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HomeNewsHow Does Diabetes Affect Your Teeth

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Teeth

About Seeing Your Dentist

How does Diabetes affect your teeth, eyes and feet?

Seeing the dentist every 6 months, for routine check-ups, needed X-rays, and cleanings is very important. If your need any treatments that are non-emergency, it is best to make sure your blood glucose is in control before having them done. Your dentist should know that you have diabetes, and should know what medications you are taking.

If you take insulin or other glucose lowering medications for your diabetes, you may want to take along your medication bottles to show your dentist. Make sure to eat something before your visit, so that you dont have an unnecessary low blood glucose during your dental visit.

Take your diabetes medications and a snack with you to your dental visit if you need to, or in case you have a long wait time. If you are nervous about any of the procedures that you are having done, talk to dental staff. They are used to calming worried and nervous patients, and waiting only makes your dental problem get worse. Its best to take care of it, since worsening gum disease causes diabetes to get worse, and worsening diabetes causes problems with healing of infections related to gum disease.

What if my mouth is sore following a dental procedure?

If your mouth is sore following a cleaning or other procedure, ask the dentist what foods or liquids it is ok for you to have, and what time and when you should take your medications for diabetes. Ask about any medication dosage changes, and if you should be checking your blood glucose more often after the procedure.

Other Oral Problems Associated With Diabetes

There are quite a few problems that persist as a result of diabetes. A few of them are oral thrush that occurs generally due to high levels of glucose in the body and mouth. Other major causes are dryness in mouth and more. And theres also the occurrence of constant gum bleeding. Well have a dedicated segment for this one down below.

Dental Problems Related To Diabetes

It does not matter whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The disease is capable of damaging your teeth in the following ways.

1. Periodontitis

As stated above, periodontal disease can become aggravated due to diabetes which makes your teeth loose and leads to their falling out. This usually happens when the high blood sugar levels reduce the ability of the mouth to restrict the infection.

When the infection increases, it makes controlling hypergly caemia challenging. Thus, it is essential to visit a dentist regularly and get your teeth cleaned and examined by the professional.

2. Cavities

It is a common tooth problem which often goes unnoticed until you start experiencing pain. A cavity is a sign of tooth decay which occurs when the bacteria present in the mouth interact with the sugar and starch produced by the food.

The interaction gives birth to a sticky film which is called plaque that covers your teeth. The acids present in plaque then damage the tooth enamel and dentin. A diabetic person has a higher amount of sugar and starch in his mouth, which increases the threat of cavities.

3. Gingivitis

4. Dry Mouth

Hyperglycaemia can reduce the amount of saliva produced by your mouth. It can make your mouth dry, which means that the bacteria will not be washed out regularly and stay in the mouth for long. The lingering of food particles and germs in the mouth causes various tooth and gum problems.

5. Oral Thrush

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Gum Disease And Diabetes

Since diabetes interferes with your resistance to infection, this puts you at a greater risk of developing gum disease. Gingivitis is an inflammation caused by plaque, that sticky substance that accumulates on teeth and gums. Without regular checkups and cleanings, gingivitis can destroy the tissue and bone that surround and support the teeth. They will become loose and wobbly. Eventually, the affected teeth will fall out. Additionally, gum disease can cause the blood sugar to become even more elevated.

If left untreated, diabetes can cause a variety of other oral problems such as the following:

  • Burning mouth syndrome
  • Delayed healing of wounds in the mouth
  • Early teeth eruption in children with diabetes

Dr Evanson Can Help You Fight Diabetes

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Research indicates that treating gum disease can help improve blood sugar control for diabetics. Dr. Evanson is here to treat diabetics and all of your familys dental needs. Located in Parker, Colorado, she also provides dental treatment to those in the surrounding communities of Highlands Ranch, Aurora, Castle Rock and Lone Tree. Call 409-0008 orcontact us online to make an appointment.

If you have diabetes, the sooner you begin oral treatment, the better your chances are for controlling your blood sugar levels and winning the battle against gum disease and potential tooth loss.

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Other Common Mouth Problems From Diabetes

  • Thrush

Thrush is a fungus of the oral cavity, or mouth. With diabetes, high glucose causes fungus levels to rise in the mouth. Wearing dentures, or smoking, also increases the risk of thrush. An oral suspension is usually given to the patient to swish and swallow several times per day to cure this infection. To prevent it, keep your diabetes in check, clean dentures regularly, and do not smoke or use tobacco products.

  • Dry mouth

Dry mouth can cause your mouth to be sore, can cause infections or ulcers in the mouth, or even tooth decay. It is sometimes a sign that a person has diabetes. This is because when your mouth is dry, there is no saliva. Saliva provides protection against bacteria. Saliva coats teeth with needed minerals, and washes away food particles from around teeth. This promotes the growth of microorganisms in the mouth that can cause gum infection or tooth decay.

