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HomeInsulinHow To Make Insulin At Home

How To Make Insulin At Home

When Should I Take Insulin

How to Safely Handle and Store Insulin at Home

You and your doctor should discuss when and how you will take your insulin. Each persons treatment is different. Some people who use regular insulin take it 30 to 60 minutes before a meal. Some people who use rapid-acting insulin take it just before they eat.

Types of insulin:

  • Rapid-acting insulin starts working in about 15 minutes. It lasts for 3 to 5 hours.
  • Short-acting insulin starts working in 30 to 60 minutes and lasts 5 to 8 hours.
  • Intermediate-acting insulin starts working in 1 to 3 hours and lasts 12 to 16 hours.
  • Long-acting insulin starts working in about 1 hour and lasts 20 to 26 hours.
  • Premixed insulin is a combination of 2 types of insulin .

When Should I Contact My Healthcare Provider

  • You feel or see hard lumps in your skin where you inject your insulin.
  • You think you gave yourself too much or not enough insulin.
  • Your injections are very painful.
  • You see blood or clear fluid on your injection site more than once after you inject insulin.
  • You have questions about how to give the injection.
  • You cannot afford to buy your diabetes supplies.
  • You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.

Take Your Insulin As Prescribed

High blood sugar occurs when your body has too little insulin, or your body cant use insulin properly. Administering insulin can bring your blood sugar levels down.

Talk to your doctor about how much rapid-acting insulin you should administer when your blood sugar is high.

You may want to check your blood sugar about 1530 minutes after taking insulin to make sure your blood sugar is going down and that its not dropping too low.

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Reduce Your Intake Of Added Sugars

Theres a big difference between added sugars and natural sugars.

Natural sugars are found in sources like plants and vegetables, both of which provide lots of other nutrients.

Conversely, added sugars are found in more highly processed foods. The two main types of sugar added during the production process are high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar, also known as sucrose.

Both contain approximately 50% fructose.

Many studies have found that higher intakes of fructose can increase insulin resistance among people with diabetes .

The effects of fructose on insulin resistance also appear to affect people who do not have diabetes, as reported in an analysis of 29 studies including a total of 1,005 people who were moderate weight and overweight or had obesity.

The findings showed that consuming a lot of fructose over less than 60 days increased liver insulin resistance, independent of total calorie intake .

Foods that contain lots of added sugar are also high in fructose. This includes candy, sugar-sweetened beverages, cakes, cookies, and pastries.


High intakes of fructose are linked to a higher risk of insulin resistance. Foods that contain high amounts of added sugar are also high in fructose.

Accessibility And New Delivery Models

A Diabetic Patient Using Insulin Pen For Making An Insulin ...

While some scientific aspects remain unsolved in 2018 , the installation raises questions on the status quo in manufacture and delivery models for everyday medicines.

Although the use-case is based in the UK, it also raises issues around access to critical drugs in low income countries. This is relevant, as in these markets, the impact of molecular pharming could increase as the platforms are standardized and optimized for clinical development. This would offer new opportunities to produce inexpensive medicines in regions that are typically excluded by current business models.

Feedback from visitors to the installation was positive. A medical student, while understanding towards the limitations regarding dosage, was positive about near future applications for drugs where dosage is not a big issue. A bioscientist at the launch party suggested the use of this kind of speculation for engagement with publics in other contexts outside design schools, such as biochemistry conferences or outreach events to engage non-scientific audiences with biosciences. Overall, visitors at the installation were at once intrigued, accepting and curious about the possibilities and feasibility of the situation presented to them.

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Pour Some Sugar On Me

Now were ready to pour the insulin into the nasal spray bottle.

There is no need to dilute the insulin or add anything else.

Just pour the insulin into the nasal spray bottle, screw the lid back on, and youre good to go.

Even though the Amazon ad for these bottles shows there is a label on them, there isnt .

Its just a high quality glass spray bottle.

Make sure you store it in the fridge!

I like to keep mine in the crisper drawer but thats just me. =)

Diegetic Objects And Real Object Captions

Bioscience Mag

Bioscience is a holo-printed consumer magazine for anyone interested in the home production of pharmaceuticals. It has a readership of 15 million in the United Kingdom and a US edition. The September 1823, 2030 copy on display features the story of Arman Moridi, founder of Moridi Farma and a key character making this kitchen lab installation possible.

BioOven 5000 by Moridi Farma & Xarsung

A hybrid oven developed by Moridi Farma with Xarsung Electronics. It has the functions of a microwave, as well as functions for tasks traditionally used in molecular biology labs

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction is a common laboratory technique used to make many copies of a particular region of DNA. This is achieved in a series of temperature changes. It is routinely used in DNA cloning, medical diagnostics, and forensic DNA analysis.
  • The Incubator Shaker function helps create the optimal conditions for cell growth by providing the agitation or shaking necessary to incorporate oxygen and evenly distribute nutrients throughout the culture media.
  • Electroporation is a microbiology technique in which an electrical field is applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the cell membrane. This makes it possible for chemicals, drugs, or DNA to be introduced into a cell. Electroporation helps BioOven 5000 users with the introduction of foreign genes into tissue culture cells while manufacturing their medicines.

