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HomeExclusiveWhat Is A Good A1c Level For A Diabetic

What Is A Good A1c Level For A Diabetic

Diabetic With An 86 A1c And Surgery Is It Safe

A1C test for Diabetes (HbA1c) – What is a Good A1C Test Result? SUGARMD

Diabetics under good control can be excellent candidates for liposuction. I don’t see a problem going forward with liposuction but this is something you should discuss with your endocrinologist as well as your plastic surgeon. Diabetic with an 8.6 a1c and surgery? Is it safe? You may qualify for surgery, but you need to discuss with your surgeon as well as your primary physician. An in person consult with an an ASPS board certified surgeon is the only way to determine the best route for your body and your goals. It is all about designing the perfect plan for You. Good luck, please let us know how it goes. -Dr. Constantino Mendieta A1C of 8.6 before elective surgery Thank you for your question about your liposuction and breast augmentation. Your A1C is a little high – suggesting your diabetes may not be well controlled. You should be cleared for surgery by the doctor treating your diabetes. Always consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Hope you find this information helpful. Best wishes. View all Liposuction reviews These answers are for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice you may receive from your physician. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. These answers do not constitute or initiate a patient/doctor relationship.Continue reading > >

Eat A Balanced Diet With Proper Portion Sizes

Its best to check with a certified diabetes care and education specialist or a registered dietitian-nutritionist to determine what a balanced diet and appropriate portions mean for you. But a great rule of thumb is to visualize your plate for every meal and aim to fill one-half of it with veggies, one-quarter with protein, and one-quarter with whole grains, says Turkel. If you like fruit, limit your portions to a small cup, eaten with a little protein or lean fat to help you digest the fruit carbohydrates in a manner that is less likely to spike your blood sugar level.

Also, avoid processed foods as much as possible, and say no to sugary sodas and fruit juice, which are high in carbs and calories, and thus can lead to spikes in blood sugar and contribute to weight gain, according to the ADA.

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What Is Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body no longer produces enough insulin, or has difficulty using the insulin it produces, causing sugar to build up in the blood.

Over time, this damages blood vessels and nerves and can result in severe complications including: blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, nerve damage, amputation, and erectile dysfunction.

Adopting a healthier lifestyle can help prevent or control type 2 diabetes, and can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, and stroke. It can also contribute to your overall well-being and quality of life.

Did You Know?

Nine out of ten Canadians with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Seniors represent almost 45 per cent of the total number of people with the disease, and this number is expected to rise as Canada’s population continues to age.

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Data Analysis And Synthesis

To summarize the relationship between A1C level and diabetes incidence over these studies, we modeled A1C as a function of annualized diabetes incidence using the aggregate study-level data. A1C was treated as an interval censored dependent variable, incidence as an independent variable, and study as an independent factor. Studies that stratified results by sex were treated as two separate studies. A1C, rather than diabetes incidence, was treated as the dependent variable because we were unaware of any method that supported interval censored independent variables in many studies, A1C was categorized and thus was intrinsically censored. We used a Weibull distribution, which fit the data better than a normal or lognormal distribution . Because we did not know the relationship’s correct functional form, we fit a model with non-negative fractional polynomial terms, which can approximate many functional forms. We reported the relationship that was the mean over all studies and calculated pointwise 95% confidence limits for the curve. A sensitivity analysis to assess the lab-to-lab variation in A1C measurements was conducted and, to determine if any individual study substantially influenced our results, we refitted the curve, omitting data from each study one study at a time. Modeling was conducted using SAS PROC LIFEREG.

Small Changes In Temperature Equipment Or Sample Handling

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms: How to Read and Interpret A1c ...

Even when the same blood sample is repeatedly measured in the same lab, the results may vary because of small changes in temperature, equipment, or sample handling. These factors tend to affect glucose measurementsfasting and OGTTmore than the A1C test.

Health care professionals understand these variations and repeat lab tests for confirmation. Diabetes develops over time, so even with variations in test results, health care professionals can tell when overall blood glucose levels are becoming too high.

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A1c: Why This Critical Blood Measurement Is So Significant

If you have diabetes or youre at risk for developing diabetes, your doctor might recommend a hemoglobin A1c test. Its a blood test that gives you an estimate of your blood sugar levels over the last three months. , MD, an endocrinologist at Banner Health in Loveland, CO, answers some key questions about this important health marker.

What Is Fasting Blood Glucose


We can measure glucose levels with a fasting blood glucose test. An FBG measures blood glucose concentration at a single point in time and provides a glimpse into your bodys efficiency at regulating your blood sugar. An FBG test requires fasting for at least 8 to 12 hours beforehand for an accurate depiction. Routine blood tests ordered by your physician, such as basic and comprehensive metabolic panels, include an FBG test.