Be sure to check with your pharmacist that your medications are not causing your mouth to dry. Many over the counter and prescription medications can cause dry mouth, in fact the list is quite extensive. Artificial saliva may be prescribed, and may help with the symptom of dry mouth, while not only uncomfortable, can contribute to periodontal disease. Again, good control of blood glucose is key to preventing dry mouth.

  • Oral burning

Other common symptoms include:

How Diabetes Can Affect Your Teeth

Diabetes is a serious disease because it can lead to complications in nearly every part of your body if left uncontrolled. If youre at risk of becoming diabetic or have been diagnosed as diabetic, youre probably already taking steps to control your health. But did you know that having high blood glucose levels also increases your risk of cavities, gum disease and mouth infections? Diabetes affects your teeth in two ways: the first is by increasing the amount of sugar that is constantly circulating in your mouth the second is by decreasing your bodys ability to fight infections. Dont let these diabetic repercussions have a detrimental impact on your long-term enjoyment of daily tasks such as eating and drinking: Read on to learn more about the link between diabetes and teeth issues, and ensure your mouth, and you, stay healthy for life.

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Can Diabetes Cause Your Teeth To Fall Out

Can diabetes cause your teeth to fall out? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

Diabetes is a disease that seems to be affecting more and more of us as time goes on. Between our diets and the constant monitoring of glucose levels, there are a lot of changes that occurs in our lives. Did you know that diabetes can affect your smile as well? Its true. When gum disease progresses to periodontitis, your gums begin to pull away from your teeth, forming pockets. If left untreated, the infection goes on to destroy the bone around your teeth. The teeth may start to move or get loose. Your teeth may fall out or need to be pulled. For the nearly 30 million Americans who have diabetes, there is an increased prevalence of gum disease among those with diabetes.

Not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious gum disease may have the potential to affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes. Research suggests that people with diabetes are at higher risk for oral health problems because they are generally more susceptible to bacterial infection, and have a decreased ability to fight bacteria that invade the gums.

If you have questions or concerns about how diabetes can affect your dental health, make a dentist appointment today with Dr. Farlessat 336-282-2868 or visit our website

What Are The Signs Of Gum Disease

How does Diabetes affect your Teeth?
  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums.
  • Gums pulling away from the teeth or sores on the gums.
  • Loose teeth or change in bite or tooth position.
  • Bad breath.

Ask your health care team to help you set and reach goals to manage your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol and stop smokingalso known as the ABCs of diabetes.

  • A1C : The goal set for many people is less than 7% for this blood test, but your doctor might set a different goal for you.
  • Blood pressure: High blood pressure causes heart disease. The goal is less than 140/90 mmHg for most people but check with your doctor to see what your goal should be.
  • Cholesterol: LDL or bad cholesterol builds up and clogs your blood vessels. HDL or good cholesterol helps remove the bad cholesterol from your blood vessels. Ask your doctor what your cholesterol numbers should be.
  • Smoking: If you smoke or use other tobacco products, take steps to quit. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for support.

Teach your family about your diabetes and the ABCs so they can help you.

Join the millions of Americans learning to manage their diabetes:Ask your health care provider to refer you to diabetes self-management education and support services to help you manage your diabetes. Search for Find a Diabetes Education Program in Your Areaexternal icon to go to a website that lists programs recognized by the American Diabetes Association or accredited by the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists.

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What Is Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection that develops of the gum, and underlying bone, that holds the teeth in place. When periodontal disease is left unchecked, it can lead to worsening blood glucose control, due to the fact that there is bacteria in the gum or bone that hold the teeth in place. Chewing can also become painful, and loss of teeth may occur.

Common Oral Problems Associated With Diabetes

Diabetes puts you at risk for a variety of dental problems. Some of the most common include the following:

Dental Caries

Your mouth houses millions of bacteria. When you eat carbohydrates, the bacteria digest the sugars from these foods and create a sticky film on your teeth-plaque. The acids in the plaque erode your teeths enamel, leaving them vulnerable to decay.

Those with higher blood sugar levels supply bacteria with a greater amount of sugars and starches, resulting in more acid and more tooth decay.


Higher blood sugar levels make it difficult for your body to fight the bacteria in your mouth. And if you dont remove the plaque buildup, it will harden into tartar, or calculus. The longer the calculus remains on your teeth, the more the substance irritates the gums along the base of your teeth. This can lead to swelling, inflammation, redness, and even bleeding.


If left untreated, gingivitis progresses into periodontitis, or advanced gum disease. Periodontitis causes all the same symptoms as gingivitis, as well as:

  • Gums that pull away from the teeth
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Changes in bite or denture fitting
  • Pus between teeth and gums

Because diabetes slows circulation and reduces the bodys ability to fight infection, individuals with diabetes are more likely to contract this condition. In fact, studies show that people with poor blood sugar control suffer gum disease more often and more severely than those with good control.