HomeGrown Insulin Kit by Moridi Farma

Tobacco Plants

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Body Can Regain The Ability To Produce Insulin

Researchers have discovered that patients with type 1 diabetes can regain the ability to produce insulin. They showed that insulin-producing cells can recover outside the body.

Hand-picked beta cells from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Photo: Oskar Skog, Uppsala University.

Type 1 diabetes is a serious disease that affects many children and adolescents. The disease causes the pancreas to stop producing insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

When blood sugar levels are too high, the smallest blood vessels in the body eventually become damaged. This can lead to serious health problems further down the line, including heart attacks, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and foot amputations.

Professor Knut Dahl-Jørgensen and doctoral student Lars Krogvold are leading a research project, , in which they want to ascertain among other things whether a virus in the pancreas might cause type 1 diabetes.

They have previously discovered viruses in hormone-producing cells, the so-called islets of Langerhans, in the pancreas. Now their research has generated some new and surprising results.

Lars Krogvold, doctoral student at the University of Oslo and paediatrician at Oslo University Hospital. Photo: Private

Add More Colorful Fruit And Vegetables To Your Diet

Why Diabetics Are Making Homemade Insulin

Not only are fruits and vegetables nutritious, they also provide powerful health-boosting effects.

In particular, colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in plant compounds that have antioxidant properties .

Antioxidants bind to and neutralize molecules called free radicals, which can cause harmful inflammation throughout the body .

Many studies have found that eating a diet rich in plant compounds is linked to higher insulin sensitivity .

When youre including fruit in your diet, stick to normal portion sizes and limit your intake to one piece per sitting and no more than 2 servings per day.


Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in plant compounds that help increase insulin sensitivity. But be careful not to eat too much fruit in a single sitting, as some types are high in sugar.

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How Can I Decrease Pain When I Inject Insulin

  • Inject insulin at room temperature. If the insulin has been stored in the refrigerator, remove it 30 minutes before you inject it.
  • Remove all air bubbles from the syringe before the injection.
  • If you clean your skin with an alcohol pad, wait until it has dried before you inject insulin.
  • Relax the muscles at the injection site.
  • Do not change the direction of the needle during insertion or removal.

Benefits Of Insulin Plant

Insulin plant benefits are amazing. The rich green leaves comprise of corosolic acid, among various other enriching nutrients. This component, when ingested, works the magic by enhancing the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. It triggers high or abated glucose levels in the bloodstream and cures the condition. The anti-diabetic effect of the plant is a winner. Pot Costus igneus at home and bid farewell to the unpleasant effects of diabetes.

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Who Discovered Insulin

Insulin was discovered by Sir Frederick G Banting , Charles H Best and JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto in 1921 and it was subsequently purified by James B Collip.

Before 1921, it was exceptional for people with type 1 diabetes to live more than a year or two. One of the twentieth centurys greatest medical discoveries, it remains the only effective treatment for people with type 1 diabetes today.

This means that in 2021, were celebrating 100 years since the discovery of insulin. It was one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in history, which went on to save millions of lives around the world and triggered a century of diabetes discoveries. Here we take a look at the journey that got us there.

Be the first to hear about our celebrations in 2021 and beyond, through our monthly enewsletter.

When To Go To The Er

A Diabetic Patient Using Insulin Pen For Making An Insulin ...

High blood sugar can be very concerning because your body can start burning fat for energy instead of blood glucose.

This can cause conditions such as DKA and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome . These conditions are medical emergencies and can be fatal if left untreated.

DKA is a serious complication of type 1 diabetes. Its rare in people with type 2 diabetes, but can occur.

Symptoms that can indicate you should go to the emergency room include:

  • ketones in your urine, as diagnosed using a urine dipstick test
  • confusion
  • stomach pain
  • vomiting

High blood sugar levels can cause a fluid imbalance in the body and can cause the blood to become acidic in a manner that doesnt support life.

Medical treatments for these conditions include administering intravenous insulin on a continuous basis and IV fluids to correct dehydration.


High blood sugar can become a medical emergency. Go to the ER if you suspect DKA or HHS.

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What Is An Insulin Reaction

If youre going to use rapid-acting insulin, you need to be aware of insulin reactions and how to treat them. Rapid-acting insulin begins to work very quickly. So while you and your doctor are working to find the right dosage of this insulin, you may have some insulin reactions.

Hypoglycemia is the name for a condition in which the level of sugar in your blood is too low. If you use insulin, your blood sugar level can get too low if you exercise more than usual or if you dont eat enough. It also can get too low if you dont eat on time or if you take too much insulin. Most people who take insulin have insulin reactions at some time. Signs of an insulin reaction and hypoglycemia include the following:

  • Feeling very tired.
  • Being unable to speak or think clearly.
  • Losing muscle coordination.
  • Suddenly feeling like youre going to pass out.
  • Becoming very pale.
  • Candy: 5 Lifesavers.
  • Glucose tablets: 3 tablets .

