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Can Watermelon Raise Your Blood Sugar

Where Is Watermelon On The Glycemic Index Scale

Can people with diabetes eat watermelon | Can watermelon raise your blood sugar? | Nature Cure Fit

The glycemic index is a measure of how fast food sugar goes into the bloodstream.

Each food product is ranked between 1 to 100. These values can be determined as per the comparison of each food item with the reference item. Here, the reference item can be sugar or white bread.

Glycemic load means summing up the GI and the actual carb content in any food serving. Foods having a low or medium GI are considered less expected to spike blood glucose levels.

  • Low: GI 55 or less
  • Medium: GI between 55 and 69
  • High: Anything above 70

Also, GLs under 10 are low, 10 to 19 are medium, and 19 and over are considered high.

A classic example is the watermelon glycemic index of 72 along with a GL of 2 per 100-gram serving. The glycemic load of the fruit is low and can be consumed in moderation similar to all fruits as part of a balanced meal.

Healthiest Fruits For People With Diabetes

All fruits have vitamins, phytochemicals, and other things that make them good for you. But some are more likely to lower your chances of chronic disease:

  • Blackberries. One cup of raw berries has 62 calories, 14 grams of carbohydrates, and 7.6 grams of fiber.
  • Strawberries. One cup of whole strawberries has 46 calories, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber.
  • Tomatoes. One cup of sliced or chopped tomatoes has 32 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrates, and 2 grams of fiber.
  • Oranges. One medium orange has 69 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber.

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Can Watermelon Raise Or Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Watermelon can raise blood sugar levels because it is a carbohydrate that you eat to give your body energy. However, water can also lower blood sugar levels when eaten before a meal since the fiber can slow down digestion time. This helps reduce how quickly food moves through your stomach so glucose can be released into your bloodstream at an even rate rather than all at once after eating fast foods that usually contain refined sugars. As mentioned earlier in this article about nutrients found in watermelon for diabetics, itâs actually good for people with diabetes to have small amounts of carbohydrates throughout the day so they are not deprived of important nutrients.

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Ditch The Working Lunch

Are you rushed, not properly chewing your food, and possibly suffering from gastrointestinal issues? Do you drink your food?

How you eat and drink matters. Studies are indicating that this has more of an impact than we previously thought.

When it comes to how you eat, let’s first look at mindful eating.

Mindful eating can help to promote more healthful eating behaviours. Simply put, it means to take smaller bites, eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and savour every bite. Notice and appreciate the smell, taste and texture. Breathe. Mindful eating helps to give your digestive system the hint to prepare for digestion and to secrete necessary enzymes.

Eating with attention and intention also addresses the role of hunger and satiety cues and stresses eating in response to those cues instead of eating in response to automatic patterns. This can also help with weight loss because eating slower often means eating less.

Did you know that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full?

Thought so!

We also know that more thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest and it makes it easier to absorb all of those essential nutrients.

And what about about drinking your food?

If youre keen on crafting your own smoothies, here are a few tips:

Is Watermelon Good For Diabetes

Can Watermelon Increase Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar or glucose levels. This occurs due to damaged beta cells in the pancreas, a gland located in the abdomen, that is responsible for secreting the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar concentrations. Once diabetes intensifies, it leads to many severe complications such as neuropathy, kidney failure and heart disease.Also Read:4 Types Of Diabetic Neuropathy: Prevention And Treatment

Consuming a small portion of fresh-cut watermelons or a glass of juice extracted from the fruit can benefit those with type 2 diabetes in many ways. Although watermelons have a high glycemic index of 72, they have a relatively lower glycemic load of 2 per 100-gram serving. In addition, it is also low in carbohydrates and calories, thereby not contributing to excess fat accumulating in body tissues. This aids in maintaining optimal body weight, which is crucial to improve the quality of life for those with diabetes.

