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HomeMust ReadCan You Get Disability For High Blood Pressure And Diabetes

Can You Get Disability For High Blood Pressure And Diabetes

If Your Blood Sugar Is High

Can High Blood Pressure Qualify for SSDI? | Citizens Disability

Losing weight is the best way to get high blood sugar under control. Food is energy, McEvoy explains. If what goes in doesnt get burned off, it accumulates on your body. This leads to a buildup of fat, particularly in the abdomen, which can cause diabetes. Two effective tactics for helping lose extra pounds and prevent diabetes:

  • limiting your carbohydrate and sugar intake.
  • doing heart-pumping, heavy-breathing aerobic exercise.

If youre just getting started with diet changes and exercise, work with your doctor to come up with a combined plan thats best for your needs. Be sure to get your blood glucose levels monitored as recommended.

We can often cure type 2 diabetes before you need insulin, with weight loss and changes in lifestyle. Its reversible, especially when your glucose levels are in the mild range, McEvoy says. If your glucose levels are above normal, consider it a wake-up call.

Does Type 1 Diabetes Qualify For The Disability Tax Credit

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and kills the pancreas beta cells. As a result, sugar builds up in the blood instead of being used as energy. No, or very little, insulin is released into the body and must be administered as needed, which takes a significant amount of time, money, effort to maintain. About five to 10 percent of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes generally develops in childhood or adolescence but can grow in adulthood.

Type 1 diabetes requires consistent maintenance through things such as monitoring glucose levels, injecting insulin and more. If caring for the disease takes up to 14 hours per week to tend to, you will be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit.

Disability Tax Credit Guide For Diabetes

Over the last few decades, diabetes has been on the rise in Canada and is now one of the most common chronic diseases in the country, affecting close to 2.5 million Canadians.

With the numbers of those who have diabetes growing, many Canadians face hefty bills attached to the disease, costing thousands of dollars each year, which they must pay out of pocket.

If you are reading this article, you or a family member may have diabetes and you are probably looking for information about the Disability Tax Credit and how it can help Canadians suffering from diabetes.

We wrote this article to help diabetic Canadians better understand the Disability Tax Credit, whether theyre a Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic so that they can use the DTC and apply for it with confidence.

Among breaking down what the DTC is, if youre eligible, and more, we will also be explaining the following:

  • Does diabetes qualify for the Disability Tax Credit?
  • How much money can you receive if found eligible for Disability Tax Credit?
  • Am I automatically eligible for the Disability Tax Credit if I use an insulin pump?
  • The difference between type 1 and type 2 when applying for the Disability Tax Credit
  • Is life-sustaining therapy a marker for the Disability Tax Credit?
  • Common reasons those with diabetes are denied for the Disability Tax Credit

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Appealing Your Va Benefits Decision

If your condition worsened and prevents you from working, youre eligible to file an appeal. A VA benefits attorney can help you apply for the Total Disability Individual Unemployability benefit.

If you disagree with the VA disability rating, you may file a Clear and Unmistakable Error claim. This states that the rating is incorrect and should be set aside. Its the veterans duty to show that the C file facts and regulations or the VAs decision at the time of the ruling were wrong.

Its important to understand that CUE claims arent often approved. Thus, many veterans choose other legal approaches for appealing VA disability claims.

Incorrect back pay may present another reason for an appeal. All back payments should be from the effective date. Sometimes, the VA has an incorrect effective date which impacts the payment amount.

Whether you choose to file a VA disability appeal or a CUE VA appeal, you must begin within one year. This clock starts when you received the VA decision about your rating. Filing a CUE claim is a long process and may jeopardize your ability to later file a disability appeal.

How Diabetes Is Rated

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As with other conditions, Type 2 diabetes is rated by the VA according to the degree to which it impacts a veterans life. Ratings are on a scale from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. Higher percentage ratings equate to higher monthly compensation, which is why its vital that your claim accurately describes all of your symptoms.

At the low end, your diabetes will be considered 10% disabling if it can be managed by diet alone. At the high end, your diabetes will be considered 100% disabling if you need insulin injections more than once per day.

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Can I Get Disability For Chf High Blood Pressure Diabetes And Other Conditions

Question: I had a heart attack in November 2012 and I went back to work after being told I needed a pacemaker. In March of 2013, my heart rate went to 40 and I was hospitalized for a few days and then sent home. It did it again in June and they took me to surgery and gave me a pacemaker. The cardiologist says my bottom chamber was blocked. I was diagnosed with CHF, bradycardia, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, acid reflux, and sleep apnea. My blood pressure will not stay stable it’s been like that for years — my doctor says my blood pressure was controlling my heart. I am taking Carvedilol 2Continue reading > >

Can You Get Disability For High Blood Pressure And Diabetes

Both diabetes and high blood pressure can develop into serious medical conditions that prevent you from working your current job. You can typically control high blood pressure by making lifestyle changes combined with prescription medications. You may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits if you have not worked for 12 consecutive months and your medical records demonstrate that suffering from high blood pressure has caused one or more serious diseases.