Fasting Blood Glucose Ranges

  • Normal range: 65-99 mg/dL
  • Prediabetes: 100-125 mg/dL
  • Diabetes: 126mg/dL or higher on two separate tests

Healthy glucose levels are associated with better weight control, increased energy, and improved mood and cognition. High FBG after eight to 12 hours without eating indicates an issue with glucose regulation, and should be discussed with a physician.

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What Tools Are Available If An A1c Test Is Not Accurate Or Sufficient

Besides A1c tests, the most common measures of blood sugar are the oral glucose tolerance test , CGM, and self-monitored blood glucose tests.

The OGTT is a diagnostic tool diabetes and prediabetes, assessing a persons response to consuming a fixed amount of sugar. After taking the sugar drink, blood sugar levels are measured two hours later. Below 140 mg/dl is considered normal, between 140 mg/dl and 200 mg/dl points to prediabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, and above 200 mg/dl indicates diabetes. It is not useful for tracking diabetes management.

For those with established diabetes, CGM has the advantage of monitoring blood sugar levels consistently throughout the day , providing more detailed insight into time spent in-range, low blood sugars, and high blood sugars. Examples of CGM include:

If CGM is not available, taking frequent fingersticks with a blood glucose meter when waking up, before and after meals, and before bed can also indicate when blood sugar levels are going low, high, and staying in range.

Take Advantage Of Tech

What Is a Good Score on the A1c Diabetes Test?

There are lots of apps out there to help patients manage their diabetes. What may work for one person may not work for anothertry out a few to find a good fit. You may want to talk to your doctor about getting a continuous glucose monitor to help you track your progress. These tiny sensors, which are inserted under the skin, are a great way to see your glucose levels in real timesome can even send your results to your tablet or smartphone.

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A1c Has A Greater Pre

Even when preparation to glucose testing is optimal, plasma glucose values may still be misleading because of pre-analytical instability. In fact, tubes for blood collection do not always contain antiglycolytic substances, and even when they do, significant glucose consumption occurs in blood cells in the first 12 h after sampling because glycolysis is inhibited in its more distal steps by NaF or other preservatives. As long as the sample is not processed and plasma and blood cells are separated by centrifugation, a significant glucose loss is observed. In this regard, it must be emphasized that, quite often, blood samples reach the laboratory and are processed hours after withdrawal. Consistently, glucose concentration decreases 57% per hour and even more rapidly in cases of high ambient temperature . In such cases, glucose levels can show results lower than they are and diabetes diagnosis can be missed. It has been estimated that pre-analytical variability of FPG is 510%. On the contrary, pre-analytical variability of A1C is negligible. As for analytical variability, it is superimposable for glucose and A1C, being 2%.

Doctors And Patients Should Discuss Goals Of Treatment Together And Come Up With An Individual Plan

Blood sugar goals should take into account a patients life expectancy and general health, as well as personal preferences, and include a frank discussion of the risks, benefits, and costs of medications. This is a big deal because it reflects a change in how we think about blood sugar control. Its not a simply number to aim for its a discussion. Diabetes medications have many potential side effects, including dangerously low blood sugar and weight gain . Yes, uncontrolled blood sugars can lead to very bad things, but patients should get all the information they need to balance the risks and benefits of any blood sugar control plan.

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How Is Gestational Diabetes Diagnosed

Gestational diabetes is regularly diagnosed by measuring blood glucose levels. There are different ways to test for diabetes. Your healthcare provider can identify which test is best for you.

Did You Know?

Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy, affecting four per cent of all pregnant women.You can help manage gestational diabetes by eating well and exercising regularly.

Is The A1c Test Used During Pregnancy

A1C Guidelines for Diabetes

Health care professionals may use the A1C test early in pregnancy to see if a woman with risk factors had undiagnosed diabetes before becoming pregnant. Since the A1C test reflects your average blood glucose levels over the past 3 months, testing early in pregnancy may include values reflecting time before you were pregnant. The glucose challenge test or the oral glucose tolerance test are used to check for gestational diabetes, usually between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. If you had gestational diabetes, you should be tested for diabetes no later than 12 weeks after your baby is born. If your blood glucose is still high, you may have type 2 diabetes. Even if your blood glucose is normal, you still have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes in the future and should get tested every 3 years.

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Benefits Of Lowering Your A1c Test Result

Keeping your A1C test results low can significantly reduce the risk of long-term diabetes complications such as nerve problems, damage to your eyes, kidney disease and heart problems.3

1American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes2017 . Diabetes Care. 2017 40: S1-S135. Available at: . Accessed July 28, 2017.