Dry Mouth

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Any Preventive Tips For Gum Disease

Well, theres a few of them. Maintaining an oral hygiene is definitely the top most of it. Always keep your brushing and flossing habits on a daily routine and for twice a day. that would keep away the plagues and any bacteria that may reside in the gum region.

And since, diabetes is a top culprit when it comes to affecting the teeth and gums, keep your blood sugar and glucose levels in check. Manage your diabetic complications or the risks for future diabetic issues and youd be good to go.

How Can I Help Protect My Childs Oral Health

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Dental Health

Your childs oral health is connected to their overall health. This means that the sooner your child can control blood sugar levels, the sooner their oral health will improve. Once your child sees their primary care physician, your next call should be to one of our dentists.

A teeth cleaning every 6 months will remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing their risk for gum disease. A dental cleaning will also give your childs dentist the opportunity to catch small oral health issues before they worsen.

For example, our dentists can start gingivitis treatment at the first sign of gum disease. Our doctors may also recommend a fluoride treatment to strengthen tooth enamel.

At home, make sure that your child brushes teeth twice a day and flosses once daily. Brushing teeth is one of the best ways your child can protect their teeth and gums from plaque buildup. Flossing will also ensure that your child removes plaque hiding in between teeth and along the gum line.

Dental Sealants

If your child doesnt brush their teeth thoroughly enough, dental sealants are a great way to help protect your childs teeth. Sealants are a clear plastic coating that is brushed onto the back teeth to seal them off from food particles and bacteria.

It may be difficult for your child to reach those back teeth and all their ridges. Its possible your child may neglect brushing altogether which enables bacteria to flourish causing plaque and cavities. Dental sealants provide an extra layer of protection.

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Periodontal Disease And Diabetes

There is evidence that periodontal disease can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and that having diabetes can augment periodontal disease. Medications used by people with diabetes such as Glipizide and Metformin may cause changes to the oral cavity, such as candidiasis, burning mouth, xerostomia, and the chance of getting periodontal disease and caries. People with diabetes should make sure to talk with their dentist about ways to maintain a good oral health and hygiene routine to prevent any issues from arising.

The connection between diabetes and oral health is evident, and people with diabetes should carefully look over their overall oral well-being. We hope this blog gives you a better understanding of the connection between diabetes and oral health. At Dental Arts, were here to ensure that all of our patients get the oral attention they deserve. If you or a loved one are experiencing dental issues related to diabetes, give us a call at 444-1001 or click here to book an appointment. We are located at 707 Arnele Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020.

Diabetes And Gum Disease

Diabetes is a chronic disease that either means the pancreas doesnt produce insulin or that the body doesnt use it effectively , both of which cause elevated blood glucose. The most serious impact elevated blood glucose has on oral health is that it simultaneously weakens the immune system and provides more food for the bacteria that attack teeth and gums.

This two-pronged attack is why 22% of diabetics also have gum disease, whether in the early stages of inflammation or in the advanced stages that threaten the teeth, gums, and supporting bone. The bacteria that causes gum disease can also travel through the bloodstream and make it even harder to regulate blood sugar.

In addition to increasing the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis, uncontrolled diabetes can also lead to a variety of other oral health problems, such as:

Dry mouth Increased severity and frequency of infections Fungal infections

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Tips To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Get a dental exam once a year or more often if your dentist says you need it. At your exam, your dentist or dental hygienist can:

  • Explain how diabetes affects your teeth and gums and check for problems, like cavities or gum disease.
  • Treat any problems you have with your teeth or gums.
  • Teach you how to check for signs of gum disease at home.
  • Provide care, like a fluoride treatment, to keep your mouth healthy.
  • Tell you how to treat problems, such as dry mouth.

Work with your dentist to create a health plan for your teeth.

  • Ask your dentist how to take care of your teeth at home and how often to come in for a dental visit.
  • Ask what to do if you start having problems with your teeth or gums.
  • Ask your dentist to send your exam results to your other doctors after every visit.
  • Be sure to keep your next dentist appointment!

Take care of your teeth at home.

  • Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush two times a day or more.
  • Use toothpaste with fluoride and floss once a day.
  • Check your mouth for red or swollen gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, a change in how your bite feels, or bad breath.
  • Visit a dentist if you think you have gum disease.
  • Limit food and drinks that are high in sugar.

What Can You Do To Help Your Teeth As A Diabetic

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Just like anyone who does not have diabetes, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day and make flossing part of your regimen. Flossing is a way to remove as much plaque between your teeth as you can. You should also try to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle to control your diabetes. Another thing you can do is if you are undergoing orthodontic intervention is to make sure you remind Dr. Griffin about your disease so he can offer the best treatment.

Diabetes is not an easy disease to deal with but keeping up with it will allow you to continue your dental treatment and achieve that smile you have been wanting.

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