If you dont feel better 15 minutes after having a fast-acting carbohydrate, or if monitoring shows that your blood sugar level is still too low, have another 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate.

Why Is Insulin So Expensive

The standard process for how to make insulin involves growing it in common bacteria, such as E. coli or yeast, with the help of an amino acid sequencing machine. Its estimated that a vial of insulin costs pharmaceutical companies five to six dollars to manufacture, but because of a complicated web of regulations those companies are able to sell vials for $180-400.

Rising costs are nothing new. Insulin prices tripled from 2002 to 2013, and doubled between 2012 and 2016. To put this into perspective, in 1996 a vial of Humalog produced by Eli Lilly cost $21. Today, its priced at $324 despite the cost of production remaining steady. For those who rely on several vials per month, expenses can quickly end up in the thousands.

In the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, 90% of the global insulin market is owned by three companies: Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, and Sanofi. These companies essentially have a monopoly on the market there is simply no competition to drive the price down. And further, their price increases have remained consistent with one another over time.

Every person with type I diabetes relies on insulin to survive, and many are willing to spend whatever it takes to get their necessary dosage. Big pharma is clearly taking advantage of this vulnerable part of the population, gorging themselves by charging astronomical costs and pricing out those who cant afford to keep up.

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Appendix : Intranasal Insulin As A Vaccine To Cure Type 1 Diabetes

I previously mentioned that intranasal insulin is currently being tested as a vaccine to cure type 1 diabetes.

The clinical trial I was referencing is called the INIT II trial.

Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 5% of all diabetes cases and occurs when the bodys own immune cells destroy insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. R

The INIT II study is doing this: In people with type I diabetes the beta cells of the pancreas no longer make insulin because the bodys immune system has attacked and destroyed the beta cells. It is thought that exposure of the mucous membranes to insulin may cause act like a vaccine effect whereby protective immune cells are stimulated and these then counteract the bad immune cells that damage the beta cells. This study aims to determine if intranasal insulin can protect beta cells and stop progression to diabetes in individuals who are at risk.R

They will administer i-insulin daily for 7 consecutive days then on one day each week for 12 months and follow the patients until 2024 to measure the effects.

Heres a fascinating discussion about it on wikipedia. Its really cool!

The Benefits Of Intranasal Insulin

How to grow INSULIN PLANT at HOME | Does it really work against Diabetes? | Diabetes Plant Medicine

Intranasal insulin is far and away one of the best brain enhancers Ive ever tried .

Insulin nasal spray has been tested in over three dozen randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in humans and has been repeatedly shown to be extremely safe. R

This is due to the fact that the nasal route of administration effectively bypasses the blood brain barrier and targets neuropeptides to the brain without substantial absorption into circulation. R

This prevents nasal insulin from entering the bloodstream and makes it extremely safe since intranasal delivery directs the insulin into the brain, avoiding systemic side-effects. R

Here is the path it follows from the nasal cavity to trigeminal and olfactory nerves and into the brain.

I-insulin has been shown to significantly improve mood, self-confidence, and memory in young, healthy humans without affecting blood glucose or insulin levels. R

The reason it works so well for memory is that, insulin receptors in the brain are found in high densities in the hippocampus, a region that is fundamentally involved in the acquisition, consolidation, and recollection of new information.R

It dramatically increases brain energy levels . R

Insulin protects against neuronal oxidative stress by restoring antioxidants and energy metabolism. R

Its scientifically validated to reduce caloric intake and accelerate fat loss in men with NO conscious effort.

It increases cerebral blood flow. R

This list is insane!

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Frugal Diabetics Are Making Their Own Insulin

Biohackers are counteracting soaring insulin prices by concocting a do-it-yourself version on the cheap.

The healthcare industry has been using insulin to treat diabetes since 1922, and until the 80s, the protein was extracted from the pancreas of pigs or cows. Now, pharmaceutical companies can create unlimited biosynthetic human insulin via genetically engineered cells, but the World Health Organization says many diabetics dont have access to the drug, which could result in blindness, amputations, kidney failure, and early death.

Skyrocketing insulin prices has forced some patients with diabetes to ration the drug thats vital to their survival. According to a recent DWarticle, biohackers have devised a way to produce insulin cheaper, and it seems to be catching on. The team behind the project is based in Oakland, California and under the name Open Insulin Project. Their goal is simple: establish a protocol for do-it-yourself insulin that provides adventurous and frugal patients with diabetes information on producing small batches of insulin.

How Do I Participate

Our work would not be possible without the support of volunteers, interns, and community advisors. We welcome people of all backgrounds from all over the world to bring their enthusiasm, time, connections, and experiences, both in life and in work. Our volunteers promote us on social media, build equipment, run experiments, write reports and blog posts, facilitate meetings, connect with other organizations and groups, meet with experts in the field, run virtual events, and contribute in designing tools, resources, and methods of all sorts.

To get involved, join us for an info session with the Open Insulin Foundation team, offered the last Sunday of each month. Click the link below to sign up!

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