Also referred to as hypertension, high blood pressure develops when the force required to move blood through the body reaches a dangerous level. Any measurement over 140/90 constitutes high blood pressure, which can contribute to more serious medical conditions such as stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease.

In 2011, the Social Security Administration removed endocrine disorders that include diabetes from its listing of eligible medical conditions for disability benefits. Although you cannot qualify for disability benefits under a Blue Book listing for disabilities, you might be eligible for financial assistance if you meet another listing in the medical guide used by the SSA to review disability claims.

For example, you might qualify for disability benefits under Section 11.14, which describes eligibility for applicants that suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Other healthcare complications resulting from diabetes include amputation and/or cardiovascular disease.

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When You Have Diabetes You’re More At Risk Of Heart Disease This Is Also Called Cardiovascular Disease Or Coronary Disease And Can Lead To Heart Attacks And Strokes

Cardiovascular disease affects your circulation too. And poor circulation makes other diabetes complications worse like problems with your eyes and feet.

Thats why its even more important to take good care of your heart when you have diabetes. Were here to explain why diabetes increases your risk of heart problems, and how you can reduce this risk.

Every week diabetes causes 530 heart attacks and 680 strokes in the UK

Let Attorney Carmichael Help You Win Your Fibromyalgia Disability Case

Understanding sugarâs effect on the brain, ADHD, Alzheimerâs, high blood pressure and diabetes

Experiencing fibromyalgia? Not able to work because of it? We can help. Social Security has a specific Social Security ruling that deals with fibromyalgia. Social Security Ruling 12-2p states that fibromyalgia can be the basis for a disability finding. But like with anything, in order for Social Security to consider the severity of your fibromyalgia, we must show that you have objective evidence to confirm the diagnosis. Also, with respect to fibromyalgia we need a doctor to observe upon physical examination that you have eleven out of eighteen positive tender points upon physical examination.

When you receive medical treatment, it is important that the doctor notes when hes physically examining you and showing where those tender points are because under Social Security Ruling 12-2p we need eleven out of eighteen positive tender points. In addition to that objective diagnosis of fibromyalgia required under the ruling, we also need your medical records to show the symptoms that you are experiencing.

Fibromyalgia causes individuals to experience a lot of symptoms certainly the biggest one: PAIN. You need to tell your doctor where you are experiencing pain and any other symptoms that you are experiencing. Also, if you are experiencing problems with fatigue, report that to your doctor.

If you have any questions about how to start a fibromyalgia claim or if you need help with your fibromyalgia case please give Disability Attorney Brian Carmichael a call at .

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Compensation For Secondary Service

When blood sugar levels are controlled with medication and lifestyle changes, people with diabetes can lead active lives. However, poorly controlled diabetes is linked to a wide range of disabling health conditions.

If you win a service-connection for your diabetes, any complication that arises out of your diabetes diagnosis may qualify as a secondary service-connected disability. Some of the common secondary conditions associated with diabetes include:

  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Coronary artery disease, heart attack, or stroke
  • Erectile dysfunction

Proper documentation is essential to receive full compensation for any secondary service- connected conditionsespecially if you are seeking Total Disability Individual Unemployability benefits. Working with a skilled attorney is the best way to ensure you have the evidence needed to win your case.

First You Must Meet Social Securitys Basic Eligibility Requirements: 1 Your Medical Condition Must Prevent You From Working And Must Last At Least 12 Months Or Be Expected To Last 12 Months And 2 You Must Have Worked Long Enough At A Job Where You Paid Social Security Taxes

Social Security will review your medical records to determine if your disability matches one of their impairment listings. It will look for organ damage and whether your high blood pressure is under control. If high blood pressure has damaged your vision, Social Security will evaluate your disability under visual disorders if you have had a stroke caused by high blood pressure, your disability would be evaluated under neurological disorders.

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Does Diabetes Count As A Disability In Canada

While diabetes is one of the eligible conditions under the DTC, you will only be eligible for the tax refund if you spend an excessive amount of time maintaining the disease.

Due to its impact on activities of daily living and the time spent maintaining the disease from constantly monitoring blood sugar levels to injecting insulin, the CRA considers diabetes a disability.

The CRA provides a tax refund to help offset the costs of insulin shots and lifestyle adaptations through the DTC, which is available to those with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. However, your physical and mental health conditions may/will also be considered.

The CRA will look at many different factors when determining if an individual is eligible for the DTC. To be found eligible, you must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Live with a prolonged impairment, marked restriction, two or more significant restrictions, or depend upon life-sustaining therapy.
  • You or your supporter pay federal taxes.

Should I Hire A Lawyer

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You can get through the application — and appeal — process without a lawyer. But appealing a rejection can be hard. So it can be helpful to have an attorney, especially one who specializes in this.

Protection and advocacy organizations can help you find a lawyer who will help you get through paperwork, get your medical records and other necessary information in order, and prepare you for your appeal hearing. They also can represent you in front of the judge.

