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Can You Donate Blood If You Are Diabetic

Can I Donate Blood If I Have Diabetes

Can Diabetics Donate Blood ? | Dr ETV | 14th June 2019 | ETV Life

The community of people with diabetes is wonderful. We are a generous, caring, creative, and grit-filled group of people who overall wants the best for every person living with diabetes. While we do our best to serve our groups needs, Im certain that we all do many other things to help the community we live in and care about. We may even go so far as to work or volunteer away from our own homes to help others in need, not specific to diabetes.

One way to help outside of the diabetes realm is with blood donation. Over the years as an educator, Ive heard the question Can I donate blood since I have diabetes?, or other statements such as I cant donate blood because I have diabetes. It is a misunderstood idea that because of diabetes you cant participate in this much needed volunteer opportunity. This past weekend in our parish we had a post-service announcement reminding parishioners of the opportunity to donate blood and they interestingly provided information to help people determine eligibility.

Can You Donate Blood If You Take Metformin

Some medications can prevent you from giving blood, like anticoagulants, but no diabetes medications should prevent you from donating blood. The one exception to this is that you cannot give blood if you have taken insulin made from cows since 1980. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are concerned about this.

Yeses And Nos When Drinking Beer For People With Diabetes

As the wise and responsible reader you are being on this page, we have compiled a compilation of things you should and shouldnt do when choosing to drink beer or alcohol. We highly recommend taking notes on this one.

Avoid consuming alcohol on an empty stomach at all costs

When you have already had some food before drinking, this hampers the absorption rate of alcohol into your blood. Hence, having a quick bite of some carbs or a filling portion from your meal plan is the way to go should you choose to drink some beer.

Monitor and check in with your blood glucose levels before drinking

When you have a health condition such as diabetes, keeping a close eye on your state is a wise move to ensure your wellbeing is well taken care of. Knowing whether it is safe or unsafe to drink based on your blood glucose monitor is critical to avoid unwanted health complications. This brings us to the next point.

Manage yourself by knowing when to draw the line

As the saying goes: Too much of anything is never good for you, the same goes for drinking, even when it means you should abstain from drinking . However, in some instances, and after consulting with your local doctor on safe levels of alcohol consumption, drinking with a set limit is acceptable.

Generally, men with diabetes have a maximum of two beers/alcoholic drinks a day. In contrast, women have a maximum of one beer/alcoholic drink.

Drink at a slow pace

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Who Cannot Donate When Suffering From Diabetes

Dr. Manoj Chadha explains, “Diabetes is a disease of metabolism. It affects the patient’s body, not the blood. As long as the patient does not have underlined chronic complications of diabetes like heart disease or kidney problems, there is absolutely no reason why he or she cannot donate blood.”

Diabetics should follow the same precautions like having a reasonable amount of hemoglobin, healthy blood sugar numbers, healthy blood pressure and they should not have had any infection in the recent past.

“The drill is checking the blood group and hemoglobin and your blood pressure needs to be controlled. Diabetes does not cause an infection like other diseases. If a patient is fit to donate blood, they should go ahead and donate. Donating blood can help save someone’s life,” Dr. Chadha.

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Can Diabetics Donate Plasma

Who can give blood  can you donate if you have tattoos or are diabetic ...

People with diabetes usually have higher blood sugar levels and use oral diabetes medications or insulin injections to balance them. But can being a diabetic exempt you from donating plasma? Some reasons to donate plasma could be to:

Earn money You can earn a hefty amount of money by donating plasma. If you’re opting to donate plasma for cash, you can earn around $1,000 each month.
Make an impact Plasma donation is, undoubtedly, a great way to make an impact. Thus, helping you to improve the quality of someone’s life.
Boost your mood Recent studies suggest that donating something directly boosts your mood. By donating plasma for money, you can reduce your stress level.
Eat better Being a plasma donor helps you to improve your diet. You will be educated to cut down on fatty foods and limit other unhealthy food.
Be healthier Donating plasma will help you lower the cholesterol levels in your body.

According to the National Institutes of Health, diabetics can also participate in the plasma donation process without hindering their ability to save a life. However, the study adds that the diabetic condition should be under control, and the donor must be well.

So, can people with diabetes donate plasma, and how can DoNotPay help? Read on to find out more.

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Regardless Of Diabetes You Absolutely Cannot Donate If

  • You are sick with a cold, flu, infection, etc.
  • You have low iron levels
  • Youve gotten a tattoo within the past year
  • You weigh less than 110 pounds
  • You are under 17 years old
  • You have ever used recreational intravenous drugs or steroids
  • Youve received a new piercing on your body within the past year
  • You have cancer
  • Youve given birth within the last 6 weeks
  • Youre being treated for postpartum medical issues
  • Youve received a blood transfusion within 1 year
  • Youve undergone surgery recently
  • You have HIV/Aids

Blood Glucose Level Criteria

While Lifeblood does not have a definitive cut-off for a blood glucose level to be eligible to donate, a persons diabetes must be well-managed. If the person with diabetes is taking insulin or indicates their diabetes may not be currently well managed, this may result in further assessment.