2Nathan DM, Kuenen J, Borg R, Zheng H, Schoenfeld D, Heine RJ. Translating the A1C assay into estimated average glucose values. Diabetes Care. 2008 31: 1473-1478. Available at . Accessed July 28, 2017.

3American Diabetes Association. A1C and eAG. Available at: . Accessed July 28, 2017.

4Tylee TS, Trence DL. Glycemic variability: looking beyond the A1C. Diabetes Spectrum. 2012 24: 149-153. Available at . Accessed July 28, 2017.

  • Africa

How Is The A1c Test Used To Diagnose Type 2 Diabetes And Prediabetes

Health care professionals can use the A1C test alone or in combination with other diabetes tests to diagnose type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. You dont have to fast before having your blood drawn for an A1C test, which means that blood can be drawn for the test at any time of the day.

If you dont have symptoms but the A1C test shows you have diabetes or prediabetes, you should have a repeat test on a different day using the A1C test or one of the other diabetes tests to confirm the diagnosis.2

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Sometimes The Test Isnt Accurate And Heres Why:

  • If you are bleeding a lot, the protein in your red bold cells may be low, so it could say your A1C is lower than it actually is.
  • If youve just had a blood transfusion or have other forms of hemolytic anemia, your A1C test results may be lower than it actually is.
  • If you are low in iron in the blood, your A1C test results may be higher than it actually is.
  • If you have a special hemoglobin . Most people have Hemoglobin A. With the variant, you can be falsely high or low. A lab test can be done to see which one you are and special lab tests can then give you an accurate A1C.
  • A new lab can give different results as well. Keep this in mind if your results were sent away to a new facility. It could account for minor reading variations.

Take Medications As Directed

Reducing the A1C Levels of Patients with Diabetes

Medications for diabetes can assist you in your efforts to lower your A1c levels, and you should take them as directed in order to get the most benefit out of them. Because your needs may change over time, its good to visit your doctor if you notice your levels changing. A simple schedule change or tweak in dosage may be all you need to get back on track.

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Q What Is The Blood Sugar Level For A 72 Year Old Woman

Answer:If you are aged but completely healthy, then you are likely to have your blood glucose at a standard level. But generally, aged people are more or less vulnerable to diseases. Though it is preferable to have blood sugar in between 100-120 mg/dl rising up to 140mg/dl is acceptable in certain conditions.

Lifestyle Tips To Help Maintain Good A1c Levels

Heres the good news: There are lots of different ways to lower your A1c without medication. Well review some below:

  • Change what youre eating: This is a big one. Your A1c will naturally drop if youre able to eat less of certain foods and more of other foods .

  • Move your body: Exercise is a great tool to improve your overall health. And it can help to lower your A1c.

  • Lose unwanted weight: Weight loss isnt easy. But it can be an effective way to improve the way your body regulates blood glucose levels.

  • Find support in your community: Diabetes is common. Chances are that there are people in your community who have faced similar health challenges and can support you in your journey.

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What Are The Limitations To Measuring Hemoglobin A1c

Since HbA1c is not influenced by daily fluctuations in blood glucose concentration, it cannot be used to monitor day-to-day blood glucose concentrations and is inappropriate to be used for adjusting insulin doses nor can it detect the day-to-day presence or absence of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. HbA1c may be increased falsely in certain medical conditions. These conditions include

Learning About A1c Blood Sugar Levels

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Learning About A1C Blood Sugar Levels In the past, if you had diabetes, you had to rely on finger sticks and urine tests as a way of measuring your regular blood sugar levels. Now, all that has changed thanks to the availability of tests for A1C blood sugar levels. These tests arrived into the mainstream health sector in the 1980s, and they quickly emerged as an important tool for controlling blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

A1C tests are designed to measure the average blood glucose level that your body has experienced over the past few months. This means that even if you end up having higher than usual fasting blood glucose levels, you could find that your overall levels are still normal, and vice versa.

Importantly, just because you seem to have a normal fasting blood sugar level, that doesnt necessarily eliminate the risk of having type 2 diabetes. This is one of the reasons why A1C tests have emerged as a solution for screening and diagnosing pre-diabetes. Because it doesnt require any special circumstances or fasting, the test can be given as part of a full blood screening.

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What Does A1c Measure Anyway

If youve been wondering about your A1C blood sugar levels recently, then its probably a good idea to make sure that you know what these tests actually measure. A1C is the test used to measure the level of hemoglobin in your blood that comes with glucose attached to the cell. Hemoglobin is one of the proteins found in your bodys red blood cells, and its responsible for carrying oxygen around the body.


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