Furthermore, watermelon seeds, which people normally tend to discard, can, in fact, be crushed, powdered and consumed by diabetics. They are a powerhouse of nutrients including proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins, zinc and potassium. Various scientific studies have demonstrated the ability of these seeds to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance. However, they are high in calories, so be sure to take a measured spoonful of watermelon seed extracts.

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Other Health Benefits Of Watermelon


Watermelon is very rich in antioxidants like lycopene and a non-essential amino acid called citrulline, both of which cause a decrease in blood pressure and help to maintain overall heart health.

Eyes, Hair and Skin:

Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy eyes, skin and hair. Since watermelon contains high quantities of vitamin A, its consumption leads to better eyesight, hair, and skin.

Alzheimers Disease:

The high concentration of antioxidants and minerals found in watermelon has been shown to help manage many neurological disorders, including Alzheimers disease.

Reducing Diabetes-related Complications:

Regular consumption of watermelon has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetic complications like heart conditions, kidney and eye problems.

Weight Management:

Watermelons have high water content and are also high in natural fiber content. Having watermelon can keep you hydrated and feeling fuller for longer hence it helps with weight management.

Not Good For Diabetics

When an individual is insulin resistant, then the blood sugar level tends to stay put in the blood. It does not enter into the cells of the body. When there is a shortfall of glucose in the cells, then more amount of insulin is manufactured. Both the blood and the sugar remain in the blood, which can affect the triglyceride levels in the body. Watermelon, full of with natural sugar can cause a spike in the sugar level of the body. That is why diabetics should avoid consuming watermelon.

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Does Watermelon Raise Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes Forum The Global Diabetes Community Find support, ask questions and share your experiences. Join the community Does Watermelon raise Blood Sugar level ? I thought not all fruits are bad . Last night before bed I took a plate of water Melons and my fasting sugar level this morning jumped to 8.00 from the usual range of bellow 7.00 for past few weeks. Can anybody tell me is the water melon here played the key role or something else? Each to his own as we’re all different but for me, it’s out of limits Not the whole , just a full plate of medium size Well since each 100g of watermelon contains 6g of sugar I suppose it could have caused your problem. I think the “not all fruits are bad” advice usually says that tropical fruits are likely to be troublesome. Find support, connect with others, ask questions and share your experiences with people with diabetes, their carers and family. Did you know: 7 out of 10 people improve their understanding of diabetes within 6 months of being a Diabetes Forum member. Get the Diabetes Forum App and stay connected on iOS and AndroidContinue reading > >

Can Watermelon Reduce High Creatinine Level

Does Melon Really Have Too Much Sugar For Diabetes?

Kidney disease patients with elevated serum creatinine are trying to find suitable diets that might help them to lower creatinine. You may think or ever heard that eating watermelon can help you reduce your creatinine, however, is true? A renal diet is going to take a person specific illness condition intake consideration, and also the following efforts to offer you a general introduction as to the results of watermelon to elevated creatinine levels.

Watermelon contains rich water. The rich water may help to ease thirst. The sugar and sodium content from watermelon have diuretic effect and assistance to remit inflammation with the kidneys. Protease from watermelon can modify insoluble protein into soluble protein and improve nutrient support for patients experiencing Nephritis. In addition, watermelon contains certain substances that assist lower blood pressure. Eating watermelon can increase urine output minimizing bile pigment volume.

Another problem is that watermelon contains rich potassium. The kidneys of patients with advanced kidney disease tend to be not able to remove potassium from other blood. If serum potassium levels exceed 5.0 mEq/L, individuals will need low potassium diets because high potassium could cause irregular heartbeats.

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Are There Any Fruits I Should Avoid

Things get dicey when you process, juice, can, or dry fruits. This is because sugar is often added and healthy fibers are removed. Frozen fruit is fine, just make sure it doesnt contain added sweeteners.

Bottom line: if you didnt buy it in the produce aisle, check the label, watch for added sugar, and watch your portions.