People with diabetes should have an absence of recent hypoglycaemic episodes and may have further evaluation of their HbA1c to ensure there has been good recent management.

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Eligibility Requirements For People With Diabetes

In general, people with diabetes can donate blood, but your blood sugar levels, in particular, do matter.

When you first arrive at the donation center, youll be taken through a screening process where honesty counts! There is no reason to lie during your screening process. Telling the truth about your blood sugar levels ensures that your blood has the potential to save lives.

Can I Donate Blood

Your Diabetes Health Checks: Blood Pressure | Learning Zone | Diabetes UK

Donating blood is easy and our blood supply relies exclusively on the generosity of volunteer blood donors. There is no substitute for human blood. Most people qualify as a volunteer donor, even if they are taking medications. Review the eligibility criteria below and see if you can be a lifesaver too.

For information about blood donation and the Covid-19 vaccine, visit the Covid-19 and Blood Donation FAQ.

Age Matters

You may donate if you are at least 17 years old , weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in good health.

  • Donors age 16-18 are also subject to additional height/weight restrictions.
  • Donors age 76 and older can continue to donate blood if they meet all eligibility criteria and present a physician’s letter allowing them to donate, once at the first donation after reaching their 76th birthday. In the absence of a letter from their physician, they must be cleared by an NYBC medical director at each donation.

16 Year Old Parental/Guardian’s Permission Form

New York
7 days after taking

See full list of medications that may affect your eligibility as a blood donor.

* These anti-platelet agents affect platelet function so people taking these drugs should not donate platelets for the indicated time however, you make a whole blood donation. Anyone taking Coumadin must wait 7 days after their last dose in order to be eligible for any type of donation.

Permanent Reasons

Please do not give blood if you:

Please Note:

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Diabetes: Can People With Diabetes Donate Blood

Dr. Anand S Deshpande says, “Many believe that people with diabetes cannot donate blood. There is a myth that by donating blood, blood sugar levels fluctuate. But this doesn’t happen.”

“People with diabetes can undoubtedly donate blood. The blood sugar levels need to be within the normal levels. Those who are taking insulin are deferred from donations. If the patient is on an oral hypoglycemic, they can undoubtedly donate blood,” he adds.

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Can I Donate Blood If I Have Heart Disease

About a dozen years ago, there was a theory that giving blood could reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering iron levels in the blood and diminishing the buildup of plaque in coronary arteries. These days, most cardiologists reject that theory.

But donating blood is still a good thing to do from a charitable standpoint. Carter BloodCare, which supplies blood to North Texas communities, says it needs 1,100 donors per day to meet the demand. Though people often rush to donate blood after a disaster, the need for blood donations from healthy donors is continual.

My patients often ask me, As a heart disease patient, am I a healthy donor who can safely donate blood?

The answer: It depends.

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Consider Your Own Safety

T1D should not put you at any greater risk of feeling feint or nauseous while donating. Some T1D patients report their BGLs run slightly higher for 3-5 days after donating. Your immediate levels shouldnt be influenced either way you wont suddenly spike or bottom out. Doctors do say your A1C or HbA1c may be falsely lowered, a temporary effect thought to be caused by blood loss and accelerated red blood cell turnover.

If you want to donate, but are concerned about the health consequences, talk to your doctor first. After donating, its crucial to closely monitor your blood sugar levels and re-nourish your body. Increase your fluid intake and consider eating more iron-rich foods for a few days. Be smart: use common sense. Take care of yourself the same way you always would.

Are There Any Risks To Donating Blood During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Diabetes and donating blood: Is it possible and what to expect

Blood collection agencies have taken several steps to ensure both employees and donors are safe during the donation process. All employees involved in blood collection are self-monitoring their temperatures daily, says Dr. Sanford. Agencies have increased the distance between donors to ensure the required 6-foot distance is complied with. Some blood collection agencies are also requiring their employees to wear marks during the process, since it requires close contact.

Strict safety protocols were followed at the American Red Cross blood drive at L.A. Care Health Plan in late March, says Dr. Seidman. In addition to their normal use of gloves and wiping down areas touched by donors, all equipment underwent enhanced disinfecting. The blood drive was held in a large conference room, and only five donors were allowed in at any given time, ensuring plenty of space to accommodate the six foot guidelines. Staff also checked the temperature of everyone coming in to donate to protect against any possibility that someone might be infected and pass the virus on to others.

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You Should Prepare For Donation Day Appropriately

Donating blood takes a toll on the body in general and can be more tiring for diabetic patients. You can still donate blood as long as you prepare your body for donation day in the weeks prior to donating. Eat regular, healthy meals and stay hydrated with plenty of water in the days approaching your donation date.

