. But times have certainly changed. The cost has skyrocketed lately.

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Cost Of Insulin For Cats

An avid Petful reader wrote in to tell us she couldnt find Lantus for under $285 a bottle for her diabetic kitty.

She was correct. In the course of a few short years, the cost of Lantus more than tripled!

It is very expensive and very crazy, this reader told us. We agree.

Unfortunately, youre at the mercy of greedy Big Pharma when it comes to filling human scripts, such as insulin, for your pets.

Your vet may go to another insulin, PZI , when Lantus has not worked. Unfortunately, these other, less expensive insulins dont seem to work as well in cats.

Here are some simple facts about the cost of treating cat with diabetes today:

  • Lantus is, according to most specialists, the best choice for diabetic cats.
  • Newly diagnosed diabetic cats given Lantus as the first insulin have the best chance of remission. This means they may return to being a normal, non-diabetic cat.
  • Lantus means easier control of diabetes, which translates to fewer trips to the vet, which translates to less money spent.
  • Lantus is expensive, no matter how you cut it. The product will probably not be available as a generic for several more years.
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    How to Care for a Diabetic Cat

    Most owners are concerned that they may break the needle off in the skin but this is extremely unlikely to occur. The needle may bend but it is much more likely that the injection will end up outside the pet rather than inside when dealing with a wiggly pet. If you are unsure that your pet received the full amount of the injection, contact the hospital for instructions. Generally, if youre unsure how much you injected, do not administer more unless directed by your veterinarian.

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    Tip #: Come Up With A Game Plan For Feeding Your Diabetic Cat When You Have Another Cat In Your Home

    Ideally, you dont want your non-diabetic cat eating your diabetic cats food.

    There are a range of strategies you can consider, such as:

    • Placing food in strategic places around your home
    • Feeding your cats in separate rooms
    • High-tech solutions like special collars that trigger the lid to open on the right cats bowl

    Because each situation with multiple cats is unique, its best to chat with your veterinarian for tips for your cat family.

    If you live in the Castle Rock area, our veterinarians are happy to help.

    Maintain A Chart To Keep Your Family And Veterinarian Abreast Of Whats Happening With Your Pets Treatment And Consider Including The Following Information:

    • Feeding times
    • The time you gave the insulin to your pet
    • Any physical and behavioral changes

    Everyone needs to be committed to this routine. Any changes like increased urine, thirst, or appetite could indicate that the insulin needs to be adjusted but only do so under your veterinarians guidance. Your vet may also have your pet come in on a routine basis to reevaluate and test insulin levels. This is a critical part of treatment that you shouldnt ignore because insulin levels may need to be adjusted depending on test results and the pets overall health. We understand that life gets busy, and cats, in particular, can be challenging to get to the vet, but please bear in mind what a crucial role these vet visits play in your pets treatment plan. It may take some time for your pets insulin level to be controlled, so this step is essential.

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    What Happens If My Cat Misses An Injection

    In view of the fact that an overdose is significantly more dangerous than an underdose, there are some important principles where insulin management is concerned.

  • If there is any uncertainty about whether the dose has been given or whether the full amount of insulin was correctly injected, DO NOT repeat the injection. A single missed dose is far preferable to the risk of a double dose.
  • If a dose is missed, wait until the next time the insulin is due and administer the normal amount. Do not be tempted to give a dose in the meantime as this will lead to more instability.
  • If your cat becomes unwell, is vomiting or is refusing to eat, DO NOT give insulin. The amount of insulin required is related to how much food is eaten, and so if no food is eaten for more than a 12-hour period and is refused when offered, do not give the insulin and contact your vet for advice. They may recommend either skipping the dose, giving a part-dose or that your cat should be examined at the practice.
  • How Will My Cat Respond To Regular Insulin Injections

    How to Give Insulin to a Cat. Instructions form the vet for first time clients.

    Typically, cats tolerate the injections very well and do not find them to be uncomfortable. This is due to the tiny width of the insulin needles and the fact that they have a large amount of loose skin which is not painful to inject under . This comfort can be maintained in the long term by varying the site of injection across different areas of the back. This prevents one area of skin being consistently pierced, which eventually would lead to the development of inflammation. Anywhere that you can find loose skin is an acceptable place to inject.

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    Giving Injections To Cats

    Certain medical conditions can be controlled by the use of drugs that are only available in an injectable format. Two of these conditions are diabetes mellitus, which is controlled by daily insulin injections, and certain allergies, which are controlled by regular injections of allergenic extracts. In many cases, cat owners are willing and able to administer these medications at home. If you decide to provide this treatment to your cat, your veterinarian will review the specific administration technique and make sure that you are comfortable with it. The following questions and answers may help you make your decision.

    What Happens If My Dog Moves When I Give The Injection

    Ideally, have someone assist you while you give the injection, especially for your first few treatments.

    âTry offering the pet an appropriate treat as a distraction while you administer the injection.â

    Try offering the pet an appropriate treat as a distraction while you administer the injection. Some clients find that it is easiest to give their dog an injection while he is eating a meal. By injecting quickly, you can minimize your petâs movement. Most pet owners find that their pet becomes cooperative for these life-sustaining injections over time.

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    The Following Are Some Symptoms Of Diabetes In Your Pet That You Might Notice At Home:

    • Increased thirst
    • Muscle weakness
    • Weight loss even though the patient seems to be ravenous all the time

    Other conditions can cause similar symptoms, so vets will run a full blood panel and urinalysis. We may also conduct additional testing, such as fructosamine levels. If we determine your pet has diabetes, well start treatment.

    Most dogs have Type One diabetes. If the body is no longer producing insulin, the insulin must be supplemented by injections, usually twice daily. The veterinary staff will teach you how to give insulin injections at home and go over other treatment details, such as diet, exercise, and feeding routines. Feline diabetic patients can sometimes be controlled with diet and exercise changes alone, although other times, insulin injections are necessary.


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