What Does All This Mean

Basically, watermelon contains natural sugars that can raise blood sugar. But if you consume a small portion, like a cup of diced watermelon, then the effect on blood sugar is small.

In fact, people with diabetes may benefit from consuming small amounts of watermelon in moderation.

Not much research exists specifically on watermelon and diabetes, which is kind of mind-boggling, because who wouldnt want to eat a bunch of watermelon in the name of science?

Anyway, there is growing evidence that watermelon may reduce complications from diabetes.

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Selection Of Animals And Their Care

Fifteen matured male Wistar albino rats weighing between 74.59 g and 87.29 g were used for this experiment. The animals were acclimatized for a period of 2 weeks to the laboratory conditions prior to the experiment at the animal house of Department of Biochemistry, Ekiti-State University. Rats were housed in a cage at room temperature with 12 h light and dark cycle with free access to drinking water and rat feed.

What Is Cantaloupe Melon

Watermelon Diabetes Blood Sugar In Hindi

Cantaloupe melon is a type of melon that comes from the muskmelon species. The muskmelon species is from the family of Cucurbitaceae.

The scientific name for the fruit is cucumis melo var. catalupensis, which is quite a mouthful, right? This is exactly why its called Cantaloupe for short.

However, Cantaloupe also has quite a few other names people refer to it as, besides Cantaloupe, and besides the scientific name of the fruit, actually.

Lets review the history of cantaloupe, and find out the other names people have for this muskmelon fruit.

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Is Watermelon Good To Lower Sugar


Watermelon has a high glycemic index, a term associated with quick rises in blood sugar after a food is consumed. The higher the number, the faster the rise in blood sugar. This term, called glycemic load, is very low for watermelon meaning that blood sugar is not changing much after eating it.

Also, how much watermelon can a diabetic eat in a day? As far as whether watermelon is safe for diabetics and those at risk of diabetes to eat, it has a high glycemic index of 72, but being 92% water, watermelon has a very low glycemic load of 5 based on a typical serving size of 120 grams.

Keeping this in view, can sugar patients eat watermelon?

Watermelon is safe for people with diabetes to eat in small amounts. It is best to eat watermelon and other high-GI fruits alongside foods that contain plenty of healthful fats, fiber, and protein.

Is watermelon high in sugar and carbs?

Watermelon contains 12 grams of carbs per cup . The carbs are mostly simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Watermelon also provides a small amount of fiber. However, each serving of watermelon is relatively low in carbs, so eating it should not have a major effect on blood sugar levels.

Can Low Gi Foods Help Me Lose Weight

Low GI foods, which cause your blood sugar levels to rise and fall slowly, may help you feel fuller for longer. This could help control your appetite and may be useful if you’re trying to lose weight.

However, as mentioned above, not all foods with a low GI are healthy. Therefore, relying on GI alone is not a reliable way to decide whether foods or combinations of foods are healthy.

Read more information about losing weight.

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Its Linked To Good Heart Health

The juicy fruit is also a heart-smart snack. In a September 2017 meta-analysis of 14 studies, lycopene intake was associated with a 17 percent lower risk of heart disease and stroke, per research published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.

Another study backed up those findings: In a September 2017 meta-analysis of 28 studies, people who had the highest blood levels of lycopene were observed to have a 26 percent lower risk of stroke, 14 percent lower risk of heart disease and, overall, a 37 percent lower risk of death from these diseases, per research in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

Lycopene is linked to preventing blood clots, making arteries more flexible so that blood can flow freely, and improving blood vessel function, among other heart-happy benefits, according to a May 2017 study in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.

Whatâs more, watermelon has been linked to lowering blood pressure thanks to the L-citrulline, the January 2017 study in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care found.