Its wise to see your doctor for a quick checkup prior to donating blood for the first time. Your doctor will examine your heart rate and weight as well as your blood sugar levels while discussing your lifestyle with you. Get your doctors approval before donating blood.

Can Diabetics Donate Blood Platelets

Why are diabetics unable to give blood? However, this does not occur.Diabetes patients may absolutely give blood. Blood sugar levels must be within normal ranges. Insulin-dependent individuals are not eligible for donation.

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Why am I unable to give platelets? Certain health, travel, and lifestyle factors may prevent you from temporarily donating platelets. Pregnancy is one of them. using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on a daily basis, such as ibuprofen.

Is it possible to give blood when taking metformin? Diabetes medication and blood donation Individuals on diabetic medication are eligible to donate blood as long as their prescription has not changed in the preceding four weeks. Medicine modifications may involve dose adjustments as well as a change in the kind of medication consumed.

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Requirements For Donating Blood

Before donating, there are some basic requirements that all donors must meet. Eligible donors will need to:

  • If you have received the COVID vaccine, please wait 3 days before attempting to donate
  • Be at least 17 years old*
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds
  • Be in good health generally and feel well on the day of donation
  • Bring a current photo ID on the day of donation

May be eligible if 16 years old, if weight is at least 135 pounds and have signed Parental Consent Form.

Where To Give Blood

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The number one reason donors say they give blood is that they “want to help others.” You have the opportunity to help others by attending an American Red Cross Blood Drive at Firelands Regional Medical Center multiple times a year. Visit for more information.

Blood drives are held at South Campus, 1912 Hayes Ave., Sandusky, in the Education classroom . Pre-registration is required. Schedule online at or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.

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If Youve Ever Taken Bovine Insulin

While todays modern insulins are all acceptable, a specific type of older insulin will automatically exclude you.

Donors with diabetes who since 1980, ever used bovine insulin made from cattle from the United Kingdom are not eligible to donate, explains the American Red Cross.

The concern with bovine insulin is about a CJD variant and mad cow disease.

Can You Donate Blood If You Are Diabetic

Diabetes, in simple terms, is a health condition when a person suffers from high blood sugar, because the pancreas do not produce sufficient insulin in the body. People who have a total lack of insulin are type 1 diabetes while people who cannot use insulin effectively are type 2 diabetes. It is generally safe for people with diabetes to donate blood under normal health conditions. People with diabetes can donate blood, as long as they maintain healthy blood sugar levels at the time of blood donation, according to Dr Sanjay Reddy, Consultant Diabetologist, Fortis Hospital at Cunningham Road, Bangalore. However, the ones who have used bovine insulin in the past are refrained from donating the blood due to the risk of mad cow disease. Apart from it, if a person has no complications caused by diabetes which has affected their eyes, blood vessels or kidneys, the person is eligible to donate blood. Here are common misconceptions about blood donation.Things a diabetes patient needs to take care of before donating blood:

  • Make sure youve had enough sleep.
  • Eat a healthy meal.

Things a diabetes patient needs to take care of after donating blood:

  • Monitor your blood sugar level.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Include iron-rich foods or a supplement for 24 weeks following your donation.
  • If you feel sick or are concerned about your health after the blood donation, contact your doctor immediately.

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Unanswered Questions And Future Research

Most blood donors didnt reach their predonation HbA1c concentration at the end of the study. As the study used a follow-up period of 8 weeks, it is not possible to give an advice on when the HbA1c has returned to its predonation concentration and when it can be reliably used by the general practitioner or internist for treatment evaluation or diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Blood donors are eligible to donate again 8 weeks after the previous donation, with a maximum of 5 times a year for males and 3 times for females. Theoretically this could lead to a sequential reduction of HbA1c resulting in a new steady state which will be lower than the true HbA1c concentration. It should be stressed that reduction of HbA1c due to whole blood donation does not reflect a general decrease in advanced glycation end products and therefore is not associated with a decreased risk of developing complications associated with type 2 diabetes.

What About Bovine Insulin And Donating Blood

Can Diabetics Donate Blood?

What’s this stuff about bovine or beef insulin? Did you know that insulin used to come from the ground up pancreases of cows and pigs? Ewww, gross, right? Thankfully, smart scientists figured out how to grow human insulin in the lab using E. coli bacteria and yeasts in the early 80s and quit making purified pancreas smoothies. By the mid-80s, lab-grown human insulins were in wide use across most of North America and Europe.

If youve had diabetes long enough, you probably remember using beef or pork insulin before switching to one of the human varieties. In the case of donating blood, its an important detail.

If you used porcine insulin, you can donate. If you used bovine insulin anytime after 1980, you aren’t allowed to donate.

This donor exclusion rule is related to a variant of mad cow disease, and you can read more here. Theres no test in humans to screen blood donors for this and protect the blood supply, so all possible sources of introduction have to be eliminated, no matter how small the risk.

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