The SSA must approve your attorneyâs fee, and itâs only paid if you win the appeal. The fee is either 25% of the benefits you earned from the date of your original application through the date your case is decided or $6,000 — whichever is lower.

You can find Protection and Advocacy organizations on the Social Security Administration’s website. The American Bar Association also has information on its website.

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Tip #: Receive Updated Mris Ct Scans Stress Tests Blood Tests And Blood Pressure Measurements

High blood pressure can occasionally be tricky to qualify with because it is a common diagnosis. When applying, your goal should be to show the Social Security Administration that your high blood pressure is more severe than the average case.

One of the best ways to do this is by providing up-to-date tests. MRIs and CT scans can show any areas of the body with damage due to blood pressure, such as the brain, eyes, or limbs.

Blood tests can show abnormalities or other disorders linked to your hypertension. And, of course, blood pressure measurements can measure the overall severity of your high blood pressure.

Tip #: Document All The Ways Your High Blood Pressure Limits You In Your Daily Life And At Your Workplace

Aside from medical terminology, the SSA needs to know all the ways your high blood pressure affects your life. No official medical knowledge is necessary here you need only to list your daily activities and the ways your high blood pressure limits you.

For example, if your condition leaves you with vision problems and shortness of breath, it may be difficult for you to go to the store or even cook for yourself on a daily basis.

Headaches or nausea may also make it difficult for you to even complete sedentary work, get from place to place, or take care of other family members. The more ways your high blood pressure limits you, the more likely you are to qualify for benefits.

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Service Connection In The Va Diabetes Claim

For Veterans who are trying to establish service connection for Diabetes, there are at many ways to skin the proverbial cat. Here are 4:

1) Get a copy of your C-File: I cant stress this enough. Without a copy of your C-File, you are battling the VA with blindfolds on.

2) Locate all references to the early symptomatology of diabetes in the military service and military medical records

3) Get copies of all of your private and post-service medical records.

4) Build a chain showing that the symptomatology of diabetes that first appeared in service continued from discharge until the actual diagnosis of diabetes.

To show that diabetes is secondary to another condition there must be some other injury which is already service connected, or which can be service-connected, and which is the cause of the Veterans diabetes.

I have seen many try to attempt this proof, and very few are successful.

#3:Service Connection by Legal Presumption.

If Diabetes is diagnosed in service, or if the symptoms of Diabetes present to a compensable degree within one year of discharge, the Veterans Diabetes will be presumed to be service-connected.

#4: Agent Orange Exposure.

On November 9, 2000, the VA announced that Vietnam veterans with Type-II diabetes would now be eligible for disability compensation.

So, for Veterans that set foot on soil in Vietnam, exposure to Agent Orange is presumed, and diabetes is then presumed connected to the Agent Orange exposure.

Determining Your Residual Functional Capacity

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If your diabetes is not severe enough or has not progressed long enough to meet one of the above disability listings then the SSA will assess your residual functional capacity . Your RFC is the most that you can do in a job for instance, you will receive an RFC for sedentary, light, medium, or heavy work. The SSA will review RFC opinions from your doctor, statements from your friends and family, your own statements, and your medical history to determine the amount of work you can perform. The SSA will also assume that you are following your treatment as prescribed, unless you provide good reasons for why you are not doing so.

Take our disability quiz to help you determine whether you qualify for benefits.

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What Is Hypertension In Veterans

According to the Mayo Clinic, hypertension is a common condition in veterans whereby the long-term force of the high blood pressure against your artery walls can cause a variety of health problems, such as heart disease or stroke.

Generally, blood pressure is determined in two ways: The amount of blood your heart pumps and The amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries.

The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.

A blood pressure reading is given in millimeters of mercury and it has two numbers.

These two numbers will affect your final VA disability rating for hypertension:

  • Top Number The first, or upper, number measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats.
  • Bottom Number The second, or lower, number measures the pressure in your arteries between beats.

How Does Va Rate Hypertension

The amount of your monthly compensation for hypertension depends on your disability rating. The VA assigns this rating based on the severity of your hypertension. If your application is approved, you will receive a rating from 0 to 100 percent . Your hypertension must be rated at 10 percent or higher to receive monthly compensation though a 0 percent rating still qualifies you for health care and other ancillary benefits.

Your rating depends on your blood pressure reading. Per § 4.104-10 Code 7101:

  • If your diastolic pressure is 130 or higher: 60 percent rating
  • If your diastolic pressure is 120 to 129: 40 percent rating
  • If your diastolic pressure is 110 to 119, or your systolic pressure is 200 or higher: 20 percent rating
  • If your diastolic pressure is 100 to 109, or your systolic pressure is 160 to 199: 10 percent rating

Your diagnosis of hypertension must be supported by evidence proving that two or more blood pressure readings were performed on three different days. This rule is in place to ensure that a diagnosis of hypertension is not based solely on readings taken on a single, perhaps unrepresentative, day.

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