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Can DIABETICS eat WATERMELON At All in a diabetic diet?
  • Watermelon is packed with antioxidants, nutrients, fibres, and minerals. It consists of more than 90% water.
  • If you are a diabetic patient, nibble on the fruit mid-afternoon in moderate quantities.
  • The seeds of watermelon are edible, and reduce insulin resistance.
  • Watermelon helps maintain cardiac health, lower blood pressure and helps manage weight.

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Are Low Gi Foods Healthier

Some low GI foods, such as wholegrain foods, fruit, vegetables, beans and lentils, are foods we should eat as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

However, using the glycaemic index to decide whether foods or combinations of foods are healthy can be misleading.

Foods with a high GI are not necessarily unhealthy and not all foods with a low GI are healthy. For example, watermelon and parsnips are high GI foods, while chocolate cake has a lower GI value.

Also, foods that contain or are cooked with fat and protein slow down the absorption of carbohydrate, lowering their GI. For example, crisps have a lower GI than potatoes cooked without fat. However, crisps are high in fat and should be eaten in moderation.

If you only eat foods with a low GI, your diet may be unbalanced and high in fat.

Find out more about eating a healthy, balanced diet.

Organic Mini Seedless Watermelon

This guilt-free snack is not only great for you, but also tastes delicious. Organic watermelon comes in mini seedless pieces so even the pickiest eaters will be satisfied. Whether eaten on its own or paired with your favorite recipe, this watermelon is sure to keep your taste buds happy and healthy!

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Health Benefits Of Cantaloupe Melon

Even if youre aware of cantaloupe melon, its possible that you could be unaware of all the benefits cantaloupe really has. There are many benefits this fruit holds due to the nutrients in the fruit.

Some of the top health benefits are below:

1) Helps lower blood pressure

Cantaloupe has been shown to contributing to lowering blood pressure in those who have relatively high blood pressure.

Its a fruit thats rich in potassium. Most foods high in potassium are known to help lower blood pressure, and cantaloupe isnt the exception.

2) Hydrating

Just like most fruits, especially other melons, cantaloupe is high in water. Its almost 90% water. Not quite as much as watermelon, but its very close.

However, the fact that its mostly made up of water is not the only reason that this fruit is hydrating. Its also filled with electrolytes, which help hydrate you faster.

3) Beta-carotene

Cantaloupe has lots of beta-carotene in it.

When beta-carotene enters the body, it either gets converted to vitamin A, or it acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off free radical cells that attack cells in your body.

Either way, its a win, win, Cantaloupe has more beta-carotene than the majority of fruits, including: apricots, mangoes, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, peaches, and nectarines .

4) Anti-inflammatory

Cantaloupe is full of a compound called phytonutrients, which is known for being anti-inflammatory, and sometimes helping to fight off diseases.

5) Low in carbs

Fruits That Dont Raise Blood Sugar

Benefits Of Watermelon For Your Health

Think you cant eat fruit when youre diabetic? Think again. The American Diabetes Association has labelled certain fruits as diabetes superfoods because of their high vitamin, mineral and fiber content. Theyre considered low-GI foods, meaning they cause a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar levels. High-fiber foods are often low-GI because it naturally regulates your blood sugar and keeps you feeling full.

Of course, you should still eat these diabetes-friendly fruits in moderation. Also, be sure to eat them as-is in their natural form and avoid juices, syrups and processed fruits with added sugar.

BerriesBerries are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, making them a low-GI alternative when youre craving sweets. Try putting them in plain, nonfat yogurt for a healthy breakfast or dessert.

CherriesCherries are another low-GI fruit that may help fight inflammation. Theyâre also rich in antioxidants, which can help your body fight diseases like cancer.

PeachesPeaches make the perfect summertime treat. Theyre loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber, and go great in unsweetened iced tea.

One serving of these summer fruits contains over 50% of your daily vitamin A requirement and is loaded with fiber. Try tossing diced apricot into a summer salad for a refreshing twist.

ApplesTheres a reason apples are everyones go-to fruit: theyre loaded with fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Plus, theyre easy to take around with you and eat wherever.

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